Chapter 13

1290 Words
* (Yay it's finally Saturday!) Well it was Saturday again, but this time, I was going out and I wasn't going to talk myself out of it. Even though I was nervous and even more so as the day went by. It felt like in no time it was time for me to get ready and I had no idea what to do. I didn't know how to do my makeup or how to do my hair. TubeYou here I come to find out how one should dress for these kinds of things. Actually I only need up to date makeup and hair tips. (Who knows how many videos I'll have to watch)  After I straighten my curly kinky hair, I curl it to one side, so that, it falls down my shoulder. It was so that I can at least cover one of my shoulders. Even though, the dress came with a shawl, I might take it off if it gets too hot. Almost every single time that I've worn spaghetti straps one side always falls repeatedly and Xane won't be there to help me keep it up. For my makeup I do a simple cat eye with mascara and red lips. If my niece lived closer I might have her to help me to put on some false lashes, but maybe next time. (Who was I kidding?) I didn't have half of the makeup products those girls had in the videos.  I spin in front of my husband and he gives me a 'Where are you going like that? stare then he smiles remembering. "I told you that I was going" He shakes his head as he smiles. "I always tell you to go out with me and you never do," "You used to, and now, I don't want to go to dance clubs all the time," "I want to just listen to music and maybe slow dance," "You know I hate that kind of music," he says with a disgusted face as if it he smelled rotten food. "Well that's why I'm going alone, and I'll, probably have more fun alone anyways, without having you there to complain and tell me how much you hate it," I say surprising myself. He smiles and shrugs clearly agreeing with me.  I bend down to kiss his cheek then I hug and kiss Xane and Luci. (I know, I'm not going on vacation but this is all new to me) I haven't been out since Xane was in elementary school.  I was too shy and nervous to call him, so I, just showed up and I asked a hostess to seat me at a small table not far from the bar. I order a drink then I scroll through my phone. I won't dare call him but I stare at his name and number.    I look up when I hear someone say my name. It's loud as if they are using a microphone, so I look towards the stage. I can imagine the look on my face as I see Willis smiling back at me. My eyes are small but I'm pretty sure they are as large as the coasters on the table, right now. "I have spent weeks trying to get her here and she's finally here, so tonight, is extra special for me," He says causing me look around at the clapping audience with shame and embarrassment on my face, hoping that it's not too noticeable.  I relax a little when he starts to sing, very surprised by his voice. Actually I shouldn't be, because his voice is very soothing at times. I nervously look to the right and then to the left, and then, behind me as he makes his way off the stage over to me. I figured he was walking towards me, but what if I thought he was walking to me and he had found a cute blonde behind me. (I know... it's thoughts like this that cause me anxiety)  I am entranced by his voice, but I don't know why he didn't choose a regular. I guess all singers choose someone out of the audience and since we're besties he chose me. Soon even my thoughts and anxiety are drowned out by his voice. "The mere idea of you, the longing here for you. You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you. I see your face in every flower. Your eyes in the stars above. It's just the thought of you. The very thought of you my love" -The Very Thought of You by Nat King Cole  I have to have to keep closing my mouth so that I don't drool as he smiles and I realize he is holding my hand. I slowly pull it away from him and he surprises me by pulling it back towards him. Not in a rough way, but in a smooth motion. I felt like I was giving it to him and maybe I was. Before I knew it, I was standing, and he was down on one knee and still singing. (This guy doesn't play around) He really knows how to work an audience, and me too. (Well I guess I am a part of the audience)  "You're wearing my favorite color," he says after he stands and hands the microphone to someone. "Really," "I love green too," "My favorite is neon green, but I also like olive green, Kelly green, Emerald green, and who knows how many others"  He smiles as he gazes into my eyes brown eyes with his almost black ones. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I must let you know that you look amazing," "Thank you" I say shyly with a sappy smile. "You always look amazing but you look especially beautiful tonight" "Thank you" I whisper probably not loud enough for him to hear me.   "May I?" he asks as he holds his hand out to me. I smile and place my hand into his and he surprises me by spinning me around. I have never been so nervous in all my life and if I was, I don't remember. (I thought that he would just help me to take my seat at the table)  When he's done, I look up and my heart almost sinks into my stomach, when I, see him biting his lip as he admires the way the dress is fitting me. I blow out a small breath and I get the urge to be in his arms, but I quickly pushed it away. He helps me to my seat and he sits down in the chair closest to me. and as we talk I can't help but feeling like I'm on a date. (Am I on a date?)  I don't think I've ever been on a date with anyone as handsome as him, so I feel honored. If only I could ignore the small bit of guilt I feel, as I, think about my husband at home with our kids while I blush and drool over a beautiful stranger. (Is he still a stranger?) Well I know his name, but not much else. I try to guess his age and what he does for a living, but I don't dare ask. I guess we are still strangers because we only talk about my children, and the things that we each like to do, which is pretty much the same things.  "Your skin is so soft" he says as he runs his hand up my arm and then back down again to grab my hand. I shiver and he smiles and slowly pulls my chair closer to his. (I want to slide away but I feel stuck)
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