Chapter 31

1275 Words
* After we get off the plane we pick up our rental car that I also opted for instead of being driven around by my sister in law or borrowing a vehicle, then we head over to our hotel. Me, my husband and Luci will share a bed and Xane has his own.   Since it's late and I don't want to 'disturb his sister' by our presence, or rather mine, I turn on the television to look for a movie. When I find one, I put it on and I fall asleep. (Willis has definitely cured my insomnia) I can't tell him that though and my husband hasn't even noticed at least he hasn't said anything. (Probably because I sleep on the couch)  Everything was going good the next morning until he wanted to see her. He wouldn't go without me no matter how much I tried to convince him. I was upset because she called and greeted everyone except for me, so of course I didn't want to see her. I told Alex that I was getting something to drink from the vending machine, but I really needed fresh air. (By the look on Xane's face he knew that I was upset, but my husband seemed clueless or he probably just doesn't care)  I didn't stay outside for too long and I wished that I had my blanket, so that, I could meditate. This happened to be a very hot day and the air was dry. I don't know if it's always this hot but, I miss my small town already.  "Hold the elevator please," I say when the doors start to close. My eyes get big and I smile when I see him. "What are you doing here?!" "Are you on a business trip,?" "I'm here for you if you need me," (I don't know why I told him where we'd be) It's not like we can do anything.  "So I get house calls and even when I go on vacation too?" I joke. "Yep, and if you want, you can keep it" he says as he pulls me into a kiss.  He presses the button to close the doors again and then he presses the button to stop the elevator from going up or down. "Sir," I say before he kisses me again, this time he feels me up. I wrap my arms around him to grab his muscular back as I moan inside of his mouth. (I definitely needed this) "I'm in room 580 A, on the fifth floor," "Okay, I'm on the third floor" I say as I catch my breath. "But don't come," I say after I catch myself. He chuckles as he presses the button and it goes to my floor. "Is everything okay,?" asks an employee of the hotel, looking concerned. "Yes, he was having trouble understanding the buttons," I say as I walk out with a smile on my face. I turn to look at him and he winks at me causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach. (Of course I quickly turn around like I always do, when I feel something that I shouldn't) "Are you ready to go?" asks my husband as soon as I open the door. (I need to find a way to get out of here tonight) I quickly change and put on a little makeup, then we leave.  I text Willis to stay in his room until we're gone. I can't risk the kids seeing him, so I will have to text him whenever we leave and when we're on our way back. (He is definitely going to regret this) I'm sure they would be happy to see him, but how would I explain to my husband the reason his children are happy to see another man? (Or should I say happier)  Xane would also want to know why he's here. (On second thought he would just be happy to see him) He thinks of him as one of his friends, especially since, he told him about his problems with his dad. Willis not only listened to him but he agreed with him, which was big in his little book.   Karen (My sister in law) runs over to hug the kids first and then my husband, we shake hands and I really feel uncomfortable. I might leave early if she keeps looking at me, not to the hotel, but my actual house. (I hate when people stare at me without saying anything and she knows this, because I told her the first time we met) (Sorry you came all the way here Willis, but you can fly back with me if you want)  Tonight I will try to talk my husband into just leaving me at the hotel. "So how have you been?" I ask to break the ice. She looks at me and smirks. (I hate it when she does this) "Working almost everyday, then I come home like everyone else," "You still working at home,?" "Yes I do," "I love being at home with my children, because I never miss a thing"  I guess she still thinks that I'm barely making any money, like when I first started working from home. I also told her this when we first met, before she turned all jerky on me. (Sorry to disappoint you dear sis but I make way more than you now) I wish I could tell her but I don't like to argue and my husband actually likes her and I can't bring myself to ruin his trip.   I kiss my husband on his cheek and the kids and I tell him about a non existent store that I've been dying to see. (I know he won't argue in front of his sister and I'll deal with the consequences later if I have too, but I can't and I won't put up with her today)  I would rather be lost in down town Los Angeles, past midnight wearing flashy clothes than stay here. (I don't know if it's a bad area, I'm just speaking from a movie that I saw) "Jess!" says Willis after I call him. "Yes, it's me" "You sound glorious" I smile and decide to go to him.  "Are you busy?'' "I'm never busy for you baby" "I'm on my way to the hotel, are you still there?" "I don't really have any plans, except for the ones I hope would make with you" "Do you want to go to the pool?" I ask ignoring his cheesy comment. (Don't get me wrong, if I wasn't married I would be eating out of his hand) (Yes I realize that I'm sleeping with him but, it's just s*x) There is no love involved. I would cut it off before it get's to that point. (Not only for me, but if he starts to fall for me, I would have to stop seeing him) It would definitely be difficult because we see each other almost everyday and we have a routine. (I have a better routine with him, than with my husband, which I need to change as soon as I get home) My husband may not know about the routine, but he will unknowingly follow it. That happens to most husbands I'm sure, at least, it happens to mine. He can't even remember the passcode to his social media accounts or his debit card, but he can make his way back to our house from any point, even if, it's far away and he can't use a GPS. I personally need to visit the place a few times in order for me to remember my way.  
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