Chapter 15

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Year 2 1992 //Rouge Bludger's, Colin Creevy and Moaning Myrtle// The following day was the first Quidditch of the year and it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Robyn supported a red and yellow scarf and a dark red jumper and stood in the Gryffindor stands beside Hermione as watched the blurs of red and green whirl through the air. She covered her mouth as a Slytherin chaser flew to the hoops and launched the quaffle toward the unguarded hoop. Then, Oliver Wood deflected the Slytherin’s attempts to score with his broom and smirked at the Slytherin. She cheered and clapped happily and Ron whistled beside her happily. “Another goal for Slytherin!” Lee Jordan’s voice boomed over the tannoy, “They lead Gryffindor ninety to thirty.” Ron groaned in annoyance as he leaned to Robyn's ear and grumbled angrily, "Robyn, tell your brother to get his ass in gear." “Come on, Harry." Robyn muttered under her breath as she watched her brother circle the pitch. However, her attention from pull from him as a bludger smashed into Wood’s broom. He tumbled to the ground and landed on the sand with his broom in splinters falling around and on him. The whole of the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw stands gasped collectively. Her face turned to one of concern as she gripped the wooden railings before her. Then, her attention was drawn to the bludger that had hit Oliver, it seem to want to hit Harry very very very badly. The girl’s eyebrows furrowed as the bludger seemed to ignore every other players - even avoided the other players just to say on the path of Harry. “Blimey!” Hagrid exclaimed in realization, “Harry’s got himself a rogue bludger. That’s been tampered with, that has!” Robyn's eyes widened in fear and screamed, "HARRY!" She saw Ron pull out his wand and pointed it at the bludger, “I’ll stop it." Ron said strongly with a determined look on his face. “No!” Hermione said pushing his wand down, “Even with a proper wand, it’s too risky. You could hit Harry.” Robyn looked back at her brother and shook her head, “I can’t stand here and do nothing Hermione.” Robyn said as she looked at her friends, "No bludgers going to squish my brother whilst I'm here." She looked around and spotted the steps before moving through the crowd her eyes constantly flicking to her brother. From behind her, Robyn could hear Hermione shouting after her but she took no notice. Robyn rounded down the steps and dashed as fast as she could whilst pulling her wand from her robe. She held the railing with her free hand but slid to a stop as she heard a loud whistle reached her ears. Then looked forward at the wall as the whistling got louder and then Robyn's eyes widened in fear as she recognized the sound. Robyn ducked down so she was in a crouching position just as a bludger smashed through the wall and over her head and out through the other head. She hurriedly continued down the steps without looking back, she ignored the bludger - it wasn't unusual for a bludger or player to smash through the stadiums. She rounded a corner and then out toward the pitch but slid to a stop a little away from the pitch just as a green figure came flying toward the edge of the pitch, 50 yards away from her, and landed hard on the floor with a yelp. Before Robyn could question what had happened....or giggle a little....a bludger pelted toward her but there was no player near her at all and she wasn’t even on the pitch. Robyn pulled herself to the left and the bludger flew past her then rounded back and flew toward her again but then she ducked as the ball began to circle her like a tornado. She felt her hair start to fly around her from the wind of the bludger. The ball flew at her and she ducked and then it swung again at her but she moved her body to the left. This bludger seemed to be intent on hitting her! Robyn flexed her hand over her wand and as the bludger flew past her, she scrambled out of the bath of the bludger and pointed her wand at the bludger and shouted, “Redcuto!” The bludger burst into flames and became nothing but ash that was carried off by the wind. Robyn's breath was harsh as she pushed her hair out her face. She slid her wand into her pocket as Professor McGongall stopped beside her by her side along with Ron and some of the Quidditch team, “Are you alright, Miss. Potter?” she asked quickly, “I’m fine.” Robyn nodded, "No injuries." She then looked over at her brother to see Hermione knelt beside him worriedly with pieces of budger around him - he also seemed to be cradling his hand, “Harry!” she cried and ran toward him with Ron at her heels. She dropped beside him and hugged him gently and looked down at his arm, "Is it broken?" Harry grimaced as he nodded then looked up at Robyn “Are you alright? The bludger I saw it –“ Robyn shook her head reassuringly, “I’m fine, Harry. It didn't hit me.” She smile softly just as Professor Lockhart dropped beside them, swishing his cloak dramatically behind himself, “No to worry, Harry.” Ge said hurriedly “I will fix that arm of your straight away.” “No.” Harry breathed, his eyes wide and full of fear, “Not you.” “Boy doesn’t know what he’s saying.” Lockhart dismissed and grasped Harry’s arm and pulled up the sleeve, causing Harry to wince,“Now, this won’t hurt a bit.” Robyn watched fearfully as Professor Lockhart pulled out his wand and pointed it at Harry’s broken arm “Brackium Emendo!” Harry’s arm glowed for a few moments. Professor Lockhart smirked as he lifted Harry’s arm but it fell limp, Robyn’s jaw dropped and she recoiled slightly as the arm bent at an angle that would not be possible with bones. “Ah, yes, well, that can sometimes happen…um, but the point is…” Professor Lockhart bend Harry’s hand all the way back causing everyone to let out a sound of disgust, “…you can no longer feel any pain, and, very clearly, the bones are not broke. “Broken?” Hagrid growled, looking between his arm and the blonde teacher. “There’s no bones left.” Harry’s arm flopped forward with a squelch. “Much more flexible, though. ” Lockhart mumbled pathetically, the Potter girl sent him an incredulous look. *** After Robyn had left Harry in the hospital, she sat the back of the library Robyn in one of the tables with Moste Potente Potions open, her running her eyes over the Polyyjuice potion recipe picking out where the ingredients could be taken - requested by Hermione. She muttered absentmindedly under her breath as she jotted the ingredients and their location on her parchment. She tapped the feather of her quill against her lip as she thought where she could get boomslang skin, "Um...its used in the williton potion which is in third year...maybe Snape's" She mumbled, then a cough caused her to look up to see Ron's little sister standing beside her, “Ginny." Robyn smiled, “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be a dinner?” “I was wondering if you could help me with my potion’s essay..." “Why not ask, Hermione?” asked Robyn, “She’s much smarter than me.” Ginny's expression flashed to one of panic for a moment before returning to normal and she mumbled, “You seem easier to talk to.” “Hermione’s not scary.” Robyn let out a small laugh and Ginny blushed deeply, the black haired girl closed the book and pushed it to the side, “But of course I’ll help you." Robyn gestured to the seat opposite, “What’s the topic?” “A ten inch essay on how to brew sleeping draught.” Ginny answered as she took the seat opposite Robyn and placing her thing’s on the table as she opened her potion book, “Right.” Robyn nodded and sat up straighter, “Do you know the ingredient’s?” Ginny bit her lip as she thought then said, “Um...four springs of Lavender...two blobs of Flobberworm mucus…That’s all I can remember." The red-haired girl finished glumly, “Hay, Ginny, its okay. You got those right.” Robyn complemented, “But there’s also: 6 measure’s of standard ingredient; and 4 Valerian springs.” Ginny quickly scribbled down the notes then looked back up at Robyn, “Now, can you describe it to me?” “A sleeping draught causes the drinker to fall almost instantly into a deep, dreamless sleep.” Ginny recited and Robyn nodded, “Perfect.” *** 20:52PM They had been here for 2 hours and the view from the library windows was black with the half-moon peering through the dim clouds. Robyn and Ginny had packed up their things and made their way out the library. She flicked through the books in her hands and frowned, "Oh." she mumbled and stopped in the corridor. She'd left Moste Potente Potions at her desk. “Aren’t you coming?” Ginny asked, turning to face Robyn. “Yeah.” Robyn nodded and looked at her friend as she started to walk backward,“You go ahead, I left something in the library." Ginny nodded and walked away down the corridor as Robyn turned and headed back into the library. She pushed open the door and walked down the shelves to where they were sitting earlier. Robyn picked up the book before leaving the library and looked around before picking up the book and heading out the library and down the corridor toward. Robyn slid her parchment into the Polyjuice potion page in the book. “Kill.” Robyn halted in her steps and stiffened immediately at the hissing sound. The voice sounded again, “Let me rip you. Let me taste your blood.” She slowly moved her her gaze to the wall and walked toward it and pressed her ear against it listing.... “Blood.” Robyn snapped her head left as her senses told her it was heading in that direction. However, the word that sounded next sent chills down her spine and caused her hair to stand on end: "Kill!” She ran down the corridor as fast as she could with her heart thumping with her books in a vice like grip her hands. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor with her eyes darting around the corridor as she panted. It was going to kill. Who was it going to kill? Was there someone else in the corridor who was its target? What she its target? In fact, why the hell was she running toward where she thought the teacher was? She didn't even know what it was or what she was going to do if she saw it. However, she didn't have a chance to stop herself. She spun around the corner and skidded to a halt and gripped the wall in shock at the sight before her. Robyn's breath hitch in fear at the sight before her with her eyes wide. Colin Creevy lay on the floor, unmoving. His face was hidden behind his camera that was held up infront of his face. Her eyes widened as she stared at the unmoving boy. She looked around quickly with her eyes darting around the corridor as she brought her wand out from her pocket and held it infront of her. Whatever had hurt Collin was likely to be the thing she and Harry had been hearing and whether it was stil here she didn't know. She listened out for the voice but there was no sound she could hear and lowered her wand, but kept a tight grip on it. Robyn walked forward toward the boy and knelt beside him and ran her eyes over his body. From under the camera, she could see that Collins face was one of shock and utter terror. His expression sent chills down her back. However, before she could analyse him more, the sound of footsteps reached her ears. She shot her head up then scrambed around the corner from where she'd come and pressed her back against it just as a loud gasp sounded from where she'd just been followed by, “Albus!” It was Professor McGonagall, “Dear god. It’s a student!” Robyn bit her lip and peered around the corner and saw Professor Dumbledore knee beside the boy and pressed his hand to the boy’s cheek with a concerned look on his face. Professor McGonagall stood beside him with a look of worry, “Is he still alive?” “He is petrified." Professor Dumbledore said carefully, “He must have seen it through the lens of his camera.” The Headmaster pulled his wand out and levitating the boy, “We must take him to the hospital wing.” The Head of Gryffindor house said quickly and she half walked and half ran with Dumbledore and Professor Snape striding behind them with his black cloak bellowing behind him. Once the teachers had turned the corner, Robyn walked out from behind the wall and looked at where the teachers had left with Collin. She stood for a few moments and decided not to follow them and turned and started to made her way down one of the exit corridors but as she stepped into it there was a slight squelching sound. She stopped and looked down and lifted her foot and saw a trail of water and slim on her water. "What?" she muttered in confusion and looked up to see the trail went into the corridor where the girls bathroom was. She raised an eyebrow, "Maybe a leak?" Robyn shook her head and pulled her wand out and continued down the halls back to the Gryffindor common room, her eyes darting around for any bit of movement. Once she reached the portrait the fat lady, she scolded Robyn for being late but swung open grudgingly after Robyn said the password at least twenty times. She ran as fast as possible, passing the few students that were still awake, then dashed upstairs and into her dorm. She closed the door quickly and then dropped her things on her bed before moving over to Hermiones bed, where the she was sleeping peacefully, and shook her awake and whispered, "Hermione. Wake up." Her friend grumbled in her sleep as Robyn continued to shake her. Hermione's eyes opened slowly and blinked slowly and mumbled, "Robyn? What are you....?What time is it?” Robyn shook her head as she said, “Never mind. Hermione, it attacked a person." Hermione shot up and Robyn sat straight as Hermione's wide eyes looked into her own. “What?” Hermione hissed in shock, “Remember the monster that Professor McGonagall was talking about in class?" Robyn whispered to her and after Hermione nodded, she continued, "It attacked Collin Creevy." “Is he okay?” Hermione hurried, Robyn cross legged on Hermione's bed, “And no, Dumbledore said he was petrified." “Dumbledore?” "Yeah, after I found Colin, Dumbledore and McGonagall came and took him to the hospital.” Robyn said, “Did he have anything on him?” Hermione asked, “Yeah.” Nodded Robyn “His camera, it raised to take a photo. Do you reckon that’s why he wasn’t killed? Because he saw it through the lens of the camera and not directly at the creature?” “Makes sense I suppose.” Hermione nodded, “And Mrs. Norris? Wait - the water, she must have seen the reflection of the monster” Robyn nodded in agreement as she said, “It would link but I don’t know for sure. I'm sure you know a book that would help?” Robyn said teasingly with her eyebrow raised. Of course Hermione had a book, it was Hermione! Hermione nodded then glanced at the clock and groaned. 23: 34PM “Let’s talk in the morning.” Hermione yawned and lay back and pulled her covers over her whilst Robyn got off her bed and went into the bathroom with her pajamas and changed. She walked out and tied her hair up in a braid and climbed into bed as Hermione asked, “Wait, Robyn? What were you doing out so late anyway?” “Oh, Ginny needed help with her potions essay.” Robyn shrugged as she pulled the cover’s over herself and lay on the bed. “Oh okay.” Hermione muttered sleepily, “Night Robyn." “Night Hermione." Robyn cuddled into her sheet and closed her eyes falling into a dreamless sleep. *** “Again?” Harry repeated Hermione, “You mean the Chamber of Secret’s has been opened before?” Robyn was ripping up a few of the leaves for the potions and glanced at Harry. Hermione and Robyn were explaining what had happened last night but it seemed that Harry had seen Collin Creevy when he arrived at the hospital wing. “Of course.” said Ron with a small shrug, “Don’t you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here.” Robyn rolled her eyes with a small shake of her head, “Now he’s taught Draco how to do it.” “Maybe.” Hermione shrugged, “We’ll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure.” “Enlighten me.” Ron began as he looked down at Robyn who was adding the leaves to the vile of green liquid, “Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight…in the middle of the girls’ lavatory? Don’t you think we’ll get caught?” “No.” Robyn muttered with a smile “No one ever comes in here” Hermione said, “Why?” “Moaning Myrtle." The girls said in unison. “Who?” Ron asked and he and Harry both wore an expression of confusion. As they spoke, behind the boys, a girl a few years older than the four of them, peered from the top of a bathroom stall, she was very transparent and she rose up and looked at Ron curiously and titled her head. She had black hair that was tied into pig-tails and a pair of thick glasses. “Moaning Myrtle.” Hermione repeated, Harry looked over at Ron and his eyes widened at the sight of the girl. Ron pressed, “Who’s Moaning Myrtle?” “I’m Moaning Myrtle." The girl snapped in a high-pitched whining tone. Ron flattened his back against the toilet door as the ghost leaned forward in his face before she flew into the air, “I wouldn’t expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle?” She let out a little sob, then a scream and flew down between Harry and Hermione and dived into the toilet with a loud splash leaving Ron looking like he'd seen...well...a ghost...which he had? Hermione shrugged slightly, “She’s a little sensitive.” Ron looked at her with an incredulous expression whilst Robyn laughed softly along with Harry.
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