Chapter 16

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Year 2 1992 //The Dueling Club and Justin Flich-Fletchly// The Dueling Club was formed by Professor Lockhart and, of course, Harry, Robyn, Hermione and Ron had joined up immediately. So there they were, in an class room with loads of other students. In the centre was a large long platform where the students were crowded around, Lockhart walked on proudly onto the stage with a smug grin on his face as she spoke, “Gather round! Gather round. Can everybody see me?” Robyn stood between Harry and a Hufflepuff boy named Justin as she watched the teacher look down at them and the other students as he said, “Can you all hear me? Excellent." He clapped his hands together as she strode up and down the platform, "In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this Dueling Club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works.” He smiled brightly and tugged at the string of his cloak and threw it to the crowd casually. A small group of girls squealed and began grappling over the cloak like a pack of dogs, earning a raised eyebrow from Robyn and grumbles of annoyance from the boys either side of her. “Let me introduce my assistant…Professor Snape!” Robyn watched her hand over her mouth to stop a laugh as Snape walked onto the stage, his arms folded and his expression clearly showed how unimpressed he was. This has and will be the first time Robyn relates to Professor Snape - in her opinion. Professor Lokchart grinned, “He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration. I don’t want any of you youngsters to worry. You’ll still have your Potions master when I’m through with him. Never fear.” Lockhart pulled out his wand as he and Professor Snape walked forward to one another and whipped their wands in front of their face and bowed, then turned and took a steps away from each other before stopping and facing each other “One…Two…Three!” “Expelliarmus!” Snape cast as he took a step forward and thrusting his wand, sending a yet of white light toward Professor Lockhart. The DADA teacher was flung backward as the spell hit him in the chest and he landed on the ground with a heavy thump. Robyn's eyes widened then she let out a breath of shock as she looked at Professor Lockhart, along with Ron and Harry, while Hermione looked at him with worry. A breathless smile formed on Robyn's face and she glanced at Ron and Harry. “Do you think he’s all right?” Hermione asked concern laced in her voice, “Who cares?” Ron laughed, “An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape.” Professor Lockhart groaned as she pulled himself to his feet, attempting to mask his pain, “But if you don’t mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only to easy.” Robyn rolled her eyes at his cocky grin that wore his face as he gaze the students. Professor Snape also seemed unimpressed as she said, “Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." “An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape.” Lockhart said after a few awkward moments, “Let’s have a volunteer pair." He glanced around at the students and Robyn avoided eye contact with the teacher as his eyes ran over her and her brother. A wide grin appeared on his face as he said, "Ah! Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, how about you?” Robyn glanced at her brother and her friend and saw them sharing a look that was a mixture of excitement and shock. “Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells.” Professor Snape countered as he stepped forward whilst Professor Lockhart motioned at Harry, who walked down past the students to the steps, “We’ll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house? Malfoy, perhaps?” Robyn gulped and whispered to Ron, “This isn’t going to end well.” Ron nodded in agreement with a worried expression on his freckled face. The two watched as the white faced and haired boy pulled himself onto the stage and pulled out his wand with a smug smirk on his face. “Good luck, Potter.” Professor Lockhart said as he walked past Harry with a pat on his shoulder. She watched as Harry mumbled something back before looking at Draco and walking forward. Robyn crossed her fingers at her side as she watched them walk toward eachother before stopping a foot or so apart. “Wands at the ready.” Professor Lockhart said and the two boys whipped their wands into their faces and glared at each other through narrowed eyes. “Scared, Potter?” Malfoy hissed with a smirk, “You wish.” Harry answered coldly, Robyn smirked along with the rest of the Gryffindor house. The pair turned and walked away from each other before stopping and facing each other. “On the count of three.” Lockhart said as his eyes darted between the two boys, “You will cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm. We don’t want any accidents here.” Robyn looked up at Harry nervously and bit her lip worriedly, “One. Two. T - " Before Professor Lockhart could finish, Malfoy shouted, “Everte Statum!” A jet of light burst from Malfoy's wand toward Harry and he few backward, flipping in the air before landing on his back a few meters from where he originally was. Robyn gasped and shared a glance with her two friends then glared at Malfoy as he smirked. The Slytherins in the crowd laughed and high-fived eachother whilst the Gryffindor groaned and flinched. Harry pulled himself to his feet and pointed his wand at Malfoy with a fierce expression on his face. “Rictusempra!” Harry yelled and Malfoy was flung into the air and landed on his bottom groaning in pain, the other three houses let out laughs with the Slytherins grumbling in annoyance. Robyn laughed softly and looked at Harry and gave him thumbs up and Harry grinned widley but then their attention was drawn to Malfoy. Professor Snape grasped the collar of Malfoy’s robe and yanked him up and pushed him toward Harry with a blank expression. “I said disarm only.” Professor Lockhart snapped with his eyes narrowed but Robyn could tell that Malfoy had no intention of complying as he pointed his arm straightening and glared at Harry with his cloak disheveled. “Serpensortia!” Malfoy spat and a snake flew from his wand and landed right in the centre of the stage. The creature hissed and people stepped backward, Robyn looked at the creature curiously and felt a pull toward it and she titled her head. She didn't feel scared at all but it seemed she should be as Ron, Justin and the other students face wore pure terror. The snake hissed as it lifted its head and looked around the students. “Don’t move, Potter.” Professor Snape said as he strode past Malfoy whilst pulling his wand out from his cloak, “I’ll get rid of it for you." “Allow me, Professor Snape.” Professor Lockhart interrupted and pointed his wand at the serpent, “Alarte Ascendare!” The snake was thrown into the air and landed in the same place, completely un-harmed just angrier. “Is he an i***t?” Ron muttered to Robyn as she stared at the snake with a blank expression, the snake then turned to look at Justin with his beady eyes staring at the Hyfflepuff. Everyone around him stepped back, except for Robyn. However, she wasn't the only one who wasn't scared of the scare. Harry walked toward the snake and began to speak to it, "No. Leave." The snake moved toward Justin and Robyn gulped nervously as the snake turned its attention to Robyn. She shook her head and said, "Please, just leave. Leave him alone." The snake blinked and stared at her then glanced at Harry before flicking its tongue out. “Vipera Evanesca.” Professor Snape muttered and pointing his wand at the serpent, who burst into ashes. “What are you two playing at?” Justin snapped, moving away from Robyn and glaring between the two Potters. Robyn furrowed her eyebrows and looked around, a few people around her stared at her fearfully or with hatred. She looked up at Harry with a confused expression and saw he looked the same. Robyn then looked at Hermione and Ron who wore an expression of worry and apprehension. *** “You’re both Parselmouth? Why didn’t you tell us?” Robyn brushed past Ron and ran a hand through her hair at his question. Robyn and Harry had been told to leave my the two teachers and Ron and Hermione had followed them without hesitation. So, now they were in the Gryffindor Common where Hermione and Ron had already begun to pester them with questions - though, Robyn didn't really know what the problem was. They stopped the snake from attacking Justin. “What?” Harry asked in confusion at Ron's question. “It mean’s we can talk to snakes.” Robyn answered as she leaned against the chair, “We know, Hermione. Harry accidentally set a python on our cousin Dudley at the zoo once." “Once." Harry repeated quickly at the look on Ron’s face “But so what? I bet loads of people here can do it.” “No, they can’t.” Hermione corrected him “It’s not a very common gift. This is bad." “What’s bad?” Harry questioned annoyed, “If we hadn’t told that snake not to attack Justin – “ Ron rolled his eyes and snapped, “That’s what you said to it?" “You were there.” Robyn said her eyebrows furrowed, “You heard us.” “We heard you speaking Pareseltongue!” Ron challenged, “Snake language.” “We spoke a different language.” Harry said looking at his sister, Robyn also looked very confused, “But we didn’t realize...How can we speak a language without knowing we can?” “I don’t know, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something.” Hermione said nervously, "But we weren't!" Robyn exclaimed loudly and rubbed her face. "But I still don't see why it's bad we can speak Parasaltongue." mumbled Harry, “Harry, look." Robyn started, “One of the founders of the houses at Hogwarts was a Parasaltongue." Hermione continued, "I'm sure you can guess which one, Harry. There’s a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent - Salazar Slytherin was a Pareselmouth like you both." “Exactly.” Ron agreed, “Now the whole school’s gonna think you’re his great-great-great grandkids or something.” “What? But we’re not.” Robyn tried to defend pathetically. “We can’t be.” Harry whispered as he glanced at his sister. “He lived a thousand years ago.” Hermione told them honestly, “For all we know, you both could be." Robyn didn't even both to defend herself. Hermione was right - they really didn't know. *** Explain why the troll war of Battbern in 1832 was not caused by the death of Eric the Strong ...The vampires of the eastern region of Wales had little involvement in the death of Eric the Strong as they were on good relations throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th century. Yet, they did fall into conflict with the Bat clan trolls between 1831 - 1934 which may suggest... A small sigh escaped Robyn's lips as she put her quill down and looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with the Ravenclaws that had been staring at her for the past few minutes. Ever since the dueling club incident, Harry and Robyn had been getting stares from people in the corridor’s, their names were muttered around the halls as they passed and they were avoided at dinner and in class. Robyn looked back down at her essay and bit her lip just then an elbow nudged her and she looked at Harry and saw him with a questioning look. She sent him reassuring look then the pair looked at Hermione and Ron who sent them awkward smiles, the two Potter’s looked over their shoulder to see a group of Hufflepuff’s looked away from them too. Robyn rolled her eyes whilst Harry muttered, “Come on.” Harry had seemingly had enough of the looks he was receiving - he wasn't the only one. Robyn nodded in agreement and enclosed her essays in her History of Magic book and stood after sliding it into her bag. “We’ll see you back in the common room.” Robyn said to Ron and Hermione, who nodded in response. She swung her legs over the bench and got to her feet after sliding her back over her shoulder as she walked toward the door and past the group of Hufflepuffs, who muttered under their breath as they path. Robyn heard something about Justin hiding in his room because of herself and her twin, the comments caused a strain on Robyn's ability to not roll her eyes. She and Harry told the snake to stop! Did Justin get attacked? No! Honestly, Robyn was getting very very frustrated. The corridor was empty as they stepped out into it as people were either in their common room or in their late classes. She ran a hand into her hair and glanced at her brother and saw he was looking down sadly, "Hay," Robyn started and Harry lifted his gaze to her, "we have nothing to feel bad about. If we hadn't told it to stop, I have no doubt it would have attacked him. If people can see that, then thats their problem." She saw a smile slid onto Harry's face and he opened his mouth to speak but the voice that sounded was defiantly not Harry. “I want blood.” Harry looked at Robyn with wide eyes and then the pair trailed their eyes to the wall and leaned close to it. Robyn strained her ear and listened for the voice, “They all must die.” Robyn walked along the wall with her brother as the voice hissed again, “Kill. Kill. Kill. Time to kill." The voice faded off slowly and Robyn slid to a stop with her brother as they listened for the voice. She narrowed her eyes and ran her eyes over the wall in confusion. "Come on." Harry muttered from beside her with a small nudge to her shoulder with his own. The pair walked down the corridor with their eyes glancing around cautiously as they started back to the Common Room. Robyn had her eyes down, looking at the floor as she walked around the corner but her eyes lifted up at the loud gasp that came from Harry. Her eyes darted to him then forward and her eyes widened, she saw what made Harry gasp. Justin Flinch-Fletchly the lay, frozen, on the floor with his eyes and mouth open wide as though he'd seen something terrifying. Though that was scary enough, before him was nearly-headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor house. He was hovering, unmoving, with his head handing on his shoulder and a look of pure horror. Robyn ran her eyes over the pair, it was clear that what had happened to Mrs. Norris and Colin Creevy had happened again. Then, her eyes caught the damp trail on the ground beside the pair. "Again?" She murmured as she knelt down and looked at the trail. That was there every time an attack happened. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she though hard, "Why water? Why always water?" She whispered under her breath. “Caught in the act.” A voice sneered and Robyn felt her body stiffen as she lifted her gaze to see Flitch standing above her with a manic grin on his face, “I’ll have you out this times, Potter’s." Robyn looked over her shoulder with alarmed expression then back at Flitch as he hissed, “Mark my words.” “No. Mr. Filch!” Harry called as the caretaker turned and stormed off down the corridor. Robyn scrambled to her feet as Harry shouted, "You don't understand...." He trailed off and Robyn looked at him and saw Harry staring at a trail of spiders that where scurrying along the wall. She watched her brother follow the spiders as they made their way out a window ledge as fast as their eight legs could carry them. Before Robyn or Harry could comment on the strange movement, rapid footsteps reached their ears and Robyn turned to see Filch and Professor McGonagall running over and stopping beside the ghost and boy. “Professor…” Robyn breathed with a fearful expression on her face as she observed the shocked expression on Professor McGonagall's face, Harry gulped, “I swear we didn’t..." “This is out my hands.” Professor McGonagal told them with her lips pursed, "Come with me, both of you." She spun on her heel and started down the corridor. Robyn fiddled with the edge of her cloak as she walked down the corridor. They walked for around five minutes before coming to the end of a corridor where a large golden eagle stood that was around 20 feet tall. Professor McGonagall stopped and looked at the twins, “Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you.” The women gestured to the statue with an expectant expression. Robyn glanced at her brother before walking over and stepping onto the lowest step with Harry following suit. They started up the steps as their head of house said, “Sherbet Lemon.” The eagle began to move at her words, twisting upward and bringing the stairs with it. Robyn and Harry held hands as they ascended upward - both wearing a worrying expression. They were already in trouble for crashing a car into the Womping Willow and they were close to getting expelled then and now they were accused of hurting a fell student! Robyn could only hope that Professor Dumbledore knew that they weren't responsible. The steps stopped after a few seconds later and Harry and Robyn walked off into a small room where a large door stood. Robyn ran her eyes over the door then looked over her shoulder at the eagle then back at the door as Harry opened it. As it opened, it revealed a massive room. The blue walls were covered with hundreds of sleeping portraits of men and women and there were also tables scattered around the edge of the room and a few in the centre with amazingly completed and unique objects, some were clearly muggle and others were definitely wizard. “Professor Dumbledore?” Harry called nervously, Robyn tried when Harry didn't get a response, “Sir?” Her attempt was fruitless and she glanced at Harry, who shrugged in response. The pair ascended a few steps as they allowed their gaze around the pictures around the wall. They stepped onto a platform where a large desk lay but it was the creature beside the desk. It was a beautiful red bird that had a variety of black, yellow and orange faded into the end of the table. Robyn gaped in awe at the creature, she recognized it as a phoenix. “Bee in your bonnets?” Robyn spun around and saw the sorting hat 'looking' down at Harry, “I was just wondering if you had out me in the right house.” Harry stuttered nervously, “Yes.” The hat drawled as Robyn strolled over to her brother, “You were particularly difficult to place, your sister as well. But I stand by what I said last year." Robyn saw Harry smiled and she could tell that he was glad the hat was content with the choice of being in Gryffindor, “You would have done well in Slytherin, Mr. Potter." “You’re wrong.” Harry countered furiously and Robyn gulped nervously. Harry glared at the hat before strolling off to to the bird. Robyn watched him leave with a small frown on her face, "Miss. Potter." Drooled the hat and Robyn turned around to face the hat as it spoke, "You wish to inquire about your house too?" Robyn shook her head and the hat seemed to raise its eyebrow - well, its fold like eyebrows. She looked at the creature with a blank expression, "I belong in Gryffindor. I know I do." The hat hummed interestingly at her words and Robyn stared at it without falter. She knew she belonged in Gryffindor, she felt so connected with it and its people. Even if she were related to Salazar Slytherin, she was Gryffindor at heart. “Harry? Robyn?” She turned around and looked up to see Dumbledore looking down at them inquisitively. “Professor.” The two said together, “Sir, your bird…There was nothing I could do.” Harry attempted to defend “He just caught fire." Robyn looked at the bird and her eyes widened as she saw that the bird was now a pile of ashes. She looked at Harry with wide eyes then at Professor Dumbledore. “And about time too.” Professor Dumbledore commented and Robyn looked up at their head master confused “He’s been looking dreadful for days. Pity the pair of you had to see him on a burning day. Fawkes is a phoenix.” Dumbledore began to ascend the stairs toward them, “They burst into flame when it is time for them to die and then they are…reborn from the ashes.” Robyn took a step closer to the ashes to see a small head make its way from under the black power, it let out a small squeaked and slowly opened his eyes quietly, “Fascinating creature, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads. Their tears have healing powers.” He stroked the birds cheek and it nuzzled into her finger with a small squeal. Robyn smiled softly then a loud thump came from the other side of the entrance to the door. She looked at the door just as the door swung open and Hagrid stomped into the room like a ranging bull. “Professor Dumbledore, sir!” Hagrid shouted urgently, “Wait! Listen!” Robyn could see he held a dead chicken in his grasp and a small frown formed on her face, “Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn’t Harry nor Robyn!” “Hargid - " He ignored him as he continued to protested, “In fact, I’d be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic." “Hagrid!” Dumbledore called again and Hagrid stopped, panted heavily, “Relax. I do not believe," He placed one hand on each of the twins shoulder, “that Harry or Robyn attacked anyone." “Of course you don’t!” Hagrid hurried then his eyes slowly returned to normal size, “Oh…Right. Well, I’ll…I’ll just wait outside then...” Hagrid coughed and walked toward the door slowly. “You don’t think it was us, professor?” Robyn asked slowly looking up at the Professor as Hagrid walked out, closing the door behind him. “No, Robyn.” said Professor Dumbledore, “I do not think it was you. But I must ask you both…is there something you wish to tell me?” Robyn looked at Harry for a moments, thinking of all the points they’d picked up at the attacks, before they both shook their heads carefully then turned their attention to the Head Master. “No, sir.”
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