Chapter 5

1085 Words
* The next morning, I get up like clock work and drink my tea. Then I get to work because my daughter is still asleep and I don't want to wake her. She had a long day yesturday, so she, will probably be asleep for a while. When my son wakes up, I tell him to get started with his work, and after my workout I shower. After my daughter wakes up and my son is finished with his work, we go to the herb shop. I want to go to the park, but I, have to get home so that I can cook for a couple of days. I cook beans and other foods, then I freeze them, so when I don't have a lot of time. I can pull a bag out of the freezer and put it with something else. I love making a quick chili from frozen kidney beans. I make a last minute quick stop at the grocery store, because, I need more freezer bags and containers. My son talked me into getting them an ice cream and when we arrived at the store, I see that my daughter is a mess. She laughs as I call myself getting on to her for playing with her treat. I clean her off the best that I can with a wipe, as I try not to smile, because I'm trying to show her that I am not pleased that she did this. (Not that she cares if I'm happy or not, because, she's a baby and she doesn't know) Although I have my doubts, about how much she can understand and so does her dad. "Hey little boy, little girl, lets go!" I yell out to my kids as my son runs after his sister, while I push the cart. "Those are easy names to remember," "Although, they may be a bit confusing at times," says a man from behind me. I chuckle and turn to see the tall handsome man that ran into me. (This town is too small) Don't get me wrong, I love that my house is in a quiet small neighborhood, but sometimes I like to go to the city to feel alive. Just a little scroll around sight seeing is enough for me. I usually get tired of the traffic and miss my small town after a while. My husband and I used to go dancing, but, that isn't the kind of thing I like to do anymore. I guess it was the type of dance clubs that he liked that just turned me off. They all had the once you've seen one, you've seen them all type of vibes. Plus he didn't know how to dance the salsa or the bachata or anything that I wanted to dance, neither did he care to learn. I caved sometimes, but I preferred to stay home with our son. It was much more enjoyable for me. Enough about me and my husband, and back, to the handsome stranger. "I have no idea when or why I started calling them that" I say as I shrug shyly. He smiles with a raised eyebrow. It seems as if every time I see him, I notice something different. I am a sucker for cleft chins, my husband has one under his small trimmed beard, and so, did my son's dad. I don't only date men with cleft chins, but I just noticed this. (Just now) "Well somebody had fun," he says while looking at my messy daughter as my son walks over carrying his sister, probably wondering who's the big guy talking to his mom. He is such a mama's boy and when he was a toddler, he would attack my male friends and coworkers. Sometimes he would give them evil eyes and he had bitten at least two of my guy friends, just for being males. The first time was when I went to visit one of my friends at her house and her boyfriends cousin was congratulating me on such a cute well behaved child right before he bit him and kicked him. I was getting him a snack out of the fridge, but I rushed over to get him. I apologized as I laughed. It was funny because he had never done that before with anyone other than his dad. I have no idea what he would do now since I never talk to men alone. (At least not around him) I used to be a Spanish translator and I rarely took him with me, but he was younger so he probably doesn't remember. "Who is he mom?" he asks with a smirk. (I would like to know what's going on in his mind right now) "I'm your mom's friend Willis," he says as he holds his hand out to shake my son's hand. (Well that escalated quickly) As handsome as he is I still forgot his name, and I, never said we were friends. I hadn't even thought about him. My daughter giggles as he reaches his hand out to her for her to shake his. I don't know where she got her flirty attitude, but it definitely did not come from me. She smiles and waves at handsome men, when they take notice of her. (Don't ask me how she knows that they're handsome) One day her dad had to run after her, because, I think she had found herself a boyfriend. Well it seemed that way, because, she was following a cute stranger out the exit, after he waved at her. (Again she did not get that from me) Every boyfriend or any relationship, that I have ever been in, was started because they pursued me. I am much to shy to make the first move, but, I do admire women that aren't afraid to go after what they want. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of rejection or because I'm afraid I won't know what to say. (Maybe a little bit of both with loads of anxiety thrown in) "Well it was nice seeing you again Sir," I say avoiding his eyes. He holds his hand out and at first I only look at it, until my son laughs and tells me to shake it. "I know, it's just-" "Oh be quiet," I say causing him to laugh harder. The stranger chuckles as he shakes my hand. He is still a stranger because I only know his name and nothing else about him.
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