Chapter 16

1382 Words
*  When I get home I'm not surprised to find everyone asleep. I don't want to wake my daughter or contaminate my bed with another mans sweat and cologne, so I, get a pair of pajamas out of the dryer and I change. Then I go to the linen closet to get myself a blanket so that I can sleep on the couch.   As I lay there I think about the goodbye kiss he gave me and how he squeezed me when I was leaving. He wanted to bring me home too, but how, would I explain to my husband why a handsome stranger was dropping me off in a Aston Martin Vantage.  I only know about this car because it was in a Romance novel that I was reading, and I, wanted to see how it looked. It's a nice looking car and it fits his style perfectly. Dang it I can't stop thinking about him enough to sleep. At least that's what I thought until I woke myself up from snoring too loud. I wipe at the saliva on my cheek and I look around. I realize that I woke up earlier than my husband and I take a quick shower after I throw the blanket in the wash. After I fix him breakfast I go wake him up with breakfast in bed. I know that this is not going to make up for the fact, that I, cheated on him last night. But I, am going to do everything that he likes, no matter, how much he complains, and I, will never cheat on him again.  I got what I wanted anyways. (Exactly what I wanted, the best s*x of my life in a one night stand) It was better than I could have dreamed of my fantasy came short to my reality. But alas it won't ever happen again.  I blow out a small breath as I work. (Well as I stare at my computer screen) I barely have a sentence written and I have been here for hours. "Hey ma, let's go to the park" "I'm feeling a little out of it today" "I may need to just rest and stay home for a couple of days"   "You diagnosed yourself?" he laughs. "Yes... with exhaustion" I say as I grab my head. "Do you want me to make you some tea?" "Yes that would be great" I don't have a hangover, I rarely ever get them. As a matter of fact, I have three that I remember and that is most likely all of them.  I don't know what to do, I can't hide in my house for the rest of my life. I will eventually have to leave and buy groceries and toiletries. Maybe I can hide until I need him again. (No that will never happen again) Dang it if my husband was as 1/3 of as good as him then I wouldn't need him. (I know that this isn't my husbands fault, but I'm just saying) Last night was amazing but the moment I got home, I started to feel regret. I will never tell my husband what I did but I will have to spend the rest of my life being the perfect wife for him. I will forget about Willis and focus on my family like I used to. I want to wait a couple of days before I make love with him again because I feel like I still have Willis in my body. Now that I remember, he didn't use protection. I even make my husband use protection, because, I don't want to get pregnant and also because he throws off my PH balance.  My body is now specifically for my husband and I'm going to tell him when he gets home today.  We won't have s*x, but I will at least tell him. (Who knows, I might make him blush) I encourage my son Xane to come out of his room when his dad get off so that we can have family time or play a game. Xane loves this kind of stuff so he's hype. Now all we have to do is convince my husband. He likes certain games, but not the ones we have at the house. "Let's go buy some," "Why are you so eager to leave the house?" I ask.  "I'm not, it's just that he doesn't like the games that we have at home," "I know, but he will have to learn this time, and next time, I will have games that he likes to play," So he didn't play the games that we had and Xane smiled with a knowing look on his face. I wasn't upset because I knew that he would most likely not play them, but it's fine because I  made his favorite dinner and his favorite dessert and I was extra sweet to him.  (I got out of s*x that night because I told him that my menstrual was about to start) I wasn't far off, because, it was scheduled to drop within a couple of days. How I wish I could avoid going to the store, but, I guess I have to feed my family. Xane is with me so I hope he won't say anything and I'm hoping even more, that he will be trying to avoid me as much as I'm trying to avoid him.  "I don't know why he was shocked she never listens to anyone laughs Xane as he talks about how Luci is ruling our home. My husband sometimes forgets that she is the boss and head of our house hold, but she kindly reminds him with her little finger. "Man he was so mad when she poured her bottle of water in her play sink" "It's not her fault she likes to wash her hands and the plastic sink doesn't have water," he laughs. "You enjoy seeing him frustrated don't you?" "Not really" "I don't care" he says as he shrugs. I'm just trying to see where his head is.   I change the subject to talk about a pretty new girl that has been hanging around him and his friends. "How'd you know ma?" "Dude, you offend me" "You're my son I know everything about you" He laughs. "Hey how are you?" asks an all too familiar voice. "Hi Willis, how are you?" I respond after the shock wears off as him and Xane shake hands.  He looks into my eyes as he holds out his hand so that I could shake his. I grab his hand and I try my hardest to hide any feelings. He grips my hand and smiles and I smile too but I quickly pull my hand away. "So what are you here for Sir?" I ask as I look into my cart as if I don't know what I already have.  "Just shopping for the rest of the week" he says as he touches my shoulder. I turn to look at Xane thinking it was him, but I see that he is gone. "He went that way" he says with a smirk. I look the way he pointed and I call his name.  "When are yo-?" "I have to go Willis," I say cutting him off, then I turn to walk away without looking behind me. He yells out goodbye, but I keep walking. Just from that little bit of time my body started to feel tingles. (All of my womanly parts did) I take slow breaths as I look for that kid. "Hey ma, we forgot the toothpaste for my bathroom!" "Oh boy, you need to tell me before you just walk off," I say as he throws it into the cart.  "I'm not a baby, no one's going to kidnap me," "Well you're tall and I'm short so what if they kidnap me,?" I joke causing him to laugh. It's not that I was worried about anyone doing anything to him. I just don't trust my body around Willis, because it is sure to betray me and I am determined not to let it.  I will keep my body for only my husband. (At least I will try to) It really seems to be having withdrawals. It yearns to be touched by him again. 
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