Chapter 4

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Year 1 1991 //Trolls and Quidditch Games// "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, Professor Flitwick explained, his short stubby body perched on rather large book so that he could see all of us. His small but bright eyes grinning down at them, "or the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers?" Robyn nodded and saw Hermione, who was in front of her raise hers at Professor Flitwick looked around the classroom, "Good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing." The Professor said, pulling his wand from his cloak pocket, "The swish and flick." He swung his wand then flicked it upward in a gentle movement, "Everyone." Robyn picked up her wand and, in unison with everyone else, said, "The swish and flick." Everyone moved their wands in the described movements, "Good." grinned Professor Flitwick, "Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then." Robyn nodded slightly then looked down at her feather and took a deep breath and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." She moved her wand in a wish and flick motion and finished by pointing it at the feather. It moved upward from the desk, trembling slightly, a few inches before floating back down again. A breath of relief came from her lips, "Awesome, Robyn." Dean congratulated from Robyn left, she grinned at him and watched as he said the spell and moved his wand. They stared intently at the feather as it began to tremble before lifting up off the table and rocked slightly before landing back on the table. Robyn and Dean high fived before continuing their incantations. Robyn was able to stable the feather after a few attempts. Something caught Robyn's eye and she looked upward to see a feather rising higher and higher, she looked down at the person below the feather and saw Hermione's wand pointed at the feather. She felt a small sense of pride at Ron's distasteful expression at her skill. Go Hermione! "Well done!" Laughed the Professor "See here, everyone, Miss Granger's done it! Splendid!" Everyone tried again, just as Robyn raised her wand to ask a question but then heard a loud bang and an explosion of black ash came from a little away from her. Robyn looked beside Harry, who was next to Ron, and saw Seamus had blown up his feather, causing his face and my brothers to turn black with ash. Robyn clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh at the shocked looks on their faces. "I think we're going to need another feather over here." *** "Its Leviosa, not Leviosar." Impersonated Ron, a little ahead of Robyn as she walked with Hermione from Professor Flitwicks class. Dean, Harry and Seamus laughed at Rons comments. Robyn scowled at him and glanced at Hermione who pretended she hadn't heard him and looked around the grounds of the school, "She's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends." Sniggered Ron, Hermione had seeming had enough and sped up her walking and bashed her shoulder into into Rons with her head down and clutching her books tightly in her arms. "I think she heard you." Muttered Harry as Robyn ran after Hermione but stopped at Harry's words and rounded on the four boys with her eyes glaring at them, "What's wrong with you?" She snarled, looking at the four boys before she stepped forward toward Ron "You just have to be an i***t, Ron! Just because she's better than you. Come find me when you've finished being stupid." She finished with a sharp glare at the four boys before she chased after to where Hermione had run off but wasn't able to catch up with her hurt friend. *** Though it was now dinner, Robyn wasn't with her other peers in the Great Hall but instead wondered the corridors of the scholls looking for Hermione Granger. Robyn hadn't seen her since Ron awful comment this morning. Honestly, his filter between his mouth and brain had to have been broke. Robyn hasn't spoke to the four boys since that comment and made no effort to hide her avoidance from them. A small sigh escaped Robyn's lips as she checked a classroom, "Nope." she murmered disapointedly before walked out and closed the door before walking over the girls bathroom a few feet away. She pushed the door open and walked into the room and ran her eyes over her stools. Then, she heard a small sniffle and sob. Hermione. "Hermione?" She called softly and the sniffing stopped for a moment "Hermione?" Robyn walked over to the only occupied bathroom stall and pressed her ear against it "Hermione? Its Robyn." "Go away." She wailed, her voice cracking slightly, "Hermione, please." Robyn pleaded, lifting her head away from the door "Don't listen to what Ron said he's just-" "But he's right isn't he!" she shouted threw the closed door and Robyn flinched the harshness of her tone and the words. She was wrong. "It's what you all think of me!" she started sobbing again and Robyn felt her heart squeeze. "I don't think you a nightmare, Hermione." Robyn said sincerely, "I think you're an amazing person, Ron's just jealous because he doesn't have the skills like you. You're amazing, don't let his stupidity get to your head." There was a pause...then, a click and the door opened to reveal the tear stained face of Hermione Granger, her small hand wiping away the red tracks on her face. Hermione looked at Robyn with a small smile and Robyn hugged her gently. Hermione stiffened then wrapped her arms around her in response. Both girls closed their eyes and Robyn stroked her hair gently. Poor Hermione. Suddenly, there was a deep booming growl from behind the girls. Robyn pulled back gently from the hug and looked at Hermione with fear. She slowly turned around and both Robyn and Hermione looked down at the floor and their gaze met with two large fat green feet. Robyn slowly moved her eyes upward and felt her heart sink even more as the body kept going before she finally reached a small ugly head - 10 feet off the floor. A large, ugly, green Troll holding a club stood above the wo girls. Its small beady eyes darting between Robyn Hermione. All was silent. Robyn could hear the sound of her heart bumping against her chest. Them, two screams broke the air. It took Robyn less than a second to realize that one was Hermione's, and the other was hers. Robyn grasp her wrist in fear and slowly began walked backward away from the creature. Their breathing was short and shallow. "Have you read a book about Trolls?" Robyn whispered to Hermione under her breath and at the shake of Hermione's head, Robyn dragged Hermione into the closest cubical and slammed the door shut. Then, they both dived onto the floor with her arms over their heads, shielding them from Trolls club as it smashed through the cubicles - leaving only half of the cubical's tops standing. A scream came from Robyn's lips as she and Hermione were showered with bits of wood from the cubical's. "Robyn! Hermione!" Robyn pushed the debris out of her eyes, and see Ron and Harry standing behind the Troll with their eyes widen, "Move!" Robyn and Hermione started to crawled through the mess of wood pieces into the yet untouched cubicles but the club of the Troll smashed through the remaining cubicles. "Harry!" Robyn cried in fear whilst Hermione shouted in terror, "Help! Help!" Robyn felt her body tremble as Troll continued to advance on them with its club raised, "Hay, pea brain!" Robyn heard Ron yell, she looked through the mess to see Ron throw something at Troll thus drawing its attention from Hermione and Robyn onto the boys. Taking advantage of the trolls distraction, Hermione and Robyn clambered behind the Troll and dived under the sinks, "Robyn look out!" Harry screamed and she looked up to see the troll raise its club to hit them. Robyn shoved Hermione forward under another sink and Robyn slid backward just as the sink they were under was smashed into fragments, spraying water everywhere as the pipes were smashed. Harry pull out his wand, and ran at the Troll and jumped onto the trolls club as it was over its back and wrapping his arms around the end of it. The Troll swung the club froward over his shoulder and Harry landed on the creature's neck as the monster. Robyn watched horrified as the creature swung her brother left and right, he screamed in fear and terror, "Harry!" She exclaimed scared clamping a hand over her mouth, then Harrys wand was shoved up the monsters nose. Robyn wrinkled up her face in disgust as Ron made a sound of displeasure. The Troll swung his head around again before grabbing Harry by his leg and pulled him off his neck and hanging him upside down, "Do something!" Shouted Harry, the creature roared as he brought his club to Harry, who jumped upward to avoid it, "What!?" Yelled Ron confusion "Anything!" yelled back Harry, Robyn patted her pockets and around looked for her wand before remembering she left it in her dormitory. Robyn, you're such an i***t,"Hurry up!" Shouted Harry, Ron pulled his wand from his robes nervously and glooked at Hermione, "Swish and flick!" Shouted Hermione, "Wingardium Leviosa." Ron spoke motioning with his wand. Robyn watched with her fingers crossed as the club lifted from the Trolls grasp and moved upward above the creatures head and hovered there. The Trolls looked up dumbly before the club dropped onto its head, "Cool." Ron smirked as the dazed expression on the creatures face. The Troll dropped Harry and began to stumble around. A few steps later it collapsed, with Harry frozen a few feet away from it. All was silence as the dust began to settle slowly and water sprayed everywhere. Carefully, Robyn got to her feet along with Hermione and walked over to the boys, with Hermione following. Robyn allowed her eyes to travel down the motionless body of the Troll and grimiced. "Is it dead?" asked Hermione, shaking slightly, "I don't think so." answered Harry, "Just knocked out." He knelt down and pulled his wand from the creatures snotty nose, it growled slightly and Robyn wrinkled her face up and growled. "Ugh!" Exclaimed Harry and Ron, as Harry lifted his wand to see snot dripping from it, "Troll boogers." said Harry as he wiped his wand on this robes. "Gross." Robyn commented just as the sound of heals reached her ears. The door to the bathroom swung open and all eyes looked over and saw Professor McGonagall walk in before she jumped back in fright and shock when she saw the unconscious Troll. A few moments later, Professor Snape and Professor Quirral ran in but froze beside her, "Oh, my goodness!" She exclaimed with a hand over her chest, "Explain yourselves, the three of you!" She ordered to Harry, Ron and Hermione "Well, what it is-" the boys started glancing between eachother whilst Robyn opened her mouth stupidly - not knowing that to say. "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Cut off Hermione, turning the teachers attention to her and Robyn snapped her eyes to Hermione, "Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall stated shocked, "I went looking for the troll. I read about them and thought I could handle it." Hermione lied, Robyn stared at her in shock. What was she doing? "But I was wrong. If Harry, Robyn and Ron hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead." Robyn glanced at Harry to see him with the same look of shock as Robyn, "Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do." Scolded Professor McGonagall "I expected more rational behaviour and am I am very disappointed in you." Hermione looked down embarrassed as Professor McGonagall at Hermione with disappointment, "Five points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your serious lack of judgement." She then turned her eyes to at Harry, Robyn and Ron, "As for you three. I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first-year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the table." Robyn looked down expecting to be punished at her feet. She hadn't even been here a full term and already got herself in trouble, "Five points...will be awarded to each of you." Robyns head snapped up in shock and a broad grin spread across her face "...for sheer dumb luck." With a final glance at the four of Gryffindors, she turned on her heal and headed out of the bathroom, quickly followed by Snape - leaving Professor Quirall looking nervously and fiddling with his rope sleeve. "Perhaps you ought to go." Stammered Professor Quirall, gesturing them over to him "It might wake up." They all walked pass him and Robyn looked over her shoulder at the Professor the at her friends. Robyn just knew that this was the start of a new friendship. As they say, those who slay Trolls together, stay together....right? *** The following week was Harrys first Quidditch match against Slytherin. Oh, yeah. After the incident with Malfoy and the remembrall, Harry had been recreuited into the Gryffindor team as a seeker. Oh which Ron had continued to talk about how Harry would be the youngest seeker in a centery. Robyn sat beside Ron and opposite Hermione in the Great Hall, watching as Harry played with his bacon his face slightly green from beside Hermione. "Take a bit of toast, mate. Go on." Encouraged Ron, "Ron's right." Agreed Hermione, "You'll need your strength for today." Robyn sent her brother an reassuring smile, "I'm not hungry." murmered Harry and then Robyn noticed Professor Snape walk up behind Harry and look down at him with a sout expression, "Good luck today, Potter. You've proven yourself against a troll. A game of Quidditch should be easy work. Even if it is against Slytherin." "Harry doesn't need luck, Professor" Robyn said, the black eyes of the Potions master darted to her, "He has skill." His eyes rolled over Robyn's face before he turned and walked down the aisle between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, limping slightly, "That explains the blood." Robyn heard Harry mutter, "Blood?" Robyn repeated confused, he leaned across the table to her, "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so that he could get past that dog. But he got bit, that's why he's limping." Harry told her and Hermione, "But why would anyone go near that dog?" asked Hermione, "You said it yourself Hermione." Robyn pointed out, the three turned to her, "Remember? You said that the dog was guarding something, that's what Snape must be after. When Harry, Hagrid and I went to Gringotts Hagrid took something from out of that vault. He said its Hogwarts business - very secret." "So, you're saying-" began Hermione, "That's what the dogs guarding." Robyn finished and nodded in agreement, "That's what Snape wants." Added Harry, just then the sound of an owl was heard and we all look up to see the snowy white owl of Hegwid and the black and ginger owl of Oswald, together they carried a rather large package, that looked a lot like a broomstick and dropped it infront of hARRY. The owls dropped them off and flew away, but Oswald stopped and landed on Robyn's plate, "Hay." Robyn giggled as Oswald started eating her eggs and bacon, Oswald hooted quietly as Robyn stroked his features and then nipped at her finger affectionately before flying off with a bit of bacon in his mouth, "Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Questioned Hermione, "But I never get mail." Stuttered Harry looking at the package in shock, "Let's open it." Grinned Ron, Robyn and Hermione started unwrapping the front of the broomstick whilst Harry and Ron started at the tail. A few moments later a beautiful broom was in front of them, sleek and perfect. It has the words: Nimbus 2000, in gold lettering at the handle. "It's a broomstick." Robyn breathed, "That not just a broomstick, that a Nimbus 2000!" said Ron, amazed. "But who-?" Harry stopped himself as he looked up at the teachers table to see Oswald and Hegwid beside Professor McGonagall who was smiling at the four of them as she stroked their feathers. To the left of Harry, Robyn could see Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, with his jaw dropped staring at the broomstick. *** "Better watch out for that brother of yours, Potter." A slimy voice sneered from behind Robyn. Robyn, Hermione and Ron were currently walking toward the Gryffindor stands with them supporting a red and gold scarf and flag. Robyn turned to see Malfoy standing with his cronies, Crab and Goyle, with a smirk of his pale face all of them wearing green and silver scarfs. Robyn glared at him, "What are you talking about, Malfoy?" Robyn snarled, "Nothing, I'd just pray that beginners luck is with him." Malfoy commented, "My brother doesn't need luck. He's got skills, so have the rest of the rest of the Gryffindor team." She snapped, "You keep think that, Potter" sniggered Malfoy pushing his way past them, she took a step forward only to be held back by Hermione. Robyn huffed in annoyance as he walked away laughing with Crabb and Goyle, "I swear if that git says another thing I'll-" Robyn threatened, "Just ignore him, Robyn." Hermione told her, releasing her, "Yeah." Agreed Ron, "He's just trying to get on your nerves." The three of us continued to the stands. They took their places in the Gryffindor area with Robyn beside Neville and Hermione them. Everyone clapped and cheered loudly, then the stands exploded with screams and applause as the Gryffindor team flew into the pitch, soon followed by the Slytherin team. Robyn spotted Harry testing out his stability high above the pitch and waved at him, he waved back a few moments later and sent her a nervous expression, "Hello and welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season!" Announced Lee Jordon through the microphone, "Today's game, Slytherin vs Gryffindor!" Robyn stood between Neville and Hermione as she clapped wildly for Gryffindor, "The players take their positions as madam Hooch onto the field to begin the game!" They watched as Madam Hooch walked over to a chest in the centre of the pitch and spoke to the team members before kicking the chest releasing two bludgers and, even though it was near impossible to see, the gold snitch. Harry and Ron had explained to me the rules of game a few days previously. “...remember the Snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." Lee Jorder yelled and Robyn bit her finger nails as Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and lauched it into the air, "The Quaffle is released and the game begins!" Then it was a blur of green and red as the chasers darted after the ball. Then, no less than 2 minuets into the game Gryffindor scored, "Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points for Gryffindor! Slytherin takes the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captin Marcus Flint." A few moments later Gryffindor were scoring again, "Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" Then she saw Flint snatch the bat from a beater and smashed a bludger, hard, toward Wood (The keeper) who was sent backward into the hoop and fell to the ground. Robyn's eyes widened in shock as Wood landed on the sand and lay unmoving. Slytherin scored a few moments later with no keeper to save them. And again, Robyn felt myself sigh in annoyance, "Blimy!" exclaimed Hagrid and she looked at him, "Whats going on with Harry's broomstick?!" Robyn looked up at her brother to see his broom swinging him around like a doll, with him only just clinging on for dear life! "Its Snape!" said Hermione hurriedly to Ron and Hermione "He's jinxing the broom!" "What?!" Robyn yelled in shock, "Jinxing the broom? What do we do?" asked Ron quickly, "Leave it to me." Said Hermione before she pushed her way through the crowd. Robyn felt my hand grasp onto Rons forearm. All of a sudden Harry was flung forward and he fell of the broom hanging on by one hand and Robyn's heart dropped and her stomach filled with fearful butterflies. "Harry!" she screamed, "Come on Hermione!" begged Ron and a few long moments later Harrys broom stopped shaking and he was able to swing himself back on, "Yes! Yes!" Robyn shouted gleefully "Go Harry! Go!" She watched as he sped like a bullet smashing himself into the Slytherin seeker. Then they dived, shoulder to shoulder. The pair sped to the ground and Robyn clasped my hands over over mouth as the Slytherin seeker pulled up but Harry carried on down, only pulling up when was mere inches from the ground. The tense in the air could be cut with the knife as everyone watched in astonishment as he stood on his broom, "Oh my god." She gasped, he reached out his hand and took a step forward and was sent hurtling to the ground below, he rolled a few times before stopped on his feet, holding his stomach. A gasp rang around the crowd and Robyn jumped to her feet, "Looks like he's gonna be sick." commented Hagrid, then something came from Harry's mouth. Something round and gold. The Snitch. "He's got the Snitch!" Exclaimed Lee Jordon "Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" A high pitched whistle rang out, "Gryffindor wins!" yelled Madam Hooch, Robyn screamed in happiness and stared clapping loudly, Robyn pulled Ron into a hug and they yelled together bouncing up and down with happiness. Robyn pulled away from Ron to look over at the Slytherin stands, she saw all their faces in sadness, disappointment and embarrassment. A small smirk formed on her face at Malfoys angry expression. Harry lifted the snitch into the air for all to see and the Gryffindor team flew above him clapping madly, "Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!"
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