Chapter 18

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Year 2 1993 //Hermione, Hagrid and Aragog// Robyn looked up as the door to her dorm room opened and Hermione walked in, with no fur on her. She sat up quickly, "Hermione! You're okay!" She exclaimed happily and Hermione smiled as she walked over and sat beside Robyn, who pulled her into a hug. Robyn pulled back as Hermione said quickly, "I got your letter. So its defiantly not Malfoy?" Robyn nodded slightly, "And whats this about slime where the attacks are?" "Yeah, there's always a trial of slime or some kind of water." She told Hermione, "Its a bit like the trail a slug leaves." Hermione frowned slightly and nodded as she commented, "I suppose that would link with the fact that its Slytherins monster." Robyn leaned against her head board, "So its a snake?" At Hermione's nod, she leaned her head against the wall and looked up at the ceiling, "But surly more people would have been attacked if there was a snake sliding through the corridors?" Hermione nodded as she nibbled on her bottom lip. Robyn let out a sigh as she rubbed her face. There had to be a reason why the creature had only attacked four people but what? *** Robyn walked down from her dorm room a few days later as she tied her black hair into a pony tail. She heard footsteps thumping the steps behind her along with panting. "Robyn!" She looked over her shoulder to see Neville looking very worried, almost scared. She frowned at his expression, "Neville? Whats wrong?" He stopped before her and pointed up to the boys dorm, "Someone trashed Harry's room." He told her, "Its a mess." Her eyes widened as she thought about Tom Riddles Diary and the notes she'd lent him about the creature and what it could be. "Get Harry." Without another word, she ran upstairs toward Harry's dorm room. She swung open the door and her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her. The room looked like it had been hit by a bomb. There were books and bits of parchment lying around the floor with a few feathers on the beds and ground. It does look a mess but the most trashed bit was Harry's bed. The bed-side tables draws were open and empty with the contents on the bed and floor beneath it whilst the bed had been stripped off its sheets and covers. It was clear that whoever had been in this room was looking for something. She walked forward and checked where Harry had told her he kept the diary and the notes. The draw was wide open with nothing in there and the signature black leather binding of Tom Riddle's Diary was nowhere to be. She gulped nervously just as four people came in and she looked over her shoulder to see Neville with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry's eyes were wide as he looked around the room in shock then at his bed before glancing at Robyn who nodded confirming his thoughts. “It had to be a Gryffindor." Hermione murmured, “Nobody else knows our password. That is, unless it wasn’t a student?" Ron gulped nervously, “Whoever it was, they must have been looking for something." “And they found it.” Harry answered as he stared at his sister. Robyn glanced at her friend and saw Hermione and Ron looking at them in confusion, She look a small breath and said, “Tom Riddle’s diary is gone”. *** The wind nipped at her nose as Robyn and Ron walked along the stands to get their seat for the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck then dug her arms into the pockets of her robe then stopped in the front bench. She nibbled on her bottom lip then asked, “Have you seen Hermione today? She didn't come back last night and I haven't seen her today either." “No. I’m sure she’ll show up at the game though. Don't worry.” Ron assured her with a small pat on her back and Robyn nodded slightly and ran a hand through her hair just as a frown formed on her face as she noticed people being shepherded out of the stands. "Come on. Everyone back to your dorms." She looked over to see Professor Flitwick shepherding people from the stands. She glanced at Ron and Robyn ran over to Flitwick and as Robyn approached she noticed that he wore a glum expression that worsened when she and Ron came closer. "Sir, whats going on?" She asked and Professor Flitwick glanced between the two before he sighed and said, "There was another attack." Robyn and Ron shared at look of concern and Ron looked at the small teacher, "Sir, who was it?" "Umm....that....." He stumbled on his words. She furrowed her brows and Professor Flitwick cleared his throat and shook his head, "Just head down to the you dorms, both of you." He strode past them, avoiding their eyes. Ron watched him leave then looked at Robyn, "What was that about?" Robyn could only shrug in response. Without another word they turned and followed their peers from the stands and down the steps toward the ground. She ran a hand through her hair, "This is the fifth attack." She murmured to Ron, "Its no wonder they're upset." He nodded slightly as they exited the steps onto the field and the two stopped when they saw Professor McGonagall walking toward them with Harry beside her. Professor McGonagall looked very serious with her tight face and her sharp eye glaring at them and Harry just looked nervous. She gulped nervously, "Oh no." Professor McGonagall stopped before them and looked down at them, “Potter, Weasley, come with me.” Robyn and Ron looked over at Harry who shrugged in response. The three Gryffindor students followed their head of house with their heads bowed. Beside her, Harry mumbled, "Do you know what happened? " Ron whispered back, "There was another attack." Robyn saw her brothers eyes widened as he breathed, "What?" She nodded in confirmation just as Ron gulped and looked between them, "Do you they think we did it?" She quickly shook her head as she said, "No. No, Professor Dumbledore knows we have no involvement." The two boys nodded as they rounded a corner and founded themselves entering the hospital wing. Robyn's eyebrows furrowed and glanced at the boys either side of her as they walked into the hospital wing and past the empty beds toward the end. All the beds were unoccupied except for one that had a screen around it, where Madam Pompfrey walked out with a sad expression as she looked at the the three of them and shot them a pitiful look. The Gryffindors glanced between each other then at Professor McGonagall as she looked at them with her face in a tight frown, “I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock.” A ‘wee bit of a shock’ was an understatement for the view that Robyn, Ron and Harry would be exposed to. Robyn walked around the screen and her breath hitched in shock and she covered her mouth with her hand whilst Ron breathed, completely stunned, "Hermione..." On a hospital bed lay Hermione Jean Granger. She was in a walking motion with her fist clenched in a swinging motion. However, the most spine chilling part was that her eyes wide and staring into nothingness but she could see a hint of fear as though her expression was starting to turn into one of fear but it was only just turning. It was clear that Hermione didn't even have time to comprehend her fear before the creature attacked her. Professor McGonagall sighed and looked between the three, “She was found near the library…along with this.” Robyn looked up to see her pick up a mirror from the table beside Hermione, Professor McGonagall lifted her gaze to the three Gryffindors as she asked, “Does it mean anything to either of you?” Robyn furrowed her brown as she looked at the mirror. She felt something ticking at the back of her mind as she looked eat the mirror then lowered her gaze to her friend and furrowed her brows. Why would Hermione have a mirror whilst walking along the corridors? *** Robyn sat beside Harry and Neville as she stared at the fire. Those who knew Hermione were in shock at how such a smart girl would walk around the corridors at the dead of night in the light of these attacks. She rubbed her face and tapped her lip with her finger. Come on, Hermione. Robyn thought as she stared into nothingless. Give me a hint. “Could I have your attention, please?” Professor McGonagall called and Robyn looked up at her head of house as silence fell across the room and all eyes turned to her. She straightened up with a sad expression on her face, “Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately: ‘All students will return to their house common rooms by six o’clock every evening’” She read from the scroll of parchment in her hand, “’All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions’.” She rolled up the parchment and looked at her students with a soft expression, “I should tell you this: Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught…it is likely the school will be closed.” Robyn's eyes widened and looked at her brother as Professor McGonagall left. Robyn looked at her brother and Ron, “What do we do?” she asked “We can’t go back to the Dursley’s, Harry.” “We’ve got to talk to Hagrid.” Harry answered, “I can’t believe it’s him but if he did set the monster loose last time he’ll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets. That’s a start.” Robyn rolled her eyes. She knew Hagrid didn’t do it. Harry had too much faith in this ‘Tom Riddle’. “But you heard McGonagall.” Ron whispered harshly as he looked between the twins, “We’re not allowed to leave the tower except for class.” Harry looked between Robyn and Ron and whispered under his breath so only they could hear, “I think it’s time to get my dad’s old cloak out again.” *** With the cover of night and James's Potter cloak, the three Gryffindor Students hurried across the grounds of Hogwarts toward Hagrids hut where Harry knocked rapidly on the door then hid his hand back under the cloak. Hagrid voice came from the otherside of the door as he boomed, “Who’s there?” The door swung open and they were face to face with a cross bow and Robyn went cross eyed as she stared at the tip of the arrow which was only a few inches from her nose. She lifted her gaze to look at Hagrid as he called into the darkness, “Hello? Hello?” Ron through the cloak of the three of them with a flourish and they looked at Hagrid’s weapon frightfully and Robyn cleared her throat quietly as her voice came out slightly higher than usual, “What’s that for?” “Nothing.” Hagrid grumbled lowering the crossbow, “I was expecting…It doesn’t matter. Come on in. I just made a pot of tea.” Robyn entered first, followed by Harry and Ron into the hut. Robyn sat on the edge of the arm chair as they watched Hagrid pour a mug of tea. She waited for him to stop but when he didn't and the tea started to overflow onto the table, Harry stepped in with a question to gain his attention back, “Hagrid, are you okay?” “I’m fine.” Hagrid mumbled softly and put the tea pot down on the table, “I’m all right.” “Did you hear about Hermione?” Harry inquired tentatively, “Yeah.” nodded Hagrid “I heard about that, all right.” Robyn saw his expression turn somber and looked down at the floor boards. She frowned and walked over and hugged his arm gently, "Its okay. We're sure she'll be ok." She felt his hand pat her hair gently and she smiled softly and pulled back to look up at him and saw him wipe the edge of his eye with his finger as he nodded slightly, "Yeah. Yeah." “Hagrid, look, we have to ask you something.” Robyn looked at Harry as he spoke to Hagrid, he locked eyes with her and then glanced at Ron then at Hagrid, “Do you know who’s opened the Chamber of Secrets?” Hagrid looked down with his bottom lip between his teeth. Robyn looked at Harry with slightly wide eyes and looked at her half giant friend and Robyn furrowed her eyebrows and opened her mouth to speak but he started before she could, “What you had to understand about that is – “ Hagrid was cut off by a loud knock at the door and Robyn snapped her head toward the door then back at Hagrid as he motioned to the cloak on the sofa, “Quick, under the cloak. Don’t a word. Be quiet, all three of you.” Ron grabbed the cloak and they ran over to the fireplace and he threw it over the three of them as Hagrid walked over to the door and glanced at them before opening the door. Robyn couldn't see around Hagrids frame but Hagrid said who it was in greeting, “Professor Dumbledore, sir” “Good evening, Hagrid.” Professor Dumbledore's voice reached them, “I wonder, could we…?” “Of course. Come in. Come in.” Hagrid moved away from the door and Robyn saw Professor Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, walk into the room. She heard Ron mumble to Harry and herself, “That’s Dad’s boss. Cornelius Fudge, Minster of Magic." “Bad business, Hagrid.” Muttered the Minister, “Very bad business. Had to come. Three attacks on Muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough. The Ministry’s got to act.” “B-but I never – “ mumbled Hagrid, slightly offended, he looked at the Head Master, “You know I never, Professor.” “I want it understood, Cornelius,” Professor Dumbledore looked at the Fudge as he said “that Hagrid…has my full confidence.” “Ablus, look,” Fudge looked down “Hagrid’s record is against him. I’ve got to take him.” Robyn frowned and looked between Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid worriedly. Robyn had a sinking feeling that wherever it was, it wasn't good. “Take me?” Repeated Hagrid angrily, “Take me where? Not Azkaban prison.” The three children looked at each other in confusion. She frowned at the idea of Hagrid going to prison. “I’m afraid we have no choice, Hagrid.” The Minister sighed and Robyn clenched her fists angrily and glared at the Minister. “Already here, Fudge?” A snide voice commented and Robyn's eyes widened as she recognized Lucius's voice, “Good.” Malfoy senior stepped forward into the house, uninvited, and Robyn narrowed her eyes at the blonde man. She watched as Hagrid glared at him, “What are you doing here?” snarled Hagrid, “Get out of my house!” “Believe me…” Lucius looked around the room dis-tastefully, “…I take absolutely no pleasure being inside your…” He then started to walk toward the fireplace, where the three students where, Robyn and the other two stumbled until they were backed against the wall “You call this a house?” Robyn held her breath and saw the other two doing the same. If Maloy Senior moved forward one inch then he would walk right into them and they would be caught. She looked at him nervously and could have sworn their eyes locked before he spun around and observed Hagrid with a sour expression, “No. I simply called up the school and was told the Headmaster was here.” “Well, what exactly is it that you want with me?” Professor Dumbledore questioned, “The other governors and I have decided it’s time for you to step aside.” Malfoy said his jaw stiff and Robyn looked at Ron with wide eyes. Without Dumbledore, there was no doubt that there would be more attacks. She looked at Malfoy and saw he was suppressing a look of glee. He swiftly pulled out a role of parchment from his pocket and held it out to Dumbledore as he said, “This is an order of suspension. You’ll find all twelve signatures on it." Professor Dumbledore took the parchment from Malfoy, not removing his gaze from him. Malfoy's lips twitched into a half smirk, “I’m afraid we feel you’ve rather lost your touch. Well, what with all these attacks…there’ll be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts. I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school.” "'Awful loss'." Ron mumbled under his breath beside her sarcastically, “You can’t take Professor Dumbledore away!” Hagrid contradicted the man loudly with indignation clear in his voice, “Take him away and the Muggle-borns wont stand a chance. You mark my words, there’ll be killings next!” Mafloy raised a plucked eyebrow, “You think so?” “Calm yourself, Hagrid.” Dumbledore said, “If the governors desire my removal I will, of course, step aside. However…” The head master walked forward “…you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts…to those who…ask for it.” Robyn felt as though he was looking through cloak right at them. “Admirable sentiments.” Malfoy Senior remarked, with mocking clear in his tone and in his expression. He strode to the door of the hut and swung it open and stood aside as he looked at Dumbledore, “Shall we?” She looked as Dumbledore stared at the three of them with a fixed gaze, not tell them off but as if to encourage them. She could have sworn she saw him wink and smile sightly at them before walking out the open door of Hagrids house. The lips of Malfoy turned into a small smug pucker then he looked at the Minister, motioning to him with his hand, “Fudge.” The minster raised a hand, suggesting that he’d be out in a moment, before he looked at Hagrid with a pitiful expression. “Come, Hagrid” Fudge said “Well?” “If…” Hagrid’s gaze flitted to the three students hidden under the cloak, “If anybody was looking for some stuff then all they’d have to do would be to follow the spiders. Yep. That would lead them right. That’s all I have to say.” Hagrid walked toward his door and stopped as he added, “And someone will need to feed Fang while I’m away.” Robyn watched with a sadness as he left the house, leaving only Fudge in the hut. He glanced around and straightened his cloak and glanced around before following and glanced down at Fang, who stared at him with glum expression, “Good boy." The Minister mumbled and walked out and closed the door behind himself. Harry pulled the cloak of the three of them, Robyn gulped nervously as Ron said, “Hagrid’s right. With Dumbledore gone, there’ll be an attack a day.” Robyn nodded in agreement and rubbed her face as suppose, "Well, I suppose its just us now." “Look,” Harry whispered and she followed her brothers gaze and saw him looking at the window and saw a small trail of spiders hurrying through a small crack in the glass plane. Robyn bit her lip as she thought of Hagrid's words before he left and she glanced at Harry as he nodded, “Come on." Robyn walked quickly over to the door whilst Harry grabbed a lamp from the side. She saw Fang looking at them longingly and she smiled and motioned, “Come on, Fang.” Robyn opened the door and walked down the steps to looked at where the spider’s seemed to go and gulped nervously when she saw they were going into the Dark Forest. “What?” yelped Ron from behind her and she looked over her shoulder at him and her brother, “You heard what Hagrid said ‘Follow the spiders’.” Harry said as he raised the lamp, spreading light over the ground and the first line of trees. “They’re heading to the Dark Forest.” Ron pointed out, his voice breaking with fear. Harry and Robyn rolled their eyes and moved forward to the forest, “Why spiders? Why couldn’t it be ‘follow the butterflies’?” *** There was a reason Forbidden Forest was forbidden. Dangerous creatures lived there, like werewolves and centaurs. Robyn stuck close to her brother and Ron as they made their way through the trees that seemed to get denser the further they moved in, she glanced up at the tree tops and saw the breaks in the branches becoming smaller and smaller. She lowered her gaze forward and let out a shaky breath as she wrapped her arms around her body as her hair began to stand on end. Ron gulped and Robyn looked at him as he spoke, with his voice slightly high pitch, "I don’t like this. Guys, I don’t like this at all." “Shush!” Harry scolded with a quick glare at Ron. Robyn looked down at the ground at the spiders and saw that the spiders congregate under a large opening which was covered in spider webs and she felt a shiver run down her spine at the sight. Though she wasn't afraid of them, she still wasn't a fan of spiders. From beside her, Ron trembled, clear on the verge of a sob, “Can we go back now?” “Come on.” Harry said strongly and followed the spiders. Robyn grasped Ron’s arm pulling him with her as they followed under the branch after Harry. They crouched as they moved under a low tunnel, spider’s covering every inch of the mud walls, causing Ron to cling to Robyn's arm like a baby. She patted his hand comfortingly as they walked through the tunnel before out of it into a small clearing that was surrounded by gigantic trees with thick roots, the size of Hagrid, running through the ground and in the open. Robyn ran her eyes around the threes and noticed spiders lingering under the wood and in the leaves. She bit her lip nervously as she shared at glance with Harry, they both knew they had to get this done quickly. Harry and Robyn walked through the clearing with Ron at their heals before coming to large ridge which seemed to go into the ground that had a low white mist around it. A loud rustling sound that sounded like trees snapping causing Robyn's eyes to widened as she heard a deep, growling, voice come from the hole, "Who is it?" “Don’t panic.” Harry whispered to Ron and she glanced at their friends and saw Ron was even whiter in the face. “Hagrid?” The voice called again and Robyn looked at the entrance to the darkness, “Is that you?” “We’re friends of Hagrid.” Harry answered just a large, hairy, spine covered leg appeared over the edge of the ridge, soon followed by four others then another three and then…Robyn stumbled back slightly as the body of a massive spider appeared before them. Its legs were around as thick as Robyn was and as high as Hagrid hut. Its eye were as large a the wheels of a car but it was clearly blind as there was a grey tinge to the black eye. She could only assume that was Aragog - the creature that Hagrid was accused of setting on the students 50 years ago. “A-And you?” Robyn asked her voice wavering a little, “You’re Aragog, aren’t you?” “Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before." Aragog whispered, his voice deep and growling. “He’s in trouble.” Harry said quickly, “Up at the school, there have been attacks. They think it Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before." “That’s a lie.” Aragog snarled and Robyn and harry shared a glance of slight hear and intrepidation, “Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." Robyn saw a look of reilef form on her brothers face as he concluded, “Then you’re not the monster." “No." Confirmed the creature, “The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveller." A small whimper came from her left along with a small tug on her jumper, “Robyn.” She brushed off Ron's hand as she looked at Aragog as Harry asked, “But if you’re not the monster, then what did kill that girl fifty years ago?” “We do not speak of it.” Aragog hissed and she gulped nervously, “It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others." “But have you seen it?” Robyn pressed urgently, “I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me in.” Aragog murmured, “The girl was discovered in the bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here.” “Robyn...Harry...” Ron rasped from beside her, "...Please...." Robyn let out a sigh of frustration and she snapped her gaze to Ron with an angry look as Harry hissed at Ron, “What?” Robyn and Harry asked and turned to look at their ]frightened friend, Ron let out a sort of wine and pointed upward with his face turning whiter. A frown formed on her face and she looked up and her stomach stopped. Hundred’s of large spiders were beginning to descend toward them on spindles of silver thread. She looked around and saw that spiders were heading toward them in all directions and she locked eyes with Harry and she knew that he was thinking the same as her. It was time to leave. “Well, um...thank you." Harry said as calmly as he could and Robyn nodded slightly with a small, forced, smile, “We’ll just go." “Go?” Reiterated Aragog deeply, his voice almost mocking. Beside her, Ron whimpered as they walked backward very slowly, keeping their eyes on the massive spider. The spider growled, “I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command." Robyn glanced around and saw different sizes spiders surrounded the clearing they were in, as small as a gallon and as big as a car, “But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst’s. Goodbye, friends of Hagrid." The spiders started to move closer to them and Robyn felt her heart thumping on her chest as Ron squeaked fearfully, “Can we panic now?”
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