Chapter 7

1507 Words
* I join my kids and I wait until the handsome stranger leaves, then, I get them to go around the track a couple of times with me. (I know I need to get a hold of my anxiety and awkwardness, but I'll work on that later) I notice it only happens with handsome men or someone I'm trying to impress. Not that I could impress him, unless he wants a good chili recipe. After my walk I push my daughter on the swing, as I, watch my son play basketball. I don't cheer because he says it embarrasses him. I guess he only wants the flirty, little, short skirt, wearing teeny boppers to be his cheerleaders. "Booooo!" I say after he makes a shot over a girl. I love my son but I'm all about girl power, and he happens to think that girls can't do the same things as boys. So I love when he get's showed up by a girl. (Yeah, I can't believe he's my son either) He's been that way ever since he was in the first grade. Evenn though I think it's all talk because whenever he's around a girl, he's shy and they're the ones always trying to put the moves on him. "You go girl!" I yell as she gets the ball and shoots mid court making a shot. My son shakes his head as he smiles at me. I stick my tongue at him to rub it in more. "You're on the wrong team aren't you,?" asks a familiar voice from beside me, as he, takes a step to stand next to me. "You're back,?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, I was walking to the store and I saw that you were still here," "My son is playing basketball with his friends, like he always does when we come to the park," "Well after I get finished with my run," I say as I avoid looking at him, even though, I can still imagine the smile on his face. (That smile that makes me blush and feel uncomfortable, but in a good way) (Whatever that means) I feel like I'm cheating on my husband just by enjoying his smile so much. Even though I look at celebrities it's not the same because they are on the television, and I would never meet them in real life. (I know, I'm not making any sense to myself either) "Do you ever play with him?" He asks as he steps closer to me. "Sometimes, but no one really wants to be caught playing with their mom" "I'm just happy he hugs me when he's done, and even though he's usually sweaty and gross, I'll take it, because he's still my baby" "He's a pretty big baby," he laughs. I smile shyly and shrug. He probably thinks that I baby him too much like my husband. He tells me that I baby him too much and his mom treats him the same way. (I wonder if Mr. Handsome is a mama's boy too) "Hey, most kids are too embarrassed to be seen with their parents so I'm lucky," "Yeah, I would tell my mom drop me off a block away from my school, so that I could walk instead," he laughs. "See, I guess I'm a cool mom" I say finally getting enough courage to look at him. (Why does he have to be so cute?) "You're a pretty hot mom, so he wouldn't have a reason to be embarrassed," he says surprising me. "Thank you" I say in a whisper as I go back to avoiding his eyes. I want to call my son and tell him that it's time to go so bad, but he is into his game, and it wouldn't be fair. This feels so awkward but I can't just leave my son, but I also don't want to be this close to him. How did I ever think about having a one night stand, when its so awkward just having a man this close to me. "I'm sorry if I offended you," he says walking in front of me. (I guess he wants me to look at him) "I'm okay, just not used to talking to many adults," I say with an embarrassed smile only quickly glancing at him. "Well we've got to change that," "I gave you my number, you can call me anytime," "Yeah, I saw that" I say causing him to chuckle. He seems a bit embarrassed, which brings a smile to my face. "I will, if I have time" "Life can be hectic with kids, sometimes, I never know what's going to happen," "Well yours seem pretty calm and it seems your son is old enough to help," I nod and smile at my son. "Yes he helps me a lot, so I pay him more than just an allowance" He looks over at my son too. "Xane was a bit of a wild child like his sister when he was her age, but he, was always sweet to me," "My daughter Luci on the other hand is a handful," "Even though, she has her moments when she hugs and kisses me. I'd be lying if I told you that I've never threatened to throw her out the widow," I laugh, then I realize I may have said to much. He may think I abuse my children. "With such a cute face, she can't be that bad," he laughs, probably imagining me losing my patience, and trying to toss my daughter out a window. "Most days she does great in her own little world, she dances and sings," I pause for dramatic effect. "But when she wants something that we can't give her that's another story," "She's got a set of lungs on her, easily comparable to Carey Mariah, and that's not a good thing" "Especially when your right next to her" He laughs even louder than the first time. "Why not give her everything she wants,?" I look at him as I hold back a laugh. "Because that spoils kids" "And why wouldn't you want to spoil them,?" I smile at his innocence. (At least he's asking) "I guess it would leave them always wanting more and never satisfied with what they have" He smiles and nods. "Yeah, that's true" I look away to hide my blushing. "You're not bored?" I ask surprised he's not after some hot young thing and also so that I don't feel awkward. (Wait a minute, why is he hanging with a married woman as she pushes her daughter on a swing, while watching her son play basketball?) I think to myself. Maybe he's here until she's available. He probably picks up young girls all the time while exercising. "Would you like an ice cream?" he asks when we hear the music. "No I'm-" ''I wan ice treen," (I want ice cream) says my Luci cutting me off. "She talks!" he says surprised, causing me to laugh. "She said a whole sentence," "Yes, and sometimes, it's hard to shut her up, especially when she gets mad," "But I love to talk to her, she surprises me with how much she knows," "I have never seen a baby talk, and she's so small," "Well you are pretty tall Sir" "Call me Willis," "Or did you forget,?" "No... I didn't forget... it's just that I'm not used to talking to men" He nods in understanding as he smiles. (Him and that smile) We walk over so that Luci can get her ice cream, and he, talks me into getting one too. Then we sit on a bench and enjoy our cold treats. I barely enjoy my ice cream, because, I don't like for people to watch me eat. I don't know if he was watching me, or not because, I didn't dare look. So all we did was watch my daughter eat as she sat between us. (Well that's what I did) When we finish he grabs our trash and walks over to the trash bin to throw it away. "Thank you... Willis" I say shyly. "You're welcome..." He stops and nods my way. (Why is he this way) "My name is Jessi" His smile gets bigger and I blush as he walks towards me. "I wish I could stay a while longer, but, I'm helping a friend of mine at the lounge I told you about," "That's fine, we're getting ready to leave soon as well" We say our goodbyes, then, I watch my son finish up his game. (Why did I talk to him) I think to myself as I sit there. I can't believe I was just talking to him, as if, we had already known each other for years, or at least weeks. He doesn't give off weird creepy vibes and I feel like I can really talk to him. Even though, I don't always look at him, which is a rule for me. I like to look people in the eyes when talking to them.
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