Christmas Eve

1720 Words

Tonight, was a dream come true. Niklaus I couldn’t help but constantly smile at one another. My body felt hot. I wasn’t cold anymore. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as he once mentioned that he felt in his. Maybe his assumption wasn’t wrong, I hope it isn’t. I didn’t want to say goodnight, but I had to go home. We stood outside my door neither one of us could say anything. We just stood there with his dorky smiles on her face. I couldn’t tell if his face was just really cold or if he was blushing. I didn’t care either way it was cute. “I should probably head in.  mom’s probably waiting for me,” I awkwardly said. “I hope you enjoyed tonight. Isabella wanted to see you tonight she almost threw a fit, he laughed, I told her what I had planned to hopefully do, and she surprisingly unde

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