Chapter 27

1262 Words
*  "I've come to the conclusion that my dad is a fricken jerk" "Xane!" I say surprised. "Sweetie he-," "I was talking to Willis and he agrees with me" (What the heck?) (When did they have a chance to talk alone?) "Just because one person agrees doesn't make it true son," ''My friends and Nicki and Josh and..." he goes on to name his cousins and a few more friends. "You can't ask outside people because they would have to hear the entire story" "Mom, you make excuses for everyone," "Is that what Willis told you?" I ask afraid of his answer.   "No dad always tells you that," "We'll talk about this when your grandma isn't here" "Okay but she leaves tomorrow, so don't try to change the subject" he says as he rubs his hands together. "Oh go read a book," I say as I shoo him away. He laughs and goes to his room with his sister trailing him but I call her back.  "Lets go play with your grandma, because tomorrow is her last day" She wines that she wants her brother so we both go to his room. I only stay for a little while watching him play his video game, then I, convince him to go with me and Luci to watch a movie with their grandma. She is happy that we want to watch and I am happy to make her happy.  When my husband comes home, he smiles when he sees us watching T.V. and laughing. (I wish it was like this all the time) He stands next to his mom and grabs Luci but she wants to get down because she doesn't feel like being a baby now.  After dinner, I leave Xane to clean up with his grandmother and I excuse myself to the store. I of course I don't take anyone because I'm on a mission. (Yes it's late, a lot, later than any of our other meetings but I don't care) I drive directly to his house hoping that he's made it home and if he hasn't, I'll wait.  I walk back and forth in front of my jeep until I see him pulling in. He gets out with a smile on his face but I look away and hold my serious face.    "What's going on?" "Do you need to talk?" "Are you upset?" he asks sounding worried. "Stay away from my son!" "Jess, he came to me," He says surprised as he grabs my hand as I angrily point at him. "He called me because he was upset and needed to talk," "I couldn't just ignore him," I instantly regretted yelling at him, because I know he doesn't deserve it. (I was just taken off guard and I'm protective of my children) "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know it's not your fault," I say as I lightly squeeze his hands as he holds mine. He brings them to his lips and kisses them then he wraps them around his waist to hug me. We stand there squeezing each other as he rests his chin on my head.  After we're inside he gets me a glass of water, and I, run my fingers over the piano, still feeling bad about how I approached him. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you," "I know you were only trying to help him because that's what you do," "Now you probably think I'm a b***h" He laughs and pulls me to the couch as he holds my drink, then he hands it to me when we're seated.  "You're so sweet baby," "The sweetest person I know" "Sometimes a little too sweet" he says as I take a sip of my water and avoid his eyes. He grabs my chin and I smile and I crawl into his lap to hug him tightly after I place my glass on the table. (He always knows what to say) He must have grown up with a lot of women in his life.  I let my lips linger on his neck and I get the urge to kiss and suck on it. Before I realize it, that's exactly what I do. "Jess baby" He says softly as he hugs me tighter. I move my hips forward and backwards, not sure if I remember how to do this. (I can do some stuff, well I did these things years ago) He leans back and pulls me with him, then he grabs my hips and he grinds up against me. He somehow slides his shorts and underwear down while he rips my panties and helps me slide down his other leg,. "I'm sorry baby," he says after I scream in pain. He lays me on my back and takes over like he always does whether I'm on top or bottom. I moan loudly, because he usually goes slower and more gentler.  "Are you okay?" He asks stopping. "Yes," I moan out loudly hoping that he goes back to doing what he was doing. I am definitely not disappointed. (My gentle therapist has turned into a strong warrior) He grips my thighs as he takes my breath away and I can't help but hug him. I kiss his chest over and over again as I hug him. (It feels like he is getting better with each time we make love) I guess he was getting me ready for this moment. "I wish you could stay the night" He says before he kisses my forehead. (I wish I could too) I think to myself, but I don't dare tell him. He'll have to call some other woman to take him through the rest of the night.  "Can you stay the night?" he asks when I don't say anything. "No because I'm married, and I, would miss my children and they would miss me" I say feeling awkward, now that I got what I wanted from him. "They would be fine for one nightm besides they love me," He says as he rubs my cheek and looks at the side of my face, because, I can't look into his eyes when he gets like this.  "I have to go" I say as I look at my glass of water on the wooden table. He blows out a breath. "Okay, then," "Are you ready?" He asks. "For whaaa-" I groan loudly, as he pulls out.  He bites his lip as he stares at me, and there is no way I can look away. (This is why I don't look at him) He smiles as he caresses my cheek then he pinches it. "Stop okay" I say as I look away. "What's wrong,?" "Just stop, I have to go" I say as I go back to avoiding his eyes.  "Okay, I'm sorry if I did something wrong," "It's fine, you didn't" (I did) I am the only one at fault for this. (Whatever it is) (Oh yeah, cheating on my husband)  He gets up then he helps me to stand. I watch as he pulls up his shorts and underwear as I put on my clothes. "Can I have a little hug?" He asks. holding his arms open for me. I give him a good hug, then I leave.  I only grabbed a few things from the grocery store, because we didn't need anything. I grab my blanket and pillow and I lay on the couch with a smile on my face as I fall asleep. I was so relieved to see that everyone was in bed and asleep when I got home.
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