Chapter 7

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Year 1 1992 //Trap Door, Devil Snare and Keys// “....I’d heard Hogwarts final exams were frightful, but I found that enjoyable.” Chirped Hermione happily as she walked away from the exam room with Robyn beside her. As much as Robyn wanted to listen, there was an intense pain in her neck that took her attention away from the conversation. She placed a hand on the back of her neck, the pain her scar was intense. “Speak for yourself.” Grumbled Ron from the other side of Robyn. He glanced at Robyn and Harry and frowned, “All right there, you two?” “It’s my scar." Robyn muttered massaging her scars, “It keeps burning.” “Mine too.” Harry added, “It’s happened before.” Commented Hermione with a small shrug but a hind of concern in her voice, “Not like this, Hermione." Denied Harry with a small shake of his head, “You should see the nurse.” Suggested Ron, “I think it’s a warning. It means dangers coming.” Harry muttered and Robyn nodded in agreement and looked down at the ground...but what was the danger? Before Robyn could inquire more into why her scar was hurting, she spotted a figure playing on a flute. Hagrid. He had a content expression on his face as he played the instrument. A small frown formed on Robyn's face, Harry's doing the same beside her. Something clicked. “Of course." Harry muttered from beside her as Robyn started forward, not looking back at the group as she started toward Hagrid, “What is it?” Hermione asked as she, Harry and Ron chased after her. “Isn’t it odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon," Robyn snapped, glancing over her shoulder at them, "and a stranger just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets. "Why didn’t I see it before?” Harry and Robyn scolded and glanced at each other before they sprinted toward Hagrid. “Hagrid!” shouted Harry and Hagrid lifted his head up and smiled at them. Robyn and the others slid to a stopped in front of Hagrid, “Who gave you the egg? What did he look like?” “I don’t know, I never saw his face. He kept his hood up.” Answered Hagrid with a small shrug and Robyn felt her jaw drop, "And you didn't think that was werid?!" Robyn exclaimed in shock and Hagrid shifted, slightly disgruntled, "Well, it wasn't none of my business was it." Hagrid mumbled and Robyn let out a small sigh and rubbed her face, she felt guilty about making him upset but it was silly. Someone who wouldn't show his face just happen to give the one thing that you wanted! “But you and this stranger must have talked.” Pressed Harry with his eyebrows furrowed, “He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after.” replied the Hagrid, “I told him ‘After Fluffy, a dragons gonna be no problem.’” “Did he seem interested in Fluffy?” Robyn questioned curiously, “Of course he was interested in Fluffy!” Exclaimed Hagrid, “How often do you come across a three-headed dog? Even if you’re in the trade! But I told him, ‘The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him’. Take Fluffy, for example. Play him music and he falls straight to sleep.” Immediately, Robyn's eyes widened and locked her eyes with Harry then looked back at Hagrid as he spoke, “I shouldn’t have told you that." Before he could continue, Robyn and Harry spun on their heal and dashed toward the castle at full speed with Hermione and Ron at their heels. She was barely aware of Hagrid yelling after them but was to focused on telling Professor Dumbledore. This was bad. If Hagrid had told the stranger how to calm Fluffy, then the stone was threatened as they would be able to subdue the massive dog. Robyn had no doubt that it was Snape. It had to be, after the scene of Snape and Quirral. Robyn pounded her feet against the ground as she ran straight to Professor McGonagalls office. She spun into the classroom and ran down the isle of chairs with Harry a little ahead of her with Hermione beside Robyn and Ron a little behind them. “We have to see Professor Dumbledore! Immediately!” Shouted Harry as they skidded to a halt before her desk. Professor McGonagall looked up at them with a slightly startled expression but kept her face stiff and firm as she responded, “I’m afraid that Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an argent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London.” “He’s gone!? But this is important!” Harry yelled, Robyn gulped as she begged, "Please, Professor. Its about the Philosophers Stone” “How do you know - ?“ “Someone’s going to try and steal it!” Harry and Robyn cut off the Professor in unison. Robyn watched as Professor McGonagall sat up in her chair and observed the four children before her, “I don’t know how you four found out about the stone but I assure you it is perfectly well protected. Now, would you go back to your dormitories, quietly." Robyn dropped her head and shared a disappointed look with Hermione and Harry before they started down the isle to the exit of the corridor. She walked into the corridor and ran a hand through her shoulder length black hair, "Something's not right." Robyn mumbled and her friends looked at her, "Without Professor Dumbledore there, the stone isn't safe. Why would the Professor leave just a few weeks after Hagrid had met the person in the pub." “True, but we know that the person Hagrid was talking to a the pub.” Told Harry with a small pat on her shoulder, “It was Snape, which means he know how to get past Fluffy.” “Yes, but so do - " A low and sneering voice cut Robyn off and Robyn felt her heart sink, “Good afternoon." Professor Snape looked down at Robyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione with an accusing gaze. Robyn shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, “Now, what would four young Gryffindor’s, such as yourselves, be doing inside on a day like this?” “We - " “Um - " “Well - " “You see - " “We were just…” Hermione didn't finish her sentence as Snape raised an eyebrow with a small tilt of his head. “Be careful, people might think…you are up to something.” Robyn could feel his cold gaze on her and she lifted her head up at him with a hard gaze. She wouldn't faulter under his view. Snape clenched his jaw then glanced at the other three before turning on his walked away from them with his black cloak flaring behind him. Hermione let out a small sigh and Robyn looked at her as she spoke, “Now what do we do?” Harry narrowed his eyes as he stared at Snape's retreating figure. “We go down the trap door. Tonight." *** Later that night, Robyn put on a pair of trainers and stood up from her bed and looked up at Hermione, who was flattening her hair. "Ready?" Robyn asked her and Hermione shifted her brown eyes to her blue ones. Robyn could clearly see that Hermione was scared, her eyes showed it and so did her facial expression. "Yes...just nervous, that's all." Hermione mumbled whilst Robyn walked over to her as she nodded in agreement, "Me too." Hermione looked at her as Robyn removed her gaze from the exit to their dormitory and looked at her friends, "But, if we can handle a Troll, then we can handle whatever is protecting the stone." Her brown-haired friend ran her eyes over Robyn's face and then nodded in agreement. It was true. Nothing could be worse could be worse than a Troll...right? The two girls walked out the dormitory just as Ron and Harry ascended the steps and stopped before them. Robyn could see the invisibility cloak over Harry's arm and she let out a small breath and locked eyes with Harry. Should they be doing this? The short answer, no....but Robyn and Harry had already broken half the rules at Hogwarts, so why not? The four Gryffindor students walked down the steps and into the Common Room. Blue light filtered through the windows which shed a dark light across the, normally bright gold and red, room. Robyn followed Harry toward the exit of the Common Room but stopped at a loud croak. All four of them stiffed and looked to their left and saw a familiar toad staring at them with large black eyes from the floor. Harry breathed, “Trevor." “Trevor, shh!” Ron hissed at the creature urgently as it croaked louder, “Go! You shouldn’t be here!” “Neither should you.” A voice commented a voice and Robyn's eyes closed for a fleeting moment. Oh no. She turned her gaze to a chair that had its back to them just as Neville stood up turned to face them. He was wearing bright blue pyjamas that were dotted with little yellow bears, “You’re sneaking out again, aren’t you?” “No, Neville, listen, we were just –“ Robyn stammered nervously, “No!” Neville snapped, “I wouldn't let you, you’ll get Gryffindor into trouble again! I'll...I’ll fight you!” He raised his fists up shakily in a defense position. A sigh came from Robyn's left and she turned her attention to Hermione as she pulled out her wand from her pocket, “Neville, I’m really sorry about his. Patrificus Totalus.” Neville froze and Robyn felt her jaw drop in shock as Neville's wide eyes stared at her and her friends in shock then he fell backward and landed on the floor with a thump. “You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that?” Ron muttered as he turned his gaze from Neville to Hermione, “Brilliant, but scary.” Robyn shook her head, “Let’s go. We don't have time to waste.” The others nodded and stepped over Neville's frozen figure, muttering appologies to him. Robyn stopped and pulled a blanket over his body, keeping his head exposed to keep him warm, "I really am sorry. I promise I'll explain everything when we come back...and I'll get you something for your trouble." She moved around him and headed to the door but glanced over her shoulder at Neville with a gulity expression. Sorry Neville, but we can't let you stop us. *** “Alohmora” Robyn muttered under her breath as she pointed her wand from out the cloak. A click sounded as the door unlocked. She glanced at Harry, who was beside her, and he nodded as Robyn pushed open the door slowly - gripping her wand tightly. The four of them walked into the room slowly and looked at the large three-headed dog that was on the floor. A small frowned formed on Robyn's face as she she looked at the creature, “Wait a minuet, he’s - “ Ron was shut off as one of the heads snored loudly causing the cloak to be blown of them. Robyn's black hair whipped her face and she pushed it out her face, “Snoring.” Harry finished, “Snape’s already been here. He’s put a spell on the harp.” Robyn glanced over to see that the harp was indeed having its strings plucked by seemingly nothing. The four students walked forward and Ron let out a loud of disgust as he said, “It’s got horrible breath.” Robyn ignored him and knelt down and they both tried to push the creatures paw but it was much too heavy. “We have to move its paw." Harry said whilst Robyn glanced at the creature nervously, “What?” Ron questioned stupidly, “Come on.” The other two dropped to their knees and, together, they pushed the creatures paw off the trap door with a small grunt. Robyn's eyes kept glancing up to see if Fluffy awoke, which, thankfully, it never did. Harry pulled open the trap door by its gold handle and placed it down gently. The four peered down into the darkness and Robyn felt her heart plumet. Behind them the, dog continued its heavy breathing, that seemed to rattle the room. “Right.” Started Harry, looking around at the other three, “I’ll go first. I’ll give you a signal, if something bad happens. Get yourselves out.” Robyn glared at Harry as she snapped, “I’m not leaving you, Harry.” Harry stared at her then frowned and pressed two fingers to his lips. She strained her ears to listen but couldn’t hear anything...that was the problem. “Does it seem a bit...quiet to you?” asked Harry slowly, “The harp...” Hermione breathed, “Its stopped playing.” They all turned to look at the harp to see none of its strings moving. If there was no music playing...then...Suddenly, Ron made a loud sound of disgust beside her, she looked over to see a dollop of pail slim on his shoulder. “Ugh.” Ron sputtered and slowly Robyn raised her gaze upward to see three giant dog heads glaring down at her, Harry, Ron and Hermione. They snarled loudly at them, baring its many rows of white, sharp teeth. “Jump!” Robyn shouted and jumped into the into the hole, followed by Hermione, Harry and Ron. A screamed gasped from Robyn's lips as they tumbled for a few long moments before slamming down onto the ground…Well, it didn't feel solid. Robyn's eyes were tightly closed as she tried to get her breathing steady. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around and allowed her eyes to adjust to the dark. Robyn noticed that what she was sat on felt very weird and lowered her gaze and saw, what looked like, thick black roots about as thick as a grown-mans arm. The roots were all entwined together to make some-sort of ground and were also clung to the wall. Then, a scream came from above she looked up to see Ron fall down with his eyes wide then slammed into the roots a few meters to her right, Hermione to her left and opposite was Harry. They all looked around like Robyn had, with a look of awe, “Woah.” Gasped Ron, “Lucky this plant things here really.” “Woah!” Shouted Harry fearfully and before Robyn could ask him what was wrong, she felt something slither and wrap around her leg. Robyn snapped her gaze to her leg and saw a thick root twisting itself around her calf's and another root wrapped around her other leg. She gasped as a more started to wrap around her midriff trapping her arms against her body. She started to writhe and tugged at the roots as they tightened their grip around her. In a matter of moments, Robyn was unable to see her body, “Just relax.” Ordered Hermione and she I looked over at her with wide eyes, Robyn couldn't see Hermione's body anymore, “This is Devils Snare, you have to relax. If you don’t it will only kill you faster.” “Kills us faster? Oh, now I can relax!” Snarled Ron as he trashed about in the roots. Hermione sent a sarcastic smile to him before she stopped moving and closed her eyes before sinking down under the roots and Robyn felt her jaw drop and heard a small thump from below her. What? “Hermione!” Ron and Harry screamed and started thrashing even more. Robyn slowed her panicking and almost immediately felt her roots stop wrapping around her and loosen its grip. “Listen to her.” She snapped, the two boys looked at her incredulously, “WHAT?!" They bellowed in shock, "Are you insane?" Ron added in anger and shock, “Just relax, Ron.” Robyn pleaded before she let out a small breath and closed her eyes and completely stilled. The roots stiffened around her and lowered her through brambles of roots at least a meter thick before then released her. Robyn dropped down and landed on the floor on her front with a small groan. Hermione ran over and helped her up, “Are you okay?” Hermione asked, pulling her to her feet and Robyn brushed herself off just and then heard her brother and Ron's screams and yells reach her ears, “ROBYN! NO!" Harry yelled, "HERMIONE!" "BRING THEM BACK!" Ron shrieked angrily and Robyn looked up at the mess of black roots, “Now, what are we going to do?!" "ROBYN! HERMIONE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Harry bellowed, “Just do what I say!” Shouted Hermione back, “Trust me!” Robyn stared at the roots above her with her fingers crossed. Then, the roots parted as Harry was lowered down and dropped beside Robyn. She quickly helped him up quickly and Harry pulled her into her hug tightly and then pulled back and looked at Hermione with an grateful expression on his face, "Honestly, you're amazing." He told her and before Hermione had the chance to speak, Ron's voice broke around the room, “HARRY! HELP ME! ROBYN! HERMIONE! PLEASE! HELP!" “He’s not relaxing, is he?” said Hermione, her voice panicked, “Apparently not.” Harry agreed and Robyn ran a hand through her hair nervously, “HELP!” Ron yelled loudly, “We’ve got to do something!” Robyn said fearfully, “He’s going to get himself killed.” “What then?" Harry exclaimed, “Uh...uh...” Trembled Hermione, “I remember reading something in Herbology. Um…Devil’s Snare, Devil’s Snare, it’s deadly fun…but will sulk in the sun! That’s it! Devil Snare hates sunlight. ” She exclaimed, she yanked out her wand and pointed it upwards at the roots, “Lumos Solem!” A beam of light jetted from Hermione’s wand into the roots, Robyn raised her hand above her head, shielding her eyes from the blinded light. A few moments later, the roots separated and Ron fell down and landed a few feet in-front of them. “Ron!” Harry hurried, “Are you okay?” “Yeah." Ron gulped nervously as he stood and brushed himself off. He looked up at the roots above him then back at the other three, “Whew. Lucky we didn’t panic." Robyn raised an eyebrow at his words, "What?" She breathed, "We must have a different opinion of what 'panicking' is." Ron shot her a small glare and Robyn smirked, “Luck Hermione pays attention in Herbology.” Harry corrected and Ron only shrugged in response. Robyn looked around and then noticed there was a low sound of fluttering in her ears, she frowned. “What is that?” asked Hermione and Robyn walked over to the entrance off a corridor, “I don’t know. Sounds like wings, though." Harry answered as they all walked single-file down a small corridor before walking down a stair case. Harry was leading the group with Robyn closely behind him, Ron and Hermione at her heels. Harry opened the door slowly and Robyn gripped her wand tightly, getting ready for whatever was behind the door. They entered a dimly lit room that had high ceiling with blank design. At a glance, there was nothing especially interesting or special around the room. However, there were were tiny little glints of light all around the ceiling. There, high above them, were thousands of what looked like small golden birds but Robyn narrowed her eyes as she observed them. “Curious. I’ve never seen birds like these” “They’re not birds,” Robyn countered quietly, now realising what they actually were, gaining the attention of the other three, “they’re keys.” “And I’ll bet one of them fits that door.” Added Harry as he walked over to a broom that floated a few feet off the ground. “What’s this all about?” Hermione questioned in confusion, “I don’t know.” Answered Harry, from beside Robyn, Ron pulled out his wand and headed for the door, Robyn stepped forward to watch him as he attempted to open the door only allowing the lock to rattle loudly. “Alohomora.” Cast Ron but the door didn’t move, he turned to them with a shrug “Well, it was worth a try." “Ugh! What are we going to do?” Hermione complained loudly looking up at the keys, “There must be a thousand keys up there!” Robyn brushed past Ron and knelt and peered into the key whole and handle. “Well,” she began “we’re almost definitely looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty, too, like the handle.” “There!” Robyn heard her brother shout and she looked at him to see him pointing at the ceiling, “I see it!” Robyn followed where his finger was pointed and squinted to see a large key with a bent wing weakly fluttering among the other keys, “The one with the broken wing!” Then, Harry looked down at the broom with a perplexed expression and Robyn looked at him, “What’s wrong, Harry?” Hermione asked “It’s too simple." He answered with a small frown, his eyebrows furrowed, “Oh, go on, Harry!” Ron encouraged, “If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You’re the youngest seeker in a century!” Harry looked and Robyn and she gave an encouraging smile and nodded to the broom. A breathed escape from Harry's lips and he grasped the broom. Suddenly, all the keys suddenly flew in one direction - right at Harry! Robyn ducked as they flock of keys flew toward her and heading to her brother. She looked at Harry as the keys flocked around him but he climbed onto the broom swiping at the keys madly, “This complicates things a bit." Ron gulped and Robyn winced at his words, Harry finally pushed off into the air, batting at the winged keys. Robyn bit her nails worriedly, “Come on.” Robyn whispered softly, “Come on, Harry." She rushed forward, along with Hermione and Ron, keeping her eyes trained on Harry. He reached his hand out and clashed the broken-winged key, “Catch the key!” Harry shouted as he zoomed toward the group with the key flying behind him. Robyn ran forward and jumped up as Harry threw the key at her. Her hand wrapped around the key with its wings flapping in her hands. She dashed over to the door as fast as her legs would carry her. Robyn turned the key around and pushed it into the lock with it shaking and thrashing her hand in the lock. “Hurry up!” Wailed Ron fearfully from behind her and Robyn twisted the key and yanked the door opened and rushed through holding the door open as Ron and Hermione ran in and stood behind her, "HARRY!" "COME ON!" Robyn, Hermione and Ron encourage. Then, Harry flew into the room and Robyn shoved the door closed and pressed her back against it just as, something that sounded like bullets, came from the other-side as the keys lodged in the door. Robyn panted and shook her head as Harry climbed off the broom and looked at the other three, "Give me a Troll any-day, but not Devil Snare or Flying-keys."
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