Chapter 13

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Year 2 1992 //Mandrake's, A Howler, Pixies and 'Mudblood'// "Oh?" Drawled a slimy voice and Robyn felt her eyes close in a fleeting moment and she mentally groaned in annoyance and turned around to face Draco Malfoy. He was stood in his Slytherin robes with a smug smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow, Crabbe and Goyle either side of him with blank expressions on their pudgy faces. Malfoy leered down at her, "You're back at school this year. I didn't see you on the train yesterday, thought - no, hoped - that you and your brother weren't coming this year." "Sorry to disappoint you, Malfoy, but Harry and I are here to stay." She snapped with her eyes narrowed at him and Malfoy ran his eyes over her face and walked past her, with Crabbe and Goyle making sure to hit her shoulder with theirs as they past Robyn. She stood firm and turned around as she watched the three leave, "Twat." She mumbled just as rapid footsteps came from behind her and she looked over her shoulder and saw Hermione running toward her. Her bushy haired friend slowed to a stop beside Robyn and she looked at Robyn and frowned, "Why were you talking to Malfoy?" Hermione inquired and Robyn only sent her a knowing look at Hermione's mouth turned into an 'o' shape as she understood, she glanced at the watch on her wrist, "Come on, we've got Herbology next - we're in the Greenhouse 3 rather than 1!" *** Ten minutes later and Robyn was stood in Greenhouse 3 with the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins. She wore a matt-green coat that reached her knees and a pair of 2-inch thick gloves and before her was two large pots, one of which was full of soil and had a plant and the other was half-filled with soil. Robyn looked at Hermione who was to her left as Hermione huffed, "Honestly, its the first day back and you would think that Malfoy could hold his tongue for that long." Robyn laughed and shook her head, "Please. He's Malfoy, he can't shut p for more than five minutes - at best." Before Hermione could speak, the door for the Greenhouse swung up and a short-pump women with messy grey hair and specks of dirt on her face, the two girls looked at Professor Sprout, “Morning, everyone.” She greeted cheerfully and only a few more people turned whilst everyone else continued to talk, “Good morning everyone!" That seemed to get everyone's attention as they all shouted back, “Good morning, Professor Sprout!" “Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years.” She told them with a wide smile on her plump face, “Gather around, everyone. Today we’re going to re-pot Mandrakes.” Robyn watched as Profesosr Sproud turned around and picked up a massive flower pot and placed it on the table, “Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?” To no ones surprise, Hermione’s hand shoot up into the air like a rocket,“Yes, Miss Granger?” “Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state.” Hermione answered, with slight smugness, “It’s also quite dangerous. The Mandrake’s cry is fatal to anyone who hears it.” “Excellent.” Complemented the Professor Sprout, “Ten points to Gryffindor. Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, so their cries won’t kill you yet. But they could knock you out for hours, which is why I’ve given each of you earmuffs for auditory protection. So, could you please put them on, right away? Quickly.” Robyn picked her pair from the table before her and placed them over her head, allowing them to cover her ears and looked at her teacher, “Flaps tight down, and watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly.” Professor Sprout placed her gloved hand around the plants top and flexed her grip, “You pull it sharply out of the pot.” Then. she yanked it from the soil. Robyn had never heard anything like it in her life. It was high-pitched and pierced through her earmuffs without a problem. She smashed her hands over her earmuff’s and gasped and blinked rapidly, it was like the scream was affecting her sight. Another thing that caused Robyn sensory pain, was the sight of the creature in Professor Sprouts hand. It was short and fat with rolls of blubber on its stomach, it had brown body and with roots coming from its little body. It's face was squished together so that its eyes couldn't be seen and its mouth was wide open, continuing to scream. It was grotesque. “Got it? And…now you drunk it down into the other pot…” Robyn forced herself to try and push the screams to the back of her mind as she watched Professor Sprout place the creature into the large pot and began adding a little soil to it, “…and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." She shifted her gaze opposite her just in time to see Neville's eyes to roll to the back of his head as he fell backward onto the floor with a loud thump. Professor Sprout looked at Neville with a raised an eyebrow, “Longbottom’s been neglecting his earmuffs.” Robyn caught sight of Malfoy and his groupies sneering at Nevilles demise and Robyn glared at him harshly, Malfoy smirked at her as just Seamus spoke, “No, ma’am. He’s just fainted.” “Yes, well, just leave him there." Professor Sprout dismissed, “Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake.” Robyn wrapped her hand around the green leaves of her Mandrake to her left and gulped nervously, “and pull it u!.” Then, along with the rest of the class, pulled as hard as she could. The creature burst from the soil and it squirmed and screamed loudly, it mouth wide open and its hands reaching everywhere. Robyn's face scrunched up in pain as she thought her head was going to explode with the screams of her Mandrakes, but it was amplified by the other Mandrakes that were also outside their soil. She glanced up at Harry and they both held the same expression; disgust. Robyn dropped the creature into it’s new pot as fast as she could and its clammy hands scrambled at her pots head. She quickly began pilling soil onto the creature and its screams were slowly drowned by the soil. Robyn looked up at Malfoy and saw him poking around the creautes mouth then it bite down on his gloved finger. She felt the edges of her lips twitch into a smirk. In all fairness Robyn did feel sorry...because Malfoy was wearing a glove. *** As much as Robyn didn't want to admit it, Ron did look pathetic. He was wrapping sellotape around the two ends of his wand in an attempt to attach them together but he, and everyone else knew, that there was no saving that wand. Ron, however, was the only one to voice everyone's thoughts, “Say it. I’m doomed.” “You’re doomed.” Harry agreed with a hopeless shrug, gazing at his wand. Robyn gave Ron a pitting smile and he only shrugged heart-heartedly. “Hiya Harry!” A voice chirped and Robyn couldn't be bothered to look back and took a bite out of her sandwich. From her peripheral vision, there was a flash of bright light caused her to spun around to see a camera pointed at her brother. The holder was a first year boy with golden locks and a wide smile on his face - he was staring at Harry with admiration. Robyn put her sandwich down and looked at Harry who was blinking in pain from the flash, "Um, can we help you?" She inquired with confusion in her voice and the boys shifted his gaze over to her and his eyes widened, “Robyn Potter! Wow!” He held up his camera up and clicked the button and it immediate a sharp white light. Robyn blinked repeatedly as her sight returned to her, she really hoped that this boy didn't make a habit of taking picture of them. “I’m Colin Creevy. I’m in Gryffindor too.” “It's nice to meet you, Colin." Robyn told him with a small smile, "...I guess." Harry mumbled under his breath and Robyn nudged him discreetly. Dean brought everyone's attention to him as he asked, “Ron, is that your owl?” Dean inquired and Robyn looked up to see Errol flying full speed toward them with a red letter in his beak. The bird landed, ungracefully, in a pale of crisps sending food everywhere, Robyn leaned back to avoid the food and heard people around them laugh, especially the Slytherin table. Robyn could see Ron's face turn into once of embarrassment, as a grimace. Ron reached into the messy of feathers and crisps and plucked the letter from its beak, “Bloody bird’s a menace.” Errol pulled himself onto his feet flapping his wings, ridding himself of the food, before flying upward and out the hall. Robyn attention was brought to Ron as he moaned with his voice full of horror, “Oh, no." “What is it?” Robyn inquired as she took a bite out of her sandwich, “It’s just a letter.” “No its not.” Ron whispered fearfully, his eyes wide. “Look, everyone!” Seamus called to the right of Robyn, “Weasley’s got himself a Howler.” His announcement caused laughter to ring along the Gryffindor table. “Go on, Ron.” Neville squeaked and Robyn shifted her gaze to him, “I ignored one from my gran once. It was horrible.” Everyone watched in intrepidation as Ron turned the letter over with trembling hands before he opened the flap with a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. Robyn was very confused and shrugged slightly, what was so special about it? It was just a lett - “RONALD WEASLEY!” Mrs. Weasley's voice screamed and Robyn literally jumped, reaching three inches above the bench, at the sound. She stared in shock as the letter jumped from the table and hovered infront of Ron and the letter bent and formed a mouth with the ribbon acting like a tongue. Mrs. Weasley's voice came from the letter again, “How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father’s now facing an inquiry at work and it’s entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line we’ll bring you straight home!” Robyn was staring at the letter with a mixture of fear and shock with her eyes wide. Ron nodded shakily - it was not as though Mrs. Weasley could see him...right? The letter then turned to Ginny who was little further down the table, “And, Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud.” Ginny blushed slightly and glanced down nervously as the attention the letter drew to her. The letter spun to face Ron and it waved its tongue ribbon in Ron’s face hissing before it began ripping itself to shreds littering the books and table with pieces of paper. Robyn and Hermione looked from the letter to Ron and Harry with repulsed expressions. That was not what Robyn was expecting. *** The Defence Against the Dark Arts class was their following class. Robyn was sat beside Hermione at the front of the class behind them was Harry and Ron as they waited for their teacher to come. The door of the office above them opened and out came, Robyn kept in a groan of annoyance from escaping her lips at the sight of Gilderoy Lockhart. He leaned against the railing dressed in golden robes with his blonde hair curled back with a grin of his face. Beside her, Hermione looked up at him with a dreamy expression, “Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Art’s teacher...” Lockhart said looking down at the children smugly, “....Me. Gilderoy Lockhart…Order of Merlin, Third Class..” He passed a picture of himself painting…himself. Robyn raised an eyebrow at the man, Ron leaned forward and whispered to Robyn, “Explains the books.” Robyn covered her mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping. Ron was referring to their Defence Against the Dark Art’s books that where, un-surprisingly, written by Gilderoy Lockhart. “…honorary member of the Dark Force Defence League…and five times winner…” Gilderoy paused at the painting and winked at himself, “…of Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award.” He smiled showing of his pearly whites as he stopped infrotn of his desk, Robyn glanced at Hermione who sighed longingly at Lockhart, “But I don't talk about that. I didn’t get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at them.” he grinned widely at his own joke. No one laughed, all stared at him with blank expressions. Professor Lockhart pulled out his wand swiftly and looked at the students with a serious expression. Robyn furrowed her brow as he said, "Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you…against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind.” Professor Lockhart tapped a large dome object that was covered by a silk purple cloth with his wand and it began to rattle, Robyn felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The rest of the class straightened up in urnest as they all stared at the object, a smirk slid onto Professor Lockharts face, "You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream.” He grasped the top of the silk cloth..."It might...PROVOKE THEM!” The pulled of the cloth to reveal…Robyn raised an eyebrow…Pixies? They were around six inches tall with purple bodies with ears that were as twice as big as their head that stuck out a right-angles from their heads. Attached to their backs were transparent wings which allowed them to fly around their cage squeaking and giggling with their large black eyes staring at the students with mischief. Seamus, who was a few seats behind Robyn, sniggered with a smug grin, "Cornish Pixies?” “Freshly caught Cornish pixies.” Added Professor Lockhart and a few boys in the class let out a laugh. Robyn could feel the edges of her lips twitch in amusement, “Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan…but Pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let’s see what you make of them...Now!” He pulled open the door to the cage and all hell broke loose. A mass of hundreds of Cornish Pixies flew from the cage and at the students, everyone scream in fear and shock as the creatures began to trash the room: ripping books, throwing ink, riding the skeleton of the dinosaur above them. Robyn yelped as one flew directly at her and she dived onto the floor, narrowly avoiding its small sharp fingers. She then felt something tug at her wrist and saw one of them trying to pull her mothers bracelet of. She glared at it then picked it up and flung it away then scrambled to her feet and saw students beginning to run out the classroom. From behind Robyn, she could hear Professor Lockhart laughing, “Come on now, round them up. They’re only Pixies!” “Are you crazy?!” Robyn shrieked as she dodged one and batting away at another with her hand. Suddenly, she felt something grab onto her hair and pulled it downward and forcing her head backward painfully. She squealed in pain and tried to bat at it with her hand but she couldn't reach, "Let go!" She shouted at it then felt Ron grab the Pixy and flick it away. Robyn rubbed her head then looked at Ron, "Thanks." She then looked over and saw Harry smacked one that that was pulling on Hermione’s hair, sending it flying. “Peskipiksi Pesternomi!” Professor Lockhart chanted waving his wand, nothing happened. Except for that a Pixy stole his wand. Robyn watched as their ‘teacher’ dashed up the steps to his office batting away at the pixies as he went. He then grabbed a picture of himself that was in the grasp of the Pixies but let go when he realized it was futile. He spun around and looked down at the five remaining children with his golden hair now messy and everywhere. and attempting to save a picture of himself, only to give up and look down at the remaining four children, “I’ll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into their cage.” Professor Lockhart ran back into his room and slammed the door and Robyn heard the sound of a click as the door locked. This caused the Potter twins to gap in shock as Ron groaned, “What do we do now?” Robyn looked around before grasping her wand from her pocket and pointed it upward at the same time as Hermione, they both had their backs to one another as they each cast, "Stupify!" Robyn's half of the Pixies drop down to the ground, unconscious. “Immobulus!” Hermione's half froze where they were and seemed to just float around slowly, unable to control their bodies. Robyn and Hermione smirked and pocketed their wands back in their pockets. Robyn looked at Hermione then at the Pixies around her, "Nice." "Same to you." Hermione complimented and then both looked at the boys who were stared at them with expectant expression. Both girls just smirked confidently then heard a squeak and looked up to see Neville hanging from the chandelier by his cloak with a disappointed expression on his face as he mumbled, “Why is it always me?” *** "...Don't you think its stupid? I mean, everyday! Everyday! We can't practice Quidditch everyday! Also, Professor Lockhart isn't teaching us anything so basically I'm a subject down with and time down from Quidditch. Then, there's Professor Snape, the essay..." Robyn twiddled her wand in her fingers as she listed to her brother rant about everything and nothing. She had her legs hanging over the edge of the sofa with Harry was on the floor with his back to against the sofa. Robyn was barely listening as she stared at her wand with a blank expression "....Robyn. Robyn. Oi!" Robyn felt something hit the back of her head and looked up to see Harry had hit her with his book and she glared at him and punched him in the leg and rubbed her head with her free hand. Harry rolled his eyes, "Don't you agree, though?" "Yeah." Robyn mumbled halfheartedly and Harry loud out a loud huff and crossed his arms and grumbled something under her brother. She shifted her gaze to him and felt her heart squeeze slightly in guilt, "Sorry, Harry, but I haven't gotten any sleep because Hermione keeps throwing surprise quizzes at me in the middle of the night and at random times during the day." Harry sniggered at her words and raised an eyebrow, "Quizzes?" "Yeah. On random things. Just out of the blue." "Why?" Harry asked whilst laughing and Robyn could only shrug in response, Robyn shrugged in response and suggested, "To kill me?" Harry laughed louder and shook his head, "I'm so gad Ron's in my dorm. The only think I deal with his is nightmares about spiders." Robyn giggled just as Hermione walked into the common room and headed toward the their dormitory and asked, "Robyn, whats year began the Vampire Revolt that lead to the beheading of the King and ended the Vampire monarchy?" "Um...1567AD?" "Wrong. 1576AD." Hermione responded and looked over at Robyn, "History of Magic Volume 2, chapter 9." She continued up the steps and out of sight. Robyn let out a low groan and dropped her head onto the sofa behind her whilst Harry's laughs became uncontrollable and he held his stomach. *** "What potion includes Wormwood and flubber puss?" "Bobble poition, for boils on the wrist." "Correct." Robyn let out a breath of relief whilst Ron sniggered under his breath, earning a glare from Hermione. The three sat on a bench into the courtyard with their books open in their laps. Robyn brushed her hair behind her ear as she looked down at her open charms book with her should-length black hair pulled into loose ponytail that hung down her back. The wind brushed over her face as she lifted her gaze upward and frowned when she saw the Slytherin and Gryffindor Quidditch teams talking to each other and from their expressions, Robyn could guess it was not friendly interaction. Ron had also seen the tow teams as he murmered, "That can't good." The three of them got to their feet and headed over to the them as quickly as they could. “’I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker’.” Oliver read from a sheet of paper that Flint had given him and looked up at the Slytherin Captain. Robyn slowed stopped beside next to the Gryffindor team and looked at the paper in Woods hands, “You’ve got a new Seeker. Who?” At Woods question, the Slytherin team parted as Draco Malfoy stepped forward with a smirk on his pail face. Harry and Robyn's jaw dropped in shock as they said, “Malfoy?” “That’s right.” Malfoy nodded then looked at the broomstick in his hand. It was sleek and a dark grey colour with a clean polished handle, “And that’s not all that’s new this year.” Robyn didn't know much about broomsticks and Quidditch, actually she knew nothing, but she could tell from the Gryffindor teams awed expressions. “Those are Nimbus two-thousand-and-ones." Ron gasped in shock and Robyn glanced at Ron, “How did you get those?” “A gift from Draco’s father.” Marcus smirked and looked at Malfoy. Robyn then understood. Malfoy had paid his way itno the Slytherin team - shows how shallow the Slytherin team is. “You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best.” Malfoy taunted and Robyn narrowed her eyes at him. “At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in.” Hermione pointed out smugly, “They got it on pure talent.” Robyn smirked proudly. She was not expecting that from Hermione. At her words, Malfoy’s smirked dropped and he stepped toward Hermione with his eyes narrowed, “No one asked your opinion, you filth little Mudblood.” Malfoy spat and Robyn's smirk disapeared and her expression turned to one of rage. She'd read it from one of Hermione's books that Mudblood was a derogatory term for muggle-born wizards and she never thought she'd hear anyone say it - especially to her best friend. Robyn’s jaw dropped along with Ron’s and the rest of the Gryffindor members and Robyn clenched her fists in anger but before she could speak, Ron pulled out his wand and snarled, “You’ll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!” he moved his wand in a random movement. Robyns eyes widened as Ron was flung backward and landed with a harsh thump on the grass. “Ron!” Robyn and Hermione shrieked, the Gryffindor team, Hermione, and Robyn dashed over Ron, who was starting to look very green, the three friends dropped beside Ron. Robyn watched fearfully as Ron pulled himself up onto his elbows with his cheeks puffed like there was something in his mouth. “You okay, Ron?” Hermione asked worriedly, “Say something.” Ron glanced at the three of them then opened his mouth a giant slug came from it and landed on the ground with a splat, causing Robyn to re-coil in disgust. A bright flash came from behind them and caused Harry, Robyn and Hermione to look up to Colin Creevy standing with his camera grinning down at them, “Wow!” The first year exclaimed with glee, “Can you turn him around, Harry?” “No, Colin, get out of the way.” Harry snapped helping Ron to his feet, with Robyn on the other side of Ron. They held his arms and Robyn rubbed his back as Harry looked at Robyn "Lets take him to Hagrids." She nodded in aggreement as Ron threw up a slug that flopped onto the floor. The Potter twins half-carried and half-dragged their slug-vomiting friending across the grounds toward Hagrids hut. Robyn had a disgusted expression on her face as more slugs began to fly from Ron's mouth but she also felt her heart squeeze with pity at the meek expression on his face. Hermione ran ahead of them with her fizzy brown hair bouncing on her shoulders as she went to the hunt and knocked on the door rapidly. Robyn, Harry and Ron were a little behind her. The door swung upon to reveal their giant friend, who looked down at Hermione Robyn saw her say something as his gaze lifted to the three hobbling over to his door and his eyes widened and he opened the door wider and stepped aside and motioned them inside. Hermione ran inside and Robyn and Harry helped Ron up the steps as he threw up a few more slugs. The Potter twins helped Ron sit down on the sofa as Hagrid bustled around looking for something. Robyn sat beside her friend and rubbed his back comfortingly as his mouth bulged again and more slugs formed in his mouth. with Hermione, who was on the other side of Robyn, sending him worried looks. Hagrid walked over to Ron with a bucket, “This calls for a specialist’s equipment. Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I’m afraid.” Ron spat out a slug into the bucket, “Better out than it. Who was Ron trying to curse anyway?” “Malfoy.” Harry muttered then glanced at Hermione, she looked away slightly, “He called Hermione something…Well, I don’t know exactly what it means." Robyn looked at Hermione as she stood from her placed beside Robyn and walked over to the window with her arm’s folded and a sad look on her expression as she gazed outside. “He called me a mudblood.” Hermione told Hagrid and Robyn could hear the hurt in her voice. Robyn looked down at her lap and clenched her fist angrily. Malfoy would pay for what he said. No-one should ever say that. She lifted her gaze to Hagrid at his intake of breath and he looked at Hermione with an look of pure shock and breath, “He did not.” “What’s a mudblood?” Harry asked looking between Hagrid and Hermione with a confused expression. “It means ‘dirty blood’.” Hermione spun around to face them as she spoke and tears welled up in her eyes, “Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who’s Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation." “See the thing is,” Hagrid began and Robyn and Harry looked at Hagrid, “there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they’re better than everyone else because they’re what people call pure-blood.” “That’s horrible.” Harry gasped her expression showing great repulsion, "Vile." Robyn muttered in agreement, “It’s disgusting.” Ron added after throwing up another slug and Robyn rubbed his backs. “And it’s codswallop to boot.” Joined Hagrid then shook his head and grumbled, "Dirty blood. Why, there isn’t a wizard alive today that’s not half-blood or less. More to the point, they’ve yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can’t do.” Hermione’s lips twitched to a smile and Robyn nodded, it was true. Hagrid then held his hand out to her, “Come here.” Hagrid's large hand grasped Hermione's small hand and looked up into her tear filled eyes. Robyn smiled slightly as Hagrid told her, “Don’t you think on it, Hermione. Don’t you think on it for one minute." Robyn smiled slightly as they stared at Hagrid and Hermione. It was clear that Hagrid's words had touched Hermione. The peacefulness was perfect...until Ron threw up a rather slimy, fat slug.
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