Chapter 14

1064 Words
* We turn towards the stage when someone starts singing and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I find myself leaning into his hard body and he pulls me closer. His cologne could have been responsible for hypnotizing me. That's the only way to explain the way that I melted into him.  I'm ashamed of myself, but I can't move and I really don't want to, but I know that I should. I am a little relieved when another waitress comes to ask us if we want more drinks, because, it gives me a chance to pull away. "I'd like another glass of Chardonnay" "Which one would you like,?" "I had the other waitress to ask the bartender to choose for me" "I'll have the same," he says as he smiles at me. I smile and look away, then I pick up a menu and pretend to look over it.  "Are you hungry,?" "No I already ate earlier, and truthfully, I really needed a couple of drinks," I chuckle, then I hold the menu up higher, feeling embarrassed by my confession. He, pulls it down and looks into my eyes as he smiles. It feels as though he's blinking in slow motion. Another singer starts to sing and I'm grateful, because, my cheeks are getting tired from smiling so much. (I hate that I smile so much) Honestly, who in the heck smiles when they're embarrassed or nervous? I'm probably the only person in the world. Those beautiful dark brown eyes and those pretty full lips and dark brown skin make it even harder on me. And today he is even more handsome dressed up. (I bet he could wear a paper bag and he would be sexy) I smile shyly and look away as he starts lip singing to me. "Don't try to fight it/ There ain't nothing that you can do/ Relax your mind/ Lay back and groove with mine" -Rock With You by Michael Jackson  He lifts my chin, so that, I can look him in the eyes and I bite my lip and try to stop myself from smiling. (Darn it my cheeks hurt really bad) I'm happy to see the waitress again walking towards us, because I, want a dessert or something to distract me. I secretly cringe when she passes our table.  "Did you want something,?" "Yes, I want another drink," "Whatever you want beautiful,'' He motions for a waitress to come over and he orders a bottle of the wine that we've been drinking.  "Relax Jess," he says as he grabs my hand, then he, slowly rubs his thumb over it. "I'm fine" "Come with me to my house," He says as I look into his eyes. My heart feels like it wants to break through my chest, as I, shake my head with a shy sappy smile. (That was very unexpected) "I can't go to your house Sir," I say wondering where the courage to say that came from. "I'm not a killer," he says as he runs his hand up my leg. How did it get under my dress? (I'm barely in it) "That's what a killer would say" I whisper, as I put my hand on top of his. I want to push it away, but it feels like it belongs there.  "I just want to talk with you alone," "I can't really talk to you here, it's too loud," (Does he think I'll fall for that?) I close my eyes and fight a moan, as he, squeezes my thigh. I'm thankful for the music, so that if I do, he won't hear me. "You can always leave whenever you want" "I just wanted to show you around, I know you'll like it" He smiles as he shrugs but he still doesn't remove his hand from my thigh. "Okay" I say softly as he squeezes it again.  "You will?!" He asks surprised. I nod slowly. "Just hurry... before I change my mind" "You don't have to tell me twice," he says as he stands. I giggle as he helps me to my feet and leads me to the exit. I'm trying to trust him. I've never really given myself a chance to get to know anyone. I guess I always doubt that someone could actually like me for me. (Maybe, I would like to get to know him better.) Just as a friend, especially, if we're going to be hanging out so much. (We're just friends, he said so himself)  I tense up when he unlocks his car and it beeps. "Don't be afraid, I promise you'll like it," He says after he turns me to face him. "I..." "You know me Jess," "Just please trust me, I would never hurt you," "Okay, but only a short time, I need to get back to my babies" I say as I take a step back. Not because I'm afraid, but because his lips look enticing.  "Okay, no problem the prince and princess will get their mom back safe and sound after she visits her friend Willis," "She may be a little more chipper," he says with a smile, then he, leads me to his car and opens the door. (Is he trying to call me crabby) Do I nag them too much in his eyes? (Just wait until he has children he will definitely understand me then) I'm happy when he turns on the music, and I relax a little. "We forgot our drinks," I say when I remember we had just ordered a whole bottle. "I know the club owner and I have a tab, but if you want more drinks, I have a little selection at my place," "Okay Mr. big shot" I say with a nervous smile as I keep y eyes on the road. (I don't know what kind of driver he is yet, and I, may need to hold on to something) He chuckles but I'm still avoiding is eyes.  "I'm not a big shot, but I would be, if I had a woman like you," I am not only shocked, but I'm pretty sure I heard him wrong too, so I don't say anything, which causes him to chuckle again. My poor heart and stomach are doing so many things right now. (They are not used to feeling so many emotions, but this time my pelvis joined them. 
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