Chapter 10

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Year 2 1992 //Dobby the House-Elf and A Flying Ford Anglia// In smallest bedroom of Privet Drive, Robyn Lily Potter sat on her bed as she fiddled with the braclet that her mother had given her. She smiled slightly then looked up as Oswald hooted and she picked up a piece of bed and feeding her ginger and black owl. Her brother, Harry James Potter, was sat the desk that lay between their two beds flicking through the red coloured photo album that Hagrid had given them on the train station. He turned the page from his parents to where Hermione, Harry, Robyn and Ron were all laughing and smiling at each other, Oswald ruffled his feathers annoyed and Hedwig began to rattle her cage. Robyn frowned sadly as she muttered, “We can’t let you out, you know that.” She tried to attempting to calm the two birds as she brushed her owl’s feathers in a hope to calm him, "Please be quiet." “We’re not allowed to use magic outside of school.” Harry added as he looked down at, Hedwig squeaked loudly and began nipping at the lock on her cage, “Besides, if Uncle Vernon – “ “Harry Potter!” A loud voice boomed causing the sibilings to flinch, “Robyn Potter!” Robyn’s eyes closed momentarily before she looked at her owl with a harsh glare, to which he hooted calmly and titled his head innocently, “Now you’ve done it." Robyn said bitterly as she pulled herself off her bed and headed downstairs, with Harry beside her. Robyn turned into the corridor and into the kitchen to see their Aunt Petunia placing a few bright red cherries onto a mountain of cream and meringue, she looked at the twins before nodding to the adjoining lounge. “He’s in there. Vernon?” called their aunt, Harry and Robyn moved into the lounge to see their uncle straightening Dudley’s bow-tie. Robyn had to hold back a giggle as she looked at Dudley who was wearing a black suit with his hair slicked back. She was brought out her thoughts by her uncle, “I’m warning you both, if you can’t control those bloody birds, they’ll have to go.” Threatened Vernon as he shot them a warning glare, “But they're bored." Robyn attempted to explain, “If they were only let out for an hour or two.” Vernon scoffed at his nieces suggestion, “So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends?” Vernon grumbled turning his son to face the mirror, “I think not.” Harry looked down at his sister before looking back at their Uncle, saying “But we haven’t had any messages from any of our friends." Harry told him, his voice full of sadness, “Not one…all summer." Vernon and Dudley turned to face the twins, and their massive cousin walked over to them with a snide expression, “Who would want to be friends with you two?” he jeered as he walked passed Harry, making sure to slam his massive shoulder into his cousin’s arm, and Robyn clenched her fist but refrained herself from saying anything. “I should think you’d be a little more grateful." Vernon muttered dangerously to Harry and Robyn as he walked over to them, glaring down at them with his beady eyes,“We’ve raised you both since you were babies, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley’s second bedroom purely out of the goodness of our hearts.” Robyn stopped a snort of amusement from her throat and stayed silent keeping her expression blank, “Not now.” Petunia scolded from behind her and Robyn heard her cousin let out a huff in tantrum and she could only guess that Dudley had to take a bit of cream, “It’s for when the Mason’s arrive.” “Which should be any minute!” Exclaimed Vernon suddenly as he clapped his hands together and he motioned them for his family, not Robyn and Harry, to come to him. Robyn pulled Harry back slightly as their cousin came barging toward them, followed by their Aunt. The Potter twins stood away from the huddle of family, “Now, let’s go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Mason’s arrive, you will be…?” “In the lounge,” she continued with a sickly sweet smile on her make-up face, “waiting to welcome them graciously to our home." “Good.” complemented Vernon, “And, Dudley, you will be…?” “I’ll be waiting to open the door.” Dudley answered taking a small bow and putting on a posh accent, “Excellent!” praised Vernon whilst their Aunt let out a small giggle and kissed Dudley's face, then they turned their gaze on the twins and moved toward them glowing down at the two Potters “And you two?” “We’ll be in our bedroom, making no noise and pretending that we don’t exist.” Robyn and Harry repeated the words their uncle had drilled into their heads forthe past few days. “Too right, you will.” Their uncle snarled, “With any luck, this could be the say I make the biggest deal of my career and neither of you will mess it up.” Robyn and Harry nodded in understanding, “Go on then, and keep those ruddy creatures quite!” The Potter twins didn't argue and passively walked out the room and started up the steps just as the door bell rang. Robyn let out a small sigh as they walked onto the corridor toward their room, “Why do you think Hermione and Ron haven’t written to us?” “I don’t know.” Harry answered honestly with a small shrug, “Maybe their just –“ Harry stopped speaking as they opened the door and froze at the sight before them. There, jumping on Harry’s bed, was a small, thin, creature with pointy ears and large eyes. It was dressed in, what looked like, a dirty pillow case that had holes cut in for its arms and legs. The creature jumped again and turned and was faced Harry and Robyn before stopping and staring at them, his already large eyes widening even more. “Harry Potter.” It addressed in amazement then shifted its gaze to Robyn, “Robyn Potter, such an honour it is.” The creature gave a small bow of respect, Robyn glanced downstairs and could hear the Masons and Dursley's talking downstairs and looked at Harry. He nodded in agreement and the pair stepped inside and closed the door quickly. Harry and Robyn spun on their heels and looked at the figure on Harry's bed, whilst Harry had an angry expression, Robyn was just confused. “Who are you?” Robyn asked, “Dobby, Miss.” The creature, Dobby replied, “Dobby the house-elf.” “Not to be rude or anything but this isn’t a great time for us to have a house-elf in our bedroom.” Harry snapped roughly, “Yes, sir.” Dobby acknowledged with a slightly guilty expression, “Dobby understands. It’s just that Dobby has come to tell you…It is difficult, Sir and Miss. Dobby wonder’s where to begin.” “Umm… Why don’t you sit down?” Robyn suggested with a small smile to the chair that was at their desk, “Sit down?” Repeated the house-elf as his eyes starting to tremble along with his body, “S-Sit down?” Suddenly, a racks sob came from Dobby and he howled loudly. Robyn looked at the creature shocked and looked at Harry, who wore the same expression as her, she looked at Dobby and attempted to get him to quieten down. “Dobby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.” “Offend Dobby?” The house-elf squeaked as he turned to face the twins with a supprised expression, “Dobby has heard of your greatness, Sir and Miss, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal.” Robyn felt her heart squeeze as she felt for the creature. “You can’t have met many decent wizards then.” Harry chuckled awkwardly, “No, I haven’t.” Agreed Dobby with a smile, but it dropped as soon as it had come and looked down with a frown, “That was an awful thing to say.” Robyn watched with her eyebrows furrowed as Dobby walked over to the chest of draws at the head of Robyn’s bed. grasped the edges of the draws and slammed his head against the the wood and began hitting his head again it and chanted, “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!” Robyn felt her heart rate increase ten-fold fear. It was only a matter of moments before everyone would hear them from downstairs, “Stop, Dobby, no no.” She pleaded looking to Harry for help, “No, Dobby, shush.” Harry attempted with his eyes widened, “Dobby, please, stop.” However, Dobby didn’t listen and continued to bang his head against the chest, chanting insults at himself. “Please Dobby.” Robyn implored, “Stop! Please, be quiet.” Finally, Dobby walked away from the chest with his hand to his forehead and grumbling slightly in pain, “Are you alright?” “Dobby had to punish himself, Miss.” Dobby replied as Harry and Robyn took a seat on Harry’s bed and watched the creature, “Dobby almost spoke ill of his family.” Dobby raised himself onto the desk chair, so he was eye level with the twins. Robyn titled her head as Harry asked, “Your family?” “The wizard family Dobby serves, Sir." Dobby told him, “Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they knew Dobby was here...” He shivered, clearly terrified of the prospect of his family knowing of his whereabouts, “But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry and Robyn Potter. To warn them. Harry and Robyn Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.” Robyn’s eyes widened in disbelief and she could see Harry with the exact same look. There was no way they weren't going back, “There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen” “What terrible things?” Harry asked pressingly, “Who’s plotting them?” Dobby flinched at Harry's question, “Can’t say.” The house-elf forced out through clenched teeth and Robyn placed a hand on his thin and bony elbow in a comforting manner, “Okay, we understand.” Robyn assured him, “You can’t say.” “Don’t make me talk.” Dobby implored as he jumped onto the desk, out of Robyn's touch. Robyn leaned backward and watched as he picked up the desk lamp and began hitting himself repeatedly with it, causing loud thumps as it connected with its head and knocked things off the table. “Dobby. Dobby, put the lamp down.” Harry begged with his eyes glancing between the door and the creature, Dobby, however, continued to hit himself with the lamp as he ignored Harry's words and chanted, “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby.” Robyn and Harry got to their feet and Robyn moved close the door and blinked as the light from the lamp blinded her as it was constantly switched on and off every time it hit Dobby's head. Harry leap at Dobby and grabbed the lamp and tugged at it with his teeth gritted as he attempted to wrench the lamp from Dobby's grasp, “Give me the lamp!” Harry growled angrily and Robyn’s breath hitched as the sound of footstep getting louder and louder reached her ears, “Uncle Vernon.” She hissed at Harry with her eyes widened, “Dobby, stop!” Harry shouted before grasping a bit of Dobby’s rages and lifting him over to the wardrobe, Robyn swung open the wardrobe door as Dobby wiggled in Harry's grasp, “Let me go.” Dobby complained, “Get in there.” Harry ordered and tossed the creature into the wardrobe “And keep quiet!" Robyn slammed hte wardrobe door shut just as their bedroom door opened and Uncle Vernon came in with a murderous expression on his puggy face. She looked up at him nervously as his eyes darted between Harry and herself accusingly, “What the devil are you doing up here?” he snarled, “We were just – “ Robyn stammered stopping as the wardrobe door began to open, luckily Harry closed it again quickly, “You two just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke!” “Sorry." the twins said in unison whilst their uncle leaned down so his face was a few inches from their own, “One more sound and you’ll wish you’d never been born, the pair of you.” Warned Vernon and Robyn and Harry nodded in understanding, both of them slightly paler than usual. Their uncle stood to his full height, which wasn't that much more than Harry and Robyn, and moved his gaze over the wardrobe that began to open again, “And fix that door!” “Yes, sir.” answered Harry and Robyn, Vernon nodded and walked out the room - slamming the door closed behind him. Robyn let out a breath of relief before looking at the wardrobe as Harry opened and Dobby came tumbling out, landing in a heap on the floor. “See why we’ve got to go back?” Harry exclaimed pointing to the door, “We don’t belong here, Dobby." Robyn told him as she sat on Harry's bed "We belong at Hogwarts. Its the only place we feel we belong." “It’s the only place we have friends” Harry finished, Dobby looked up the two black haired children with a small title of his head, “Friends who don’t write to Harry or Robyn Potter?” he comment gently, with a hint of guilt in his voice, “W-well,” Harry shared a glanced with his sister before looking back at Dobby, “I expect they’ve been - …Hang on." A frown formed on Robyn's face as she gazed down at Dobby, she then asked, “How do you know our friends haven’t been writing to us?” At her question, Dobby froze and looked around the room as if looking for some kind of escape with his large eyes darting around rapidly. He then back at the twins and Robyn could see him gulp nervously. “Harry and Robyn Potter mustn’t be angry with Dobby.” The creature begged backing up to Robyn’s bed whilst the twins got to their feet, “Dobby hoped that if Harry and Robyn Potter thought their friends had forgotten them…” He pulled out two packs of letters that were each bound with a string, Robyn could make out the scribble of Hagrid’s handwriting. Robyn's jaw dropped. They had been writing to them but this creature, someone that neither Harry or Robyn ahd ever met had the audacity to keep their friends letters from them. Robyn narrowed her eyes as Dobby explained with a meek expression, “...Harry and Robyn Potter might not want to go back to school, Sir and Miss.” “Give me those.” Ordered Harry, his voice blank but Robyn could feel the rage in his tone, “Now.” “No.” Squeaked the house-elf and he shoved the letters into his rags in a rush. Harry made a dive for him but Dobby dashed passed him and Robyn jumped forward but missed as she landed on the bed. She rolled into a sitting position and watched, in horror, as Dobby opened the door of their bedroom and headed down the corridor. Robyn scrambled to her feet and she and Harry dashed after Dobby. She hurried down the stairs and swung into the corridor and the pair skidded to a stop as they saw Dobby already at the entrance the kitchen. The Potter twins stopped a few feet from him with harsh gazes on their faces. However, Robyn saw that Dobby had his gaze fixed on something in the kitchen and a small guilty expression on his face. She followed the creature’s gaze to...Aunt Petunia’s mountain of a desert. Robyn's eyes widened in fear and looked back at Dobby and shook her head at him, a pleading expression on her face. “Dobby,” Harry whispered worriedly, “get back here.” The house-elf shook his head and looked back at the desert and clicked his figures and the desert levitated off the stand by a few inches, "Please." “Dobby." Robyn breathed, "Please. Please. You don't understand. Don't do this." She kept her gaze locked on the desert that was currently levitating above the stand with muggles only a few meters away. If they lifted their gaze up then they would be faced with a bewitched desert. “Sir and Miss Potter must say that they are not going back to school." Dobby told them a serious expression. “We can’t." Harry hissed urgently, “Hogwarts is our home." “Then Dobby must do it, sir.” the house-elf said looking up at the frightful pair, “for Harry and Robyn Potter’s own good.” He clicked again and the meringue began to levitate away from its stand. Robyn and Harry rushed to the entrance of the lounge, shoving past Dobby, and watched in utter horror as the sugar mountain began to float toward Mrs. Mason as Uncle Vernon continued to tell a story. Robyn's heart thumped heart against her chest as she and Harry walked forward with their hands outstretched to the desert. Then, three Dursley’s caught sight of the floating cake and froze in shock and Robyn felt her eyes widen fearfully as she locked eyes with her Aunt. She then looked at the cake that was now hovered over Mrs. Mason’s head. From behind the twins, Dobby clicked his fingers. The cake dropped right onto Mrs. Mason’s head. Cream, sugar and meringue splattered all over Mrs. Mason's head and shoulders, so that she was a mixture of white and purple. Robyn stiffed in shock as Mrs. Mason blinked in confusion and Mr. Mason stared in shock at his wife. “I’m so sorry." Robyn's Uncle spluttered an apology, “It’s my niece and nephew. They’re very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets them.” Robyn spun to look at Dobby who looked up at with a half shrug and slightly guilty expression, she glowered down at him whilst Harry muttered curse words under his breath with his jaw clenched, “That’s why I kept them upstairs.” Dobby clicked again and he disappeared leaving Harry and Robyn to the wrath of their vicious uncle. Mr and Mrs Mason got to their feet and he grasped her bag and jacket whilst she cleaned her face with a towel as Vernon apologized constantly, Petunia was too busy cleaning Dudley's face and glaring at Robyn and Harry to help with the Masons. Robyn looked down as she avoided her Aunts gaze. Harry looked at his sister and he motioned with his head to the steps, she nodded and the pair slowly made their way out the kitchen and into the corridor. Once away from the kitchen, the pair dashed upstairs and into their room. Harry swung open the door and stormed inside and gripped his already messy hair whilst Robyn closed the door behind them. She rested against it with her head against the door, "That stupid fool!" Harry shouted as he kicked his bed angrily "He has no idea what its like here! Its hell!" Robyn nodded in agreement, "I know." She walked over to the window and looked outside to see Mr and Mrs. Mason storming to their car, Mrs.s Mason covered in specks of desert. Robyn gulped guiltily and rested her head against the window and let out a small sad sigh. *** Drilling filled Robyn's ears the following morning. Their Uncle had locked them in their room since last night and he was now drilling bars onto their window. Robyn looked up at her Uncle stopped drilling and pulled at the bars at bit testing its strength. The bars didn't budge and a malicious grin formed on his face, “You’re never going back to that school.” he snarled gleefully, “You’re never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!” Robyn moved away from the window as their Uncle retreated back down the ladder. She sat down on her bed, “If he hadn’t locked our wands or books away then maybe we could blow off the bars.” Harry grumbled collapsing on his bed, Robyn rolled onto her side and lean on her elbow to look at the open book on her bed. “Even if they weren’t, we’d be expelled for using magic outside of school.” Robyn reminded him and Harry rolled his eyes and glared up at the ceiling, “Why do we have to stay here anyway?” he asked annoyed, “Why couldn’t we just stay at Hogwarts?” “I don’t know, Robyn replied with a shrug “Part of me wishes we'd taken up the offer Mrs. Weasley gave us, about having us for the holidays.” Harry let out a small laugh at his sister’s comment, “We should’ve. It would have been awesome. And we could have invited Hermione too!” “Yeah” Robyn giggled and thought about Hermione and Ron. Then, a frowned formed on her face. They probably thought that she and Harry had been ignoring their letters. What if they thought that Robyn and Harry didn't like them. She lifted her gaze to Oswald as he chooed, she looked into his big black eyes, “Yeah.” *** Harry awoke to the sound of something roaring, sounding a bit like an engine. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned and sat up in his bed and grabbed his glasses from the side table and placed them on his nose. A yawn came from his lips and he looked across at his sister. She had her back to him and her breathing was at a steady pace, showing that she was sleeping peacefully and decided not to wake her. Harry slid out of bed and looked out the window and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There were two circular lights flying through the night sky. He squinted as a flying Ford Anglia stopped outside of his bedroom window and hovered their. The window rolled down and Harry's eyes widened when he saw who was inside. “Hiya, Harry.” “Ron. Fred. George. What are you all doing here?” Harry asked shocked but with a smile on his face. Before Ron could reply, a small groan came from beside Harry and he looked down at his sister slowly opening her eyes. She looked up at him and furrowed her brows, “Harry?” she murmered in confusion and looked at the clock, "Its 4 in the morning. Why are you awake? Wait, whats that massive light? I'm too tired." Harry ignored her rambling and pulled the sheets off her, revealing her purple pajamas, as he said, “Robyn, come on.” he grasped her hand and pulled her upward from the bed and shoved her in front of the window. Robyn rubbed her eyes and blinked to adjust to the light. When she noticed who was looking at her,her jaw dropped in shock. “Ron?” Robyn was clearly now wide awake, the ginger grinned and nodded, "'ello." He grinned then another red-haired figure popped their head from behind Ron “Fred."Another one peered through the back window, “And George.” “At your service.” The ginger twins said in unison and Robyn looked at the Weasley's in shock then at Harry, “What?” she stammered then looked at Ron, "What are you doing here?" “We’re rescuing you both, of course. ” Ron answered as if it was obvious, “Now, come, get your trunks!” Robyn spun around and pulled her trunk from under her bed, before throwing her belongings into it haphazardly. The black haired twins, walked at Ron clipped a hook onto the bars and looked up at them, “You better stand back.” Harry grasped his sister’s hand and they took a few steps back as the car spun around and sped forward pulled the bar’s and part of the window from the wall. and it dropped to the floor. Robyn’s eyes looked at the twins, "Our wands are in the cupboard under the stairs." Fred jumped out the car and into their room, "Not a problem!" Robyn watched as Fred knelt and started to pick the lock with a bobby pin. She then spun around and helped Harry load their trunks into the boot. Robyn gulped nervously and stood on the ledge of the window and was helped into the car by George and she shifted over and looked at the room as Harry waited for Fred. Not a moment later, a mop of red-hair bounded into the room carrying a load of books and two wands. Harry ran over and took some of the books and pass it to Robyn and Ron. They placed it in the boot then Robyn took Oswald from Harry and placed him on her lap whilst George took Hedwig and give it to Ron who placed her on his lap. Fred then climbed into the car beside Robyn just as their Uncles voice bellowed, “Potters!” Robyn's eyes widened and looked at her brother, "Harry!" “Come on, Harry, Robyn, hurry up!” Ron urged, Harry ran to the window “Petunia, they’re escaping!” Vernon yelled as he burst into the room, “Harry! Hurry!” Robyn shouted fearfully, her brother leapt into the car and gripped the sides of the open door but Vernon grasped his ankle in an attempted to pull him back,halling his massive weight. “Come here!” snarled their uncle, Robyn latched onto her brothers arm and tried to pull her brother into the car with her, “Let go of me!” Harry shouted as he attempted to kick off his uncles grasp. “No, boy!” Snapped their uncle “You and your sister aren’t going anywhere! Neither you two or those bloody pigeons are leaving this house!” “Get off!” Then, Robyn panted and pulled Harry into the car as hard as she could, “Drive!” Ron pleaded loudly, his voice full of fear, “Right!” Agreed George, “Right!” said Fred and Robyn yanked Harry into the car, causing her Uncle Vernon to be pulled from the window and fall. Her eyes widened but then relaxed slightly when she saw that he landed in the clump of bushes at the base of the window. Robyn slammed backward against the door with George and Harry lay on her. They all breathing deeply and she closed her eyes and rubbed her face. Robyn pushed the boys off and sat up and looked outside the window as they flew away above and away from Privet Drive. She smiled slightly and looked at Harry who was grinning down at his fallen Uncle. Robyn rested her head against the window and relaxed, “By the way, Harry, Robyn.” Ron began looking back at the twins with a large smile “Happy Birthday.”
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