Chapter 32

1165 Words
* I quickly get ready then we meet each other at the pool. "f**k, I forgot my towel," "You can use one of mine" I say as I hand him one. "Thanks" He says as he throws it over his shoulder. We place the towels on a chair then we slowly climb in. Well I do because it's cold and of course he dived in, then he encouraged me as I inched myself into the water. (Are men immune to the coldness)  As I keep my distance, I tell him about how being here with him alone reminds me of when I was a teenager. "I used to sneak out of the house to visit a cute guy that lived in the same apartments as me" He smiles and comes closer but I back away a little, which only causing him to chase me until he catches me.   "Is this how you were?" he asks as I wrap my arms and legs around his waist, after he lifts me. "We swam in our underwear and made out nothing too bad, then we would say goodnight," "I met with him every night at the same time for a few weeks" "Let me guess you stopped going and stood him up,?'' I smile and he chuckles at my answer, even though, I didn't say anything. "He was cute, but he wasn't the guy that I really wanted" "He was also afraid of what his older his sister might think or something like that" "So who was the lucky guy that caught your eye,?" "He had my eye, my heart, and I wanted him to have my panties" He raises his eyebrows and I feel ashamed for saying so much. I slide down and pull away. "Continue" he says with a smirk as he steps closer to me as I move back. "He was way older and too handsome for me," "I felt like he would be a player and break my heart" He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him and softly kisses me. "Now you will never think of that guy again when you go to a pool,"  He says against my lips as I catch my breath, and hold on to his shoulders.  "Have you ever had s*x in a pool?" I ask to stop him from going too far. "I have personally always wanted to make love under a water fall" I say as I smile slightly embarrassed by my confession. (I can't help but tell him everything)   "No, but I have skinny dipped" "Eww, did you show your package, or were you wearing underwear,?" I laugh as I splash at him. "Yeah, I was naked," "It was a bet, but it was all guys, no girls around," "I wouldn't have been at that party" I say slightly side eyeing him.  "Well there were girls invited, but they didn't show up," "Welp, I guess they knew of your plans" "Hey my friends planned it all," "I hadn't even lost my virginity yet," "Maybe it is a good thing the girls didn't show up and see all that you're packing," "Why,?" "Because, you would have had all of them after you and your friends would have hated you" I go under the water and swim away after he chuckles.  He grabs my leg and pulls me back. "Don't be so shy," he says when I come up out of the water. Then he kisses me lifting me slightly to grind against me as I hug him tightly.   After we get out we go back to our separate room to shower and to change. I throw on a dress then I head over to his room because he has my towel. He forgot to bring his and I had two, one for my body and one for a chair, and since I didn't sit down he used it. (I really like that towel, it is my favorite and they don't sell them anymore)  I also wanted to see him because it's fun and I'll be bored in the room by myself. I also wanted to have as much fun as I could before I had to go get my family from, you know who. "Jess," he says with a surprised smile. "You have my favorite towel... and I wanted to see if you are as bored as me" I change it up when he looks disappointed that I came all this way for a towel. "Yeah, pretty bored, I was just wondering what you were doing," I glance at his bare chest as walk in.  "So what are you watching?" I ask, trying to keep my eyes off of him and on the television. (I know we just made out in the pool, but our relationship isn't all about s*x) "I don't know, I just turned it on and this was on," he says as he moves a towel off of the bed. (I'm guessing the one he used after showering)   "Have a seat, I just ordered a pizza" "You don't look like the type that eats pizza" He smiles and grabs my hand to lead me to the bed. (He is so distracting without his shirt on) "I haven't eaten it in a while but I saw an ad on television so I got a taste for it... but now that you're here, I've got a taste for you," he says with a slick smile.  I scream and crawl further back on the bed. He laughs as he crawls after me. I squeal as he grabs me and lightly slams me on the bed, then he pecks my lips before kissing me passionately. I gasp when he rips my panties, but I don't say anything, I only pull at his shorts. "You want me baby,?" he asks as he takes off his pants. "Yes" I whisper. He kisses me again and I can't help but moan in his mouth from how deep and passionate this kiss is.  "Baby, I lo-'' He stops when the room phone rings. "Damn, that must be the pizza,'' "I'll call in for another one, I'm actually not that hungry anymore... at least not for pizza," He says as he rubs up and down my leg as I put my hand up to stop him from claiming my lips again.  "Stop being so cheesy, we can do this later" "Only *kiss* if you *kiss* promise *kiss*" he says as he pecks my lips causing me to giggle and put my hand up again, to stop his kisses.  "I can't promise, but I'll try to skip out as many times as I can" "Not just for s*x but also so that we can just hang out with each other," I say quickly catching myself. His dimpled smile gets bigger and it also brings one to my face. (It's so easy to make him happy) (Why can't Alex be this way?) Our marriage would be so much easier if he was.
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