A special surprise

1698 Words

Months went by. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Soon it will be Christmas and somewhere in the month of December is my 18th birthday. My mom never knew the exact date, so we usually celebrated around the beginning of December.  “Hey sweetie,” my mom spoke softly as she woke me up with a cupcake and a single candle.  “This looks great mom,” I smiled as I sat up. I looked at the flickering flame that sat upon the candle. I closed my eyes for a moment to think of a wish. “I wish that nothing bad ever happens to my mother, whether she is biological or not,” I thought as I blew out the candle.  “Okay now, once you finish that up, I want you to up and get ready for the day. Lucila and Kristian are joying us in a few hours,” my mom said as she got up from my bed.  “Where are we going?” I asked as I

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