Chapter 6

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* "It was nice seeing you again too," He says with a smirk and I swear his dimples dig into my soul and I feel butterflies filling my stomach. (He should warn people before he smiles) I'm trying really hard to compose myself in front of my children and he's making it hard. "Let's go guys, we need to hurry home so that I can cook," "Bye again Sir," "Bye," he says in his baritone voice as we walk away. If my children weren't here, I would definitely take one last look, but, I always tease my son for looking at cute girls. I'm afraid of how he'd tease me. He doesn't know how to whisper and I would die if that man heard him teasing me about checking him out. Who knows what my son would think about me looking, especially, since I'm his mom and I'm married to his dad. "Can we go to the park tomorrow,?" He asks as I take his sister from him to put her in the cart. "Maybe, I have been wanting to walk and I need to get in a good run," "So... I guess so" "Yes!" he says excitedly. I usually ask him to watch his sister while I go around the track a couple of laps. Then I walk around with his sister, before, I take her back to the playground to give him enough time to play basketball with his friends. We get the rest of the things that I need, then we, go to the herb shop and head home. As I am cooking and prepping, I can't stop thinking about the handsome stranger named Willis. (My new friend) I shake my head to snap myself out of it, after I feel myself smiling. (I feel weird) I usually only daydream about my husband. I guess it's been a while since I've caught myself smiling while thinking of him. When I'm done putting the last batch in the refrigerator. I go ahead and finish my work for the day, so that I can go to bed early with my husband. (Or at least try) My husband was happy to see the socks, and he, even took a couple of the encapsulated herbs that I got him. I know he's only going to take them for a couple of days, then he'll stop. He will get upset if I remind him, but, I guess taking them for a couple of days a week is better than not taking anything. It's also easier on him than quitting the things that he loves. I found it easy to change my diet. I guess I just stopped thinking of it as a diet. I have also always liked eating vegetables and fruits. It only gets frustrating when I have to cook two dinners, because, he has a picky appetite. I'm lucky that neither of our children are picky. They eat everything, but he only likes three or four types of vegetables and fruit and even certain seasonings get to him, if there is too much of it. I used to panic when he wouldn't eat my food, but now I just tell him to take out what he doesn't want and eat the rest. When my son was younger he tried to pick out his onions when he saw his dad do it, but, I made him eat them because he liked them. (Imagine the nightmare that would have been) After dinner, I clean and my husband is all smiles as I follow him and our daughter to bed. (I don't know why he's so happy) It's not like we're going to do anything, and truthfully, I don't want to. That night, I read on my phone since I couldn't sleep. I just turned the brightness down on my phone. The next morning I start my daily routine early. I get to work and I let the kids sleep in, while I worked. (I find that I get more done and I get a little quiet alone time) My son wakes up ready to go to the park and at first I say no, because it's still early. We usually go after I'm done cooking, dinner, but we get ready and decide to have a picnic for lunch. I tell my son the usual routine and make sure he has his phone with enough battery, then I hurry off to start my run. My phone rings and I reach into my pocket and I take out to see who it is. It's just some bill collector. I say to myself as I look over at my children playing. I smile as he helps her down a small slide. "Excuse me!" I hear, before I bump into a hard body, but it's too late to stop and I fall to the ground. I was luckily able to put my hands out. It still hurts, but the track is made of recycled tires, so it doesn't hurt as bad as it would have if it had been concrete. "I'm so sorry," says a panicked deep voice from behind me. "No, I'm sorry" "It's not your fault" I say embarrassed, as he walks around to face me. (Yes I decided to sit on my bottom) I'm no spring chicken and I always said, that if, I ever did fall I would make a scene. Ambulance would have to be called, even if, I wasn't really hurt. I would gladly ride in the ambulance to avoid the embarrassment of everyone staring. I'm surprised to see the guy that ran into me the other day. And he, looks surprised to see me at first too, but then he smiles. (The guy that ran into me the other day) As if I don't remember his name. Now that I think about it he keeps running into me. Actually, I ran into him today. (I literally ran into him) He helps me up and apologizes, as if, it was his fault I wasn't paying attention. "So you paying me back for hitting your car, I see," he jokes. I smile nervously and thank him for helping me up. "No I wasn't paying attention," "I'm used to running later in the day when the track is mostly empty," he nods in understanding. "Are you okay,?" he asks as he grabs one of my hands to inspect it. "Yes I'm fine, how about you?" I ask slowly pulling my hand away, as I, look towards my son to make sure he isn't watching this. I'm not afraid of my son telling his dad, because we're just talking. Although he is usually more jealous than my husband is. He tries to tell me how short my clothes can be, and if, my shoulder strap falls, he quickly lifts it back into place. "I'm so sorry again, I have to go," "Okay bye," he says as he waves. "Wait!" he yells after me. "Yes" I say before I stop and turn to face him. He holds up my keys. I gasp causing him to chuckle. "Thanks, that would have been a disaster," I say shaking my head as I think about my mistake. "My phone," I say as I put my keys in my pocket then I look around. He helps me search and he finds it close to where I fell. He does something to it then he hands it to me. "Thank you" I say as I grab it. My eyes get big when I see he saved his number under 'friend Willis'. I smile awkwardly. I would let him be my friend, if he wasn't so handsome. (I'm not refusing his friendship because I think I will slip up and cheat. (I have had handsome friends before) The reason we can't be friends is because I let all my male friends go years ago. My husband didn't like me having guy friends so they had to go. The bad thing about that was that mostly all of my friends were guys. I had no competition or no one talking behind my back. Something, I sometimes experienced with two of my ex females friends. I smile and nod as if I will call him. Actually I don't know what the nod meant. (Do nods mean anything besides yes?) "There is a lounge bar in the square close to my house you should check it out," "Let me know if you want to go sometime," "Okay, I'll let you know" "Thank you again for finding my keys and my phone and sorry again for ruining your run,'' "You actually made it better, more interesting" he says with what I'm thinking is his signature smirk. (I tell you it should be a crime to look this handsome)
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