Chapter 15

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  * I wasn't surprised when we pulled up to his house, until I saw the inside. It's a major bachelor pad on the outside. No sign of a female touch anywhere very modern and plain, but the inside. "Wow Sir... this is a beautiful piano," I say as I run my fingers over it. "You can touch it, play around a little," he says as he opens it up so that I can see the keys. "I don't even remember how to play the few songs that I learned as a child," I laugh as I press on a few keys trying to remember at least one little melody or tune.  "Jess," he says softly from behind me, as he, gently wraps his arms around my waist, and I, feel my pelvis flutter. (If it wasn't happening to me right now, I would ask if it was possible) "W-" Is all I can whisper. "You have no idea how much I want you... how much I need you Jess," he says against my neck. I moan as I lean back against him. (The truth is I need him too, especially, when he says that he wants me like that)  He lightly sucks my neck when I move my head to the side. Then he slowly slides my dress up past my thighs, as he, leads me 'slowly walking' towards the back of his house, probably to his room. Well it could be his room or it could be a room that he has specifically for s*x with strangers. I thought we were friends Sir. (I don't want to have s*x on an overly sexed out mattress) I guess I'll be fine, he looks like he changes his sheets regularly. "You're so wet Jess," he says as his fingers dance inside of my panties. (How they got there I don't know, but I'm not stopping them) I don't answer I can only moan and use him to support my weight as we get closer to the room. When we get to his bed, he turns me around and immediately kisses me. Then he helps me to move back onto his bed without breaking the kiss, as if, he was afraid that I would stop him. All I've been trying to do is to keep up with him.  "I'm going to take off your panties, okay baby," he breathes out, when he pulls back to let me catch my breath, while he continues to finger me. I hum and nod through whimpers as my legs open wider.  He moves down between my legs and slides off my panties, then he, places his mouth over my clit. "No," "Oh my go-," I say but I quickly close my mouth and I only open it to moan as I grab at his sheets. He grips my legs, but I wasn't planning on stopping him.  When I'm finished, he slowly kisses up my body. He pauses to enjoy the reaction that me and my body have to what he's done to us. I moan into his mouth as he kisses me, while he pokes at my entrance. I can't help but groan loudly as he tries to slide it in. "Willis," I breathe out because it hurts more than just a little bit.  "I'm sorry baby," he says as he moves his hips slowly to get me used to his size. (I know I said that I wanted something thicker, but I change my mind) At least I would have, if I, would have seen it first. It could rip me if he keeps going, but I, don't think there is any way that he is stopping and I'm definitely not going to stop him. Especially since the pain is almost gone, and I'm, starting to feel a pleasure that I've never felt before.  I close my eyes and enjoy the way his deep sultry voice whispers to me, how great I am, even though, I'm not doing anything. I would love to compliment him as well, but my mind and body are too focused on how he's making them feel, to allow me to do anything other than to lay back and enjoy myself.    "Jess baby," he moans as he goes a little faster causing me to weakly breathe out his name. I hold on tightly to him wrapping my arms around his hard muscular body as my tears roll backwards onto his pillow.  It feels like a drug that I've never had before. (Maybe this is what people feel when they eat those mushrooms) I can't believe I'm tearing up while I'm having s*x. I'm having the best s*x of my life and I'm crying. (This has never happened to me before, so these must be tears of joy)  I hold on tighter to him and he grips the sheets. Then I, scream his name once more and we c*m together. "Baby you've been starving" he whispers as I lay there with my closed tear stained eyes trying to catch my breath while he wipes away my tears.  I want to tell him not to call me baby anymore, but I, can barely remember how to breathe right now. (This is a one time thing anyways, which, is why I didn't stop him from kissing me) I had always said that if I did have a one night stand with someone, I wouldn't let them kiss me on the lips. It had to be purely s*x, because, I saw that in a movie, it confuses you, and you end up catching feelings. I guess I don't really have to worry about that because this was a one time thing. Anyways, I'm pretty sure he already has his next girl lined up. (I have to say, I was honored to be on his list)  "I wish that I could make love to you all night," he says before he kisses and sucks on my lips, then he goes to my chin. (Yes he actually kissed and sucked on my chin too) I groan as he pulls out, and he, squeezes me tightly and kisses my shoulder before he gently bites it, causing me to giggle a little but I still keep my eyes closed.    As I come to, I start to feel a little awkward. (It feels as if I just woke up from the best fantasy dream that I've ever had) "I... I have to go," He blows out a breath, as if, he knew that I was going to eventually say this, and he, doesn't want me to leave. I'd love to let him s*x me up all night, but I, don't think that I could handle it. (I barely made it through the first time)  "Can you at least give me your number,?" he asks surprising me. I guess he doesn't trust me to call him, which he shouldn't, especially after tonight. If I could I would skip town for a couple of weeks. (The most I could do is stay a few days with my sister, but I, don't have any excuses and it's usually just a weekend thing.  (I can't believe I did this) How will I look at my family, after tonight? How will I sleep with my husband? I bite my lip as I look into his eyes, then I, turn away and I tell him that I'm married. I wait for him to judge me and maybe for him to call me a name or two, but he only runs his fingers up and down my arm.  "I know, I've seen you at Super Mart remember," I nod. "This was a one time thing and we can never do this again," "I can't believe what I just did," "I mean yeah I've thought about it, but I never-" (Dang it, I said too much)  "Jess baby, don't beat yourself up," "You enjoyed yourself and I definitely enjoyed myself," "You're amazing," he says against my ear as he lightly grabs one of my breasts. "Willis" I whisper moan. "Do you want to go again,?" he asks as he continues to fondle my breasts. "I think I need to wait" "I don't think that I can take more right now," I say as my pelvis tingles at the thought of him making love to me again.   He holds me in place when I try to get up, then he, releases me, and I, decide that I don't want to get up at this moment. "I thought you didn't know my name," he says with a huge proud smirk as he clearly remembers me screaming it out loudly earlier. "I do know your name... it's just-,"  "I'll tell you tomorrow" I say as I blush.  "So you'll come to see me tomorrow,?" "I can't!" I say surprising both him and myself. "Please Jess," "It doesn't have to be tomorrow," "I'll give you time, but please don't let this be the last time," "Okay, but I'll need lot's of time," He pecks my cheek as he hugs me, and it, was one of the most awkwardness hugs that I've ever received. (Maybe it wasn't that bad, but I'm only used to my husband being the only man that hugs me) I guess I'm only used to making love to my husband too. (Well I was)
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