Chapter 2

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Year 1 1991 //Kings Cross Station and Hogwarts// The following morning Robyn, Harry and Hagrid walked through Kings Cross. The twins each had a trolley piled high with their trunks, books and owls. It still all felt so surreal to Robyn as they walked across the bridge to their platform with Hagrid walking beside them, chortling about Hogwarts and what they'll enjoy. "Blimy! Is that the time!" exclaimed Hagrid looking at his pocket watch that he pulled from his shirt, "Sorry, you two, but I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledoor will be wanting he'll be wanting to see me. Now, your train leaves in ten minuets. He's your tickets." he handed Harry both of the tickets, “Stick to it, Harry and Robyn, it's very important. Sick to your ticket." Robyn looked down at the train ticket and looked at the station number: PLATFORM 9 ¾ "Platform nine and three quarters?" muttered Harry in confusion as he stared at the number on their tickets. There was no such thing as platform 9 ¾. There was 9 and 10, but there was no platform between that. "Hagrid, there must be some mistake, this is platform nine and three quarters. There's no such thing. Is there?" Robyn asked as she looked up but Hagrid was no where to be seen. A frown formed on Robyn's face as she looked around for her giant of a friend "What do we do now, Harry?" She asked turning to her brother, who looked at her and shrugged, "I don't know." he answered honestly, "I guess we'll just have to find someone to help us." With a sigh escaping from Robyn's lips, the two of them pushed their luggage down to the platforms looking for the unusual number - if it even existed. The black-haired twins wieved their way through the crowds of Londoners who were bidding their loved ones good-bye or greeting them with open arms. Robyn looked at the numbers on the stations before she saw 9 and 10. "Look!" Robyn said pointing to the two stations, "There's nine and ten. Nine and three quarters should be here." They slowed to a stop between the stations and looked around in confusion. Where was it? It should be right here? Robyn felt a nudge on her shoulder and looked at Harry, to see him looking over to the conductor - who had finished directing an older lady. "Come on, let's go ask him." suggested Harry and they pushed their trolleys toward a conductor "Excuse me!" called Harry and the man looked at the small twins "Excuse me, sir, but can you tell me where we might find platform nine and three quarters?" "Nine and three quarters?" repeated the conductor "Think you're being funny do ya'?" "No! Sir, we just...we're lost...." she trailed of as he walked away, not glancing to look back as he shook his head and muttered about time-wasting children. Robyn dropped her head onto her arms as they rested on the handles of her trolley. She turned her head in her arms as the found of a shrieking women who was in a rush dashed past them, she was very short and plump with bright red hair. She was soon followed by a group of other carrot topped people - no doubt her family. Robyn and Harry's eyes widened when they heard her say the words 'Hogwarts', 'muggles' and 'Platform nine and three quarters'. They must be wizards too, Robyn thought gleefully. "Come on." said Harry and the two of them followed the family from a short distance and watched as the women ushered a red-headed boy toward her, "Come on then Percy, you first." she said and the boy wheeled his trolley and took a deep breath then started to rush with his trolley toward the wall between platforms nine and ten. Robyn's eyes widened in fear then she squeezed them shut and waited for the sound of a crash and scream as he would crash into the wall...but it never came. She opened her eyes and realised there was no mangled heap of the boy nor this was as though he'd disappeared. Robyn looked at Harry to see him with his jaw dropped, she then looked back at the lady who was addressing two red-headed twins, "Fred you next." "He's not Fred, I am." whined the other twin, "Honestly women, you call yourself our mother." commented the other, Robyn placed her hand over her mouth from laughing at their mothers eye roll and muttering to herself before she looked at them again, "Oh, sorry George." apologized the women and 'George' stood when his brother had been with a tight grip on his trolley. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." he beamed at his mother with a cheeky grin before running into the wall and vanishing quickly followed by the other, is this is George? No, that one was Fred. Wait...Robyn had no clue. Before Robyn could think any more, she heard Harry push his trolley past her and toward the red-haired family as he called, "Excuse me!" The red-haired women turned her attention to them as Robyn quickly followed her brother and stopped before the lady, who walked toward them with a warm smile on her rosy cheeks, "C-Could you tell us..." Robyn stammered nervously as the lady turned her motherly eyes to her, " to..." Harry nodded to the wall where the twins had disappeared. "How to get onto the platform?" chuckled the women kindly and the twins nodded in response "Yes, not to worry, dears, its Ron's first time at Hogwarts as well." Robyn looked over her shoulder at the boy, who was about their age with bright orange hair and a very freckly face. She turned her attention back to the plump lady as she placed a hand on her back and pointed to the wall "Now, all you've got to do, is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. Best do it at a bit of a run if your nerves." she patted Robyn and Harry on the back and took a step back to where a small girl with dark red, shoulder length hair was stood. "Good luck." the small girl whispered, Robyn looked at Harry "You can go first." Robyn said, he smiled and breathed before he turning his attention at the door. Harry closed his eyes for a fleeting moment then ran at the wall and went straight through, Robyn turned the women once Harry had gone through, "Thank you, Miss." Robyn turned her gaze to the wall and ran toward the wall. Her heart thumped rapidly against her chest as the wall came closer and close and....just as she thought she would crash, Robyn went straight through and arrived at another station. Robyn quickly slowed her trolley before she hit any of the bustling people around her, "Woah." Robyn gasped and looked up to see a sign that read: 9 ¾ HOGWARTS EXPRESS Robyn heard a loud horn and turned to the train that was a few meters from her. It was a dark green colour with black outlines with windows running up and down the carriages. Steam came from the chimney at the top as a whistle was blown by conductor, dressed in dark red. Parents hugged their children goodbye whilst others waved from windows. It was almost chaotic...but also very organised. She spotted Harry a few meters from her and pushed her trolley over to him and the pair navigated their way through the ground to the train where their trolleys were taken by a man in green who bid them morning and loaded it into one of the carriages. The twins then moved into the train and walked down the lines of carriages until they found an empty one. Robyn slid open the door and sat down by the window, with Harry sitting opposite her. She rested her head against the cushioned back of her seat and gazed outside as the train began to move out the station. It was still surreal to Robyn that they were finally leaving the Dursley's and going somewhere were their parents had wanted them to go. A smile formed on her lips as she thought of how much better her and Harry's life would be without the Dursley's bulling them. A few moments later, a knock came at their compartment and Robyn and Harry looked up to see the red-haired boy from earlier, the lady's son who was around their age. He looked at them sheepishly as he asked, "Excuse me. Do you mind? Every where else is full". "At all. " smiled Harry and Robyn nodded - they should probably starting making friends, so why not have him join them. Ron grinned in thanks and closed the door behind himself and took a seat beside Harry. "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." introduced Ron with a grin on his pale and freckle-filled face. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry responded casually and Ron's eyes widened in shock and he turned to Robyn, "Are you Robyn Potter?" he questioned with his eyes wide and unbelieving, "Yes." Robyn responded kindly, slightly nervous that he already knew her name - but Hagrid had told them that they were famous in the Wizarding World "Nice to meet you, Ron." She held out her hand for him to shake, he took it carefully staring at her in awe. Robyn placed her hand back on her lap as Ron looked between the two of tehm, "S-So its true. I mean I mean do you really have the-the..." he pointed to his temple as he looked at Harry, "The what?" asked Harry "The scar?" whispered Ron, "Oh." smiled Harry and he pushed his hair from his forehead revealing the lighting-shaped scar on his forehead. "Wicked." grinned the red-haired boy before he turned to Robyn and she nodded and moved her black hair to one side revealing her jagged line on the right side of my neck "Awesome." The door of their compartment slid open and the three of them looked up to see a small, old and rather cubby women standing with a cart full of wonderful treats. "Anything of the trolley, dears?" She asked and Robyn felt her stomach grumble loudly. She couldn't wait to fill her pockets with Mars Bars, Twix, and other chocolates that were a luxury in the Dursley - their cousin ate them before Robyn and Harry could even get a look at them. Robyn could practically feel herself drooling, “Do you have any Mars Bars?” Robyn inquired and the lady titled her head, “A Mars Bar? That is that?” The Potter girl felt her jaw drop. How did she not know what a Mars Bar was?! The Lady shook her head, “I have pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes, burty-bots every flavour beans, and more, dear.” "No thanks." gulped Ron from beside Harry, a grim expression on his face as he pulled out a small, squished wrapped sandwich on his face "I'm all set." Robyn looked at Ron with a small frown, "We'll take the lot." announced Harry pulling out a handful of gallons from his pocket and held it out to the lady. "Woah.” gasped Ron in complete awe, whilst the lady looked positively shocked and slightly horrified. *** "Burty Bots, Every Favour Beans." read out Harry from a small colourful box in his hand. Robyn looked up at him as she bit into her gummy worms. The gummy worms tasted sweet and satifying as Robyn chewed on them, she could only imagine how good the other food before them was. If only Dudley could see them now. A small smug smirk slid onto her face at the thought. "They mean every flavour." said Ron as he bit into a jelly, his mouth still full of sweets, "There's chocolate and peppermint and there's also spinach, liver and tripe." Robyn gulped down her worm disgusted at the sound few latter of the flavours, “George swore he got a boggy flavoured one once." Robyn laughed as Harry grimaced and threw the box into the cart. Robyn took another bite of her gummy worms as Harry picked up a pentagon shaped box that was gold and blue with a small frog-shaped chocolate inside. "These aren't real frogs, are they?" asked Harry tentatively, looking at Ron. "It's just a spell." shrugged Ron, "Beside, it's the cards you want. Each packs got a famous witch or wizard. I got about five hundred." Robyn turned her gaze to Harry and watched as he opened the box and a small chocolate frog leapt from the box and onto the window, causing a small flinch of shock from Robyn whilst Ron yelled "Watch it!" the frog crawled up the window and leapt through the open window "Aww, that's rotten. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with." Harry turned the box over and looked at the image on the box, "I've got Dumbledore!" "I got about six of him" said Ron casually as he chewed on sweets, "Hay, he's gone." added Harry with a frown on his face, "Well you cant expect him to hang around all day, can you?" smiled Ron, his mouth now full of cake, as he looked down at his rat "This is Scabbers by the way." Robyn looked down at his lap to see the small rat with its head in a box of beans, "Pathetic, isn't he?" "No." Robyn said honestly, Ron looked at Robyn with his eye brows raised, "Okay, just a small bit.” he chuckled, "Fred gave me a spell that will turn him yellow, do you want to see?" "Yeah." The twins said and Ron coughed and raised his wand, "Sun-" Ron was interrupted as the door their compartment door slid open. A girl, their age, with shoulder length frizzy brown hair stood - already dressed in her robes - stood at the opening with rested her hands on the hinges, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." The girl asked, "No." answered Ron with a confused and a rather irritated expression on his face, "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." she asked, leaning against the door frame with her arms folded, Ron coughed again and began. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." Scabbers gave a little squeak and the box went flying of his head. Ron looked between Robyn and Harry in confusion, "Are you sure that's a real spell?" asked the girl with a hint of disapproval in her tone and also an air of smugness "Well, its not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself...but they've all work for me." she reached into her robe and pulled out her wand and took a seat beside Robyn and pointed her wand at Harry, "For example. Occulus Reparo." Robyn's jaw dropped as Harry's glasses twitched and the smashed lenses were returned to clean and pristine. "Wow." Robyn breathed. "That's better isnt it?" she smiled as Harry pull of his glasses with a gasp, gazing at them in aw "Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter" she said in shock when she saw his scar "I'm Hermione Granger." she then turned her attention to Ron and a blank expression formed on her face, " are?" "Ron Weasly." "Pleasure." she said with distaste, she turned to Robyn who was still in awe at the spell Hermione had cast. She looked at Hermione and smiled, "I’m Robyn Potter." Hermione smiled back, "Lovely to meet you." she said as she stood up "You three better change into your robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon." Robyn looked at Ron and Harry before standing up and grabbing her robes, she quickly stepped over to the door and looked at Hermione, "Do you mind if I come with you?" She looked back at the two boys stuffing their face with food then at the girl "I'm not sure I want to change in here." a chorus of 'Hay!' from Ron and Harry sounded from behind her "Plus, I think I might need a female friend." she laughed, "Sure." she grinned and they started to walk out of the cabin, but Hermione stopped and turned to face Ron "You've got dirt on your nose, by the way. Did you know? Just there." she turned to Robyn and the two of them linked arms and headed out the compartment. "Bye Harry and Ron." *** Once the Hogwarts Express had arrived, the first years were shepherded over to the boats where they crossed over the pitch black lake toward a the grand castle of Hogwarts. Robyn and the rest of the first years stood outside the entrance hall waiting to be allowed in, all the other students were in the Great Hall already. Robyn was to be found beside Harry and Ron as they waited. She looked around her in awe at the sheer size of the castle - when they had approached it on the boat she no idea how big it was until they had walked inside. An elderly women stood in front of the doors with a sour expression on her face, she looked down at them from her glases with a hat perched on her head that tapered to a tip, "Welcome to Hogwarts." she greeted "Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your class mates but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Now, while you're here your house will be like your family. You triumphs will earn your points...any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-" "Trevor!" yelled a voice from behind Robyn and she was shove aside as a rather wide boy dropped down and snatch the toad from the floor by the women's feet. "That's Neville." whispered Hermione to Robyn under her breath, "I guessed." Robyn murmered, "Sorry.” muttered Neville at the dark look that the lady cast him, he returned back to the rest of them whilst some of the first years sniggered at him. "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." announced the women and she turned and walked into the hall, the door closing with a loud bang behind her. "It's true then." A snobby voice called out, Robyn turned her head to the sound of the voice to see a boy staring at Robyn and Harry with a smirk on his face as he stood between two very large boys, who had their arms crossed. He was their height with short blond hair that was slicked back with gel revealing his very pale face, his eyes were small and grey, "What their saying on the train. Harry and Robyn Potter have come to Hogwarts." People around the twins - except Hermione and Ron - gasped and mutter Robyn name along with Harrys. It was slightly unnerving. "This Crab and this if Goyel." said the boy as he motioned to the two boys beside him "And I'm Malfoy." He strolled over to them and stood before the twins "Draco Malfoy." he added grinning down at Robyn and Harry, beside them Ron snorted and Malfoy turned to him, his grey eyes narrowed, "Think my names funny do you? There's no need to ask yours; red hair and hand-me-down robe you must be a Weasley.” "Leave him alone." Robyn told Malfoy, her voice serious and threatening, he turned to looked at Robyn and he ran his eyes over her, "Robyn Potter." he sneered "Friends with the porpers of the Wizarding World already, Robyn Potter?" "I'd wager that there better than you any day, Draco Malfoy." Robyn retorted, he glared at her and Robyn glared right back him and continued to do so as Malfoy held his hand out to her brother, "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." he looked at Ron, then tuned his gaze to Robyn "It seems as if your sister already has, but I can still help you and her in this area" Harry stared at his hand with no emotion as Malfoy looked back at Harry with a smirk on his pale face. "I think I can tell the 'wrong sort' for myself thanks." said Harry simply and Malfoy stared at them with his jaw clenched just as the women from before tapped him on the shoulder with a scroll and he turned and looked at her then glanced at them final time before walking back to his crones. "We're ready for you now, follow me." The large doors opened to reveal a large room with four long tables running down the length of the place and another width ways at the other end of the hall, all the tables where packed with students, and floating candles hung in the air. Robyn walked in with Hermione beside her and Harry and Ron in front. She looked up at the ceiling which looked like the starry sky outside and felt her jaw drop, "Its not real the ceiling. Its be-witched to look like the night sky. I read it in 'Hogwarts a History'." Hermione whispered into Robyn's ear. Robyn nodded slightly then glanced around at the students that were staring at them, particularly Robyn and Harry. They reached the end of the hall where they were stopped as the women stepped up to a large platform which held the teachers table and a stall with an old hat upon it, "Wait along here please." said the women and Robyn stopped between Harry and Hermione "Now before we begin, professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." she said as she turned to face the students, "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce." A man with a very long white beard and large hat with half-moon glasses on the bridge of his nose, Headmaster Dumbledore, "For first years that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker Mr. Filtch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor, on the right hand side, is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Robyn's eyes widened at his words. What a great way to start the school, Robyn thought nervously. Potential death, thumbs up. "When I call your name you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head and your will be sorted into your houses." said the witch as she lifted the hat "Hermione Granger." she read off the list and Robyn watched her friend nodded and muttered to herself up to the stall and sat down on the stall, facing the. "Mental that one, I'm telling you." whispered Ron, Robyn glared at him, "Ron." she scolded, "What?" he said innocently and Robyn rolled her eyes and looked at Hermione as the heat began to speak - causing Robyn's stomach to drop in shock. "Ah..." Spoke the hat from Hermione's head, "...right...right...okay...Gryffindor!" The finally decided and a table behind us - Robyn supposed to be Gryffindor - burst into cheers and claps, Robyn grinned at Hermione as she hoped down from her chair and dashed over the Gryffindor table and stood a seat beside some students and shook their hands. "Draco Malfoy." "Git." Robyn whispered as he past and he shot her a dirty look before taking a seat on the stall. The hat had bearly touched his head when it shouted, "Slytherin!" Malfoy smirked and walked over to the cheering table of Slytherin, "There's not a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin." Ron told the twins with a nervous glance to the Slytherin table. "Now that I can believe." Robyn mumbled with her arms crossed, "Susan Bones!" a plump ginger haired girl walked up and placed the hat on. Robyn felt a sudden stinging sensation in her neck, directly over her scar, and clasped her hand on neck as a reflec and heard Harry hiss in pain placing his hand on his forehead too. "Harry, Robyn what is it?" asked Ron worried, Robyn shook her head in confusion then followed Harry's gaze to see him staring at one particular teacher. He was pale with neck length, thin and black greasy hair looking at them with a curious expression on his face, "Nothing." mumbled Harry "I'm fine." Robyn felt the pain subside and looked back at Susan just as the hat called, "I know, Hufflepuff!" bounced off the Hufflepuff table as it cheered loudly, "Ronald Weasley!" Robyn felt Ron gulp beside her before he pushed his way up the steps and sat on the stall and the hat was placed upon his head with a fearful and nervous expression on his face, "Ha!" yelled the hat and Ron jumped "Another Weasly, I know just what to do with you...Gryffindor!" Ron sighed happily in relief and jumped off the stall with haste headed over to the Gryffindor table where he sat opposite Hermine and was patted on the back by his brothers. Robyn glanced at him and smiled then looked at the teacher as she called, "Harry Potter!" The room when silent and Robyn felt Harry stiffen beside her and she nudged him gently with her shoulder, "Go." She whispered and he walked up the steps and glanced back Robyn with a worried expression then continued to the stall. She bit her lip as he stettled himself on the stall, grasping the edges of his robes. "Um..." Thought the hat aloud "...difficult...very difficult...plenty of courage I see, not a bad mind either. There's talent...oh yes...and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you..." Harry close his eyes and mutter something "Not Slytherin, hay? Are you sure? You could be great you's all here inside your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there no doubt about that. No. Well if you're sure. Better be...Gryffindor!" The whole table of Gryffindor's behind Robyn jumped up and cheered loudly along with Robyn. At least Harry was with Ron and the other Weasley's. Once the hall had calmed down, the female teacher read the scroll aloud, "Robyn Potter." Robyn gulped nevously as tall eyes turned to her. She slowly made her way up the steps toward the stood and turned around and sat on the stall and was faced with the students who stared at her in tently, muttering to one another. The hat was lowered onto her head, "Ah, Miss Potter. Very hard to choose, again must like your brother. much loyalty, Miss Potter. Gryffindor would be good but you have ambition. Desire for greater things...Slytherin would also suit you...I must say Miss Potter, I haven’t seen this much courage for nearly 10 years...But now...Gryffindor or Slytherin...." Robyn looked at Harry who looked at her with his fingers crossed and his bottom lip between his teeth, "...I wonder...yes...I have decided..." After what felt like hours, the hat bellowed, "...Gryffindor!" Robyn let out a shaky breath of relief as the whole of the Gryffindor table burst into cheers and whoops. Robyn jumped from her seat and made her way to the Gryffindor table. Harry brought her into a hug as stood as she was in arms reach and a laugh escaped her lips. Once she pulled back, Robyn shook hands with the people around her, except for Ron whom she high-fived and Hermione whom she also hugged. Robyn took a seat beside Ron, so she was opposite Harry, and watched as the rest of the first years were placed into their houses. Once the final student, Blaise Zabine who was placed into Slytherin, sat down the old witch that had been calling out the names, whom she now knew to be professor McGonagall, tapped her glass silencing the hall as she now sat at the teachers table. "Your attention please." she called, Dumbledore stood up and addressed the students before him, "Let the feast...begin." he said as he opened his arms wide and instantly piles upon piles of food appeared as if from thin air in front of them. Roast chicken, roast beef, roast pork, grilled fish, mash potatoes, chips, roast potatoes, boiled potatoes, and more! There was more food than Robyn had ever seen in her life and it all looked so good. "Woah." Robyn breathed in shock then glanced over at Ron to see him with two chicken legs, one in each hand, taking a bite from one then the other earning a laugh from her as Robyn saw his cheeks full, making him look like a chipmunk. Robyn piled up her plate with everything in reach and dug into her food. She felt as though she was being hugged, the food was so warm and delicious - if only Dudley could see what they were eating. Robyn looked over at Harry to see him staring at one of the teachers still, "What is it Harry?" Robyn asked scooping up some potatoes on her fork and lifted it up to her mouth. "I don't know." Harry shrugged, she followed his gaze to see him looking at the same teacher he was at the staring of the sorting ceremony, "Say Percy, who's that teacher talking to professor Quirrell?" Harry inquired to Rons elder brother, "Oh, that's professor Snape." answered Percy after swallowing his food, "Head of Slytherin house." "What does he teach?" Robyn asked, Percy looked at her, "Potion’s." he said but then furrowed his eyebrows, "But everyone knows it the dark arts he fancy's, he's been after Quirrell's job for years." Robyn nodded in thanks just as Ron screamed from beside her, Robyn looked to see a...ghost? Rising from the mound of chicken drum-sticks and her jaws dropped in shock and fear. "Hello." the 'ghost' said merrily, "How are you?" it asked Ron, who looked a bit sick, "Welcome to Gryffindor." A loud wind swept around the room and in came more ghosts; women, children and men all dressed in different era clothes floated in with grins on their face, "Hello Sir Nicolas." greeted Percy "Have a nice summer?" Robyn was still trying to get over the fact that there was a ghost talking casually infront of her. This was too much in one day. "Dismal. Once again my quest to join The Headless Hunt has been denied." he began to float away but Ron piped up, "I'm sure to join something that has a title of 'The Headless Hunt' it might be helpful it you where headless?" Robyn muttered as she bit into a piece of chicken on her folk, "Wait for it." Percy smirked "I know you, your 'Nearly-Headless-Nick'." Sir Nicolas turned to face them, "I prefer Sir Nicolas, if you don't mind." Stated the ghost, "Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" asked Hermione with her head tilted, "Like this." he drawled and he grasped his transparent hair and pulled and his head moved onto his shoulder completely detaching from his neck all apart from a single piece of skin. Robyn placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself from throwing up the bit of food she'd eaten. Sir Nicolas shrugged and moved his head back in place on his neck before floating away. Robyn blinked in complete shock then picked up the cup before her and drank hastily. She could not wait for bed. Once dinner was over the first years, along with Robyn, were directed by Percy to the Gryffindor common room and the other students separated off into their houses. "Gryffindor's follow me please." ordered Percy "Keep up, thank you." "Ravenclaw, follow me." said the Ravenclaw prefect and they split away from the other house "This way." "This is the most direct path to the dormitories." told Percy as Robyn gasped in awe, along with Ron and Harry, at the moving stair cases around, "Oh and keep an eye on the stair cases they like to change. Keep up please and follow me." Of course, no first year followed as they were still captivated by view. "Quickly now, come on" Robyn looked in amazement as the portraits decorating the walls began moving and speaking, they giggled and moved between paintings. They turned off the stair cases and reached a long corridor where at the end was a rather portrait large women who was dressed in ornate and light clothing, "Password" she spoke, her voice posh and monotone, "Caput Draconis." said Percy and she nodded lightly and her painting moved open revealing a small archway "Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly come on!" Robyn looked at Ron with an annoyed expression "Your brother is very starting to get on my nerves." She muttered to him, he nodded in agreement, "You have no idea." They finally entered the room and Robyn instantly felt a surge of warmth. The walls were red and gold that had pictures of a yellow lion plastering the walls. Large red arm chairs covered the room with a large cluster around a fireplace that was covered in banners of Gryffindor and a small toy lion. There were tables and chairs around the room too, where some students were already working. Candles covered the room and wall that shed a soft and soothing light over the large room. It was truly beautiful and homely. "Now, gather around here." ordered Percy once all the first years were inside, "Welcome to the Gryffindor common room. Boy's dormitories upstairs and down to your left, girls the same on your right. You'll find all your belonging have already been brought up." Robyn waved at Harry before walking upstairs with Hermione to their dormitories, which they shared with Parvati Patil and Lavander brown. Robyn found her bed at the far end of the room with her trunk which was at the end of her bed along with Oswald. Robyn pulled open her trunk and got a few important things out and placed them on her table along with Oswald. She stroked his feathers, earning a content coo from her owl. Robyn picked up her wash kit and night clothes and went into the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth. Then, she changed into her red night clothes then went over to her bed and saw that the other girls were already in bed. Robyn pulled back her red and gold covers and climbed in and pulled the curtains over her four-poster bed and lay down and pulled her blanket over her and cuddled into it. A smile formed on her face as she thought of the prospect of tomorrow. Robyn's first day at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
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