Chapter 8

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Year 1 1992 //The Chess Game and The Philosopher's Stone// The air was cool on Robyn's cheek as she walked through the corridor with Harry beside her, Hermione and Ron behind them. Robyn spotted a door at the end at of the corridor and opened slowly. The room was dark but Robyn could make out the faint outline of a stage like structure in the middle of the room that had large statues. “I don’t like this.” Hermione trembled as the four of them entered the dimly lit room, “I don’t like this at all.” “Where are we?” Harry questioned, “A graveyard?” “This is no graveyard.” Said Ron and Robyn could hear the fear in his voice as she looked at him, “It’s a chessboard.” Robyn gulped then looked back at the pieces and realized made out the outlines of the different peaces, including the Queen, King, Knight and Bishop. The four of them stepped onto the chess board and Robyn felt a breeze brushed over her skin and flames appeared along the edge of the board illuminating the pieces. She could see that the white chess men were opposite them and behind were the black. She ran her eyes around the room with then spotted a door on the opposite them behind the white-chess players. “There’s the door.” Robyn pointed to the other end of the room. Whilst the others walked toward the chess-men, Robyn only walked a few steps before stopping. This was too easy. After nearly being suffocated by a plant and stabbed by mad keys, walking across a chess board...just didn't seem right. Just as Robyn opened her mouth to speak, Harry made to step between two white pawns but all the front row of pawns pulled their swords up and cross the gaps between them. Robyn flinched in shock whilst Harry, Ron and Hermione stumbled back. Hermione gulped nervously and looked between her friends as she asked, “Now what do we do?” “It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Ron told her, “We’ve got to play our way across the room.” Robyn felt her heart stop at his words. Though...she had a feeling that was coming, “Please tell me you’re not being serious?” She pleaded with an incredulous look at her red-haired friend. His reply was apologetic look and a small shrug, “I wish I could.” He muttered before taking a shaky breath and walking forward. Robyn watched as Ron stopped and turned he was facing the three of them, “All right. Harry, you take the Queen’s Bishop’s square. Robyn, I want you play as King’s Bishop. Hermione, you’ll take the Queen’s side castle. As for me, I’ll be a knight.” Robyn moved to her place without hesitation and spun around to face the white pieces. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest but she wasn't worried. If there was anyone Robyn trusted to win their away across a chess board, it was Ronald Weasley. “What happens now?” “Well, white moves first, and then…we play.” he stopped answering Hermione and Robyn looked up at Ron who was a few places away from her. A few moments later and white pawn moved forward two places, “Ron,” Hermione started and her voice held traces of worry, “you don’t suppose this is going to be like…real wizard’s chess, do you?” Robyn's eyes widened and looked down at the floor. Muggle chess, move looser piece onto side of the board. Wizard chess, smashing to pieces of loosing piece. “You there!” Ron shouted and Robyn looked at him as he pointed at a pawn a few placed diagonal from Hermione, “D-5.” The black pawn slid forward two places so that it was diagonal to the white pawn. The white pawn raised it’s sword and smashed them into the black one sending bits of stone in all directions. Robyn jumped slightly but didn't leave her square. She stared at the remains of the black chess piece as Ron spoke, “Yes, Hermione. I think this is going to be exactly like wizard’s chess!” After that, it was a a blur of dust, stone pieces flew it every direction - black and white. Robyn had been moved far to the otherside of board. Though she was still worried that she was going to be the next one who littered the board, she trusted Ron and kept track of the game. After around ten minutes, Robyn took three places diagonally at Ron's command. She looked around the board for which white piece would move. However, the one that did move was one that put Robyn in a dangerous position. The white bishop slid across into Robyn's path which meant that only a black pawn was between her and death. She flexed her fingers worriedly and glanced at Ron to see him looking in deep concentration. Ron looked toward the white queen and told a black pawn to move forward so that it was a little away from the white queen. Rather than the queen moving, the white bishop slid diagonally and smashed the pawn between Robyn and itself. Pieces of black pawn hit Robyn whilst the bishop looked at her in its resting position. Her heart thumped widely in her chest as she stared at the bishop. "Ron..." she breathed fearfully "...tell me you have a plan. Please tell me you have a plan." She looked over her shoulder at Ron and saw him looking between her and the bishop then the white queen. Robyn looked down then stared at the bishop before her. "Robyn, move to E5." She complied and slid to that place away from the black bishop. The white queen slid forward and pulled out her sword and smashed the castle in front of Harry and his eyes widened. Robyn breathed shakily then a frown formed on her face as she noticed something, “Wait a minute....” Robyn murmured slowly turning to looked up at Ron, “You understand, right Robyn?” Ron confirmed “Once I make my move, the queen will take me…then Harry will be free to check the King." “No, Ron!” Harry and Robyn cried out, “What is it?” asked Hermione quickly, “He’s going to sacrifice himself!” Harry answered angrily looking back at Ron, “No, Ron, you can’t!” Hermione yelled “There must be another way!” Ron turned to look at Hermione with a harsh, but meaningful, glare.. “Do you want to stop Snape or not?” He asked strongly, then looked down at Robyn “Robyn, it’s you and Harry that have to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, just you and Harry.” Robyn nodded sadly as Ron took a deep breath and looked at the Queen as bravely as he could, “Knight…to H-3” his eyes closed as he began to move directly in line for the Queen in strike “Check.” The Queen turned and glided toward Ron and stopped, almost as if to savour the terrifying moment, before pulling out the sword and plunging it into Ron’s horses’ side sending Ron flying onto the floor with a scream, “Ron!” Robyn shouted at the same time as Harry and stared in horror at Ron's motionless form on the floor. “No!” Harry shouted as Robyn was partly aware of Hermione starting to make a move to help Ron, “Don’t move! Don’t forget, we’re still playing." The frizzy haired girl moved backward and the two looked at Harry. Harry nodded at her and walked diagonal keeping her gaze fixed on the King, he stopped and took a breath. “Checkmate.” Harry said strongly, the King didn’t move and Robyn almost felt as if Ron may have been wrong, but then the sword dropped and clattered to the ground - echoing loudly. Robyn let out a breath of air as he whole body relaxed. They had won. She snapped her head to Ron, he still wasn't moving, and ran to Ron, along with Harry and Hermione. They knelt beside their friends and Robyn saw a large bruise on his head as she and the others moved the bits of rubble of Ron. “Take care of him.” Harry told Hermione, the two girls looked at him, “Robyn, go to the owlery whilst Hermione goes to the Hospital Wing with Ron. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron’s right…I have to go on.” "What? Harry, no!" Robyn exclaimed "We're in this together. Ron is right. Its you and I who need to defeat Snape." "No." Harry persisted and got to his feet, Robyn got to her feet and stared at him with a harsh glare. Her sapphire blues stare at him like blue fire, fierce and forceful. "We are in this together." She told him firmly and she could see Harry was conflicted but after a few seconds he nodded in agreement. “You’ll be okay, both of you." Hermione smiled softly and Robyn looked at Hermione, “You’re great wizards, you really are.” “Not as good as you.” Harry countered warmly and Hermione shook her head and smiled slightly, “Me?” she raised eyebrow, “Books and cleverness? There are more important things. Friendship, and bravery." Robyn bit her lip and looked down, "Be careful, Hermione." She said and looked at Harry, "Lets go." He nodded and the pair started toward the door across the chess board. From behind them, Hermione murmured "Just be careful, both you. We trust you.” *** Robyn walked down a long eerie staircase with her brother at her shoulder. They moved in silence, so much so that Robyn could hear her heart beat in her chest. The twins walked into an empty room that had a red tinge from the fire that was light. The room was lined with pillars that towered above the twins as they descended steps to the ground floor. The room was completely empty with only one object in the room. Robyns eyes locked on the familiar object. The Mirror of Erised. Before she could consider the mirror anymore, her attention was draw to a man dressed in dark robes with his back to the pair. The figure also had a purple turban on the back of his head. Her jaw dropped in shock. There was only one person in Hogwarts that wore a turban like that. Out of nowhere, a sharp stinging sensation came from the scar on the back of Robyn's neck, She hissed under her breath from the pain and pressed a hand to it, she could see Harry do the same with his scar from her peripheral vision. Robyn squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head to get rid of the pain but it didn't work so she pushed it to the back of her mind. The twins pushed themselves down the stepped and stopped at the base of the steps and looked at the man before them. “You?” Harry stated stunned whilst Robyn stared in shock. That wasn't Snape, it was Professor Quirrell. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher turned to face the twins with a blank expression..."Why?" breathed Harry. “Yes.” The Professor Quirrell smirked, “He does seem the type, doesn’t he? Next to me, who would suspect, p-p-poor s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?” Robyn glared at him with her firery blue eyes and clenched her fists, “B-but, that day, during the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me.” Harry stammered in shock, “No, my dear boy.” snarled Quirrell, “I tried to kill you! And trust me, if Snape’s cloak hadn’t caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse.” “Snape was trying to…” Harry glanced at Robyn his expression purely shock then looked back at Professor Quirrell as he finished, “ me?” “I knew you were both a danger right from the off.” Quirrell snarled, “Especially after Halloween.” “You let the troll in." Robyn breathed with her eyes wide, “Very good Miss Potter, yes.” Quirrell with a menacing grin at Robyn “Snape, unfortunately, wasn’t fooled. While everyone else was running to the dungeon he went to the third floor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone.” The teacher turned around to face the mirror and Robyn felt her scar prickle in pain and she flinched slightly but ignored it as she listened to Quirrell, “But he doesn’t understand. I’m never alone. Never. Now…what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?” “Use the children.” A raspy voice answers and her eyes dart around the room for the person rapidly, “Come here, Potter’s, now!” Bellowed Quirrell, Harry and Robyn walked shakily forward and stood directly in front of the mirror as Quirrell stepped aside allowing the twins to look in the mirror, “Tell me. What do you see?” Robyn stared at the reflection of herself and Harry’s. Nothing happened as they stared at themselves. Robyn could see the fear in their eyes staring back at them. Then, the reflection of Robyn looked at Harry's reflection then back at Robyn and reached into her pocket and lifted out a small red stone and smirked. As the reflection of Robyn pulled her hand out her pocket, Robyn felt her pocket become lighter and her eyebrows furrowed. The reflection then handed it to Harrys reflection and then he placed it into his pocket. Robyn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion then saw her reflection pressing a finger to her lips and flicked her eyes over to Quirrell. Behind them, Quirrell stepped forward with his dark eyes wide and eager, “What is it?! What do you see?!” “I-I’m shaking hands with Dumbledore. I’ve won the house cup.” Lied Harry, his voice shaking and Quirrell turned to me with a furious expression, “I see my family.” Robyn responded with simply, “All of us, we’re all laughing.” “They lie.” Snarled the raspy voice again and Robyn's scar burned again on her neck, “Tell the truth!” Boomed Quirrell “What do you see?!” The fire around them flared angrily but the twins stood firm, even if their eyes showed fear and in-trepidation. “Let me speak to them.” “Master, you are not strong enough.” Muttered Quirrell and Harry turned to Robyn his with eyebrows furrowed as she ran her eyes over the room. Partly looking for the source of the voice but also to figure out how to get out of here. “I have strength enough for this.” Hissed the voice, Harry grasped Robyn hand and began to slowly walk away from Quirrell as he began to unwrap his turban. Robyn hurried with her brother toward the steps but then felt something tugging at her to at Quirrel. She looked at Harry and saw him staring at the floor with a hard expression, he lifted his gaze so their eyes met and they looked up to Quirrel and watched as Quirrell began to unravel his turban. Robyn's heart pounded against her chest as her scar began to burn more and more. Then, the cloth dropped to the floor and Robyn felt her jaw dropped. Another head was planted on the back of Quirrell’s head, it stretched disgustingly blinking its beady black eyes open as it looked at the twins through the reflection of the mirror, “Harry Potter. Robyn Potter. We meet again." Robyn and Harry breathed in shock, “Voldemort.” “Yes.” Voldemort croaked, staring at them from the mirror, “You see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something, that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket, Harry Potter!” Without hesitation, the two twins spun on their heels and ran as fast as they could up the steps, “STOP THEM!” Robyn heard from behind her and then followed by the snap of figures. Fire erupted around them forming a ring around the room causing the twins to come to an abrupt stop half-way up the stairs with their eyes wide. Robyn spun around and looked back down at Quirrell with her wand now clutched tightly in her hand, “Don’t be fools! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?!” “Never!” Robyn shouted shaking her head, “Haha!” Cackled Voldemort, “Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, Robyn, would you like to see your mother and father again?” Robyn stopped her glares and and stared at the vile creature with tears threatening to burst as, in the mirror, their parent’s faces appeared. They smiled at the twins and waved slightly, “All I ask for is something in return.” Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the small red stone, “That’s it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it. Together, we’ll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!” Robyn's gaze drifted down to the bracelet on her wrist. No. Voldemort was wrong. She shook her head then looked Voldemort with a fierce expression and her wand held even tighter, “You liar!” yelled Harry, “Kill them!” Ordered Voldemort and Robyn brought her wand clashing downward as she cried, "Stupify!" Quirrell merely waved his hand, Robyn supposed that he cast a protection spell, as the spell had no effect on him. Robyn pushed Harry behind her as she raked her mind for spells she'd read about, "Incarcerous!" Ropes flew from Robyn's wand and toward Quirrell wrapping around his arms and torso. Robyn breathed in relief but it quickly fell as a smirk formed on Voldemorts face, "Very good, Miss. Potter." He hissed mockily, "Just like your mother. It is only fitting that you die like her! Kill them!" The ropes around Quirrell vanished and his waved his arm and Robyn's wand was flung out her grasp. She gasped and loked at Quirrel as he soared forward though the air, his hand out stretched before smashing into the twins. Robyn was knocked to the ground with Harry beside her as Quirrell had one hand on each of their necks. From Robyn's peripheral vision she could see Harry attempting to reach the fallen stone. She clawled at his hand that was gasped on her neck as her throat tighten at the lack of oxygen. Then, out of nowhere, Quirrells hand began to smoke where she had touched. “Ah!” He began to scream in terror backing up away from the twins, Robyn looked up at Quirrell panting as he held his as it began blacken and crumble, “What is this magic?!” “Fool!” Snarled Voldemort agrily, “Get the stone.” Harry ran forward at Quirrel and clasped Quirrells face and their old Professor started to screamed madly again and stumbled away from him. Robyn's stomach churned as his face started to turn black into ash and he held the remainder of his face and screamed then he looked up at the twins. Quirrell stumbled toward Harry before his whole body turned to ash and his cloak dropped to the ground with no remainer of their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Robyn gasped in shock and stumbled to her feet and stared at the cloak. She then saw a red glint from the corner of her eye and walked over and knelt down. She picked up the small stone and held it in the palm of her hand. It was beautiful. A ruby colour with the fire reflected in the stone along with Robyn and Harry's eyes. She could feel the power of the rock in her hand but she didn't feel any sense of reassurance about it. It felt heavy with grief and sadness as though it only caused death in the end. She looked at the remains of her teacher then back at the stone. All this destruction for one stone. A loud wheezing sound came from behind the twins and they turned around to see the ash swirling upward into the face of Voldemort, hovering over the cloak. The cloud rushed toward the twins and Robyn let out a scream, along with Harry, as the face flew toward them and engulfed them in blackness.
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