Chapter 3

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Year 1 1991 //Quidditch Lessons// The scratching sound of quills on parchment filled the room and the loud tick-tock of the clock that hung on the wall behind Professor McGonagall's desk. On her desk, a cat was sat watching them with sharp eyes that had the outline of glasses around the eyes with its body grey and covered in black strips. Professor McGonagall ran her eyes over the students in the room as they answered questions from the textbook. In the front row, Robyn Potter was sat beside Hermione with her black hair pulled back into a pony tail that kept her hair out her face. She lifted her head up and looked at the clock. 08:23 They haven't even been here for a day and Harry, along with Ron, were already late. Harry and Ron hadn't come to class yet, making them twenty minutes late. She shook her head slightly and looked back down at the parchment and continued to write. She was very aware of the cats eyes on her and her friends - Robyn was still trying to get over the fact that her Transfiguation teacher was currently a feline. The sound of the door sounded in the room with a loud creak, along with the sound of mutterings and footsteps; Harry and Ron. Robyn rolled her eyes, not bothering to look up as the boys stopped a few paces infront of her and looked at the clock. Hermione, who was beside Robyn, looked back at the boys and glanced at Robyn with a sour expression then shook her head and glanced at Robyn, who lifted her gaze and met hers. Robyn gave her a knowing expression and the girls lowered their heads and went back to working. "We made it." gasped Ron, his voice was labored and out of breath "Can you image the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" "Wait for it." Robyn muttered to Hermione. Just as she spoke, the cat on the desk jumped forward and turned into Professor McGonagall. Robyn didn't have to look up to tell that her brother and friends face was one of shock and horror, "That will bloody brilliant." Ron breathed in amazement, "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley." Mused Professor McGonagall "Perhaps you would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch: that way one of you might be on time." "We got lost." stammered Harry "Then perhaps a map?" Robyn's bottom lip between between her teeth as she prevented herself from giggling, "I trust you don't need one to find your seats?" she walked to the front of the class room and sat down behind her desk. *** Once Transfiguration had finished the class of first years headed over to the dungeons where the potions master, Professor Snape's, room was. Robyn was between Harry and Hermione chatting with Hermione as she explained all the potions she'd learnt by reading the books before coming to the school. In all honestly, Robyn only glanced over her text book - she felt quiet guilty for not preparing like Hermione had. However, before Robyn could wollow in self-pity, the door opened with a bnag and a black cloaked man came sweeping into the room. He had shoulder length greasy black hair and a hooked nose. "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class." spoke the Professor and silence swept across the room at his presence, "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few..." Robyn noticed that Professor Snape look down at Malfoy and his friends, "...who possess the pre-disposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame and brew glory and even put a stopper in death." After a few moments of painful silence Professor Snape spoke again "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention." It only took Robyn a few moments to notice that her twin was writing now the teachers words - rather than look at the teacher as he spoke. "Harry." Robyn muttered under her breath, he looked at Robyn then at Professor Snape and placed his quill down hurriedly and crossed his arms in front of him politely. "Mr. Potter." said Professor Snape as he walked a few paces to their desk, " Tell me, what would I get if I added powered root of an asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Robyn blinked in shock and confusion - she didn't even know what those to ingredients were never mind what happened if they reacted together! Whilst Hermione's hand shot up in the air like a rocket and Harry shook his head, "You don't know? Well let's try again; where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a besore?" Once again Hermione's hand shot to the air, she was practically bouncing out her seat. "I don't know, sir." answered Harry quietly "And what is the difference between munkswood and wolfbane?" "I don't know, sir." "Pity." uttered the Professor, but he looked anything put sorry for Harry - more gleeful, he then turned his gaze to Robyn, "Miss. Potter, let's see if you know any better than your brother. What is the potion that gives of a smell that is different to each person?" Hermione's hand went straight into the air "I don't know, sir." Robyn admitted glumly, "Like your brother, Miss Potter." smirked Professor Snape "Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it?" Something told Robyn that she wasn't going to get along with Professor Snape. * * * "Seamus, what are you doing?" Robyn inquired as she paused writing to look at the Irish boy. It was an hour after the awkward Potions lesson had finished and they were now happily enjoying lunch. "Trying to turn this into rum." He answered glancing into his goblet, "I'm getting a bit tired of hav'in pumkin juice all the time." Well, Robyn couldn't argue with that. She watched as he raised his wand again and repeated the spell again...only to have a small explosion to occur and his face covered in black suit. Robyn let out a laugh at the expression of pure suprise on Seamus's face - and the fact that his eyebrows had been singed off. Just then, a loud chirp echoed around the hall, turning Robyn's attention from him to the ceiling as a flock of owls came swooping into the Great Hall and carrying packages or letters. Boxes of all shapes and sizes landed in the grasps of the people in the hall. To her left, Neville had caught a small red box and Robyn looked at him, "What's that?" She asked as he pulled out a small glass ball with a golden ring around the centre, "It's a rememberall." Dean gaped, sitting up in his seat, but that didn't help Robyn much. "I've read about those!" exclaimed Hermione with a gleem in her eyes, "When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something." As she spoke, the inside of ball turned into red mist as Hermione had explained. Robyn felt her jaw drop in awe. "The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Said Neville with a small, sad, smile of his chubby cheeks and Robyn sent him a pitiful smile, "Robyn." She glanced around Neville and saw Harry gesturing her over. Robyn spun her legs over the bench and got up and walked over to him and took a seat beside him, "Look." He pointing at the newspaper in his hand at the title: BREAK-IN AT GRINGOTTS Believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches, unknown, gringotts goblins that where acknowledging the breach insists nothing was taken. The vault in question, number seven-one-three, had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day... "Somebody broke into gringotts." she murmered with her brows furrowed, "That's odd." She lifted her gaze to her brother who wore the same confused expression. At the look of curiousness from Hermione and Ron, Robyn added, "That's the same vault Harry, Hagrid and I went to." Not only was that issue, but Gringotts was meant to be safest place in the wizarding world. Hadn't Hagrid said himself that there was no place safer than Gringotts? *** The subject following was a flying lesson. She'd heard of one of the games from Ron: Quadditch? No. Quilltch? No....Quidditch! That was it. Robyn really did think it was an odd name. Ron had told her, Harry and Hermione it was a game that Ron had explained in vivid detail - not that Robyn understood it by she knew there were was a snitch, bludger and quaffel. Unfortunately for Robyn and the other other Gryffindors, they have the flying lesson with the Slytherins. As a result, Robyn and Harry had to face Malfoys smug face. She'd over head Malfoy boasting about how he'd being flying since he'd been a child and how a professional Quidditch player had commented on how he had the makings of great Quidditch player. Of course, then there was Robyn and Harry who had never even touched a magically broom in their lives - they were going to make a complete fall of themselves. Robyn walked beside Neville and Ron down to the Quidditch pitch and stopped between them along with the other Gryffindor's lined up on one side, Slytherins on the other. Madam Hooch, a tall women with narrow eyes and short wind-swept hair and dressed in a long black clothes, walked been the lines as she put on thick leather black gloves. "Good afternoon, class." She addressed shortly, "Good afternoon, Madam Hooch." Coursed all the students and, once Madam Hooch had reached the end of the lines, she spun around on her heel and looked at the children with her pale green eyes, "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked sharply, "Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick. Come on now, hurry up!" The students complied quickly and without hesitation, "Stick your right hand over the broom, and say up." she ordered. Robyn placed her hand over the broom at her feet and gulped nervously, "Up." The broom didn't move. She took a took a breathe and said, with confidence, "Up!" With a whoosh the broom was in her left hand. Robyn's eyes widened as she stared at the broom. She'd done it! From beside her, Robyn saw Neville shouting, as loudly as possible, but to no avail at his broom that stayed unmoving on the ground. To her right, Ron's broom was shaking on the ground and a fustrated expression formed on her face. She looked opposite her to see Malfoy grinning smugly at her, Robyn rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Ron, "With feel!" yelled Madam Hooch, "Up!" snarled Ron, annoyed. With a wish, the brrom sprang forward and smaked him in the face. Robyn burst out laughing, along with her brother, "Shut up, Robyn." He muttered with a small smile, his face tinted red - Robyn could hear Neville and Dean stifling there laughter as well. Once everyone had the broom in their hand - the people who couldn't command it up, just picking up quickly - Madam Hooch walked down the centre of the two llines, "Now, once you've got hold of your broom. I want you to mount it." said the teacher, they grasped their brooms and swung a leg over, "and grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding of the end." She added "When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle; Three, Two-" she blew the whistle and before Robyn had even thought about moving, she could see Neville rise from the ground. Robyn smiled, "Well done, Neville." she congratulated but she regreated her words almost immediately as she realised he was climbing higher by the second, "Neville?" "Mr. Longbottom" addressed the teacher, comments from the other students ran wild ordering to come back down "M-Mr-Mr Longbottom" stammered Madam Hooch "Mr Longbottom!" Neville raced into the air, screaming fearfully "Neville!" Robyn shrieked and watched in horror as he flew higher and higher clinging onto the broom for dear life, "Help!" he yelled, Robyn dropped her broom on the floor clasping her hand over her mouth, "Come back down this instant!" growled Madam Hooch, Robyn looked at her incredulously. Can she not see that he can't come down?! Neville was flung left, right, up, down all the while screaming for dear life. He slammed into a wall numerous times before diving toward the ground then toward us. Harry grasped Robyn's hand and pulled her out the way of Neville and she stumbled before regaining her composure, "Oh my god." Robyn muttered fearfully, he flew though the entrance and upward over the turrets before his cloak got snagged on the tip of a spear of a statue a good sixty meters above the ground. Everyone gathered around looking up in shock at the dangling boy. Then, his cloak ripped and he was sent plummeting down to the ground, he landed on the grass with a loud thump where lay motionless. "Everyone out of the way!" exclaimed Madam Hooch as she moved though the separated crowd. She knelt beside him and Robyn watched as he complained about the pain, holding his arm. Madam Hooch helped Neville up and checked over his arm and saw a look of concern replace her harsh expression, "Everyone is too keep their feet firmly on the ground, while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing." She said walking with Neville, who cradled his broken wrist, "Understand!? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will be will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." She walked out of sight with Neville. Robyn watched them leave then turned her attention to Malfoy as he stepped into the middle of the crowd with an evil chuckle, "Did you see his face?" Malfoy sniggered as he lifted up the rememberall, "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass." he laughed horribly, "Give it here Malfoy." ordered Harry, stepping forward with his hand out stretched to the slimy rat. Malfoy turned to face Harry with a raised eyebrow, "No." he stated "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He tossed the ball into the air then pushed off the ground and began to fly upward then around the group with a smirk on his pale face, "How about on the roof?" he jeered and flew upward, Robyn glared at him gripping held her broom tighter in fustration, "What's a matter, Potter?" taunted Malfoy from high off the ground, "Bit beyond you're reach?" With a firm glare at the boy Harry mounted the broom, "Harry, no way!" exclaimed Hermione stepped forward with an incredulous expression, "You heard what madam Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly!" Harry ignored her and flew into the air, Hermione reached her hand out to pull him back down but Robyn pulled her arm back, "Robyn, your brother is an idiot." she growled, "I trust my brother, Hermione" Robyn said watching him fly toward Malfoy, "Something tells me he'll be alright." Robyn looked back and continued to watch as Malfoy teased her brother before throwing the small glass ball faraway and Harry darting after it, "Harry!" Robyn yelled as he headed straight for a wall and felt her heart thumb against her chest. Then she saw Harry spin to a holt with something in his hand. A smirk on his face and then he flew slowly down toward the rest of the students, "He's got it." Robyn muttered shocked and she ran forward with Ron, Hermione and everyone at her heels. He landed on the ground and Robyn pulled him into a back breaking hug "Harry, that was amazing!" Robyn exclaimed as pulled away, he laughed as he was pulled into a sea of hugs by the other students. Robyn turned and saw Malfoy standing with a few Slytherins, his face sulky, Robn smirked at him - serves him right. Then, the sound of shoes on stone reached her ears, she turned to see Professor McGonagall walking toward them with a stern expression on her face, "Harry Potter." she addressed and Harry turned to face her his smile fell, "Follow me." Robyn watched as Harry walked away with the teacher with his head down. She felt very worried. Would be be expelled? Would be be suspended? Wand broken?! "Guess, Potter's got himself in some trouble." Robyn heard a snide voice comment from behind her and turned to face him, "Oh, hush up you slim ball." She snarled at Malfoy who had his arms crossed, "What you gonna do, Potter?" he teased with a smug grin on his face, "Your bother isn't here to back you up." "I don't need back up, unlike you, Malfoy." *** A few days later, one afternoon Robyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione left the hall after dinner and headed toward the common room. Robyn walked beside Hermione as they walked up the moving staircase, "I'm telling you, its spooky." Ron said to Harry "She knows more about you two than either of you do!" Robyn rolled her eyes at his comment. Ron can be so insensitive at times! "Who doesn't?" mutter Harry, out of nowhere the stairs jolted and sending the four first years into the railing. Robyn tightened her grip on the railing and looked down fearfully at the long drop below us, "What's happening?!" "Staircases change, remember?" answered Hermione glancing at the other stairs. Finally, the stairs stopped at a door and Robyn shared a glance with Hermione, "Let's go this way." said Harry, the four of them hurried of the stairs to the platform as Ron muttered, "Before the staircase moves again." Harry opened the door with Robyn, Ron and Hermione behind him. The corridor was pitch black with the only light coming from the open door behind us. "Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?" Robyn asked wrapping her arms around myself as a burst of cold air brushed over her, "We're not supposed to be here!" Hermione confirmed from beside me with a worried expression on her face, "This is the third floor, it's forbidden." A fire was lit to Harrys left causing all four of them to jump in shock, followed by the other stands illuminating the dingy corridor. "Lets go." said Harry just as a wining meow came from behind them and there was Mrs. Norris the, caretakers cat, strolled in and sat down with her grey and brown tail swishing calmly. Her yellow eyes almost showing glee at getting children in trouble with her master, "Its Flitches cat." Hermione breathed fearfully, "Run." No one argued with Harry as they all burst into a sprint down the corridor and every post they past lit with flames illuminating their path but also showing their location. At the end of the corridor there was a single large door with a thick lock on it, "Quick! Let's hide through that door!" yelled Harry, he stopped at the door and attempted to open it "Its locked!" Harry growled angrily and stepped back and clenched his fists, "That's it, we're done for!" cried Ron and Robyn glnaced over her shoulder and could see the shadow of Filch at the entrance to the corridor, "Oh move over!" exclaimed Hermione shoving passed Harry and raising her wand and pointed it at the door "Alohamora" The locked lifted up and then door opened and she headed inside quickly followed by the rest of them. Once they were all in, Ron closed the door behind him and turned to Hermione, "Alohamora?" he repeated incredulously, "Standard book of spells, chapter seven." recited Hermione, Robyn placed a finger in front of her lips, "Guys, listen." Robyn hissed quietly, they all quietened and heard the sound of Flitch talking to his cat then footsteps retreating away form the corridor until there was no more sound, "He's gone." Robyn turned with a relaxed expression on her face and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight before before her. Was that..."Harry." Robyn gasped quietly tugging on his sleeve, he turned and stopped as well staring at the massive creature before them, "- it was locked." Hermione reply to something Ron said from behind them. "And for good reason." Harry commened, Hermione and Ron turned around and froze. There, a few feet in front of them, was a massive three headed black dog snoring loudly. Each of its heads had a thick collar on it. His head was about as large as a small car. Clearly, they had been too nosy for the creature as one of its eyes began to blink open, soon followed by the other five. One of the heads let out a massive, teeth filled yawn, as they awoke another growled. The creature raised up so its heads where high above us. All at once, the children all let out a massive petrifying scream as the dog(s?) began to growl and snarl at them, lifteing its massive body to its four paws. Harry rushed to the door and wrenched it open and all four of them dashed out and themselves against the door attempting to close it. Robyn pushed as hard as she could as the teeth of the creature appeared through the door. Finally, once it was closed, Robyn slammed down the lock and ran as fast as their feet could carry them away from the door that rattled on its hinges. *** "What do you think there doing keeping a thing like that locked in the school?!" shouted Ron they entered the common room - that was empty. "You don't use your eyes do you." Observed Hermione, panting slightly as she headed toward the steps to the dorms, "Didn't you see what it was standing on?" "I wasn't looking at its feet!" yelled Ron outraged "I was a bit pre-occupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice, there were three!" Ron commented as they assended the stairs, "I have to agree with Ron on this one." Robyn muttered to Harry, who nodded beside her...there were just so many teeth on that thing. "It was standing on a trap door, which means it wasn't there by accident." Hermione explained, they stopped at the entrance to the girls dorms, "It's guarding something." "Guarding something?" repeated Harry confused, sharing a glance with Robyn, "That's right." she confirmed, "Now, if you two don't mind I'm going to bed before either of you three come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse expelled." Then, with that she swung the door open and walked straight into the dorms. Robyn turned to my brother and Ron with eyes wide. "Its true." she commented fairly and Harry rolled his eyes, "She needs to sort out her priorities."
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