Chapter 12

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Year 2 1992 //A Missed Train and The Whomping Willow// 10:58AM “Come on!” Mr. Weasley shouted as he hurried as his children and the Potter twins through the crowds of Kings Cross Station on September 1st, each pushing a trolley loaded with luggage and pets. “The train will be leaving any moment!” Mrs. Weasley squeaked fearfully and Robyn shouted appologies to people and she swerved through people and forced her way through. She was not missing this train for anyone. Robyn slid her trolley to a stop between platform 9 and 10. “Fred, George, Percy, you first." Mr. Weasley said, the three ginger boys dashed forward with their trolleys and ran straight through the barrier and disappeared. Ginny was next, the youngest and only daughter of the Weasley’s. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went next, quickly their daughter. Robyn flexed her fingers on the handle and looked at the two boys, “Let’s go.” Harry said and he broke out into a run toward the wall and Robyn chased after him with her trolley and Ron at her heels. Robyn watched in shock Harry, instead of disappearing into the wall, slammed straight into the wall sending all his luggage out the trolley and his owl to flap madly. She tried to slow herself down bu it was too late as Robyn let out a yelp as she thwacked into Harry’s trolley causing Oswald to make sounds of distress as his was throne into the air. Then, Ron – unable to stop, hit Robyn’s trolley with a loud crash and things were send flying. Robyn was flung backward and landed on her back and groaned in pain and rolled onto her side and saw Oswalds cage falling toward the floor and she pushed herself forward and caught the cage before it could smash into the ground. Robyn panted and placed Oswald beside herself and dropped her head onto the floor. She could see Ron and Harry from peripheral vision laying on their backs too. “Oi!” Robyn sat up as a conductor walked over to him and looked down at them with a frown, “What you do three think you’re doing?” “Sorry.” Harry apologized, “Lost control of the trolley.” Ron and Robyn nodded in agreement and Robyn gulped as the man rolled his eyes before walking away muttering something about stupid kids. She pulled herself to her feet and brushed herself off and rubbed her back from the pain, she looked at the boys as Harry asked, “Why can’t we get through?” “I don’t know." Ron answered and tapped his hand against the barrier, “The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.” aAclock chimed near by turning the students heads toward it. 11:00AM “The train leaves at exactly eleven o’clock.” Harry groaned “We’ve missed it.” However, Robyn was not concerned about that. It had only just turned 11, why had it closed a minute before it was supposed to. Robyn frowned in confusion, “Guys,” Ron began fearfully and Robyn turned to face him, “if we can’t get though…maybe mum and dad can’t get back.” “What do we do?” Robyn asked nibbling on her lower lip, “We can’t stand here for too long, it will get suspicious.” “Maybe we should just go wait by the car.” Harry suggested with a small shrug and Robyn saw Ron's face turn into an expression that she couldn't read. It was mixture of confusion and realisation. “The car?" Robyn's eyes widened in shock at Rons words and they all glanced at each other. The three of them scrambled around and placed their trunks and pets back into their trolleys. Robyn had a sinking feeling as she followed Harry and Ron as they pushed their trolley's outside the station. Perhaps they should stay and wait for the Weasleys...but they were the Potters, they never followed the rules. The wind whipped Robyn's hair as she stepped out the station as Oswald glared at her with his dark eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him, "Don't give me that look." She grumbled, "Its not my fault." Oswald shifted his feathers and turned his back to her. She rolled her eyes and pushed her trolley down the row of cars before stopping outside the small Ford. Ron reached his hand under the boot-lid and felt around then pressed something and the boot clicked and pushed the boot open. Robyn raised an eyebrow and Ron saw her expression and his cheeks and ears turned slightly pink, "Dad keeps loosing the keys." He explained slightly embarrassed, "So, he made a muggle button that would open the lock." Robyn laughed slightly and shook her head before helping Ron and Harry pile their trunks into the boot, with a few of the smaller bags placed in the back where Robyn would sit. She closed the boot as Ron and Harry ran to either side of the car and jumped into the front seats, she pressed the lid securely then opened the left back door and got in and sat down. She then looked at Ron and gulped nervously as he pushed the key into the exhaust, "Wait, Ron," She began and the two boys looked at her, "you have driven this car before. Right?" Ron sent her an apologetic smile and Robyn's jaw dropped, "What?!" "Don't worry." He told her, "I know what I'm doing...mostly." He twisted the key and it roared into life and he pressed a button and the car started to levitate and moved off the ground. Robyn clung to the back of Harry and Ron's seat as it moved higher and shakily, she glanced outside and saw people pointing upwards at the flying car. “Ron, I should tell you…” Harry began carefully keeping her eyes on the muggles far below, “most muggles aren’t accustom to seeing a flying car." “Right.” Ron agreed his body trembling, Robyn watched as he pressed a small silver button and the car seemed to disappear on the outside. Robyn could only hope that they hadn't gotten too much attachment. *** It had been a few hours since they'd left London and they were now flying over fast expanses of green hills and rivers. She rested her head against the glass with Oswald hooding soft in her ear from his cage. Robyn glanced at her Oswald and stroked his features causing him to nip at her fingers and the bracelet on her wrist. Suddenly, the car jerked and Robyn smacked her head against the glass and hissed in pain, Robyn rubbed her head, “What was that?" “Oh, no!” Ron exclaimed with his eyes widened as he pressed the silver button again, “The Invisibility Booster must be faulty." “Well, come on then.” Harry said as calmly as he could, “Lets’ go lower. We need to find the train.” “Okay.” Ron nodded and he shifted the gears and the car began to descend onto a bridge. Robyn sat in the middle seat and rested her arms on the seats of the two boys and saw they slowed lowered themselves so they were hovering over the train track. “All we need to do is catch up with the train." Harry said as the other two nodded in agreement “We can’t be far behind.” Ron shrugged and Robyn heard a loud hooting sound and a bright smile formed on her face, “Do you hear that?” Harry asked with a grin as Robyn confirmed, "It must be the Hogwarts Express." “We must be getting close,” Ron smiled but the smiles soon fell as they realised that the sound was getting louder and also seemed to becoming from behind them. Robyn furrowed her eyebrows and turned around and her eyes widened as she saw the Hogwarts Express driving straight toward them. She let out an ear-pitched scream and her brother and Ron turned around and saw the train and yelled loudly. Robyn couldn’t remove her eyes from the train that was a few meters behind the their car, even Oswald and Hedwig were shrieking. “Get off the tracks! Get off the tracks!” Robyn screamed as she smacked the back of Ron and Harry’s seats. Ron spun the wheel and the car flew from the bridge and downward toward the river below, with the three still screaming. The car began to spin wildly as the car flew under the bridge. Robyn clung onto her seat for dear life as Oswald and Hedwig’s cage bashed into her and the window. They flew out the bridge and flew above the train, the car still twisting uncontrollably. Suddenly, Harry’s door swung opened and he fell out of the car but was quick to grab onto the side of his door, “Harry!” Robyn shouted fearfully, “Harry!” Ron yelled “Hold on!" He looked at Robyn and motioned to the wheel and shouted, "Robyn!” she nodded as Ron leaned over and got into the passenger seat and started to try to help Harry. Robyn leaned over to grasp the wheel keeping the car moving and steady and flexed her fingers over the wheel. She looked over at Ron worriedly as she saw her brother swinging above the Hogwarts Express, “Take my hand! Hold on!” Harry reached his free hand to grab Ron but it slipped through, “I’m trying!” Harry called back over the howling wind and train, “Your hands all sweaty!” The pair smacked hands for a few second before finally, Ron got a strong grip on Harry’s wrist. Robyn watched in relief as Ron pulled Harry back into the car, she spun the wheel to level out the car once Harry was securely inside. Robyn flopped backward her eyes wide and buckled her seat belt and hugged Harry tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head comfortingly, she then pulled back and climbed back into her seat. Robyn rested against the back of her seat as Harry panted, "I think we found the train.” “Yeah." *** Night had fallen by the time they flew into Hogwarts grounds. Robyn smiled as she saw the light illuminating from the castle and she rested her head on Harry's sea as Ron smiled, “Welcome home.” Suddenly, the car jerked and made a loud groaning sound. The car swerved and flew alongside the Great Hall before heading around the building. Robyn clung to Ron and Harry’s seats as the car took a nose drive toward the ground and her eyes widened as Harry yelled, “Up! Up!” “It’s not working!” Ron cried as he tried to pull the car upward, Harry helped him but nothing happen. Robyn screamed and pointed at the Whomping Willow, "Not good! Not good!" She screamed loudly, “Ron! Mind that tree!” Harry screamed, Ron pulled out his wand and began hitting the wheel of the car yelling, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” Then, the wand broke in half, only hanging on my a few splinters. Robyn in fear at Ron's horrified expression then they all looked at the tree as they headed toward it. Robyn was thrown in the back seat about as the car landed between the branches of the tree, branches smacked the windows and scratched it. The car finally halted and began to rock and they slide backward from gravity, only stopping as they hit a large branch. The three froze as the car finally came to a stop and Robyn let out a breath of relief but then looked at Ron as he whimpered, “My wand Look at my wand” “Be thankful it’s not your neck." Harry commented anxiously. Robyn felt something slam into the car and they all were flung forward repeatedly and she gulped nervously. “What’s happening?” Ron squeaked as he looked around the car in fear, “I don’t know.” Harry answered, the tree groaned in pain and anger. “Don’t you know what this tree it?” Robyn asked them incredulously and the pair looked back at the black haired girl with confused expressions, “It’s the Whomping Willow." “Whomping?” Harry croaked in fear as he shared an expression with Ron, “Yeah, and for good reason." Robyn told them gravely and then her eyes widened as a thick branch came toward the front of the car. They all let out a scream as it was repeatedly hit the front of the car before smashing the screen causing a large crack into the window. She flinched fearfully and Harry looked over her shoulder and screamed, “ROBYN!" She turned and ducked just as a large branch forced its way through the back window, right where she had been. Robyn shrieked loudly covering her head as glass flew everywhere. She watched worriedly as the branch retreated and another branch thumped into the back of the car sending her forward. Robyn whimpered pitifully as another branch smashed into the roof of the car repeatedly making a large dent. A large branch thwacked the back of the car and sent the whole car forward and dropping through the branches before landing on the ground was a large thump. Before anyone could say anything, another branch spun backward getting ready to spun into them once again. Harry yelled, “Come on, go! Fast!” Ron pushed the ignition and the car darted backward barley escaping being squished. Ron spun the wheel and they drove forward far away from the tree. Robyn let out a breath of relief and dropped her head onto the back of Harry's seat. The car then stopped and the three looked at each other nervously. Suddenly, the car doors flung open and the three where ejected from their seats and outside, Robyn landed on her front and moaned in pain. A loud squwark caused Robyn roll onto her back just as Oswald's cage came flying toward her. She yelped but caught him quickly. The trunk of the car opened and expelled their luggage behind the car. She pulled herself to her feet and looked at down at Oswald who jumped around in his cage with fright. She stroked his feathers comfortingly and knelt down and placed him on the floor as Oswald relaxed. “Scabbers, you’re okay." Ron quickly checked his rat, they looked up as the car closed all its doors. “The car!” Robyn, Harry, and Ron shouted and Robyn broke out into a run as the other two dropped their animals and chased after her as fast as possible, to the car. The three ran through an arch way and out onto the grounds of Hogwarts before slowing into jog then stopped to watch in despair as the car drove off toward the Forbidden Forest. “Dad’s gonna kill me.” Ron muttered glumly as the car disappeared into the dark trees. “Come on." Robyn said to the pair, “If were caught outside now…” she trailed off and they nodded. Robyn and the other two ran back to their pets and trunks. Robyn picked up her things as did Ron and Harry carried their things into the entrance hall. Robyn walked down the corridor and then rounded a corner where all the pets and luggage was kept. Robyn dropped her luggage down and stroked Oswalds feather as he nipped at her finger tips, "I'll see you in a few hours, Oswald." He hooted gently and she smiled then got to her feet and headed up the steps with the two boys. Harry shook his head, "This clearly cannot be coincidence." Harry began looking at Ron and Robyn, “So a house-elf shows up in our bedroom, we can’t get through to platform nine and three-quarters, we almost get killed by a tree…” He trailed off with a sigh, “Clearly someone doesn’t want Harry and I here this year.” Robyn concluded with a small frown. They turned onto the next flight of steps then they froze at who was stood at the top of their stairs. The Hogwarts caretaker, Filtch, stroking his brown and black cat, Mrs. Norris, looking down at them with an unsettlingly pleased expression. “Well, take a good look, kids.” Filtch said slowly as he ran his eyes over the walls, “This night might well be the last night you spend in this castle. Oh, dear, we are in trouble." *** The newspaper was slammed onto the desk and caused Robyn to flinch as Professor Snape snarled at them, “You were seen by no less than seven muggles.” Robyn could make out the image of their flying car on the front page of Daily Prophet. Professor Snape narrowed his eyes at the three second year students, “Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that’s been on these grounds since before you were born.” “Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us.” Ron piped up meekly, from the left of Robyn. “Silence!” Snapped Professor Snape and Ron stiffened, he moved around his table toward the three, “I assure you that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the three of you would be on the train home tonigh.” Robyn’s face turned to one of terror and fear, “As it is – “ “They are not.” A familiar deep voice corrected. Robyn snapped her head over her shoulder to see Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall entering the room, both wearing serious expression. “Professor Dumbledore.” Harry addressed, “Professor McGonagall.” Robyn could've hugged her head of house at this moment, even with the blank expression on her face she knew that Professor McGonagall wouldn't let Snape expel the...right? “Headmaster,” Professor Snape began as Dumbledore walked toward them, “these three have flouted the Degree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such – “ “I am well aware of our bylaws Serverus,” Dumbledore said as he reached them and a small smile form on his bearded face, “having written quite a few of them myself. However, as head of Gryffindor house it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action." “We’ll go and get our stuff, then.” Ron uttered depressingly and Robyn starting to have second thoughts herself. She looked down at her feet. “What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?” Professor McGonagall questions as she looked down at her through her spectiles, Ron glanced at Harry and Robyn as he mumbled, “You’re going to expel us, aren’t you?” “Not today, Mr. Weasley.” Professor McGonagall stated, Robyn looked at her brother with a wide smile, “but I must impress on the three of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight, and you will all receive detention." The three nodded and Dumbeldore walked out the room, Snape shot the three Gryffindors a glare and strode out the room with his cloak flaring behind him, "You'd better get along to the hospital wing, Weasley, you're bleeding." "No much." shrugged Ron as he wiped the cut over his eye, "Professor, I wanted to watch my sister being Sorted - " "The sorting ceremony is over," said Professor McGonagall "your sister is also in Gryffindor." "Oh good." Ron breathed in relief and Robyn smiled and patted his back "And speaking of Gryffindor - " Professor McGonagall began but Harry leapt forward and excalimed, "Professor, when we took the car, term hadn't started, so - so Gryffindor shouldn't really have points taken from it, should it?" Robyn looked at her head Mistress with an anxious expression. Robyn gulped nervously as Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes at them, "I will no take any points from Gryffindor, but all three of you will get detention." Robyn felt her heart lighten and knew that even though the Dursley's would get a letter they would just be upset that Harry and Robyn hadn't been squashed to putty by the tree. Her attention was returned to Professor McGonagall as she pointed her hand at Professor Snapes desk and a large plate of sandwiches, three silver goblets and a juice of ice pumpkin juice appeared on his desk, "You will eat here then go straight up to your dormitory and I must return to the feast." Professor McGonagall left the room swiftly without another word. She let out a breath of relief of relief as she said, "That was close, too close." "I thought we'd had it." Ron said after he let out a low whistle and the three of them went to the table and picked up a sandwich each. Robyn took a bite of a chicken and ham sandwich and felt her stomach moan in relief, she didn't realise how hungry she was. "I thought we were going to be expelled for a moment." Harry commented with his eyes still wide and Robyn nodded in agreement, "Fred and George have flown that car 5 or 6 times and no Muggle ever saw them." Ron complained, "Why couldn't we get through the barrier?" Robyn and Harry shrugged in response and Harry added, "We'll have to watch our step. Wish we could've gone to the feast..." Robyn shook her head and swallowed her sandwich, "Its obvious. She thinks we're going to show off. Though, I, for one, will not be boasting about how I was nearly killed by a plant."
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