Chapter 6

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Year 1 1992 //A Dragon and The Forbidden Forest// “I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid!” Hermione groaned as she sat at the library table beside Robyn and slammed as thick book on the table, causing Robyn, Harry, Ron and the objects on the table to jump. “I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.” “This, is light?” Ron asked incredulously with a disbelieving glance at the book, Hermione looked up at him with her sharp eyes, Hermione looked back down at the page she’d opened up too, “Of course! Here it is.” Hermione said running her finger over the words as she read, “Nicholas Flamel is the only know maker of the Philosophers Stone.” “The what?” asked Harry, Ron and Robyn together. “Honestly, don’t you three read.” Hermione said, Robyn blushed with embarrassment, “The philosophers stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will transform any metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal.” “Immortal?” muttered Ron perplexed, “It means you’ll never die.” Hermione answered shortly, “I know what it means.” retorted Ron, Harry shushed Ron so Hermione could continue, “The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted allcamist, who last year celebrated his six hundred and sixty fifth birthday.” Robyn shared at look with Harry and Ron. “That’s what fluffy's guarding on the third floor. That’s what’s under the trap door; the philosophers stone.” *** Later that night, Robyn dashed across the Hogwarts grounds to Hagrid’s hut with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She glanced around the grounds, she couldn't help but feel like they were being followed but she could see none. They all stopped at the entrance to Hagrids hut and Harry rapped on the door repeatedly. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a very frazzled Hagrid “Hagrid.” Harry greeted with a wide grin on his face, “Oh, hello. Sorry, no means to be rude but I’m in no fixed state to entertain today.” Hagrid told the four as he closed the door, glancing over at something over his shoulder. “We know about the philosophers stone!” Hagrid froze at the words of the four with the door only slightly open. Robyn watched as the door opened again and Hargid looks down at them with a serious expression. She'd never see Hagrid with such an expression. “Oh.” Was all he said and he looked around the grounds and stepped back and ushered them inside. Robyn entered the hut and pulled off her Gryffindor cloak. She looked around the hut. It was the first time she'd been inside. It was around the size of the average lounge with a kitchen to the left and a round of sofas against the wall with a table in the centre. To the right there was a fireplace in the wall that was lit, crackling with a black pot hanging over the fire. Robyn could only assume they'd caught him making dinner. On the floor was a large black dog she knew to be Fang. Back in London when they'd first met Hagrid, he'd explained that he had a dog named Fang who was the biggest coward of a dog and he'd had him since he was a pup. Robyn pulled her eyes away from the dog as Harry spoke, “We think Snape's trying to steal it.” “Snape!” Hagrid bellowed, shocked, as he closed the door, “You’re not still on about him are you?” Robyn and Hermione stood a seat in rather large arm chair that was situated opposite Harry and Ron. “Hagrid, we know he’s after the stone but we don’t know why." Robyn explained to her friend, “Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone, Robyn.” Hagrid contradicted her, “He’s not about to steal it.” “What?” asked Harry glanced at Robyn, her eyes locked with his. Snape was protecting the stone? That made no sense. Also, there were other teachers? They knew about that creature! “You heard me.” Grumbled Hagrid with a disgruntled expression “Right, come on now. I’m a bit preoccupied today." He motioned to the door as he bustled in the kitchen. “Wait a minute.” Robyn said, Hagrid turned to look at her, “One of the teachers?” “Of course!” exclaimed Hermione with a smile on her face, “There are other things defending the stone aren’t there? Spells and enchantments.” “That right.” nodded Hagrid, “Waste of bloody time if you asked me.” Ron caught Robyn's eye and she looked over at him to see him grimace as Fang started licking at Ron cheek and she stopped herself from laughing behind her hand but then shook her head and looked at Hagrid, “Aint no one gonna get past fluffy. Aint a sole that knows how, except me and Dumbledoor..." The moment he spoke his face turned to one of regret and he looked down at the counter and muttered to himself, "Shouldn’t have told you that. I should not have told you that.” Suddenly, a rattling sound came from behind him. Robyn turned turn eyes to the pot that hung above the fire she'd seen earlier. It seemed to be shaking. Hagrid ran over and slid on mitten gloves and reached into the pot and pulled out...what is that? To Robyn, it looked like a very very large egg. She watched as Hagrid carried it over to the table and Robyn and the others ran over and surrounded the table. Robyn stared at the egg in curiosity, perhaps it was an ostrich egg? No, it was bigger than that. “Um…Hagrid?” Began Harry “What exactly is that?” “That?” Repeated the giant, “It – er – its…um…” “I know what that is!” Exclaimed Ron in awe his eyes wide, Robyn looked up at him as Ron looked at Hagrid with a small frown, “But Hagrid were did you get one?" “I won it,” Answered the giant with a smile, “of a stranger I meat down the pub. Seemed quite glad to get rid of it as a matter of fact.” He furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. The egg began to shake even more now, Robyn leaned back nervously. It looked like it was going to explode. Thats exactly what it did. The egg exploded with a loud crack and there was a shower of shell pieces and Robyn raised her arm over her face to protect herself from the pieces. Once Robyn felt no more debris hit her arm, she testily removed her arm from infront of her face. Robyn had to admit, what she was facing was not something she was anticipating. There was a small creature, around the size of the average kettle pot, with a tail that was as long as its body with brown scales that were covered in liquid from the egg it was just in. Its winds were opened and closed, causing fluid to drip down from. The creature had a tiny face and it chewed its mouth open and close testily, exposing rows upon rows of tiny teeth with a large bead of saliva coming from its mouth. Though Robyn had never seen one nor believed they even existed, she'd seen them in books and heard about them in myths. Now, there was a creature surrounded by myths and legend in the muggle world. There, in the centre of Hagrid's table, was Dragon. Robyn's jaw dropped in shock as she stared at the Dragon as it let out a sound that sounded like a meow? She glanced up at Harry who was opposite her and saw him staring at the Dragon in complete shock and almost disgust. Robyn had a feeling that no one else was going to speak, she gulped nervously and lifted her gaze to Hagrid, “Is that…a Dragon?" “That’s not just a dragon.” Ron said and Robyn noticed she had a look of amazement but shock on his face, “That’s a Norwegian Ridgeback. My brother Charlie worked with these in Romania.” “Isn’t he beautiful.” Spluttered Hagrid, looking down at the Dragon fondly almost like a mother would. The Dragon lifted its head and stumbled over to Hagrid, “Oh bless him look! He knows his mummy. Hello Norbit” Hagrid scratched under the dragons chin and it meowed in pleasure. “Norbit?” Harry repeated, “Yeah, well his got to have a name now hasn’t he?” Hagrid defend, as it was the most obvious thing ever. Robyn turned her head to stifle her smile as Hagrid started speaking to the baby Dragon in a babyish tone. She turned her head back the site just as the Dragon let out a burst of flame at it hit Hagrid's bushy beard. Robyn stumbled back in shock as his black hair glowed with flame orange and smoke rose from his singed hair. Hagrid patted it down with his mitten, “Well, he’ll have to be trained up a bit of course.” Hagrid laughed nervously, the creature continued to let out small sparks from its mouth, testing out a ability. Robyn rubbed her face and sat on on the edge of armchair and looked at the Dragon curiously. Hagrid lifted his head once his beard was no longer alight and a frowned formed on his face as he looked at the window, “Who’s that?" Robyn turned around to where Hagrid was looking. In the window, there was see a blonde headed figure peering through the glass; Draco Malfoy. On seeing that he had been spoked, his eyes widened and he disappeared from the window. “Malfoy." Harry growled as Robyn got to her feet and looked at Hagrid, “Oh dear.” muttered Hagrid. Robyn gulped then picked up the cloak from the chair and looked at Hagrid, "Go, go, get to the common room." The four nodded and Robyn ran to the door and opened it quickly and swung her cloak on and stepped onto the grass with the other three behind her. Robyn looked back at Hagrid as he stood at the door and glanced down at them, "Don't tell anyone, will you?" He asked tentatively, "No." Hermione told him "We promise." "But, please be careful with it, Hagrid." Robyn said and Hagrid smiled, "I will. Take care of yourself. Now, go back before you get caught." The four Gryffindor students ran to the entrance of Hogwarts under the cover of darkness as fast as their legs would carry them. Ron was the first into the entrance hall following by Harry, Robyn and Hermione and they all slowed into a walk. Robyn walked beside Ron as Harry was on the otherside of Ron with Hermione. “Hagrid always wanted a dragon.” Harry commented, then glanced at Robyn as he continued, “He told us the first time we ever met him. As Robyn nodded, Ron huffed “Its crazy and worse: Malfoy knows.” “I dont understand, is that bad?” Harry asked and Robyn opened her mouth to answer him but Ron cut her off, “Its bad." Ron gulped looking forward, Robyn followed his gaze and saw Professor McGonagall standing a few meters away from them in her nightdress and in a robe over it along with a hat with her spectacles perched on her nose, looking at them with a sour expression, “Good evening.” From behind her came a smug looking Malfoy. Robyn glared at him, it was obvious that Malfoy had snitched on them, Malfoy only smirked at her in return. Git, Robyn thought. *** “Nothing. I repeat nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the school at night." Professor McGonagall told the four students before her. Currently, Robyn was stood beside Ron with Harry and Hermione on the other side of him, Malfoy was stood a few meters away with a proud expression on his pale face. They were stood in her classroom with Professor McGonagall stood on the steps above them looking down at them. Robyn avoided her House Mistresses gaze as she didn't want to see the disappointment in her expression - hearing it in her voice was enough. Professor McGongall continued, "Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken.” Robyn snapped her head up to Professor McGonagall as she spoke before she could stop herself, “Fifty!” “Each.” Added Professor McGonagall with her eyes narrowing at Robyn, “And to insure that it doesn’t happen again, all five of you shall be receiving detention.” Robyn looked at her friends with a look of dismay, “Excuse me, Professor.” Interrupted Malfoy and Robyn turned her attention to him, “Perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said the five of us.” The Gryffindor Head of House didn’t flinch as she looked down at the greasy-haired boy with a gaze that sent shivered down her spin. “No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy.” She said coldly and Robyn felt smirk creep onto her face as the cocky smile on Malfoy's face turn into an expression of horror, “See, as honourable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your class mates in detention.” Malfoy looked at the Gryffindor students and Harry, Robyn, Ron and Hermione all wore smirks on their face. Robyn noticed that his fists were clenched as Malfoy glared at them and Robyn couldn't help but think: Its called karma, Malfoy. *** The following day was the worest day at Hogwarts for Robyn - without any competition. Everyone in Gryffindor had woken the jewels of Gryffindor being 200 jewels lower than they were the previous day and, because no secret could be held at Hogwarts, everyone knew by lunch time what had occurred that night. This meant that Robyn, Harry, Hermione and Ron had been dealing with glares and mutterings as they passed people in the corridor from Gryffindors. However, Slytherins were overjoyed and patted them on the back when they past - thanking them. It was awful. Now, they were walking with Filtch down the entrance hall to complete their punishment with Malfoy. Robyn had her Gryffindor cloak clasped at her neck as she walke dbeside Hermione with her hair pulled up into a loose pony-tail. “It’s a pity, they let the old punishments die.” Commented Filtch as Robyn lifted her gaze to him, “There was a time were detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeon." Robyn felt her stomach drop and gulped, “God, I miss the screaming.” Robyn eyes widened again and she lowered her gaze to the floor. Well, wasn't this a lovely conversation. It around nine-o'clock at night with the sky navy blue with only a few stars visable in the sky, the rest covered by dark grey clouds. A soft breeze whispered in the air and brushed Robyn's face and she wrapped her arms around herself, why did they have to get detention in January? Winter. Why? Robyn glanced over her shoulder at the school and looked toward the Gryffindor tower where her dormitory was. Her mind drifted to her warm, soft and comfortable bed that was in wait for her. The cracking fire in the centre of the room that filled the room with warmth. Longing filled Robyn, she could be there being very cozy but no. She was outside it the bitter cold nipping at her skin. Robyn was pulled out of her thoughts by Filtch, “You’ll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight.” A small weight lifted off Robyn's shoulders, the detention wouldn’t be too bad then – apart from the fact that Malfoy’s here. She looked at the hut as the giant door open and out-came Hagrid with Fang at his heals and large lantern held in his grasp, “He’s got a little job to so inside the Dark Forest.” The small weight that came from her, was immediately returned. The Dark Forest? As in the Forbidden Forest? Clues in the name: Forbidden. Not allowed. The group of students all stopped around a large fire, “A sorry lot, this, Hagrid." Filtch told with his eye twitching and a smirk on his face, he then turned his attention at Hagrid. Robyn was watching Hagrid sadly as he looked down with a frown on his face, his eyes clearly glassy with tears. A scoff came from Filtch, “Good God, you’re not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?” Robyn frowned, where was Norbit? Is he dead? Oh god. Before Robyn could panic anymore, she noticed something from the corner of her eye. There was a smug expression on Malfoy’s pale face, Robyn elbowed him in the ribs inconspicuously. Malfoy yelped and looked back at Robyn with a glare but Robyn looked forward at Hagrid innocently. “Norbert’s gone.” Mopped Hagrid “Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony.” “That’s good, isn’t it?” Robyn said, attempting to lift his spirts, “He’s with his own kind.” “What if he don’t like Romania?” Questioned Hagrid worriedly “What if the other dragons are mean to him? He’s only a baby.” “For God’s sake, pull yourself together. You’re going into the Forest, after all.” Snarled Filtch “Got to have your wits about you.” “The forest? I thought that was a joke. We can’t go in there.” Complained Mafloy, his voice full of indignation and shock, “Students aren’t allowed. And there are…” a loud howl broke in the distance, “…werewolves." It pained Robyn to admit, but she did agree with Malfoy. “There’s more than werewolves in those tree’s.” Filtch murmered his eyes twinkling with glee over the childrens fearful faces, “You can be sure of that. Nighty-night.” Filtch hobbled away and Robyn shuddered fearfully. Werewolves? What else? Vampires? More Trolls? “Right.” Hagrid said and caused the students to look at him, “Let’s go.” *** The Dark Forest was aptly named. The deeper they went into the forest, the more clustered the trees became which reduced the light that penetrated into the area. Robyn's only light came from Hagrids lantern and Harrys. There was a low mist hung above the forest floor and gave an eerie feeling to the place. The group walked for what seemed like hours, until Hagrid halted and knelt down and placed his cross bow on the ground and knelt beside a puddle of swirling silver liquid. Robyn shared a glance with Harry and looked back at Hagrid as he stood and showed the students silver liquid that dripped from his fingers. “Hagrid, what is that?” Harry inquired, “What we’re here for.” Murmured Hagrid lowly, “See that? That’s unicorn blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one’s been hurt bad by something." He gestured to the pool of the substance behind him, “So, it’s our job to go and find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, come with me. Harry, Robyn, you’ll go with Malfoy.” Robyn looked to her right to see Malfoy holding a grim expression on his face. Robyn wasn't too happy either, at least she was with Harry. “Okay. Then, I get Fang.” Snapped Malfoy as though that would make Hagrid scared, “Fine. Just so you know, he’s a bloody coward.” Grunted Hagrid in reply just as she felt something slimy on her hand and looked down to see Fang licking her hand. She smiled slightly and scratched behind his ear. *** “Wait till my father hears about this.” Complained Malfoy, “This is servant’s stuff." “If I didn’t know better, Malfoy, I’d say you were scared.” Harry smirked at him whilst Robyn walked between the two with Fangs lead in her hand. “I’m not scared, Potter.” Growled Malfoy just as a loud howl rang in the vicinity and Malfoy turned to Harry and Robyn with wide eyes, “Do you hear that?” "Come on." Robyn mumbled and walked forward with Fang beside her with Malfoy and Harry sticking close. Though, Harry and Robyn didn't get along with Malfoy, the three of them stuck close together. This was dangerous, not something that could be left to a stupid hatred between the three of them. It has been an hour. Yet, Robyn, Harry and Malfoy hadn't found any trace of the unicorn. Fang, who walked a little ahead of them after she had let him off the lead, stopped dead and stared at something in the distance. Robyn frowned, "Fang?" She walked over to Fang and realized that he was growling at something. Robyn followed Fangs gaze felt her heart plummet. A little ahead of them was the unicorn they had been searching for....dead....but it wasn’t in the clearing alone. A hooded figure was knelt beside the beautiful creatures body, specifically over the animals neck. Its cloak covering the neck and face of the figure. The unicorn was in a pool of silver blood, with a trail coming from its neck. Robyn clamped a hand over her mouth in shock and her other grasped onto someone elses - she didn’t know who’s but Robyn couldn’t care less. There was a burst of pain from her neck and she hissed in pain under her breathe and removed her hand from her mouth and placed it over the scar on her neck. She winced in pain and saw, from her peripheral vision, that Harry had his hand over the scar on his forehead. Something wasn't right. Before Robyn to inquire anymore, her attention was drawn back to the figure in the clearing as it lifted its head. A ring of silver illuminated around the creatures mouth and dripped from its lips. A scream sounded to her left and Robyn felt someone yank her arm backward as the person started away. However, the suddenness of it mean that Robyn tripped over a root and was sent tumbling to the floor and landed on her front. She lifted her head up to see Malfoy scampering away with Fang hot on his heels. Robyn gulped as Malfoy continued to scream as he ran into the darkness with the lantern. She hit the ground under the hand then head Harry's gasp of breath and looked back over her shoulder at my brother. Harry was stood, paralyzed, at the figure. She then turned her attention to the figure and saw it get to its full height and then began to almost glide around the body of the creature and toward the twins. Robyn body would not move, she needed to get up and run as far and as fast as she could. However, the fear kept her staring at the figure as it stopped a few meters head of the Potter twins. Harry walked backward before stumbling and falling next to Robyn as the figure advanced slowly toward them. All the hairs on Robyn's body stood on end and her heart began to hammer against her chest. An arm wrapped around her as Harry pulled her to him protection whilst Robyn remembered she had her wand in her pocket. Robyn panted as the creature advanced closer and she slid her hand into her robe pocket. She gripped it tightly and pointed it at the figure with her hand shaking, "Stupify!" She cried and a jet of light flew from her wand and headed toward the creature and hit it in the chest. Robyn's eyes widened as she kept her wand pointed at the creature as it stumbled backward with its hooded face down. However, it straightened itself - barely affected by her spell. Not good. That was the only spell that would come to her head. Suddenly, her wand was flung out her hand to her right and landed in a pile of leaves out of her reach. Robyn felt her throat tighten as she spun back to look at figure as it started toward the twins again, but with more intent. Harry tightened his grip on his sister and they both squeezed their eyes shut. However, there was the sound of hooves a little behind them and Robyn opened her eyes just in time to see the monster stumbled backward as something leapt over their heads. A large horse like figure stood in front of Harry and Robyn blocking their view of the creature. It had the back body of a horse and the torso of a man: A Centaur. It raised to its back legs to the figure, threatening it with its hooves. The hooded figure disappeared into the darkness of the forest with a swift glide. Harry and Robyn stared at where the figure had retreated in shock before pulling themselves for its feet. The Centaur turned to face them and looked down at the twins, “Harry Potter.” He addressed Harry before turning his gaze onto Robyn, “Robyn Potter, you must leave. You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time especially for you two.” “What was that thing you saved us from?” asked Harry “A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn.” explained the centaur and he looked down at the body of the beautiful body of the white unicorn, “Drinking its blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. For you have slain something so pure that from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed life.” Harry lifted her gaze back to the Centaur, “But who would choose such a life?” “Can you think of no one?” “Do you mean to say that that thing that killed the unicorn…” Robyn spoke slowly as she looked at the Centaur, “…that was drinking its blood that was Voldemort?” “Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?” “The Philosopher’s stone.” Breathed Harry and Robyn in unison. The Centaur opened his mouth to speak but a loud barking broke their conversation. Turning, Robyn saw the giant outline of Hagrid, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy at the edge of the clearing, “Harry! Robyn!” shouted Hagrid then spotted the Centaur, “Hello there, Firenze. See you’ve met our young Mr and Miss Potter. You all right there, Harry, Robyn?” Harry nodded in response, “Harry and Robyn Potter,” addressed Firenze and the two Potters looked at him, “this is where I leave you. The two of you are safe now. Good luck.” The creature slowly walked away into the, Robyn's eyes followed him until he disappeared into the darkness. She walked over to the pile of leaves and picked up her wand and slid it into her pocket before making her way back over to the group. Her heart still racing from her encounter. *** “You mean, you-know-who is out there right now in the forest?” Hermione asked incredulously a few hours later. She, Robyn, Harry and Ron was sat around the fire place in the Gryffindor common room. Robyn looked up at Hermione from her position in on the sofa, “But he’s weak." Harry told her as he paced infront of the fire, “He’s living off the unicorns. Don’t you see? We had it wrong.” Robyn rested her head on her hand as Ron and Hermione stared at Harry expectantly, “Snape doesn’t want the Stone for himself. He wants it for Voldemort. With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again. He’ll come back.” Harry collapsed into a single stuffy chair opposite Hermione, “But if he comes back…you don’t think he’ll…” Ron began, his voice trembling“…he’ll try to kill you two, do you?” Ron after his eyes flickering between Robyn and her brother. “If he’d had the chance, he might have tried tonight." Robyn muttered grimly in response, Ron gulped at her words and looked at the fire with a nervous expression as he said, “And to think I’ve been worrying about my Potions final." Robyn laughed and patted Rons shoulder, "Trust me, the potions final gives me as much fear as you-know-who at the moment." He rolled his eyes playfully and shoved her arm off with a small mumble, “Hang on a minute.” Interrupted Hermione, turning everyones attention to her, “We’re forgetting one thing. Who’s the one wizard Voldemort always feared?” The other three of students glanced at each other before shrugging at her questioned. Hermione let out a small huff, “Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore is around, Harry and Robyn are safe. As long as Dumbledore’s is around, the two of you can’t be touched."
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