Chapter 14

3585 Words
Year 2 1992 //Writing on The Wall and Slytherin's Legend// Perhaps it would have been better to stay back in London rather than come to school a thought that was running through Robyn's mind a few hours later. She was currently trying serving her detention with Professor McGonagall that involved doing homework, but she couldn't complain because it was better than her brothers punishment of serving it with Lockhart. She lifted her eyes to the window and saw that it was pitch black outside she let out a small sigh then looked at the clock. 8:55PM Robyn had been here for 3 hours. She then looked back down at her text book and ran her eyes over the words repeatedly as he eyes started to droop. In an attempt to keep herself awake, she muttered the words on the page under her breath in attempt to understand. Professor McGonagalls crisp voice broke the silence, “Miss Potter." Robyn looked up at her teacher, who was looking over her thin glasses at Robyn, “You may leave. You might just catch the end of the feast, dear." “Thank you, professor McGonagall.” Robyn lifted herself to her feet and packed up her parchments, ink and textbook into her bag. She slung it over her shoulder, "See you tomorrow, Professor." She headed out into the dimly lit corridor and started toward the Great Hall. She was too hungry to go upstairs and drop her bags off so took the trek to the dinner hall. She wondered whether Harry had been let out of his detention yet as she listened footsteps echoed in the corridor. However, after a few minutes there was a voice that joined the sound of her footsteps. It whispered like a hiss, “Come.” Robyn halted at the sound, “Come…to me...Come here.” Robyn spun around and looked down the corridor but there was no one there - just the flickering fire in the podiums. “What?” Robyn muttered confused, she furrowed her brows and returned to walk down the corridor with her pace faster. She bit her lip and rounded a corner just as she heard a hiss in her ear and snapped her head to the wall beside her. Unconsciously, she reached into her pocket and gripped her wand tightly and started to pull it out as the hissing seemed even louder. Her heart thumped in her ears loudly as she stared at the wall and felt as though she was very very close to something she didn't want to be. “Robyn!” She jumped up in fear and spun around to see Hermione and Ron smiling widely at her as they walked to her, “We on our way to find you, they’ll be serving dinning soon.” “Did you not hear it?” The black haired girl pressed, ignoring her friends comment, Ron and Hermione looked at their friend confused, “What are you talking about, Robyn?” Ron asked with a raised eyebrow, “The voice its…” she trailed off as she glance at the wall as the hissing voice came again, “Blood.” The voice sounded again and she spun around looking for the source, “I smell blood.” “There it is again.” Robyn breathed quickly and gasped, “It’s moving, but wheres it going and where is it? Come on, we need to find it and Harry." Robyn walked hurridly down the corridor the voice hissing in her ears loudly, Ron and Hermione jogging behind her, calling her name. Robyn's heart thumped in her chest and she broke out into a run down the corridor, “Let me rip you. Let me kill you.” Robyn’s heart thumped in her chest, “Are you sure you can't hear it?” Robyn asked looking at her two friends, “Trust us, Robyn.” Hermione said worriedly “No one saying anything.” “Kill! Kill! Kill” Robyn jumped backward slightly the words of the creature and her eyes widened. Then, her brother rounding a corner quickly, running over to them. “Harry!” Hermione exclaimed, “Did you hear it?” Harry asked immediately, “Hear what?” Ron questioned, “That voice.” “Voice? Robyn was talking about a voice all.” Hermione said, Harry glanced at his sister who nodded, “But there’s no voice” “I heard it first in Lockhart’s office.” Harry started to say “And then again just – “ “It’s time." The voice hissed, “It’s moving.” Harry muttered, “I think it’s going to kill.” The two Potter’s broke out into a run down the corridor. Her hair bounced on her back as she ran. “Kill?” Ron repeated from behind them, “Harry! Robyn, wait!” Hermione shouted, “Not so fast!” However, Robyn and Harry ignore them and dashed down the corridor’s before turning a corner. The twins skidded to a stop at the sight before them. The floor before them was wet with it around an inch in depth, Robyn frowned and murmured, “Where’s this water coming from?” Robyn muttered, Harry shrugged in response and they began walking again with Ron and Hermione jogging behind them, the water splashing as they went. The four finally came to a stop and Robyn spotted something on the floor and saw a line of spiders. She furrowed her brow and followed their movements making their way across the floor up a short wall and out a small whole in a window, “Strange.” Harry uttered as she glanced at him, “I’ve never seen spider’s act like that." “I don’t like spider’s.” Ron squeaked from beside Robyn with his eyes wide. He then looked at something a little across from them and asked, “What’s that?” Robyn followed his gaze to the water and felt her mouth fall open. There was red writing seemly in the water but it seemed to be backward. Robyn lifted her gaze and saw the words were on the wall in large red capitals: THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE Hermione read it quietly and finished with, “It’s written in blood.” Fear and horror were clear in her voice. Before Robyn could comprehend the words, Harry spoke from her left, “Oh, no.” Harry breathed, the other three followed his gaze and Robyn felt her stomach dropped. Mrs. Norris, Filtches cat, was hanging from her tail - unmoving with her yellow eyes wide, Harry whispered in shock as he stepped forward, “It’s Filch’s cat. It’s Mrs. Norris.” Behind them, footsteps reached their ears and Robyn spun around at the sound of footsteps to see students rounding the corner from the Great Hall. More people were coming from the left and the right - blocking all their exit. They chatted animatedly with each other but then as they saw the words the chatters turned to gasps of fear. The students then began to turn their attention to the four students who were stood between the writing and Filtch's cat. Robyn could feel the gaze of her peers looking at her and her friends, “’Enemies of the Heir, beware.’” A voice drooled and Robyn snapped her gaze to the front of one of the crowds and saw Malfoy with a disgusted expression on his face. He looked from the wall then turned to the Gryffindor’s, specifically Hermione, “You’ll be next, Mudblood’s.” Robyn took a threatening step forward with a glare at Malfoy as she spotted his gaze at his friends. “What’s going on here?” Filch asked loudly forcing his way through the crowd of students, “Go on. Make way, make way." The caretaker quietened and stared at Harry and Robyn with his eyebrows furrowed, “Potter? What are you…?” The man trailed off as his eyes landed on his cat that was unmoving, “Mrs. Norris?” He trembled, Robyn watched as Harry stepped back fearfully as he stepped backward. Filtch walked toward Robyn's brother, his voice and body shaking with rage, "You’ve murdered my cat." “No. No.” Harry tried to deny, “I’ll kill you.” Filch threatened as a psycho grin formed on his face, “I’ll kill you!” He grabbed Harry’s cloak in his fist and Robyn went to them but Ron held her back and shook his head at her. She struggled in his grasp as she tried to get to her brother, “Argus!” Dumbledore’s voice boomed, Robyn’s eyes snapped to the other side of the corridor. A large group of teachers made their way through the parting children, “Argus, I…” He didn’t finish as he looked upon the blood writing. His eyes hardened and he looked at the students, “Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately.” Harry rushed over to his sister, Ron and Hermione once Filtch's grip loosened. The four students when to join the crowd, to prevent standing out. However, before they could get to the crowd, Dumbledore's voice caused all the students to stop. “Everyone except, you four.” he motioned to Harry, Robyn, Hermione and Ron. Robyn watched as students walk to their Common Room as she stood quietly between Harry and Ron, leaving only the teachers and the four students in the common room. She looked at Dumbledore as he looked at Filtch, “She’s not dead, Argus. She has been petrified - ” “Ah, thought so.” Nodded Gilderoy loudly with his blonde locks bouncing on his head, “So unlucky I wasn’t there. I know exactly the counter-curse that could’ve spared her." Robyn raised an eyebrow at his comment. She was very new to the magic world but she's very much certain that Gilderoy didn't know the counter-curse to whatever happened to Mrs. Norris. “....but how she has been petrified, I cannot say.” Dumbledore continued, ignoring Lockhart’s comment. “Ask him.” Filch nodded back at Harry, “It’s him that’s done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall.” “It’s not true, sir.” Harry defended, mortified, “I swear, I never touched Mrs. Norris.” The other three nodded at his words. “Then his sister.” Filch pointed at Robyn who shook her head violently with her eyes wide, “If I might, headmaster?” Professor Snape drawled as he stepped forward, “Perhaps Mr and Miss Potter and their friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Robyn glanced at Hermione with a shocked expression; Snape was defending them?! “However..." he looked at the twins and narrowed his eyes, "the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don’t recall seeing neither Potter at dinner." “I’m afraid that’s my doing, Severus." Lockhart said “You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail.” From beside her, Robyn could see her brothers face turning red. “And you, Miss Potter?” Snape asked towering over her with his dark eyes piercing into hers. “Detention with me, Severus.” McGonagall answered coolly. “That’s why Ron and I went looking for them, Professor Snape.” Hermione explained and the greasy haired teacher looked down at her, moving his gaze from Robyn, “We’d just found them when they said…” She turned to the Potter twins, “Yes, Miss Granger?” Snape asked with a raised eyebrow. “...When we said we weren’t hungry” Harry answered slowly and it took all of Robyn's strength to prevent her stomach from moaning loudly from the need for food, “We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs. Norris.” Professor Snape turned to Dumbledore as the headmaster said, “Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." “My cat has been Petrified.” snarled Filch, causing all attention to turn to his face - that was now red with anger, “I want to see some punishment!” “We will be able to cure her, Argus." Dumbledore said calmly, “As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrake. When matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris. And in the meantime….” He turned to Harry, Robyn, Ron and Hermione, “I strongly recommend caution…to all." "Off to bed, the four of you." Professor McGonagall told him bluntly and turned on her heels with Dumbledore. Robyn glanced at her friends and murmured, "Come on." The friends walked away from the crime and down the corridor in silence. They were all thinking silently. What did it mean by the 'chamber of secrets'? She didn't think she'd ever heard of it before...though she felt as if it was familiar but couldn't put her finger on it. Furthermore, what the hell was that hissing voice? It was like a snake and it was clearly full of a lust for blood but whos? Robyn had no idea what it was but she had no doubt that the person/creature that she heard hissing in the wall was linked with the writing on the wall and the attack on Mrs. Norris. Another question raised is, who was the heir? Also, what was the person planning to do to their enemies? “It’s a bit strange, isn’t it?” Hermione mentioned, causing Robyn to snap out her thoughts She released that they were on the moving staircases close to their common room. “Strange?” Repeated Harry in confusion, Hermione turned to her three friends as the stair moved. “You two hear this voice, a voice only the pair of you can hear and then Mrs. Norris turns up Petrified. It’s just strange.” Robyn bit her lip and lowered her eyes to the floor at her feet as Harry spoke, “Do you think we should have told them? Dumbledore and the others, I mean?” “Are you mad?” Ron asked incredulously and Robyn glanced at her friends, “No, Harry.” Hermione answered, “Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn’t a good sign.” she turned and head up the stairs. Robyn watched her bushy haired friend leave with a blank expression on her face. “She’s right, you know.” A portrait said from beside them, earning a glare from Robyn, Ron and Harry. Robyn followed her friend with a frown on her face. Why could only Robyn and Harry hear the voice? *** “Could I have your attention, please?” Professor McGonagall called and stopped talking to Hermione and looked at her teacher, “Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so.” She turned to the large black and white bird that was purchased on a stand beside her. Professor McGonagall tapped the bird with the tip of her wand gently, “One, two, three. Vera Verto.” She tapped the bird for a final time and it morphed into a glass cup that had intrinsic designs. Robyn looked amazed then glanced at Hermione glanced at her with excited eyes. Professor McGonagall turned to the class, “Now, it’s your turn. Who would like to go first?” When no one replied, she looked down at Ron, “Ah, Mr. Weasley. ‘One, two, three. Vera Verto’.” Ron straightened nervously as he flexed his hand over his wand and coughed. He looked down at Scabbers and tapped his wand three times on the rats and casted, “Vera Verto.” He tapped his rat and it did, indeed, turn into a goblet...though, it looked nothing like Professor McGonagalls. It was made of fur instead of glass and it had a tail - oh, and the tail was moving and squeaking. The whole class burst into giggles, even Robyn, Harry and Hermione laughed softly whilst Ron just looked traumatized. “That wand need’s replacing, Mr. Weasley.” Professor McGonagall commented with her lips pursed. Hermione looked at Robyn who nodded encouragingly. She and Hermione had spoken last night - they wanted to know more about the Chamber and if there was anyone they trusted to get their answer it was their their head of house. As Professor McGonagall started to walk back to her desk, Hermione raised her hand and her teacher stopped to look at her, “Yes, Miss Granger?” “Professor….I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets.” The class straightened and looked up at their teacher expectantly. Everyone knew about the incident last night so naturally everyone wanted to know about the writing on the wall. Professor McGonagall hesitated before nodding, “Very well. You all know, of course…that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not.” “Three guesses who.” Ron muttered to Harry from behind Robyn, “Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts.” Professor McGonagall explained, “He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though, shortly before departing he sealed it until that time when his own true Heir returned to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin’s view, were unworthy to study magic.” “Muggle-borns.” Hermione clarified bitterly, “Well, naturally, the school has been searched many times.” Professor McGonagall told them, “No such chamber has been found.” “Professor?” Robyn stopped her teacher quickly, “What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?” “The Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control.” answered Professor McGonagall, “A serpent.” Robyn muttered to Hermione “Salazar Slytherin was known for being a parseltounge” Hermione nodded, “It is said to be the home…” Professor McGonagall shivered slightly “…of a monster." *** Around 20 minutes later, Robyn found herself standing between Harry and Ron waiting for Hermione as she looked for the books in the shelves. Robyn rested her head on her hand as she watched her bushy haired friend, “I still think it’s Malfoy.” Ron grumbled folding his arms over his chest, Robyn rolled her eyes at his comment, “You’re just looking for another reason to hex him.” Robyn pointed out, “Don’t need a reason.” Ron muttered childishly, “He’s already a git." “Like I’ve told you,” Robyn sighed “it can't be Malfoy, he’s a second year and he's too stupid to open the chamber.” Before they came to the library, Robyn had made it explicitly clear that Draco could not be the one to open it and, of course, Ron refuted to accept it. Hermione rounded the corner and walked over to the three and dropped the book on the table, “Here it is.” She announced, “The Polyjuice Potion. ‘Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another’.” Hermione read the book, “Do you mean if Harry and I drink that stuff, we’ll turn into Crabbe, Parkinson and Goyle?” Ron asked, Hermione nodded in confirmation, “Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything.” Ron cheered happily as he looked between Hermione and Robyn. “Exactly.” Hermione said but she had a grimace, “But it’s tricky. I’ve never seen a more complicated potion.” “How long will it take it make?” Harry asked “A month.” Robyn’s jaw dropped at Hermione’s answer. “A mouth?” Harry repeated shocked in unison with Robyn, “But, Hermione, the heir of Slytherin and Malfoy could have attacked half the muggle-born’s in the school by then." Robyn refrained herself from correcting Harry. “I know.” Hermione nodded sadly, “But it’s the only plan we’ve got.”
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