Chapter 29

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* The next day I went to the park because I felt bad about dodging him the day before. "What's wrong, why didn't you guys come yesturday?" he asks as we take a seat on a bench to watch Luci play, while the teenagers play ball.  "Nothing, just life problems that everyone has" I say as I look at the grass and shrug a shoulder. "Come on Jess we're friends," "You know I can tell when something is bothering you" "Yeah, the best of friends" I say sarcastically. (Are we really friends?) If we are, we have a weird friendship that seems to be working. (So far)  "I really care about you and I want you to be able to tell me anything, even if it hurts me, which you usually do anyways," he says surprising me.  "It's just so hard being the glue for Xane and my husbands relationship" I say choosing to ask about how I hurt him later. "Some people just don't get along, it doesn't mean that they hate each other," "They just don't have anything in common," (I knew he would have known what to say) "You're right, but I can't understand how they were so close before and now they barely talk" "When they do, it either sounds forced or they're arguing," "Xane is a good kid, he has his reasons for not being close to his dad anymore," "Did he tell you something,?" I ask knowing that he probably won't tell me.  He smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't squeal" I say as I playfully punch his chest. He grabs my hand to kiss it, surprising me. "I need to talk to you" "About what?" I ask as I slowly pull my hand back.  "I don't usually need to have a reason for you to come by," he says with a smirk. I also smile, because it's hard not to. He has to know what he does to me, there is no way he can not know how attractive he is. "Oh hush" I say as I blush and try not to look be too flirty.  "Let's go out tonight," he says as we turn to look at the ruckus the teens are making. Xane and a couple of his friends try their hand at street hockey. Xane hasn't played in a while, but he looks as if he remembers a little bit of the game, although, I still wish he would take it easy on the girls. (I seriously hope this isn't his way of flirting because he clearly likes one of the girls)  "Maybe after I come back from my trip" "Okay but really, because, I've been asking you out for weeks now," I smile and try not to laugh. "What?" "I'm married and you act like I can just get up and go out with you whenever you ask me to" "I have lots of responsibilities Sir" "I know" he says as he looks at the grass.  "I have a whole family to take care of" "I know" he says again, looking embarrassed which is cute. Then he blows out a breath. "So where are you going and when?" "Well Sir, I'll be going to the sunny beaches of California and I'll be staying at a five star hotel with room service" I say as if I'm doing a commercial, causing him to laugh.  "Well my husband keeps changing the date but we'll probably be leaving in a week or two" "How long will you be gone?" "Only for a few days, any longer and I'm leaving my family there and coming home" I say half joking.  "You're the first person that I've ever known that doesn't want a vacation" "Don't you think you deserve it?" "I... it's not that I don't want to go, it's the destination" "Or, more like the people.. better yet a person" he laughs and shakes his head.  "I love my nephews but my sister in law is a... not nice" "Well you'll have me to vent to when you get back" "Thanks, I'll definitely need it" I say as I look into his eyes, which was a mistake. I'm trapped as he cups my chin then he rubs his thumb over my lips and I want to break my kissing rule. (He seems to have a problem with following it)  Thankfully my phone rings, bringing me out of my trance. I answer without seeing who it is. I'm shocked to hear Alex saying that we're leaving in a few days. (He never calls me unless it's an emergency, so I guess he feels that thins is an emergency)  He also says that his sister paid for our plane tickets. (Now I really don't want to go) (This is something more for her to throw in my face)  "Was there bad news, is your trip canceled?" He asks noticing my disgust. I can't hide my feelings for her. (Even when I don't say anything with my mouth, my face says it all)  "Sadly yes, we're still going" "Is she really that bad?" I tell him about the things she says and does. I also tell him about one of the reasons I stopped forcing myself to put up with her. "And your husband didn't say anything,?" he as sounding a bit upset.  "He hadn't seen her in a while, since our last visit had been a year from when we last visited her" "Jess, he should have said something!" he says, almost cutting me off. I don't say anything, because I don't know what to say and he sounds angry this time instead of upset.  "I'm sorry," "I don't mean to be rude it's just... never mind," "I'll tell you tomorrow," I still don't say anything. (I'm not mad... just shocked) "I have to go" "Call me when you're on your way" he says surprising me as he stands. "Okay bye" I say as I stand as well. I want to ask him if he's angry but I don't, because I'm afraid of his answer.   I watch as he walks away wanting to go after him. He hardly ever leaves before us. I sit back down and watch Luci as she plays in the sand and I wonder why he left. (Was he that angry that I didn't stand up for myself?) 
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