
I Hate Him

kickass heroine
Harry Potter


Robyn Potter, the younger twin sister of Harry Potter soon finds herself thrown into a world of magic, pureblood's and deadly monsters. Follow her as she comes close to death and forbidden romances at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Years 1, 2, 3

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Chapter 1
Year 1 1991 //Hagrid, Diagon Alley and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named// Waves crashed against the small rocky island on the shores of the South-West of England as the loud wind howled and encouraged the waves. The night sky was dull grey with depressing and dark colour woven into the sky. A few miles of shore, there was a single lighthouse that was thin and tall with the structure crumbing from the constant weathering in. Inside the building, there was a family of five that had recently taken up residents there. It consisted of Mr and Mrs. Dursley who more different in looks that can be comprehended. Vernon Dursley was a short, fat and grim man who had small piggy eyes that tended to scowl. His wife, Petunia Dursley, was a thin and reedy women with a very bony neck. She had very keen ears that were often used to listen to neighbor gossip. Thier son was more like his father than his mother. Dudley Dursley looked very much like a pig. He had very tiny eyes that were full of greed and self-gratification. His body was almost as large as he was in height. The two final members of the family were the niece and nephew of Petunia and Vernon. Harry and Robyn Potter were identical twins that shared the same hair colour, which was pitch black, with pale blue eyes. They were both very skinny and wore hand-me down close from their cousin and charity shops. It was also the night of the twins birthday. The twins were in the ground floor of the lighthouse with their cousin. Unlike their cousin, they were on the floor with a few blankets that had been given to them by their aunt and uncle whilst their cousin was in the bed beside them. Robyn Lily Potter looked up at the stone ceiling above her with black hair pulled back into a loose pony tail. Her blue eyes moved over to the digital clock upon Dudley's wrist, before her eyes met with Harry, her twin brother. A few days ago, Harry and Robyn received hundreds of the same letter addressed to each of them, but their uncle Vernon wouldn't allow them to read the letters and, after a few days of relentless sent letters through windows, doors and even chimneys, their Aunt and Uncle moved the twins and their cousin Dudley to an old lighthouse a little of the shore. With a small smile, the two of them looked down at the cake drawn in the dirt then they looked at the digital clock as it beeped signalling midnight, the exact time Harry and Robyn were born eleven years ago. "Make a wish." They whispered together. Robyn closed her pale eyes and thought: 'I wish I could see what my mum and dad looked like' They both blew the dust as if it was a real cake with real candle...but it wasn't. A small frown fell on Robyns face as she came back to reality - it was just her and Harry celebrating their birthday. She even wondered if their aunt and uncle even knew their birthday. Suddenly, there was a loud bang rang through the air. Harry and Robyn looked up to see the shabby door rattling on its hinges, flashing of light danced around the room, from the lightening outside, Dudley awoke with a start and groaned stupidly, "Wheres the cannon?" Robyn hand found its way into Harry's as both of them stared at the door as it rattled loudly, Robyn's eyes widened in fear and she gripped her brothers hand tightly. On the third bang, she pulled Harry up and the two of them dove behind a corner with their bodies shaking. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon came down the stairs with their body's trembling, their Uncle gripped a rifle in his pudgy hands. It was clear that both of them had just woken up from the fact both were dressed in their nightwear and Aunt Petunia still had her rollers in. "Who's there?" squeaked Uncle Vernon as his wife turned the light on. The door flew from its restraints and Robyn pulled her head back around the corner after only taking a glimpse of what looked like a giant in the doorway. "Sorry about that." said an unknown voice, Robyn shared a glance with Harry as they listened to the booming voice, "I demand that you leave at once." snarled Vernon, fear clear in his tone "You are breaking and entering." "Dry up, Dursley, you get great prune." and a loud sound, that sounded like a shot being fired, echoed around the small hold. "I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry." Chortled the unknown voice "You're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly around the middle." the loud voice chucked "That reminds me, where your sister Harry? Aint seen her since she was as big as me hand." "I-I'm not Harry." gasped Dudley, Harry took a breath and walked around me so that he was seen by the giant. "I-I-I am." stuttered Harry, "Well, of course you are." grinned the giant "Where's yer' sister? Robyn?" she looked a gulp of air and stepped out so she was next to her brother "Ah." The man was twice as tall as they were and probably were three times as wide. The man/giant had a mane of messy black hair and beard and wore a small smile on his dirty face as he looked down upon them "Well, of course you two are. Got something for you two. Afraid, I sat on it, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a white box and handed it to Harry "Baked it myself, words and all." The pair opened it and inside was a rather messy dressed cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Harry and Robyn' "Thank you" said the twins gratefully, no one has ever given them anything on their birthday - except the odd coat hanger and packet of tissues. "It's not every day your young littlen's turn eleven, is it?" said the Giant as he took a seat opposite the fire before lighting the fire place with a tap of his umbrella, her eyes must have been poking out her sockets, she could see Harry with the same expression as her, Robyn carefully place the cake on the couch as Harry spoke, "Excuse me, but who are you?" he asked tentatively, "Rubeus Hagrid." answered the gruff man with a grin upon his face "Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts." he looked at the two of us "Of course, you know about Hogwarts." "Sorry, no." Robyn said apolitically, Harry nods in agreement with me. "No?" repeats Hagrid confused "Didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learnt it all?" "Learnt what?" asked Harry "You're wizards, the both of ya'." he nodded his head in our direction "Well, Robyn you're a witch but a wizard non the less." "I'm a what?" mutter Harry and Robyn shocked, "Wizard." repeated the man "A good one, I'd wager, once you're both trained up." "No," Harry and Robyn exclaimed "you've made a mistake. I mean...we-" Robyn and Harry share a glance as he speaks "-can't be wizards." "We're just, Robyn and Harry." Robyn said "Just us." "Well, just Robyn and Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?" As Robyn thought about it, she could recall such incidents. For example, when Robyn was around the age of seven she was being bullied by a small group of girls, they were calling her names and pulling her hair, and when they finally went she felt angry and sad. The following day Robyn had come into school to find that the girls had no hair and that it had all fallen out. Robyn's gaze trailed up to meet her bother and they eyed each other wearily. Hagrid nodded with a sly grin before heaving himself to his feet and looking down at the Potter twins , he grinned before holding out two letters; one for each of them. Gingery, we took the letters and looked down at the envelope curiously before turning it over and removing the purple seal and unfolding the letter: HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDARY Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) Dear Miss Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 21 July. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress "They will not be going, I tell you!" protested Uncle Vernon trudging over to them after Harry had finished reading aloud a letter "We swore when we took them in that we would put a stop to all this rubbish." "You knew?" Harry growled spinning to face their uncle, "You knew all along and you never told us?!" Robyn snarled at Aunt Petunia, she looked at them with a sour smirk. "Of course we knew." she said with her lips pursed " How you could not be?" she started to walk toward us "My perfect, perfect sister being who she was." her voice was full of bitterness and...envy? "My mother and father where so proud the day she got her letter. We had a witch in the family, isn't it wonderful. I was the only one who saw her for what she really was...a freak." Robyn clenched her fists, her mother was a sensitive topic for Robyn "Then she met that Potter and then she had you and I knew you would be the same. Just as strange, just as...abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got blown up and got landed you two" "Blown up!" yelled Harry and Robyn in utter outraged "You told us that our parents died in a car crash." continued Harry, his face tense with anger, "A car crash?! A car crash kill Lily and James Potter?!" Shouted Hagrid in horror as though the words had deeply offended all that he stood for. "We had to say something." Mumbled Aunt Petunia in defense, her voice was small and weak. "It's an outrage! It's a scandal!" Protested the giant, "They will not be going." Spat her uncle, "Oh. And I suppose a great muggle like yourselves goanna stop 'em are you." Jeered Hagrid "Muggle?" repeated Harry, perplexed. "None magic folk." Waved off Hagrid "This boy and girl have had their names down since they were born! They're going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world and they will be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen; Albus Dumbledore." Snarled Hagrid, Robyn felt a smile creep onto Robyn face as he spoke, "I will not pay for some crack pot old fool to teach them magic tricks." spluttered Vernon furiously. The tension enter the air thickly as Hagrid raised his umbrella at Vernon, "Never. Insult. Albus Dumbledore. In. Front. Of. Me" Threatened the man with a scarily emotionless expression on his hairy face. The sound of munching reached Robyn's ears and she looked to the source of the noise; there, stuffing his face with Robyn and Harry's present from Hagrid, was their cousin. With a zap, Hagrid prodded his umbrella at Dudley's behind and a small pink, curly, pigs tail grew from his bottom. Their pig of a cousin turned around and began screaming, which was soon accompanied by Robyn's aunt and uncles yells of horror and fear. She didn't even bother attempting to hid my giggle at her cousins misfortune; it was hilarious. From beside her, Harry was laughing hard as well. Hagrid coughed to catch their attention, "I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that." He gestured to their relatives who were now running around like headless chickens "Strictly speaking I'm not allowed to do magic." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small golden pocket watch and his eyes widened "We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off." Robyn and Harry stared after the giant who headed over the rickety door and pulled it open, well pulled it from the door frame, and turned toward the twins "Unless you'd rather stay off course." Robyn looked at Harry, "It will be better there than staying here." She commented truthfully, "Yeah." nodded Harry and he grasped her hand and together they followed their new friend away from the Dursly's. *** "All students must we equipped with; one standard size two puta cauldron and my bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad." She read from the piece of parchment in her hand as they walked through the streets of London "Can we find all this in London?" "If you know where to go.” commented Hagrid, the three of them carried on down the street for another minute or so before they came to a completely black side building which had a blank black sign swinging from a beam that had the words: THE LEAKY CAULDRON. Hagrid opened the door and inside was a dark room only lit by small candles that were dotted around the place. The place was filled with men and women chatting vigorously and with old piano music playing the background. Robyn kept a firm grip on her brothers' hand as they walked through the crowd of people with Hagrid guiding them. "Ah, Hagrid!" exclaimed a graying man from behind the bar "The usual I presume?" "No thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. I'm here to help young Harry and Robyn buy there school supplies." the man named 'Tom' gasped and started the young twins in awe. Robyn shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, she felt like a small mouse that was about to be experimented on. "Bless my soul." he gasped "It's Harry and Robyn Potter." the whole bar went silent and everyone's gaze turn to them causing Robyn to edge closer to Harry, "Welcome back Mr and Miss Potter." said an old man getting from his seat beside Harry and shaking their hands. Hagrid pushed them forward just as a women came forward and grasped Robyn's hand and shook it vigorously, "Doris Crockford, Miss Potter, can't believe I'm meeting you at last." Robyn smiled weakly at her, confused by the attention Robyn and Harry seen to be reviving. "The P-P-Potters." stammered a man in a purple turban, stepping forward "Can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you." "Hello Professor." grinned Hagrid "I didn't see you there. Harry, Robyn this is Professor Quirrell he'll be you're Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher." "Nice to me you sir." Robyn said holding out her hand to shake, the man seemed to recoil at her offer, "Defense against the dark arts. Not that you n-n-need it, potters, eh?" The professor attempted to joke, myself and Harry forced a smile at his...'joke'. The two of them had no idea what he was talking about. "Must be going now." mumbled Hagrid from behind the twins “Lots to buy." he let out chuckle, "Bye." Robyn mumbled and walked away from the Professor, "See Harry and Robyn! You're famous." commented Hagrid as he opened a back door to a small blocked off area with no roof, "But why are we famous Hagrid?" asked Harry "All those people back there. How is it they know who we are?" "I'm not sure I'm the exact person to tell you that." sighed Hagrid, she watched in wonder as Hagrid began tapping a few of the bricks on the wall before us. Suddenly the bricks before Robyn began to move backward then apart to reveal a large busy street, "Welcome, to Diagon Alley." introduced Hagrid, "Woah." She gasped as she and Harry walked out through the archway into the street. With myself and Harry leading the way, the three of us walked through the street. Her eyes scanned over the shops and people, both unlike she’d ever seen, "Here's where you get your quills and your ink." pointed out Hagrid "And there all your bits and bobs for wizardry." They soon passed a shop which had many exotic animals; bats, parrots, owls and more. To the right of Robyn there a group of children around her age whispering excitedly about a brook in the window, "But, Hagrid, how are we to pay for all this? We don't have any money" She said sadly, "Well there's your money, Robyn!" exclaimed Hagrid pointing at a dirty white building before us which had the words, in golden lettering above it: GRINGOTTS BANK "Gringotts the wizard bank. Ain't no safer place. Except perhaps Hogwarts." The three of them walked into a large hall which had two long high tables either side of the room as sat at each desk was a small creature with pointy ears and a sour expression, they were counting large gold coins, stamping papers and more. "Um...Hagrid. What exactly are these things?" Stammered Harry in shock, "These are goblins, Harry." Answered the giant "Clever as they come, goblins, and their not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close." Robyn moved closer to Hagrid as her gaze looked over the goblins. They finally stopped in front of a goblin with very long fingers, large ears and half-moon glasses resting on the edge of his long nose. Hagrid coughed to get the creatures attention, it looked up from its work to look at Hagrid "Mr and Miss Potter wishes to make a withdrawal." The creature grinned and leaned over its stand to look down at the two of them, "And does Mr. and Miss. Potter have their key?" questioned the goblin, "Wait a minute." grumbled Hagrid "I've got it here somewhere." Hagrid dug into his coat pocket "Ah!" exclaimed Hagrid pulling out a small golden key and placing it on the table before the goblin "Oh, and there's something else as well." murmured Hagrid holding up a small letter "Professor Dumbledoor gave me this." he placed the paper into the goblins hand "It's about you-know-what in volt you-know-which." "Very well." nodded the Goblin. After a stomach churning ride they arrived at a volt with the numbers '637' above the door. Robyn carefully stepped from the cart along with Harry and together she watched in awe as the goblin unlocked the door and it swung slowly open, creaking as it went - Robyn's jaw dropped. She had never seen such a large amount of gold ever. If only Dudley could see this. There was a mountain of gold coins in the centre of the small room along with a few silver and brown pieces. It was in towering collums that glittered with jewels and small trinkets. "Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did you?" commented Hagrid from behind them. Once Robyn and Harry had collected a pouch of gold coins each she exited the place and moved back to the cart and started the ride again. They finally reached a door covered in thick metal spirals that had the numbers '713' at the top of the door. "Volt seven-hundred-and-thirteen." Spoke the goblin, "What's in there Hagrid?" asked Harry, "Can't tell you Harry, Hogwarts business...very secret." Answered Hagrid "Stand back." ordered the creature, the goblin ran a long, sharp, nail down the centre of the door and it opened to a small dark room with a single light in the centre where a tiny brown package lay. Robyn stared at it in confusion. She was expecting something more to come out, like top secret plans for something from the way Hagrid spoke of it. Once the small thing was pocketed by Hagrid he turned to face the twins, "Best not to mention this to anyone, Harry and Robyn." Said Hagrid as he placed the object in the inside of his coat and they nodded...Yet...Robyn felt something was strange about that object. *** The three of them walked out from a book stop each of the twins holding large pile of books, some with the most amazing titles that made Robyn almost dizzy with the prospect of reading them. Harry mentioned that they needed each a wand and so Hagrid pointed to a shop called: OLIVANDERS. He told the twins to get their wands whist he had to do 'one more thing'. Robyn entered the dimly lit shop after her brother and the sound of a bell rang, signalling entrance. There was no one there, no person behind the desk, "Hello." called Harry quietly as Robyn admired some of the boxes around the room "Hello?" Harry gasp and she turned to see an old man with wiry grey hair on a ladder "I wondered when I'd been seeing you, Mr Potter." he smiled, this eyes moved over to Robyn, who was hovering behind Harry "Ah, and your sister, I knew the pair of you would be entering in shop soon enough." The man clambered down from the ladder and began looking at the stocks of small rectangular boxes "It seems only yesterday that your mother and father where in here buying their first wands." Robyns eyes widened and she moved over to stand by Harry and watched the man search "Ah." he pulled out a small box from the pile and walked over to the twins and opened the box to reveal a long, thin, stick, which she guess to be a wand and showed it to them "Let us start with Miss Robyn Potter." Robyn glanced up at the man and he nodded encouragingly and Robyn picked the wand from the box gently and stood still with it, admiring it "Give it a wave." said the man, Robyn obliged and a few draws flung open and fired out bits of paper. "I'm so sorry." Robyn gasped placing the wand back on the table "No matter, dear." waved off Olivander "But that is not the wand for you" Harry chuckle from beside her and Robyn nudged him with her shoulder pouting slightly. Robyn had tried at least two wands and so far I'd blown up a lap, made more boxes fall and spew out their things and more. With a raised eyebrow, Olivander pulled out another box and turned to the black haired girl and muttered something under his breath and pulled out a second box and walked toward the twins. He opened one of the boxes and walked from around the desk holding the wand. It was almost black of colour with faint swirls running along the wood and at one end of the wand was a small 'handle', if you will, that was pure black with no marking. He held out the hilt to Robyn and she grasped it carefully and felt a surge of warmth rush through her and a light wind blow her hair and the small candle on his desk lit "Curious, very curious." whispered the wand maker, "Sorry." Robyn said "But what's curious?" Olivander took the wand from her hand and looked Robyn's deep blue eyes, "I remember every wand I've ever sold, Miss Potter." he said "It so happens that phoenix who's tail feather that resides in your wand, gave another- two actually. One is sitting in that box behind me, which if my theory is correct, will belong to Mr Harry Potter. It is curious, my dear girl, because that you should have this wand this wand is because its brother gave you those scars." Robyn hand reached up to touch the crooked line scar that was upon her neck, she knew Harry was touching his that was on his forehead, "And-" started Harry "-who owned that wand?" the man before them seemed to recoil at the question, "We do not speak his name." whispered the man "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why..." the man looked between Robyn and Harry "but I think it is clear we can expect great things from you. After all he who-must-not-be-named did great things - terrible - but great." He handed the wand to Robyn and she ran her fingers along it feeling relaxed and confused. Once Harry was given his wand, to which he felt the same experience she did, there was a tapping on the window. Turning, the twins gasped as they saw Hagrid holding two cages. One with a snowy, white, barn owl and in the other was a black, and ginger, barn owl. *** An hour later, the twins and Hagrid were sat in the Leaky Cauldron after collecting their schools things. THe twins sat opposite Hagrid as she sipping soup every so often. It was complete silence as they sat - though it was comfortable. Robyn fed Oswald, the black and ginger owl, small chunks of vegetables from her soup, "You alright Harry?" asked Hagrid "You seem very quiet." Robyn looked over at her brother, "He killed our parents, didn't he?" asked quietly Harry "The one who gave mine and Robyn's scars." "You know Hagrid." Robyn whispered looking at him with a pleading expression when Hagrid didn't respond "We know you do." "First," began Hagrid "and understand this Robyn, you too Harry, not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. His name was V-..." he seemed to have trouble saying it "...His name was V-V-...." "Maybe if you wrote it down." suggested Harry helpfully, "No, I can't spell it." said Hagrid "Alright." he took a deep breath and whispered so low that the pair almost missed it "Voldemort." "Voldemort?" repeated Harry, rather loudly. Hagrid hushed him hurriedly, "It was dark times, dark times. Voldemort was starting to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone who stood up to him, ended up dead. Your parents fought against him...but no body lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody. Not one. Except you two." "Us?" Robyn and Harry whispered in unison "Voldemort tried to kill..." Harry looked at her and they shared a shocked and fearful look "...us?" "Yes," nodded Hagrid "those ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead and neck. A mark like those only comes from being touched by a curse and an evil curse at that." "What happened to Vol- I mean you-know-who?" she asked, "Well...some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope I reckon he's out their still. To tired to carry on. But one thing is absolutely certain is that something about the pair of you stopped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everyone knows your names. You're the boy and girl who lived."

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