Chapter 9

3668 Words
Year 1 1992 //The End of the Year// Light burned through Robyn's eyelids as she slowly woke up. The room was bright and white that blinded her and she blinked carefully, allowing her eyes to adjust to the room. Once her eyes had accepted the light, Robyn recognized that she was in the Hospital Wing of the school. She looked down and saw that she was in white dressing gown that was tied up at the back. Robyn carefully lifted herself into a sitting position and ran her eyes around the room and saw that her brother was in the bed beside her, sleeping quietly. She smiled slightly then looked down at her bed and saw a large pile of chocolates, cards and sweeties that was piled high. Her jaw dropped in shock and she looked at the bed-tables beside her and saw more presents. Robyn picked up the card closest to her and opened the envelope and pulled out a small card that had an image of a small robin that flew around the card. She smiled and opened the card and read it. Dear Robyn, Feel better soon you brave girl! I wish we could come and see you but Ron is keeping us informed about your and Harry's position. Dumbledore told us what happened. Mr. Weasley and I were horrified when we heard about Professor Quirrell and sent a complaint immediately. You and Harry are invited to say with us during the summer for as long as you wish, dear. Lots of Love, Molly Weasley P.S. I have sent you a cherry pie and box of chocolate-twigglets to aid your recovery. Robyn felt tears well up in her eyes. Molly Weasley had to one of the kindest women that Robyn had ever met, she cared about Harry and Robyn more than anyone they had ever known. She placed the card up and placed it on the table then picked up the package that was beside it and placed it on her lap. Robyn untied the string around the package and unraveled the paper then lifted up the box's lid. The sight caused herself to salivate. There was a large cherry pie staring back at her with the mixture dark red with small chunks of cherry visible and there was a pastry lattice over the filling with the letter 'R' in pastry over the lattice. The smell of cinnamon and cherries filled Robyn's senses and she felt warm fill her. She placed it down beside the table and drooled then placed it down on the side table. She then picked up another card that had a flower on the front and opened it. Dear Robyn, Get well soon! We miss you so much! Everyone knows what happened and they're amazed and so shocked. Everyone wants you and Harry to recover. I miss you so much, its so lonely in the dorm and everyone keeps asking about you. Please recover quickly. Love you, Hermione P.S I've kept a record of all the homework you've missed She mentally groaned at the P.S that Hermione but it smiled. What else could she have expected. She then placed it beside Mrs Weasley then picked up another and opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper, Robyn, Get better soon, yeah? Everyone in Gryffindor misses you, especially Dean, Seamus, Fred and George but mostly Hermione and I. I've given you some chocolate frogs - there were more but I got a bit peckish. Sorry. From, Ron “Robyn.” Robyn snapped her head to her left at the sound of her brothers voice. Harry pulled himself into a sitting position slowly then picked up his glasses from the table and placed them on his face. “Harry.” Robyn breathed and placed Ron's car beside Hermione, "Are you alright?” Her dropped slightly as she saw a cut across her brothers cheek. “I’m fine.” He answered as he ran a hand through his already messy hair. Robyn grinned as Harry looked down at his pile of presents in wonder that they at the end of his bed , his eyes looking like they were going to pop out his head. Their attention was drawn from the presents at the sound of footsteps and they saw Professor Dumbledore a few beds away walking toward them. “Good afternoon, Harry, Robyn.” Professor Dumbledore greeted kindly as he slowed to a stop at the end of Robyn's bed and looked down at her presents then at Harry's before he murmured, “Tokens from your admirers?” “Admirers?” Harry repeated in confusion, “What happened down in dungeons between you two and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally the whole school knows about it." Professor Dumbledore told them with his eyes twinkling with mischief and Robyn giggled under her breath. She then watched Professor Dumbledore opened a box of Chocolate Frogs, “Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs.” “Ron was here?” Harry asked quickly, “Is he alright? What about Hermione?” “Fine. They're both are fine." The Head Master told Harry and Robyn calmly and Robyn felt a weight lift of her shoulder. Even though Ron and Hermione had told her in their letters that they were okay, it was reassuring to hear from someone else that they were okay. Though, there was one more thing lingering on her mind. “But, what happened to the Stone?” Robyn inquired, “Relax, dear girl. The stone has been destroyed.” Professor Dumbledore explained, “My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around.” “But Flamel, he’ll die, won’t he?” Robyn pointed out with confusion as Professor Dumbledore took a seat on Harry’s bed and looked at her, “He has enough Elixir to set his affarids in order.” Dumbledore assured Robyn then nodded slightly with a solemn look on his face as he added, “But, yes, he will die.” “How is it we got the Stone, sir?” Harry inquired “One minute we was staring in the mirror, and the next…” “Ah. You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. Professor Dumbledore leaned forward a bit and whispered to the twins, “That is one of my brilliant ideas. And between us that’s saying something." “Does, that mean, with the Stone gone, I mean, that Voldemort can never come back?” Harry asked, with a glance at Robyn then back at their Professor, the Wizard smiled down at us sadly, “Ah, I’m afraid there are ways in which he can return. Harry, Robyn, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have either of you touch him?” Harry and Robyn shook their heads in response, “It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for the two of you, and that kind of act leaves a mark.” Robyn's hand reached up and ran a finger over the scar over her neck unconsciously. Professor Dumbledore noticed the twins reach for their scars and shook his head, “No, no, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.” “What is it?” Harry and Robyn ask in unison, “Love, Harry, Robyn. Love.” Dumbledore said with a smile as he stood, he patted Harry's head then Robyns before walking between their beds and plucking a small box of brightly coloured beans, “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavoured one, and since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee.” He reached in and pulled out a brown bean and ate it slowly. Robyn watched as his facial expression turned to one of a small grimice as he looked at the twins, “Mm. Alas. Earwax." Robyn shivered slightly in disgust whilst Harry made of repulsiveness. "Recover soon, Mr and Miss Potter." Professor Dumbledore told them before he turned and walked out the Hospital Wing with his blue cloak trailing behind him on the floor. Robyn watched him leave looked down at the sheet over her body that was between her fingers. She leaned against the metal of her headboard, "Harry, I didn't realise how much you looked like dad." Robyn told him as she lifted her head and looked at her brother. Harry had a look of shock but then a smile formed on his face, "You look like mum." Harry replied then looked up at the ceiling whilst Robyn furrowed her brows and before she could ask what was wrong, Harry spoke, "Do you think they'd be proud of us?" Robyn felt her breath hitch as his question. Well, would their parents be proud of them after everything they had done? She looked down with a frown. They'd only caused trouble since they'd arrived at Hogwarts: destroyed a bathroom, lost Gryffindor 50 points each, killed a teacher and broken half of the school rules. Though...this destruction had meant that Harry and Robyn had stopped Voldemort from coming back and had saved their friends from a troll. So, would their parents be proud of them? "Yes." Robyn breathed and Harry looked at her as a smile formed on her face, "Yes, I think they are." *** The moment Robyn and Harry stepped into the Gryffindor Common Room they were embraced by Fred and George. The twins bounced up and down with the twins in their arms, "The Dark Lord is no more? Why no more? Potters! Potters!" Chanted Fred and George in unison with wide grins of their faces, "Who stopped the Dark Lord? Who brought him down? Potters! Potters!" Robyn laughed as Fred and George put the twins back on their feet, "Everyone knows what happened." Fred told them with a wide grin, "Yeah." George nodded in agreement, "It was so cool...but its not as good as us." Fred nodded in agreement and Harry raised an eyebrow and George elaborated, "Well, we hit you-know-who with snowballs." Robyn blinked in confusion then recalled during Christmas when the twins had pelted the back of Professor Quirrell's turban with snowballs. So, Fred and George hit you-know-who with snowballs. She let out a laugh and rolled her eyes and looked between the twins and spotted Hermione and Ron and gaped then she and Harry moved around the twins and ran at their friends. Robyn crashed into Hermione and hugged her tightly as she wrapped her arms around her tightly. She held her tightly then pulled back and looked at her friend, "You're alright." Robyn breathed gratefully and Hermione's eyes widened then shook her head, "Me? Robyn, I'm not the one who fought you-know-who." Hermione laughed whilst Robyn shook her head, "We wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dumbledore." She told her friend then was pulled into a hug by her red-haired friends, "Ron!" she greeted happily and hugged back with a smiled, "You're okay!" "Of course." She pulled back and looked at his head and saw there was a fading bruise. It became so real about what they had all done only a few days ago. Harry looked between Harry and Hermione, "Thank you, both of you." Harry told them honestly, "Without you, Robyn and I wouldn't have even passed Fluffy." Robyn nodded in agreement and Ron and Hermione blushed slightly and glanced between each other, "Well, you know, if we can beat a Troll then plants, flying keys, chess board and a two faced Professor is nothing but a breeze." Ron shrugged and the four them laughed. Hermione slowed her laughter as she said, "As long as we don't make a habit of this. I, for one, would rather focus on my homework rather than Trolls. Speaking of which, Robyn, Harry, I have your homework's on your bed in piles according to subject. There's a 10 inch essay from Charms, read page 124 to 203 for Transfiguration, 1 inch essay from Potions," Robyn let a small groan escape her lips as Hermione started to list the homework they needed to catch up on, "a packet of questions from history of magic, learn the plants on page 235 for Herbology..." *** The Great Hall was buzzing with noise during the last feast of the year. Above the tables were the Slytherin colours of silver and green with a silver snake in the centre. The banners were a constant reminder of all those points Robyn and the others had lost for Gryffindor. Robyn was sat between Ron and Dean as she spoke with Hermione, who was opposite her, about their summer plans. Hermione was going to France with her parents whilst Robyn was staying at the Durselys but planning to go to the Weasleys. Robyn lifted a fork of chicken and peas to her mouth just as Professor McGonagall tapped her glass loudly to get students attention. Robyn lifted her gaze to the teachers table as Dumbledore stood up and addressed the, now quiet, hall. “Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 252 points.” The hall clapped slowly and Robyn, Hermione, Harry and Ron lowered their heads and looked at the table in shame, “Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352. In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points. And in first place, with 472, Slytherin House!” The entire Slytherin table jumped to their feet began cheering and clapping loudly in glee, Robyn rolled her eyes as she watched them. Her blue eyes locked with Malfoy's grey ones and his pale face turned into a smug smirk. “Git.” Ron and Robyn muttered before turning back to face Hermione and Harry with glum expressions, “Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However,” The cheering died down and the Slytherin's took their seats at Dumbledore’s words, “recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award. Firstly, to Miss Hermione Granger," Robyn saw Hermione's eyes widen and a blue form on her cheeks as all eyes turned to her and Robyn gave her thumbs up, "for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points.” Robyn clapped loudly and Hermione blushed deeper as Harry patted her on the back. “Good job.” Harry complemented happily then they all turned their attention to Professor Dumbledore as he spoke, “Second, to Mr Ronald Weasly,” Ron looked at Harry and mouthed, ‘Me?’ Harry nodded with a wide grin, ‘You!’ Ron looked down at Robyn with disbelieving eyes, she let out a small laugh and nodded before listening to Dumbledore as he continued, “for the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen these many years…50 points.” The Gryffindor table cheered again whilst Robyn patted him on the back, "Well done!" she shouted over the crowed. Once again, the hall quietened as Professor Dumbledore started again, “Third, to Miss Robyn Potter.” Robyn gulped nervously as looked up at Dumbeldore and saw him lock eyes with her, “for showing great gallantry in the face of fear and use of simple spells to protect her loved ones. I award 60 points.” Robyn's house burst with cheers and Harry grinned widely and cheered for her and Ron pulled her into a side hug. Dean ruffled her hair with a grin and Robyn could hear Fred and George chanting, "Robyn! Robyn!" "And fourth," All quietened again, "to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points." Cheers, once again, broke out and Hermione hugged Harry whilst Robyn hugged Dean and Ron. “We’re tied with Slytherin!” Hermione exclaimed as she clapped madly. Robyn grinned widely and pulled away from the boys and looked at Professor Dumbledore, “And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom.” Robyn's jaw dropped in shock but also amazement then let out a small laugh at Neville’s shocked face as everyone around his clapped madly and patted him on the back. She saw him looked at her and the others and she gave him a thumbs up, "Well done, Neville!" She congratulated and Neville blushed deeply, “Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a charge of decoration is in order.” Professor Dumbledore clapped twice and the silver and green banner’s that hung around the hall changed into gold and red, Gryffindor house colours “Gryffindor wins the House Cup!” Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff jumped into the air cheering wildly hugging eachother. Robyn found herself being pulling into a hug by Fred, Ron, George ad Dean as everyone started to chant Gryffindor. They all threw their hats into the air with joy and Robyn felt people shake her hand happily and congraduating her. She felt a pair of eyes on her back and turned to the teacher’s table saw Dumbledore looking at her, he raised his goblet with a smile on his face. Robyn smiled and bowed her head respectfully then shifted her gaze to the Slytherin table and saw them staring at the table with a gloomy expression. Robyn smirked at Malfoy's angry expression as he had his arms crossed. Gryffindor had broken the 6 year streak of Slytherins win. *** The following morning, Robyn handed over Oswald to the conductor after stroking his feathers, then gave the man her trunk. A few people passed Robyn and patted her on the back saying goodbye to her and wishing her a happy holiday. Robyn smiled at them and returned the plesentaries, even though she didn't know them. She then jogged over to Harry and Hermione as they started to enter the train. Hermione stepped in whilst Ron was already in the train setting seats but Harry stopped in front of Robyn and he was staring at soemthing over Robyn's shoulder. She looked over her shoulder and caught sight of Hagrid waving to them with a wide smile on his face. Robyn stepped away from the entrance of the door as Harry stepped down too and the twins movements caused Hermione to look down at them, “Come on you two." Hermione said as she motioned inside the train, “One minute.” Harry told her as he grasped Robyn's hand and pulled her to their giant friend. Hagrid looked down at the twins with a wide smile, “Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did ya?” Hagrid chuckled and Robyn and Harry shared a small smile before looking at their friend. Hagrid reaching into the inside of his large coat and pulled out a red book and handed it to Robyn, who look it whilst keeping her eyes on Hagrid, “This is for you.” Robyn looked down at it and ran her hand over the album cover. She glanced Harry before opening and was shocked to see her mother and father holding two black haired children in their arms. Of the children had a pair of glasses and was in their mothers arms and smiling at the camera whilst the child in her fathers arms had her small arms reaching up the camera and a bright smile on her face. Robyn's father had his lips pressed to Robyn's forehead with a smile on his face. Robyn could feel happy tears fill her eyes as she ran a finger over the faces of her mother and father. “Thank you, Hagrid.” Harry said truthfully as he lifted his gaze from the picture in Robyn's hand to his friend, Harry held out his hand to Hagrid to shake but Robyn had other ideas. She launched herself at Hagrid and hugged him tightly with Harry joining her. Their arms wasn't able to wrap around his waist. Robyn pressed her face into his coat with a smile on her face. Hargrid was clearly shocked at their action, “Oh.” But Robyn could hear the happiness in his voice even though he was surprised, "Go on…on with you. Both of ya.” Harry and Robyn moved way slowly and looked up at their friend, “Oh, listen, if that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you can always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his.” “But Hagrid, were not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts.” Harry contradicted with a small tilt of his head, “You know that.” “I do. But your cousin don’t, do he? Eh.” He let out a chuckled and Robyn and Harry glanced at eachother with smirks then back at Hagrid, “Off you go." Robyn waved goodbye to Hagrid and head back to the train with her brother beside her. She climbed into the train and closed the door behind her and looked at Hagrid and he waved at them a final time before walking along the carriages. Harry smiled and nudged her foreward and the twins walked down the isles before entering the compartment with Ron and Hermione. Robyn sat down beside Ron with Harry opposite her and looked outside as the train started to move leaving Robyn and Harry's home behind. END OF YEAR ONE
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