Light and Dark

1726 Words

Time moved by slowly. I kept myself locked away in my room for most of the days except to eat, and to meet up with Lucila, Kristian’s grandmother. Lucila would bring me to an abandoned house in the middle of the forest that was closer to the base of the mountains.  “Why did you pick this place?” I asked as we made our way throw some early snow that covered the forest floor.  “This place was sacred to many witches that lived in Frost many centuries ago,” She explained as she was a stride ahead of me.  “If this place was so sacred, why is it abandoned now? Why did you leave Frost?” I questioned as I was moving branches away from my face.  Lucila stopped in front of a run-down home that was much larger than mine, “Many people feared the magic so they tried to burn it all down along with t

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