Chapter 5

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Year 1 1991 //The Best Christmas Ever and the Mirror of Erised// "Nonsense!” exclaimed Hagrid the following day as they walked across the grounds of Hogwarts, “Why would Snape put a curse on Harry’s broom?” “Who knows?” said Harry “Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog?" “Who told you about Fluffy?” Hagrid asked quickly, “Fluffy?” Robyn repeated incredulously, “That thing as a name?!” questioned Hermione with look of shock on her face, “Of course he has a name. He’s mine.” responded Hagrid defensively, “I brought him off an Irish fella’ I met down the pub last year. I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-“ He paused and looked down nervously, “Yes?” Robyn pressed, “Shouldn’t have said that.” Muttered Hagrid annoyed, “No more questions! Don’t ask anymore questions! That’s top-secret that is.” “But whatever Fluffy’s guarding, Snape’s trying to steal it” Harry told him earnestly, “Codswallop.” Dismissed Hagrid “Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher.” Hermione shook her head whilst Robyn let out a small sigh and dug her hands into her pockets, Hermione look at Hagrid with a serious expression, “Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I’ve read all about them. You’ve got to keep eye contact, and Snape wasn’t blinking.” “Exactly." Robyn finished with a small nod. “Now, you listen to me, all four of you.” Hagrid pointed to the four children as they halted “You’re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It’s dangerous. What that dog is guarding is between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." “Nicholas Flamel?” Robyn repeated curiously. It did seem familiar to Robyn, but where from? At her words, Hagrid's eyes widened in shock and realisation. “I should not have said that.” muttered Hagrid, “I should not have said that.” He continued to repeat it as he walked away from the four children. Robyn watched the back of Hagrid as he retreated to his hut in the distance. “Nicholas Flamel." She whispered under her breath, her voice holding confusion and curiosity. “Who’s Nicholas Flamel?” asked Harry, he turned to Robyn and she shrugged in response. Robyn glanced at Ron and Hermione, “I don’t know.” Hermione told her friends honestly. *** The crackle of the fire sent a comforting feeling into Robyn as she curled down by the fire a few days following. Opposite her was Hermione who was sleeping with her head resting on her open books and notes. A small smile formed on Robyns face as she looked at Hermione, they'd been working all day and Hermione had spent more time than anyone. She deserved a break. Robyn looked back down at the History of Magic textbook in her hands and returned to reading it: CHAPTER 14: TROLL WARS In 1627, the Hotle tribe of the Western range mountains had experienced the loss of their Chief by an a band of Wizards from the west region of Bath. However, the Wizards were alleged to have been paid by the Blackmore Trolls and had lead to the Hotle tribe murdering an Trolling from the Blackmore clan. This has been suggested to be the reason for the beginning of the Troll war of the seventeenth century... "Evening, Potter." she looked up and saw two faces above her. Both where thin and pale with orange freckles and shaggy ginger hair with her a wide grin on each other their face. Fred and George winked at her simultaneously before moving around and kneeling either-side of her armchair. "Why study History of Magic?" Fred smirked, plucking the book from her lap, "When you could be studying Quidditch?" George finished and placed a book titled: Questions and Inquisition in Quidditch Robyn rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face, "Well, I think you have the wrong Potter." She told them as her glanced between the twins, "Its Harry, who's the Quidditch nut. I'm Robyn, the one who like learning about Trolls in the seventeenth century." As a spoke, she pulled her book back from Fred with a teasing smirk on her face then placed the Quidditch book on the table before her. "But, we were thinking..." George said with a smirk on his lips, "You could join your brother and become the Quidditch Twins." Fred grinned, then wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Think about it, Robyn. You'd go down in history. You could be in the History of Magic book, not just reading it." Fred poked the History of Magic book and Robyn smiled and shook her head, "I don't think so." She told them as she got to her feet and picked up her other books and turned to the twins, "Anyway, as fun as this debate was, I have study period to go to." She walked around the chair toward the exit of the common room. "This isn't over Potter!" She heard Fred yell from behind her and glanced at them over her shoulder, "Wouldn't have it any other way!" *** A few weeks later it was Christmas morning. Outside in the early morning, it was snowing heavily with causing beautiful white blanket across the scenery. Almost everyone had left to go home to their families, including Hermione and the other dorm members of Robyn's dorm. Consequently, Robyn was the only on in her dorm room and one of seven people who were remaining in Gryffindor over the holiday. The sun was nearly fully visible from Hogwarts when woke up. “Robyn wake up!” A small groan escaped Robyn's lips and she lifted her head up from her pillow at the sound of her brother shouting from the other-side of her door whilst knocking harshly. She sat up in her bed and tied her hair up in a high-pony tail and yawned as her brother continued, “Its Christmas! We’ve got presents!” Robyn stiffened in shock. Presents? What? Robyn and Harry never get presents! They were lucky to get a coat-hanger each. Robyn snapped out of it and swung her blanket off her and ran to the door and swung it open, “What?” Robyn questioned shocked with a wide smile on her face. Harry was stood dressed in his nightclothes with his short-messy black hair standing in spikes everywhere. Robyn gaped, "Are you serious? We have presents?" “Come on!” He grasped Robyn's hand and pulled her down the stairs to were Ron was standing with a wide on his pale face bearing a grin on his face. As Robyn reached the base of the steps, she noticed Ron was wearing a maroon knitted jumper with a large letter 'R' in the centre in yellow. “What are you wearing?” Robyn asked Ron with a titled head, “His mum made it.” Answered Harry “She made me one too. Look!” He pointed down to his top where a red knitted sweater was with the letter 'H' in white was. Robyn smiled, "Wow. She's so sweet!" Robyn gaped in honesty. Someone they'd met once, was nicer to them than someone they'd known they're entire life. Ron ran over to the tree and picked up a package wrapped in brown paper than was flat and floppy, he gave it to Robyn, "We think this is yours." Ron told her with a wide grin. Robyn tripped into the paper and lifted up a ruby red kitted jumper that had a large letter 'R' in white. It was beautiful. She put it on over her pajama top. The three ran over to the tree and Robyn opened the two remaining presents from Mrs. Weasley: a box of cauldron cakes and a massive mince pie. Harry was already digging into his batch of cauldron cake. For the next ten minutes, Robyn, Harry and Ron were ripping into their presents. By the end, Robyn had received a book of Quidditch - the same from a few weeks ago - from Fred and George, a study planner from Hermione and a black coat, a box of gummy worms from Harry along with a pair of flower shaped earings, Ron had given her a set of exploding snap and a diary. Robyn hugged Harry and Ron after each presents. She and Harry shraed a look of happiness. They were never able to afford to give each other presents before now, they tended to just steal chocolate from Dudley and give it to each other. Robyn had given Harry a large box of chocolate frogs and a set of Quidditch gloves along with a book about the history of Quidditch, to Ron she had given him a box of muggle chocolate selection, that included Mars Bars, Diary Milk, etc. and also a box of practical jokes, for Hermione she'd given her a book on the top interesting spells and pair of brown-boots. She'd also given chocolate to Seamus, Dean, Fred and George. Finally, there were two presents left. Robyn walked over to them and looked at the tables. They were for herself and Harry. “You first Harry.” Robyn said, she gave him the large wrapped present and took the letter from it before reading allowed, “Your father left this in my possession before he died. Its s time it was returned to you. Use it well.” Her brother glanced at her as she shrugged. He ripped open the wrapping paper and there, folded up, was a cloak. Harry stood letting the cloak fall to show it length that was taller than him. “What is it?” Ron asked whilst Robyn sat down on the sofa, placing her small package on the arm of her chair. “Some kind of cloak by the looks of it.” Robyn commented, “Well, let’s see, then. Put it on.” Ron encouraged, Robyn nodded and Harry swung the cloak around him. Robyn's eyes widened as his body disappeared. Her brother was just a floating head. Robyn gave a small shriek at the sight of his head. Ron, on the other hand, was gaping in awe “Woah!” “My body’s gone!” Harry exclaimed in fear and amazement “I know what that is. That’s an invisibility cloak!” “I’m invisible?” asked Harry looking down at his non-existent body, “They’re really rare.” said Ron “I wonder who gave it to you.” Robyn picked up the note from her feet and read over it again. “There’s no name.” Robyn told them looking at the two boys “It just ends with ‘use it well’.” “What about yours?” asked Harry looking at Robyn, she turned picking up the small package from the arm chair and, like Harry’s, there was a letter. Robyn read it aloud, “Your mother would have wanted you to have it. Only use it when the time is right.” She read, then Robyn placed the note aside and opened the present. There was a small black box tied with ribbon. She carefully unraveled the ribbon and opened the box, inside was a bracelet. It was plain silver chain with pendents of the letters 'J' and 'L' and a heart between the letters. It was sample but beautiful. Robyn smiled, "James and Lily." breathed Robyn and looked at Harry, "Mum and Dad." She placed it her wrist and clasped it. Even though the metal was cold, Robyn felt warm spread through her body. This was the closest she'd ever been to her parents. This was the best Christmas she'd ever had. *** The following night, Robyn and Harry – under the cover of his invisibility cloak – walked through the restricted section of the library. Last night, when Ron went to bed, the twins had stayed up talking about the three-headed dog. They were too interest in what the dog was hiding to ignore what Hagrid had said. Who was Nicolas Flamel? Why was he and Dumbledore the only ones who should know what was under the trap door? What was in the package that Hagrid had taken from Gringotts? So, Robyn and Harry were in the library looking for anything on Robyn felt giddy at knowing that she was invisible to everyone. Who would have thought? The library was dark and eerie, the only light came from the lamp that Harry held outside the cloak. Robyn and Harry skimmed through the books shelves looking for any link to Nicolas Flamel. “Flamel. Nicolas Flamel. Where are you?” Harry muttered beside Robyn, she sighed and pulled of the cloak before walked over to a row of books so she could get a better look. “Goblin torture.” She muttered reading the title of one book that seemed to be dotted with what looked like blood, “Fanganged Fantasies.” Suddenely a scream erupted from behind her, she spun to see Harry snapping a book closed, but she was able to get a good sight of a page that seemed to have a face screaming from it. Harry looked at Robyn with his eyes wide and Robyn gulped nervously. What kind of books were they keeping here? “Who’s there?” A voice called. It was Argust Filtch the caretaker at Hogwarts. Robyn's eyes widened and in a flash Harry grasped his cloak from under the lamp and yanked it free sending the lamp smashing onto the table. Robyn ran around the corner with Harry at her heels. They hid behind a bookshelf and listened out for Filtch. His old voice came from a few shelves down, “I know you’re in there.” At the end of the corridor light illuminated some bookshelves, “You cant hide.” He sneered, Robyn snatched the cloak from Harry and pulled it over their bodies and dived into a row of books just as Flitch rounded the corner “Who is it? Show yourself!” Ordered the caretaker. He walked past them and the twins were careful not to make any sound as he past, Robyn held her breath and squeezed her fists as Filtch past. Once he’d past their row, Harry and Robyn walked as quietly as possible out of the library. Once they were out in the corridor, the twins let out a sign of breath. Robyn rested her head on Harry's shoulder and let her heart return to its normal pace. A soft but spine-chilling meow came from below them. Robyn and Harry stiffened and their eyes travelled down to see Mrs. Norris – Filtches cat – staring up at them. “Cats cant see though invisibility cloaks. Can they, Harry?” Robyn inquired, her voice low and trembling as she seemed to be looking directly at them. “I don’t think I want to find out.” Harry muttered back, then the cat walked toward them. In panic, Harry and Robyn stumbled backward as the cat seemed to following them. They turned and hurriedly walked down the corridor before rounding a corner but skidded to a halt at the sudden sight that met them. Professor Snape was pushing Professor Quirral against a wall by his collar with a blank expression on his green face. “Severus…I-I-I-“ stammered the Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher, “You don’t want me as your enemy, Quirral.” Said the Potions Master, but his calm was holding a threat. “B-But...w-what do you mean?” Quirral stuttered fearfully, “You exactly what I mean.” Snapped Snape, the pair of them moved around them but then Snape turned his head and looked directly at them. Robyn froze, almost forgetting they were under cover of the invisibility cloak. Beside her, Harry gasped quietly but placed a hand over his mouth. Robyn watched fearfully as Snape reached out his hand toward us, his hand was a mere inch away from the cloak when he snatched it back. Robyn could feel herself trembling fearfully. Harry grasped her arm and pulled her back a few feet. Robyn watched as Snape looked at his hand before spinning round to Quirral and Robyn saw the frightened look on Quirral's face “We’ll have another little chat...” he whispered harshly, “...when you’ve had time to decide where you’re loyalties lie.” Then, Filtch rounded the corner but Robyn was too engrossed in what the two teachers had been talking about. Loyalties lie? What? Robyn furrowed her borrows. However, before she could think about the conversation more Filtch spoke, “Professors,” He addressed and raised something in hand: The broken lamp. Robyn eyes widened, it was their lap from the library, “I found this in the restricted section, its still hot. That means there’s a student out of bed.” Snape dashed past Filtch, soon followed by the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The twins waited for a moment then the pair of them turned and entered the closest door to the pair. There was no point trying to back to the common room. Once they were inside, Robyn lifted the cloak off her and walked out the cloak. All the anxiety and stress of the past ten minutes was finally released as she felt her body starting to tremble. She let out a gasp of fear and placed Robyn hand over her mouth. Then, she squeezed her eyes shut and panted. Robyn could hear the sound of the cloak dropping to the floor followed by footsteps. “Oh my god.” Robyn muttered, her voice shaking, “Oh my god." “Robyn?” Harry asked and when she didn't respond, she felt her brother bring her into a hug. Robyn pressed her forehead on his shoulder with her hands over her mouth. She tried to slow her heart rate with steady breathing. “Harry, what if we were caught? We we're nearly caught. He was going to touch the cloak." “But we weren’t." Harry pressed urgently as pulled away and looking at her, “Okay, you’re fine. I promise.” Robyn nodded slightly and stood still as she allowed herself to calm down. After a few more seconds, she gave a weak smile and Harry kissed her temple. Robyn brushed herself up and looked around the room whilst Harry went to pick up the cloak. However, something caught her eye that was in the centre of a large wall. It was a large mirror. “What is that?” Robyn asked, Harry turned to face the mirror too. Robyn walked over to it and looked up at the mirror. It was large and beautiful but had an air of mysteriousness. Robyn ran her eyes over the edge of the mirror to see Latin words etched into the top of the mirror, she didn't understand them but . Robyn looked back at the mirror and saw myself and Harry walk forward. Then, as Robyn got closer, two figures appeared beside her and Harry. One was women with long red hair and sparkling blue eyes that were shockingly similar to Robyn and Harry’s, she stood to Harry's left. To Robyns right was a man with short black hair and wire rimmed glasses, his hair was exactly the same shade as Harry and Robyns. Robyn brought a hand up to her ebony hair and pulled a strand and looked back at the pair, “Mum?” Robyn whispered shocked, she nodded as a warming smile formed on her beautiful face. “Dad?” Harry breathed and the man nodded gently with a smile on his face. Robyn turned with a broad smile on her face and tears in her eyes expecting to see her parents, but there was no one. A small frown formed on her face. She looked back at her brother and saw Harry raised his hand to the mirror before allowing it to slide down slowly. Mum placed a hand on Harry’s left shoulder and he reached up to the hand only to feel nothing. Robyn realised that their parents were just in the mirror as images. Robyn looked down with a sad expression but then looked up as she saw her father place his hand her shoulder. His glittering brown eyes met mine and it pulled a smile back onto her face - this was the first time Harry and Robyn had ever seen their parents. Even if they were only reflections in the mirror, they were still Robyn's mother and father. *** Twenty minutes later, Robyn was sat waiting in the room as her brother went to go get Ron. She continued to stare at her parents reflections, they continued to smile at her. As Robyn gaze at them, she could clearly see the resemblance between the her family. Robyn watched as the mirror image of my father bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Though they weren’t there, Robyn could swear she felt a patch of warmth where her father touched. Her eyes glazed over with tears and she smiled at them. It was hard to belief she was seeing them in the mirror. The door behind her swung open and she looked over her shoulder as it closed. Then, Ron and Harry were revealed from the cloak. “Come on!” Exclaimed Harry and pulled Ron to where she was standing, “Come look it’s my parents.” Harry said, they stopped beside Robyn. Ron would be able to see Harry and Robyns parents for the first time! “I only see us." Ron said sleepily, his eyes blinking slowly. “Look in properly." Robyn said and pulled him into the centre where she was just stood. She watched as he leaned forward slightly his eyes wide as he gazed at the mirror. Robyn grinned and could feel herself turning giddy, Ron could see her parents! “There!” Harry panted happily “You see them don’t you-“ “Hay! That’s me!” Shouted Ron, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Only I’m head boy and holding the Quiddtich cup and – bloody hell! I’m Quidditch caption too!” Robyn saw Harry look into the mirror again “I look good. Do you think this mirror shows the future?” asked Ron, she sighed and looked down sadly, “How can it?” Robyn muttered, shifting her feet unforgettably, “Both our parents are dead.” Ron looked at her and he held her hand as Harry grasped her other. They all stared at the mirror and Robyn smiled as she saw her parents standing behind them.
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