Chapter 17

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Year 2 1992 //The Polyjuice Potion, Draco Malfoy and Myrtle's Attack// Robyn gulped as she looked around the corner at the small huddle of Slytherin girls including Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Rachel Carmlan and Poppinana Terrence. They were sat on the a bench in the corridor, cattering to one another happily. Robyn pulled back and looked at Hermione with a pleading expression. “Remind me why you don’t have to do this, Hermione?” Robyn gulped, Hermione rolled her eyes with a small smile, “Because I got my hair from Bulstrode during the wresting lessons in the Dueling club, remember?” Hermione explained, “Yeah, but I was being man handled by Zac Ruttledge.” Robyn muttered grumpily, “Maybe I would have.” Hermione let out a small laugh whilst Robyn crossed her arms, “It’s not funny. I swear I’m going to have bruises on my arms for another month.” Robyn looked back at the group of Slytherin’s before gulping and pulling out her wand and breathing deeply. She pointed her wand at them and muttered, “Fumos.” Black smoke covered the small group of girls causing them to squeal madly in fear and confusion. Robyn ran over with a cloth covering her mouth and reached to Parkinson and plucked a strand of black hair from the girls head then ran back to Hermione with a wide grin on her face, "Done." Hermione placed the hair in a vile then slid into her pocket and commented, "Lovely." "I think we have a definition of lovely, 'mione'." *** A few days later and everyone had left for the Christmas holidays. There were only a few people left at school which included Harry, Ron, Hermione and Robyn. Robyn sat opposite brother and Ron opposite them at dinner the night people had left. She lifted a fork full of potatoes into her mouth as she glanced down at the remaining Gryffidnors who were on the other end of the table, far from the four of them. Her eyes then lifted to Hermione, came down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw table carrying her food. She took the seat beside Robyn, “Everything’s set.” Hermione told the others, “We just need a bit of who you’re changing into." “Crabbe and Goyle.” Harry confirmed, “We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can’t burst in on us while we’re interrogating Malfoy.” Hermione added, Robyn glance at the Crabbe and Goyle then at Harry and Ron. “How?” Ron asked, Hermione looked at Robyn, who lifted up two muffins with a small smirk on her lips, “We’ve got it all worked out.” Hermione said with a smirk at Robyn. “We filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught." Robyn told them, Hermione added, “Its simple, but powerful.” Robyn placed the cakes before Harry and Ron with as Hermione began explaining how Harry and Ron to get their hair, "Now, once they’re asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and put on their uniforms.” At her words, Harry and Ron shared a disgusted look, “Who’s hair are you ripping out, then?” Ron snapped when he turned his gaze to Hermione with his eyes flaring. It was clear that he did not want to be Crabbe - then again, who did? “I’ve already got mine.” Hermione smirked as she pulled out a small vile from her pocket, containing a stand of brown hair, “Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes.” “And Robyn?” Harry asked as he glanced at his sister, she nodded and pulled out her vile of hair from her pocket and held it in her palm to Harry, “This is Pansy Parkinson’s hair.” She told them proudly, “How did you get that?” Ron asked as he looked between Robyn and the hair. “Easy, I just distracted her and plucked her hair." Robyn shrugged placing the vile back in her robes, “Bulstrode and Parkinson’s are going home for the holidays, we can just say that we, well they, decided to stay." “Right.” Hermione began as she stood, “We’re going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion. Make sure Crabbe and Goyle find these.” She motioned to the cupcakes then looked at Robyn, "Lets go." Robyn stood and waved at the boys before heading off to the girls bathroom. *** Robyn giggled as she ran downstairs to the Common Room and saw the tree was piled high with presents of all different shapes and sizes. She looked down at the bracelets that had been given to her last year, that once belong to her mother. She smile softly then looked at Hermione as she came down from behind her, "Should we go wake the boys up?" Robyn nodded slightly and they headed upstairs with Hermione at her heals toward the boys dormitories. She knocked on the door and waited a few moments and glanced at Hermione, who nodded, she opened the door and saw Ron and Harry in their beds. Ron was sprawled on his bed with his mouth open and a low snoring coming out of it. She covered her mouth with a laugh behind her hand whilst Hermione frowned and raised an eyebrow, giving a disapproving look to her. Hermione looked at Robyn and whispered, "I'll wake up Harry." Robyn nodded and walked over to Ron and poked him in the shoulder, but Ron only let out a groan. She smiled softly and poked him as she whispered, "Ron. Wake up." "Mum...its too early..." He grumbled and rolled over, pulling the sheets over himself. She raised an eyebrow as she laughed softly, "Ron, its Robyn." His eyes shot up at her words and he looked at her and let out a small scream as he covered himself, "What the hell Robyn!" "AH! Hermione!" Harry shouted in fear and Robyn laughed softly as she sat back at the edge of Ron's bed as he snapped, "What are you doing here?" Hermione stood from Harrys bed, he himself had a bright red face, as she said, "Its Christmas morning and we didn't want to wait for you to wake up to open our present." "Yeah, we want to open them before " Robyn mumbled with a small smirk as Harry threw a pillow at her. She caught it and laughed softly before tossing it back to him, "Hurry up, guys." "Lets go Robyn." Hermione giggled as he grabbed her hand and they ran out the room, with the boys grumbling as they left. *** “We’ll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves.” Hermione warned them two days later. Robyn was stood with Hermione, Ron and Harry in the second floor bathroom with each of them holding a test-tube full of fresh Polyjuice. It was a shade of green that Robyn had never seen before it was a mix of grey, brown and green that made Robyn feel very sick. She looked at Hermione and she mumbled, “Add the hairs.” Robyn tipped her vile into her glass and felt her stomach lurch as the liquid bubbled as the hair sunk in. “Essence of Crabbe.” Ron groaned from beside Robyn and she laughed behind her hand then it frowned when her drink made a belch like sound and caused Robyn to look down at the liquid with a grimace. She looked up at her friend sand the four of them lifted their glasses up and mumbled, “Cheers.” The four toasted their glasses together and raised their potions to their mouths and downing it. Robyn swallowed her potion and felt her throat tighten at the taste and her gag reflex start to kick it but she squeezed her eyes shut at the taste. It taste like what Robyn thought mud, vomit and moldy fish would taste like. Once half the glass was gone she pulled it away and felt her lips form a frown and she placed a hand on her throat as she tried to swallowed the liquid - even when it was all down her throat, the after taste lingered in her mouth. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” Ron commented then he dropped his glass before running into a cubical and slamming it shut. Hermione seemed to feel the same, “Me too.” She droppped her glass and ran into a cubical and swung the door shut with a loud bang. Robyn felt her throat tighten as the liquid began to make its way back up. She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to keep the drink down but it wasn't happening. “No.” Robyn grumbled and tightened her lips as the potion bubbled in her throat. She dropped the glass and ran into a cubical, not bothering to close the door, and leaned over the toilet breathing harshly. She breathed deeply and gagged at the taste and looked up at the ceiling. Then, her face felt like it was being prodded by tiny needles and a pulling sensation on the top of her head. She flinched and felt her arms and legs start to tingle as well as she started to shrink a few inches. After a few moments, the tingling feel stopped and she raised her hand to her face and felt her nose. Her face was sharper and her nose felt longer then she ran her hand over her hair which was slightly long than her own, then moved her hand to her hair which was now in a bob with a block fringe that hung over her eyebrow. She could only guess that the potion had worked and she was now Pansy Parkinson. She walked out the cubical and looked up at the people infront of her and gaped, "Ron? Harry?" She looked between Crabbe and Goyle with a shocked expression. “Robyn?” Crabbe/Ron asked with a shocked expression, Robyn nodded slowly and walked over to the mirror as she murmured, “This is so weird.” Her hair was an inch above her shoulder rather than under her shoulders and it black and shiny. She was also around three inches shorter than her normal self with her nose pointer and protruding from her face. Her eyes were no longer crystal blue but rather deep brown, almost black. She was Pansy Parkinson. She unbuttoned her cloak and took it off along with her tie and pushed into into her bag. Robyn pulled out a Slytherin tie she'd stolen from a house elf in the corridor along with a cloak. She tied her tie and checked it in the mirror and tied it up to her collar before pushing her arms into her Slytherin robes and buttoned it up. Then looked in the mirror and griminced, "This is so weird." She brushed her hair and made it flat like Parkinson normally had it. From behind her, Ron grumbled, “Bloody hell." She turned around and looked at the two boys. “We still sound like ourselves.” Harry/Goyle pointed out with a worried expression, “You need to sound more like Crabbe.” Robyn looked at Ron as he coughed and said, “Bloody hell.” Ron's voice was deeper and slightly rougher and she nodded slightly, “Excellent.” Harry said then he turned to Robyn and nodded expectantly, “I don’t think we really sound much different." She shrugged then added as an afterthought, “Well, maybe she's slightly higher pitched." Harry nodded slightly then Ron frowned and glanced around before noticing something, “Hey…Where’s Hermione?” “I-I don’t think I’m going.” Robyn looked toward the cubical as Hermione called from one of them, “You go on without me." Robyn walked over to the cubicles worriedly, “Hermione, are you alright?” “Just go!” Hermione shouted and Robyn stopped suddenly, “You’re wasting time!" Robyn looked at at the boys with her bottom lip between her teeth as her mind conflicted at her friends request. Harry motioned to the two and they jogged out after bidding Hermione a goodbye. *** “I think the Slytherin Common room is this way.” Harry said pointing to their left as they walked down a corridor. Robyn nodded in agreement and they started around the corner as a voice called to them. “Excuse me.” The three stopped and Robyn glanced at Ron and saw him stiffen and glanced at her fearfully. They turned around to see Percy Weasley walking toward them with a raised eyebrow. “What are you –?“ Robyn nudged Ron as he spoke in his normal voice and Ron coughed and deepened his voice, “I mean, what are you doing down here?” Merlin knows that if anyone in Hogwarts would be able to recognize Ron, it would be his brother! “I happen to be a school prefect.” Percy answered shortly with a frown on his face, “You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night What are your names again?” The three looked between eachother with their voice stammering. Robyn didn't know why they were freaking out, perhaps it was because they couldn't slip up otherwise this could stop their investigation before it began. Harry gulped and looked at Percy as he stammered, “I’m - ” “Crabbe. Goyle. Pansy. Where have you three been?” A sneering voice snapped from behind them, Robyn turned to see Draco Malfoy marching toward them with an angry expression on his pale face. He stopped between Robyn and Harry and looked at Harry and Ron, “Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?” Robyn flicked her eyes to Percy and saw his eyes narrowed and felt her heart thumped against her chest fearfully. "Pansy? Why are you down here with them?" Malfoy caused her attention to snap to him and she gulped nervously, "Oh, I...I was just...talking to Willow Welkon." She excused quickly, she knew Welkon from her Transfiguration and it seems that Pansy was friends with her...well...she didn't seem to argue with yeah. That was RObyn's basis. Draco nodded slightly then looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, “Why are you wearing glasses?” Robyn eyes widened for a fraction of a second as Harry quickly took them off and placed them in his robe pocket without hesitation. “Um…Reading.” Harry excused quickly, “Reading?” Malfoy repeated with a perplexed expression on his face, "I didn’t know you could read.” Harry nodded with an awkward smile on his face, Malfoy turned his attention to Percy and narrowed his eyes, “And what are you doing down here, Weasley?” “Mind your attitude, Malfoy.” Percy warned, Malfoy did nothing but raise his eyebrows threateningly and walk past Weasley, brushing his shoulder against Percy. Robyn glanced at the other two before they scampered after Malfoy. Not that Robyn would admit it, but thank Merlin that Malfoy had shown up. Robyn followed Malfoy down the steps toward the dungeons with the lights turning dark and gloomy. She gulped and shivered, it felt completely different from the warmth of the corridor to the Gryffindor Common that was covered in bright lights. The walls were dark grey with no portraits on the walls that gave it a depressed feel. Malfoy scoffed softly and commented, "That Peter Weasley - " "Percy." Ron corrected automatically and Robyn's eyes widened and she snapped her eyes to Ron, who clenched his fist angrily at his slip up. Malfoy seemed not to notice Ron, well Crabbes, attentiveness, as he continued, "Whatever. I've noticed him sneaking around a lot lately. And I bet I know what he's up to. He thinks he's going to catch Slytherin's heir single-highhandedly." He loud a laugh as thought the idea was stupid and preposterous. Robyn shared an excited glance to Ron and Harry. Perhaps he knew! Malfoy stopped infront of a damp stretch of wall and commente,d "Oh, whats the new password again?" "Er..." Harry gulped, "Pureblood." Robyn said sarcastically to Ron and there was a grumble of shifted rock. She snapped her gaze to the wall in shock as the door concealed slid open and Malfoy smirked, "Ah yes, Pansy. Well remembered." Robyn gulped nervously and then forced and giggle. Everyone knew Pansy liked Malfoy, so the best thing that she could do to be Pansy is to flirt. Malfoy stepped through the door and walked into the room. She saw Harry raise an eyebrow at her and she mumbled under her breath, "It was a lucky guess." She defended with a small shrug. Harry smirked and Ron nudged her with his large arm before walking after Malfoy with Robyn and Ron on his heels as they walked into the Slytherin Common Room. It was completely different to the Gryffindor common room. The ceiling was a dull green colour and seemed to a glowing, Robyn assumed that this was because the Slytherin Common Room was said to be under the Black Lake. There was a large chandler in the center of the room that was decorated with crystal clear diamonds with a black frame and it looked beautiful. There were green arm chairs around the room with a sofas against the walls with a stone black fire in the wall that crackled loudly. Robyn followed Malfoy as he took a seat on a large black sofa beside the fire. She stood beside Harry as the three of them looked down at the blonde boy, they clearly looked out of place. Malfoy motioned to the sofa opposite his, “Well sit down.” At command, the three sat down with Robyn squished between the massive forms of Harry and Ron. Robyn tucked her hands between her knees to make herself smaller so she wouldn't be pressed into a pancake Pansy. She looked up at Malfoy as he he murmured this thoughts allowed, “You’d never know the Weasley’s were pure-blood’s, the way they behave. They’re an embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them.” Ron clenched his fists and his knuckles clicked angrily and Robyn elbow slyly. If they weren't careful, they were going to be in real trouble. Malfoy glanced at Ron and glared, “What’s wrong with you, Crabbe?” “Stomach ache.” Ron grumbled with a faked pained expression as he placed his hand on his stomach. “You know,” Malfoy began snidely, “I’m surprised The Daily Prophet hasn’t reported all these attacks yet. I suppose Dumbledore’s trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to this place.” “You’re wrong!” Harry shouted before he could stop himself and Robyn gulped nervously and glanced at Ron then at Harry worriedly. She snapped her gaze to Malfoy as he swung his legs off the couch and walked over and stood before Harry. “What?” Malfoy spat, “You think that there’s someone here who’s worse than Dumbledore?” Harry looked down whilst Robyn and Ron shook their heads rapidly, “Well? Do you?” “Harry Potter?” Harry suggested after a moments with a nervous expression on his face. Malfoy nodded his face slightly with a thgoutful expression, “Good one, Goyle. You’re absolutely right. Saint Potter. Potter and his blasted sister. And people actually think that their the Heir’s of Slytherin." “But then, you must have some who’s behind it all?” Pansy assumed, Malfoy rolled his eyes at her comments. “You know I haven’t, Pansy.” He spat the grumbled under his breathe, "God, you're so ditsy sometimes. I told you yesterday. He leaned against a table and picked up a small green box from his pocket, “How many times do I have to tell you?” He shook the small gift beside his ear, “Is this yours?” Robyn shook her head and Malfoy glanced at Harry and Ron who also shook their head. Malfoy pocketed the small present then leaned forward and smirked, “But my father did tell me this: It’s been fifty years since the chamber was opened. He wouldn’t tell me who opened it – only that they were expelled – but I know this: the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So, it’s only a matter of time before one of them’s killed this time. As for me…I hope it’s Granger.” Ron jumped up but Harry leapt forward and pushed him backward to stop him attacking Malfoy. Robyn looked at Ron alarmed as Malfoy frowned at them, “What’s the matter with you three? You’re acting very…odd.” “It’s his stomach ache.” Harry lied, “S-Scar” Ron stammered and Robyn looked at her brother and saw that her brothers signature lightening-bolt scar was beginning to appear on his forehead. Her eyes widened and looked at the clock and saw it had been an hour. “Hair.” Harry pointed to the other two as he gulped. Robyn glanced in the mirror that hung on the wall of ahead of them and saw her hair was growing past her shoulders and her eyes widened and glanced at Ron and saw his hair turning ginger. Robyn, whos eyes were beginning to turn blue, looked at Malfoy before running out the common room flanked by Harry and Ron without a glance back at Malfoy as he shouted after them. *** Robyn slowed into a stop in the girls bathroom and panted heavily. Robyn now looked like her normal self with hair just past her shoulder, blue eyes and a scar on her neck, the boys were also returned to their normal self but wearing baggy clothes on their skinny bodies. “That was close.” Ron said and Robyn nodded slightly then looked at the cubical that Hermione was in as Harry knocked as exclaimed, “Hermione, come out. We’ve got loads to tell you!” “Go away!” Hermione shouted from the cubical and Robyn frowned slightly, she sounded very upset. Just then, Mrytle glided through the door and looked at the three, “Ohh, wait till you see. It’s awful.” She gloated gleefully with a fake sad expression, “Hermione, are you okay?” Robyn asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. She glanced at the boys before pushing the door open before her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her. Hermione's back was too them and there was fur covering the back of her head and neck and two large cat ears on the top of her head. Then, she turned and she saw her face was covered in fur with large yellow eyes with slid pupils. Hermione was a cat. “Do you remember me telling you the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations?” Hermione took a breath, Harry placed his glasses on and stumbled backward slightly with his eyes widened. She let out a small whimper, “It was cat hair I plucked of Millicent Bulstrode’s robes." Robyn looked at Hermione sympathetically as she whimpered pathetically, “Look at my face.” Ron laughed softly under his breath, “Look at your tail." *** Robyn rubbed her face as she walked into the Common Room with Harry and Ron beside her. She let out a small sigh as they walked over and she dropped onto a comfy armchair, resting her head on her hand, whilst Harry and Ron sat down on the sofa to her left. Robyn nibbled her bottom lip as Harry asked, "Do you think she'll be okay?" "I'm sure she will." Robyn assured him gently and Ron nodded slightly. They sat in silence with the only sound being the crackling of the fire. Robyn fiddled with her fingers and then Ron gave a small whistled and breathed, "Hopefully she'll stop throwing up hairballs." "Yeah." Harry and Robyn nodded in agreement with a blank expression. Ron glanced between them and let out a small laugh with a smile on his face and Robyn looked at him incredulously, "Its not funny, Ron." As much as Robyn couldn't help it, a small smile broke out on her face as she recalled Hermione's pitiful face after she threw up a hairball. Robyn glanced at Harry as he mumbled, "So....hairballs...." Ron nodded slightly with his fingers tapping together with an awkward expression. It only took a few moments before all three out laughs after trying to hold it in. Robyn did feel bad but it was kinda a funny, her friend was a cat who was throwing up hairballs and was also meowing every ten minutes. "Oh god." Robyn breathed a laugh as she ran a hand over her face "Poor 'mione." Harry said softly with a smile on their face. The other two nodded in agreement, Robyn smiled softly as they all relaxed. In the light of the recent attacks, it was nice to just have a little fun. ...Even if it was because her friend had turned into a feline. *** “Have you spoke to Hermione recently?” Ron asked and Robyn shook her head as they ascended the steps to the Common Room after dinner. Hermione had been the hospital for a week and they'd been banned from meeting her - they weren't even allowed to spend new years with her (That was a few days ago!) - though, they had sent her cards. “She should be out of the hospital in a few days.” Robyn murmured, Harry added, “Yeah, when she stops coughing up fur balls." They slowed to a stop as the stop of the steps and they raised an eyebrow.The floor before them was flooded with around an inch deep of water, “What’s this?” Harry asked and they all shrugged before following where the water seemed to be coming from. Robyn frowned and then noticed at the current seemed to come from a door that led into a room that they were familiar. “Yuck!” Ron exclaimed with a grimace as he lifted his foot out the water. "Its coming from Myrtles bathroom." She told the two as she headed toward the bathroom. Harry said, “Myrtles probably flooded the bathroom.” She pushed open the door and walked into the room and saw that the taps were all on full flow. Robyn walked through the water as she lifted her robe off the floor and turned off the taps quickly around the sink tower. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the water, "What the....?" She trailed off as a loud low wailing sounded in the bathroom. She looked up and saw Myrtle who was sobbing whilst sitting on a windowsill with her head in her hands. Robyn stepped forward and stood beside Harry as they looked up at the school-girl ghost as she whimpered at them, “Come to throw something else at me?” Her voice held sadness and bit of bitterness. Harry and Robyn shared a look of confusion then they all looked at Myrtle as Harry asked, “Why would we throw something at you?” “Don’t asked me.” Snapped Myrtle angrily and Robyn raised an eyebrow as Myrtle began to sulk to them, “Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it’s funny to throw a book at me.” “But it can’t hurt if someone throws something at you.” Ron commented with a small frown and Robyn mentally faced palmed at his following words, “I mean, it’d just go right through you, wouldn’t it?” Myrtle's eyes turned sharp and she dived straight at Ron and floated directly in front of him a fierce expression on her face, Robyn gulped and Ron leaned back slightly from fright, “Oh sure!” Myrtle shouted loudly with her transparent fists clenched, “Let’s all throw books at Myrtle, because she can’t feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach!” She pushes her hand through Ron’s stomach and his eyes widened, “Fifty points if it goes through her head!” She pushes her arm through Ron’s head as he trembled fearfully. “Who threw it at you anyway?” Harry asked, “I don’t know.” Myrtle whimpered as she turned her head to look at Harry, “I didn’t see them. I was just siting in the U-bend, thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head.” She began to cry again and float away to the window sill. Robyn frowned as she watched Myrtle leave then looked at Ron, "Who would attack Myrtle?" Ron scoffed and whispered to her, "Who wouldn't?" She rolled her eyes playfully, "I'm serious, Ron." She told him, "Something doesn't feel right." Ron nodded slightly then saw Harry walk over and pick something up from the water in one of the cubical. She watched him shake it as she questioned, “What is it, Harry?” Harry looked and at her before turning to the first page and ran his eyes over it, “It’s a diary.” Harry answered confused, "But....its empty?"
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