Chapter 28

1020 Words
* After I took my mother in law to the airport to catch her plane I went back home and went to bed. My husband had already gone by the time I got back and the kids were still sleeping.  As I'm working Xane walks into the living room with a smile. "Are you ready to talk?'' "Oh Xane sweetie can you wait until later, I'm working" "Mom, you don't want me to talk to Willis, so who else can I talk too,?'' "Okay you're right" "I want you to always come to me no matter what, and I don't have a problem with you talking to Willis" "I was just surprised and I apologized to him"  He raises his eyebrows. "Why did you apologize,?" "Well... I yelled at him" "You did?!" "Now he won't want to hang out with us anymore," "Yes he will because he forgave me" "I figured he would since he likes you" Now it's my turn to be surprised. "No he just likes me as a friend" "I can tell by the way he smiles and laughs at your lame jokes," he laughs. "He looks like the guys from the romantic movies you're always watching"  "It doesn't matter how he feels because I'm married to your dad," I say quickly, hoping he never brings this up again, because I feel like a creep. "I know, I was just saying" "So what do you want to talk about?" "I want to talk about why my dad is a jerk" "Sweetie, he may be a jerk sometimes but you can't call him that" "Fine, but he's mean and stubborn and rude"  "We just have to be patient because he doesn't know how to handle stress" (Or much else) Is what I want to say but I don't. It's hard enough coming up with excuses for him, because he doesn't know how to talk to people himself. I'm used to being my husbands secretary and talking for him but I wish he could have more patience with our son. If he did he wouldn't need to go to Willis or anyone else. I made sure that we are clear on how to deal with his dad, then I, go with them both out back, so that, they can play and I can do my breathing exercises. I even get them to take a break from playing to meditate with me. Luci kept hanging off of us, trying to wake us up since our eyes were closed. I felt bad about ditching Willis and I wanted to text him to let him know that we weren't going today. Of course I didn't because if I did he would probably call or text me back to try and convince me into going. (Would I be able to say no?) (Probably not) I let Xane convince me to get us a treat but I go to the next town over to make sure that I don't see Willis. (I don't know why I'm avoiding him but I feel like I have to) He's probably busy anyways. I am most likely not even on his mind.  We eat our treat and since I got a simple strawberry ice cream cone I eat while I'm driving. I didn't get anything for my husband because he isn't home and he has some mint chocolate chip in the freezer. I didn't really feel like eating so I just got back to work after me and Luci took a shower.  Alex walked in as I was working and Luci was playing with her toys on the floor. He sat down next to me and asked me if I wanted to go visit his sister that stays in California. I don't really get along with this sister but I agree to go so that he can see her. The kids also love her and she loves them.  We have never argued because I don't like to argue, but he has told me that she does. The reason I don't really like her is because she says little things to get under my skin. She made me so angry one time I just stopped talking to her. I spent the rest of our trip not talking to her and when she asked if I was upset I shook my head not. I know it's childish but I felt like if I did say something I would explode and I didn't want to ruin the trip for my husband.   He thanked me for putting up with her but he knows how I feel about her. I'm so happy that my family and him get along they love him, in fact, we each bet that my family would trade me for him any day. He hugs me and gives me a peck on the lips and I laugh even though I want to cringe. (I really don't want to go)  That night I try to concentrate on my work but I can't. I should have went to see Willis but I was being weird. My mind goes to how this visit with his sister will be back to Willis to how long we will stay this time. The longest we've ever stayed was two weeks. It's a really long drive so he will at least want to stay a week. Maybe I can talk him into flying so that we can get there quicker. (I'll pay for the tickets myself if I have to)  It was almost lunchtime so I finally called Alex to ask him how long we would be staying with his sister. He told me only a couple of days which had me relieved but I still talked him into staying at a hotel. The last time she made me mad, I told him that I would only go if we stayed somewhere else. If he changes his mind I will still be staying in a hotel and I will visit them during the day. (If I could I'd spend all of my time in the hotel and I would only leave to eat... at a restaurant) 
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