Chapter 11

5405 Words
Year 2 1992 //The Weasleys and Gilderory Lockhart// The sun was high in the sky as Robyn gave down at the endless fields below them. They had been flying all night but were nearly at their destination. Robyn looked in the direction they were headed and saw a tall house coming closer. It seemed to have been built at different stages because different types of material were used to built on each level of the house and they were different shapes and sizes. There were pens of pigs beside the house along with a messy garden of different plants. She sat up in her seat as they began to ascend onto a dirt track toward the house. The card thumped hard on the ground as Fred landed the car on the track and drove toward the house, Robyn was shaken left and right on the uneven road. The car slowed to a stop beside the pig pen and Fred opened the door and got out the car and stretched. Robyn pushed open her door and stepped out the car and moved away from it and stretched. She let out a groan of relief as her muscles stiffened. Behind her, George, Ron and Harry got out the car and closed the doors. Robyn glanced at them then looked up at the house and gaped. She didn't even realise how tall the house was, it had to be at least seven stories, the size made her jaw drop. In front of the house were rows of boots, chickens running around who squawked and clucked loudly. Robyn smiled slightly then followed Fred, George and Ron toward the entrance of the house with Harry beside her. Fred opened the door slowly and peered inside, “Come on.” Fred whispered and walked inside and held the door open as his siblings walked in followed by Robyn and Harry. Robyn looked around and saw piles of dishes filled the room, a pan was washing itself with a brush, and nothing seemed to really match but in a way it did. Everything was different colours and different materials, but it very bright and homely. She watched in awe as a pair of needles knitted a scarf by themselves then lifted her gaze and saw a very unique clock. It has seven hands each with an image of the Weasley family on each hand. The numbers had also been replaced by place: SCHOOL : HOME : DENTIST : PRISON : LOST : QUIDDITCH : DEAD Robyn stared at the last word and gulped but then watched as Ron, Fred and Georges hands shifted from LOST to HOME. Her jaw dropped in amazement, it was awesome. “It’s not much." Robyn looked over shoulder at Ron, as he ate a piece of bed, “But its home.” “It’s brilliant." Harry told him honestly whilst Robyn nodded in agreement. Anything was better than the Dursley's but but the Weasley's how was far beyond anything that either Robyn and Harry could have dreamed of. It felt like a home. However, Robyn's thoughts were interrupted by a shrill and very angry voice, “Where. Have. You. Been?!” Robyn spun around with her blue eyes widened in fear. At the foot of the steps that lead upstairs was a very annoyed, and angry, Mrs. Weasley. Her fiery red hair was messy and uncombed showing that she had been pulling it from stress and her face was almost the same said as her hair. She narrowed her eyes at Fred, George and Ron, who were to the left of Robyn, with accusation in her eyes. Robyn felt her stomach stop as Mrs. Weasley turned her gaze to them and her face instantly softened and she walked over to them, “Harry, Robyn, how wonderful to see you dears.” Robyn smiled and blushed as she patted their cheeks. Then, Mrs. Weasley's face turned sharp and she shifted her gaze to her sons and bellowed, “Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died! You could’ve been seen!” Robyn felt herself becoming bit scared at Mrs. Weasley's constant change in character. Robyn also felt guilty, they were trying to save herself and harry. Mrs. Weasley had obviously seen the look on her face as she said, in a calm voice, “Oh, I don’t blame, you two. Of course not, dears.” “They were starving them, Mum.” Ron trying to defend weakly, his mouthful of bread, “There were bars on their window." “You best hope I don’t put bars on your window Ronald Weasley!” Mrs. Weasley warned pointing a finger at him and Ron's eyes widened and he stiffened, her voice said that she wasn't joking. She let out a calming breath and turned to the Potter twins and spoke, with a softened tone, “Come on you two, time for a spot of breakfast.” Robyn followed Mrs. Weasley to the dining table, in the centre of the kitchen, where she pushed them down, gently. She was seated between Ron and Harry and clasped her hands in her lap and smiled slightly as Mrs. Weasley started cooking up a full English Breakfast. The looked at the steps as Percy, Ron's third eldest brother, walked around the table, "Hello Robyn. Hello Harry." He greeted kindly and sat opposite Harry, his normally neat black hair messy and sicking out at awkward angles. "Hello." Responded Robyn and Harry in unison with smiles on their faces. Robyn felt herself start to drool at the smell of sausages, eggs, toast, bacon, beans and more reached her senses. She lifted her gaze up and saw Mrs. Weasley bustling over with two plates piled high with hot and tasty food and placed one plate infront of Harry, “Here you are, Harry.” she then placed a plate infront of Robyn, “There you go, dear. Enjoy.” “Thank you.” Harry and Robyn told her gratefully as they tucked in. Robyn felt her stomach let out a moan of satisfaction as she shoveled in eggs. When they were at the Dursleys, they were given a piece of toast for breakfast, a cheese sandwich for lunch and a bit of the meal that the Dursley's would have for dinner. It was nothing to what Robyn was eating. She scooped up egg and beans onto her fork and ate it like a ravage beast. Beside her, she could see Ron hiding his laughter by turning his head away from her. She pouted and nudged his arm with her elbow and Ron smirked at her then ate is toast. “Mummy!” Robyn looked over her shoulder and saw a girl with shoulder length bright red hair stop half-way down the steps. She reconised her as the small girl they'd met at station 9 and 3/4 last year. Ginny Weasley. The youngest in the family. Ginny was dressed in her pajamas as she looked at her mother, clearly not noticing the Potter twins, “Mummy, have you seen my jumper?” “Yes, dear, it was on the cat." Answered Mrs. Weasley with a bright smile but Ginny's attention was now on Robyn and Harry, more specifically Harry. "Hi, Ginny, right?" Robyn smiled and Ginny nodded slowly then shifted her gaze to Harry as he spoke, “Hello.” Harry greeted kindly Ginny said nothing. Then she dashed upstairs as fast as she could without glancing back. The ginger twins sniggered lightly across from Robyn and she giggled as Harry asked innocently, “What did I do?” "Ginny's been talking about you all summer, especially Harry. Dead annoying, really." Ron answered him with a small shrug, “Harry’s got an admirer.” Robyn teased and Fred and George laughed and nodded, "Yep." They said in unison, “Shut up.” Harry grumbled shoving her lightly, she only laughed in response. Before anyone else could speak, the door to the house swung open and a tall ginger man strode into the room, “Morning Weasleys!” He wore a brown hat with a matching cloak and a pack of papers tucked under his arm and holding a briefcase. Robyn assumed it was their father as he had the height of Fred and George but the face of Ron. “Morning dad!” Chorus the Weasley's, confirming Robyn's suspicions. She smiled at him kindly and took a bite of toast as Mr. Weasley strode over to the table and placed the books and paper on a seperate table and pulled off his cloak. “What a night! Nine raids! Nine!" “Raids?” Robyn questioned turning to Ron with her eyebrows furrowed. “Dad works at the Ministry of Magic.” Ron explained to her and Harry, “In the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. Dad loves muggles, thinks they’re fascinating.” Robyn looked up to see Mr. Weasley press a loving kiss to his wife’s cheek as she placed a plate of breakfast at the seat at the end of the table. Mr. Weasley sat down and rolled his sleeves up and picked up his knife and fork. Robyn watched Mr. Weasley's bright eyes land on her and Harry. It was no doubt that they stuck out like sour-thumbs, two blacked children in the mist of the red-haired family. He smiled at the twins kindly, “Well now. Who are you two?” “Oh, sorry sir. Harry, sir. Harry Potter.” Harry told him with a grin on his face then Mr. Weasley's face turned to one of shock. He shifted his gaze to the girl beside beside him and she smiled slightly, “Robyn Potter, sir.” “Good Lord.” Mr. Weasley gasped but the edges of his lips twisted up into a smile, “Are you really? Well, Ron’s told us all about the pair of you, of course. When did you get here?” “This morning.” Mrs. Weasley answered with her eyes looking at her sons accusingly, who looked down at the their plates with their faces turning slightly green, “Your sons flew that enchanted car of your to Surrey house and back last night." “Did you now?” Mr. Weasley he shifted his gaze to his sons and Robyn gulped nervously. She didn't want them to get into trouble. However, Mr. Weasley leaned forward with a grin, “How’d it go?!” Fred and George began to speak quickly with a gleem in their eyes. After Mrs. Weasley gasped a slapped Mr. Weasley’s shoulder in a scold, Mr. Weasley coughed and straightened his face into one of seriousness, “I...I mean…That was very wrong, boys. Very wrong indeed....So, Harry, Robyn, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?” Though baffled by the question, Robyn opened her mouth the answer but before she could speak a loud squawk sounded. The Potter twins and the Weasley's twisted their bodies to look out the window and Robyn could make out a grey and brown owl flying toward them. “Oh, that’ll be Errol with the post.” Mrs. Weasley commented with a smile. The owl, Errol, opened his wings outward to slow with a bunch of letters that was in his beak. Robyn flinched as the bird slammed into the glass, missing the open part of the window that was open. Whilst Harry and Robyn had their eyes widened in fear, the Weasley's just sighed and rolled their eyes as Mrs. Weasley said, “Oh, fetch it will you Percy.” Percy pulled himself up from his seat and strode to the window as Errol flew up and landed on the window sill allowing Percy to pluck the letters from the birds beak. “He’s always doing that.” Ron sighed beside Robyn with a small shake of his head. Percy opened the letter’s and scanned over the words, “Oh, look it’s our Hogwarts letters." He walked toward the table and handed each person their assigned things needed for their next year at Hogwarts, “They’ve send Harry and Robyn’s as well.” “Dumbledore must know the two of you are here” Mr. Weasley pointed out as he ate a fork-full of eggs, “Doesn’t miss a trick that man.” Robyn took the letter from Percy with thanks and opened it and ran her eyes over it. “Oh, this lot won’t come cheap mum.” George said as he read his letter, “Spell books alone are very expensive.” Robyn furrowed her brows - there was a lot of books written by Gildaroy Lockhart. “We’ll manage.” Mrs. Weasley assured her son as she read Harry's letter over his shoulder. She looked at the family and Robyn looked up at her, “There’s only one place we’re going to get all this; Diagon Alley." *** Robyn had had a shower and dressed in a fresh pair of clothes with a black cloak clasped around her neck. She was stood beside Harry with the Weasley's in front of a fireplace. They were heading to Diagon Alley but Robyn was concerned how the eight of them them were all going to fit into five-seater Ford Anglia. “Here we are then.” Mrs. Weasley murmured as she bustled to the fireplace and she grasped the pot of very thin grey powder. Robyn frowned and titled her head, Mrs. Weasley turned to look at Harry and motions him over with a wave of her hand, “Harry, you first.” “Harry’s never travelled by Floo Powder before, Mum.” Ron butted in, much to the Potter twins relief, “Neither has Robyn.” “Floo Powder?” repeated Harry in confusion whilst Robyn just titled her head in confusion. “Oh, then you go first Ron so that Harry and Robyn can see how its done.” Mrs. Weasley said, Ron nodded and moved away from his two friends. Robyn furrowed her brow in confusion as Ron stepped into the fire place and turned to face them, his mother held out the small pot of 'floo powder' to Ron the small pot. He placed his hand in and grasped a handful of the stuff and held it out infront of him. Mrs. Weasley opened her arms and pushed Harry and Robyn away as the other Weasley's stepped back. Robyn now was very confused. She looked at Mrs. Weasley who nodded to Ron then looked at Ron as he said, loudly, “Diagon Alley.” He threw the powder onto the floor of the fire place and exploded in green flames. Robyn yelped in fear as the flames died down, leaving no trace of Ron. “You see?” Mrs. Weasley grinned kindly as she placed a hand on Harry's arm, “It’s quite easy dear, don’t be afraid.” Robyn looked at her brother worriedly as he walked toward the fire place and stepped inside with Mrs. Weasley's hand on his back, “Mind your head.” Harry turned around and Mrs. Weasley offered him the pot of powder, “Take your powder.” Harry looked at his sister nervously, Robyn nodded tentatively with a small smile of encouragement and Harry took a handful of the powder and held it out infront of him. Mrs. Weasley stepped away and stood beside Robyn and Fred, “That’s it. Very good. And don’t forget to speak very, very clearly.” Robyn bit her bottom lip as her brother looked forward and closed his eyes and bellowed, “Diagonally." Green flames burst up and engulfed Harry, like it had with Ron, and left no trace of Harry. Robyn looked up at Mrs. Weasley and saw her with a worried expression on her face and Robyn had a feeling that she knew why. Instead of saying Diagon Alley, Harry had said Diagonally - combining the two words together and not speaking clearly enough. “What did he say dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked her husband, “Digonally.” Mr. Weasley repeated gravly, Robyn looked up at Mrs. Weasley with a concerned expression, “Will he end up in Diagon Alley, Mrs. Weasley?” The short, pump women looked down at Robyn kindly and placed a hand on her arm, “We best hope so. Okay, Robyn, you next.”Robyn nodded and walked forward and entered the fireplace and turned to Mrs. Weasley with her fists clenched in fear, “Don’t worry, dear," The women said kindly holding out the pot to Robyn, “take a handful and speak as clearly as you can, okay. Everything will be okay.” Robyn nodded and grasped a handful of the powder and held it out before her. She looked at the Weasley's then closed her eyes and took a deep breathe before shouting, “Diagon Alley.” She threw the powder to the ground and then the Weasley's disappeared as her vision was covered by a green flame. Then, felt herself get yanked and then she began to spin madly. Robyn felt her stomach start to squirm and she snapped her eyes shut as she saw fire places flash before her eyes. The breakfast she'd had a few hours earlier was starting to make its way back up. This went for a few minutes. Finally, she landed on the a floor on her bac. She panted heavily and kept her eyes squeezed shut. "ROBYN! HAY! YOU DID IT!" She opened one eye and saw Ron Weasley leaning over her with a wide grin on his freckled face. He held his hand down to her and Robyn lifted her hand up and grasped his hand and he helped her up to her feet and she brushed herself off then coughed out parts of dust. Ron patted her back, "You did great, I was sick first time I did it." “I can't imagine way." Robyn murmured with a slight grimace and Ron laughed then shook his head before asking, “Where’s Harry? Wasn’t he meant to come straight after me?” Robyn nodded slightly and looked at him worridly, “He did and we thought he was with you...but he didn't say it clearly and saying something like ‘digonally’.” Ron grimaced and rubbed his face, "I'm sure he'll be okay." "Yeah." nodded Ron then they looked at the fireplace as Fred appeared and stepped out the fire place just as George landed behind him and stepped out. They looked around, "At least one of the of the Potter's made it." Fred said with a weak smile and ruffled Robyn's hair and she appreciated his optimism. Next, Mrs. Weasley appeared in the fire place with Mr. Weasley appearing a few moments later. Mrs. Weasley looked around and frowned when she didn't see Harry, "Oh dear." She whispered worriedly, “I wonder where he could have landed." "Come on, Weasley's and Robyn.” Mr. Weasley said as he pulling everyone else out onto the street, Robyn and Ron walked side by side. Robyn’s eyes darted around, trying to find her brother in the mass of wizards. Ron obviously noticed her worried expression and nudged her gently with his shoulder, as they wondered through the streets. “Hay, don’t worry, Robyn.” Ron said to her, “Harry will be fine.” Robyn nodded, she did believe him but Harry was still her brother - of course she’d worry. Robyn look up at where they were headed and saw they were heading into a bookstore. Robyn followed the Weasley family up the steps and entered the shop and as they opened the door, a small bell rung. They were immediately greeted by a large crowd who had their back to them, all talking loudly with many of them holding the same book. “It’s not normally this full.” commented Percy with his eyebrows furrowed, “Wonder what the occasion is.” “I think its this.” Ron huffed in annoyance and she looked at him to him pointing at a sign with the picture of a man with bright blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a large, obnoxious grin on his face. The man winked with a glint in his eye and held up a book with his name on it. She looked at the writing on the poster: GILDEROY LOCKHART Will be signing copies of his autobiography, MAGICAL ME Today 12:30 – 4:30pm Robyn raised her eyebrow at the sign “Who’s Gilderoy Lockhart?” she asked and Ron groaned in response as if the name caused him physical pain. Robyn tilted her head in confusion, what was wrong with him? Then, she remember that he was the author of the books on her school list but why was Ron so upset about him. “You don’t know who Gilderoy Lockhart is?!” A voice shrieked behind them. Robyn spun around to the crowd to see Hermione Granger standing before them with a looking at her shock on her face. Hermione's normally messy hair had been combed and held away from her face by a purple headband, “HERMIONE!” Robyn squealed and ran forward and hugged her friend tightly. Hermione stumbled at the force but wrapped her arms around her and Robyn giggled then pulled back, "I miss you so much!" “I miss you too! Why didn’t you reply to any of my letters?” Hermione questioned with her head tilted and Robyn bit her lip and blushed slightly embarrassment, “It’s a long story.” Robyn answered honestly and Hermione raised an eyebrow but her attention was drawn by the absence of someone. “And where’s Harry?” Hermione asked and Ron stepped forward and answered with a small shrug with an akward shrug, “He got lost in the floo network." “Ron! Robyn!” Mrs. Weasley called and she pushed through the crowd of people that had formed around them the three looked up as she walked walked over to them and relaxed, “Oh, there you are dears. Oh, hello Hermione." “Hi Mrs. Weasley.” Hermione said with a smile, “Have you seen Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked her hopefully, “No.” Hermione said sorrowfully. “Do you want me to go and check outside?” “That would be wonderful, dear.” Mrs. Weasley thanked gratefully as Hermione smiled and bid goodbye to Ron and Robyn and Ron and left the shop. Mrs. Weasley turned to the other two, “Ron, Robyn, come on we need to get your books.” Robyn looked at where Hermione had left, “Shouldn’t I go looked for my brother?” she asked tentatively, “I’m sure Harry will find us.” Mrs. Weasley assured her, Robyn nodded light as Mrs. Weasley stroked her cheek comfortingly, “Anyway, Hermione’s going to go get him.” She grasped Ron's hand and pulled him though the crowd and Ron quickly grabbed Robyn’s hand not to lose her in the crowd. Robyn stumbled after Ron and saw a few people glance at her and mutter with wide eyes. She gulped nervously and looked down at the floor, she had forgotten that she and Harry were famous. Mrs. Weasley stopped at the front of the crowd where Gilderory Lockhart was sat, He held up a signed book grinned at the camera, flashing his gleeming white teeth. "Git." grumbled Ron and she looked at him and giggled at his expression. before his eyes landed on Robyn. “My eyes do lie. It’s can’t be...Robyn Potter?” Robyn stiffened and saw everyone eyes turn to her. She slowly lifted her gaze and saw Lockhart staring at her with a shocked expression but it then slid into a wide grin, Robyn shifted uncomfortably as people murmered around her, "Robyn Potter?" "Wow. She's shorter than I expected." "Even the Potters love Lockhart - he must truly be a hero!" "The Robyn Potter? The one that killed you-know-who?" “Robyn Potter!” Suddenly, the camera grasped her arm and dragged her over to Lockhart and she looked at Ron with a fearful expression but he only stared back at her with a mixture of amusement and nervousness. Robyn was pushed to Lockhart, who squished her into his side smiling at the people and camera as he rubbed her arm. “Ladies and Gentleman, what an extraordinary moment this is.” Gilderory ginned as he addressed the people before them, "Robyn Potter. The greatest hero to ever live....except for me of course." He laughed, baring his bright teeth, "Now, where’s the twin…Ah!” Harry emerged with Hermione beside him to the front of the crowd. Robyn's eyes locked with her brothers and he frowned in confusion, “Harry, my dear boy, come up here!” The same reporter that had pulled Robyn up, grabbed Harry’s arm and yanked him to Gilderory, who pulled him to his other side and rubbed other arm. Robyn stared at the camera like a deer in headlights as the camera flashed and the two twins blinked painfully. Lockhart smiled a the crowd, “Well, this is an amazing moment. When young Harry and Robyn here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my new autobiography, Magical Me – which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet’s Bestseller List – they had no idea that would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected of works. Free of charge." Robyn watched as he stepped picked up a pile of zbooks and dropped it into Robyn's open arms and another into Harry's. Robyn gripped the books tightly and tried to steady them. The camera flashed again and Robyn flinched and blinked her eyes as she momentarily blind. Much to Robyn and harry's relief, Lockhart pushed them away from him and the twins ran to the Weasley's with great haste. At she stopped before them, Hermione squealed in happiness and clapped rapidly. “You touched him!” she said over-joyed, “He’s an idiot.” Harry and Robyn said in unison as Mrs. Weasley took the books from them and gave one pile to Fred and held the under her arm. “You give me those, I’ll get these signed.” Mrs. Weasley said eagerly, Robyn smiled gladly, “All of you wait outside.” Robyn, Ron, Harry, Ginny and Hermione walked through the crowd murmuring apologizes as they knocked into people. Robyn breathed deeply and stepped out the crowd, "That was awful." Harry grumbled and Robyn nodded in agreement, "At least we never have to interact with him again." Ron commented whilst Hermione rolled her eyes. Robyn smiled slightly, she'd already guest that Hermione had a crush on Lockheart. “Bet you loved that, didn’t you, Potters.” Robyn snapped her gaze up and saw Draco Malfoy step toward them from the steps. He was just as pale as he was last year and his white-blonde hair had been slicked back, so he looked much the same. However, he was a lot taller so was a few inches taller than Robyn now, he used to be her height. He sneered down at them with his grey eyes, “Famous Harry and Robyn Potter. Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page.” Robyn and Harry glared up at him with thier blue eyes, Ginny stepped forward from behind Harry in response, “Leave him alone.” “Look, Potter.” Draco sniggered as he looked between Ginny and Harry, “You’ve got yourself a girlfriend.” “Which is one more than you’ll every have, Malfoy.” Robyn snapped and Draco glowered at the black-haired girl. She narrowed her eyes at him challengingly and took a step forward threateningly. However, a cane tapped his stomach and Malfoy stopped. Robyn shifted her gaze to the man stood beside Malfoy. He was very look, dressed in all black robes with waist length straight white hair that was slick like Dracos. He had a slightly hooked nose and he looked down at them with a small smirk as he spoke, “Now, now, Draco, play nicely.” Lucius Malfoy then shifted his gaze to Robyn, “Ah Miss Potter ,Mr Potter. Lucius Malfoy.” He introduced himself and handed his hand out to Harry, who shook it stiffly, “We meet at last.” His eyes flickered to Robyn’s neck where the scar could been seen from her black hair, “Forgive me.” He pulled Harry forward and brushed Harry’s black hair away from his forehead to reveal his lightening shaped scar, Robyn glared at him, “Your scar’s are legend. As of course is the wizard who gave them to you both.” Robyn looked up at Lucius blankly, clenching her fists behind her back, “Voldemort killed our parents.” Harry reminded Lucius blankly, Draco’s father pushed Harry back slightly with a tense jaw, releasing his hand. “Voldemort was nothing more than a murderer.” Robyn said coldly, Lucius looked down at the raven haired girl, “You must be very brave, Miss Potter, to speak his name.” Lucius commented, “You and your brother. Very brave, some might even call you foolish." “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.” Hermione pointed out, her brown eyes narrowed at Draco’s father, “You must Miss Granger.” Lucius stated looking down at the frizzy haired girl, “Yes, Draco’s told me all about you…and your parents. Muggles, aren’t they?" Hermione then didn't shift her expression but looked at him bravely. Lucius shifted his gaze to Ron and Ginny, "Let me see: Red hair, vacant expression,” he picked up abox from Ginny's cauldron, “Tatty second hand book. You must be the Weasley’s.” Robyn’s expression hardened just as Mr. Weasley came up behind them and placed his hands on Ron and Harry's shoulder, “Children, it’s mad in here.” Mr. Weasley said brightly, “Let’s go outside.” “Well, well Weasley senior.” Lucius drawled with a smirk on his lips and Mr. Weasley's smile dropped as he stood tall and looked at Draco's father. “Lucius." Arthur Weasley acknowledged coldly, “Busy time at the ministry, Arthur?” Lucius asked with a hint of smugness, “All those extra raids. I hope they’re paying you over time...but, judging by the state of this,” he gestured the book in his grasp, “I suppose not. What’s the use of being a disgrace the name of wizardry if you don’t even get paid well for it?” “We have very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.” Mr. Weasley replied calmly, “Clearly.” said Lucius bitterly before turning to glance at Hermione’s parents, “Associating with Muggles and to think, I thought your family could sink no lower.” The children could see Mr. Weasley holding himself back from snapping Mr. Malfoy and Robyn hard not to say something herself, “I’ll see you at work.” He spun on his heel with his cloak flaring behind him and walked out of the store. Draco narrowed his eyes at Robyn, Harry and Ron and raised his eyebrows and spat, “See you at school." Robyn narrowed at Draco as he turned and walked away, all four of the second years glared at the boy and muttered, "Git."
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