
Her Unknown Origin

small town
self discover
weak to strong

Stary Writing Academy III - Dare to be a teen- Meet my hybrid girl Writing Contest

He said he loved her. He threw her world for a loop. She was in a self-destruction mindset but no one knew. They called her a weak human, but are we sure she truly is a human? Isn’t that why it’s called her unknown origin?

Fallon Emerson, a young girl with black hair, and fair skin. A girl with an unknown origin living in a town with secrets. After the sudden leaving of the boy she grew up with very new information about the world she is living in, Fallon's mind became unraveled. Lost memories and unknown power resurfaced. Fallon questioned who or what she truly is. Is there more to her origin?

Lucas Haywood, a young man with a beating heart for Fallon. Inline for the alpha position his father makes him join him on business that takes him away from his junior. The night before leaving he confesses to Fallon and says that she is his mate. He explains all about the supernatural world. He leaves before she can even speak. A year later and he returns in the arms of another. How will he explain this to Fallon? Will he become the next alpha of frost?

Niklaus Holt, a mysterious man that waltzes into the high school of frost on the first day of Fallon's senior year. With his motive for being here is still hidden will anything happen to him and Fallon? Does he have dangerous reasons for seeking out Fallon's attention? How will his cousin, Lucas, feel about his being here in his hometown? Who are Niklaus Holt and his siblings Isabella and Kaiden?

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First Day
Fallon POVI was thrown into a world I never knew existed. Until one day someone I thought I knew came up to me and threw my world for a spin.   “You are my mate. I know this doesn’t make sense but please let me explain,” He started to explain. He explained to me the world of all supernaturals that existed. Witches, vampires, werewolves, and everything in between.   “How do you expect me to understand any of this? I need time before I can easily accept this. Okay?” I tried to explain.  He then said that he would give me time to think everything over. He said he would be leaving for a year to get ‘special training’ to take over for his father.  “I’ll be back for our senior year,” then he got into his vehicle and left.  Once he left, I fell into a depression. It really hurt for him to just up and leave. He left at the beginning of our junior year, and I had to fight the school year alone.  *A year later. A week before senior year* “Come on Fallon, you’ve got work in an hour,” my mom said as she grabbed the blankets from me and then threw open my curtains.  “Come on mom, it only takes me like ten minutes to get ready, and then like five minutes to walk to the station,” I stated. She knew it didn’t take me that long to get ready for work, but she did this every time. She laughed, “I know this, but I won’t be able to make you breakfast for much longer once you start school next week.”   She left my room so I could get ready for the day. I jumped into my shower and my thoughts started rolling in. “Will I see him next week?” Although my heart never fully healed because of him I was better off without him. I was just more nervous that I would see him and all those feelings I felt the moment he left would resurface in mere seconds. I sighed. After showering I threw my hair up in a Dutch braid that landed right above my butt. I had always kept my hair long because Lucas said he liked it long. “Maybe I should cut my hair?” I asked myself. I shrugged, and then I brushed my teeth. “Perhaps some mascara?” I like to talk to myself a lot. I applied some mascara and finally went back into my room and got dressed in a long black sleeve shirt, khaki shorts, and some black combat boots. I put in a pair of sun and moon earrings, with a necklace that had a crystal hanging from the chain. I looked at my jewelry box and hesitated.  Underneath the top part of the jewelry box is where I kept a small ring box. This box held a ring that was in the shape of a crescent moon, and another ring in the shape of the sun. These are the last memories I have of my biological parents.  I love my adoptive mother to no ends, but I wonder where they are sometimes.  “Breakfast is ready!” My mom yelled up the stairs.  I shut my jewelry box and ran downstairs.  I sniffed the air, “Aww French toast! My favorite,” I said giving my mom a kiss on her cheek. “I am your mother after all,” she laughed, and I joined her.  We took a few bites of our food. “So, you’re going to be a senior. Are you excited?” My mom asked.  I thought about it. “I mean yeah I am excited, but I’m not entirely sure,” I tried to sound okay.  “Is it because of Lucas?” She asked.  “Yeah,” I poked my food with my fork to keep my eyes from meeting hers. “Honey. I know you felt betrayed about him confessing his feelings to you and then leaving you in a very vulnerable state right after, but I know you are so much stronger than this. You do not need a boy to feel okay. Look at what you have done since he has been gone. You are the captain of the volleyball team, you are basically running the radio station, and the town loves all the charity work you have prepared and planned. I know you are stronger than this,” She stated.  Oh, how she knew exactly what I needed to hear.   I stood up from my seat and rushed over to hug her. “You know exactly what I need to hear,” I sniffled.  “Alright that’s enough being sad,” my mom pulled me back and grasped my shoulders, “If he comes back this year you show him that you are strong and independent, and you do not need him. Show him what he missed,” she smiled at me. I nodded.  *A few minutes later* I was on my way to work. It’s the beginning of September but it’s already starting to look so much like fall. The air is already chilly in the mornings and nights.  I was one store away from the station when I heard a loud truck coming up behind me.  “Sup sweet cheeks,” Sam whistled. I rolled my eyes.  “Not today, Sam,” I gave him a death glare.  “Hey Fallon,” Derek in the passenger seat waved, “Come on Sam we’re going to be late for practice.” “We can always spare a few minutes for this lovely angel here,” Sam licked his lips at me.  I gagged and walked away.  “Oh, come on don’t be like that!” He slowly rolled his truck forward, but I stepped into the station.  Sam was and is just looking for a lay anywhere he can find it. “Hey, Ray!” I yelled.  *Thump* “God girl you are going to give me a heart attack one day,” Ray yelled out from the back of the store.  “I am not sorry Ray, it is the only joy in my life that I have,” I laughed. I went into the booth and switched everything to my settings and did a mic check. Ray gave me a thumbs up.  “Good morning, folks of our wonderful small town of Frost. This morning let’s take it slow and just roll with the beats,” I said as I started playing 'beautiful' by Christina Aguilera. I believe this is a good song to start the day off with and it’s not too hard to listen to when you first wake up.  I put a few different songs to play in line after that and then stepped out of the booth.   I sighed, and Ray sat down his toolbox on a bench outside the booth.  “Fixing something?” I asked him.  “Nope,” he said and then went to the bathroom.  “Okay,” I mouthed to myself.   *After work* After the end of my shift, I go on about my day. I run around town seeing if anything needs to be done before the homecoming game and then the dance the day after. I helped plan a big part of the dance, so they have everything set on what needs to be done. I decided to get some ice cream before heading back to the station to close.  “Can I get two chocolates to go?” I asked the girl at the counter.  “Tell Ray I said hi,” the girl at the counter said as she soon handed me my ice creams.  “Will do,” I started to head out the door, but another person came in before I could reach the door handle. “Oh hey,” Krystian said as she rushed in the door.  Krystian Beckett. Her mother and my mother are best of friends all the way from being in diapers together. Krystian and I grew up together the way our parents did. She left last year too to spend some time with her father after he and her mom got divorced.  “Hey, Krystian. Didn’t know you were back in town,” I tried not to sound awkward.   “Oh, uh yeah, I just got back tonight and saw the ice cream shop was still opened,” she tried to not sound as awkward either.  “Uh well, we should hang out sometime. I gotta get going. Need to get this to Ray before it melts,” I then did an awkward smile. “Yeah totally,” she smiled back to me.  I walked out the door and headed to the station.  “Hey, Ray! I brought ice cream!” I like to yell when I come into the station. “Child, if you don’t stop yelling,” Ray tried to be angry with me.  “Come on Ray, you know why I do it,” I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.  We both just laughed.  Soon Ray left, and I played the last song of the night.   A song called ‘This is what self-destruction feels like.’ I felt fine throughout the whole day. I never once thought of him, but sometimes I just wonder why it seems like people leave me. I might be dramatic for feeling this way, but I can’t help wondering when I am alone with my thoughts.  Once the song finished up, I let out a deep breath and laughed at how stupid I can be when I am slightly upset. I then locked up the station and went home.  The week flew by with a consistent schedule of going into the station in the morning, doing my rounds through town, and then taking ice cream to Ray before closing the station.  *First day of senior year* (Thursday) Today is my first day of senior year, the homecoming game is Friday night, and then the homecoming dance is Saturday night. I wonder who our football star will be this year since Lucas couldn’t spend time practicing over the summer.  “No don’t think of him,” I mentally slapped myself.  I got dressed in my usual attire that suited the early fall days. Consisting of khaki-colored skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a black short-sleeved shirt, with my black leather jacket.  It’s colder in the mornings and then warms up throughout the day.  “Okay mom, I’m heading out. I’ll see you after practice,” I yelled out before heading out the door.  The streets were more filled with students walking to school. They were all in groups of 2 or 3 or even 4. It must be fun to have friends.  “Hey, Fallon!” Krystian yelled out from her mom’s car, “Want a lift?”  “Sure,” I got in on the passenger’s side, “Your mom actually let you drive her car?”  “Ha-ha, I know. I think she missed me,” She laughed, and I laughed with her.  “So, you’re the captain of the volleyball team? Who would have seen that coming?” She sarcastically said.  “Yeah, yeah. And what are you getting into this year? Are you going to try and get back on the cheerleading team?” I asked.  “I am not sure. A lot happened once my parents divorced so I am still trying to figure things out, ya know?” We parked.  “I meant to ask, but I haven’t seen Lucas around town. What’s up with that?” She asked as we both grabbed our bags from the back and headed into the school.  “He left around the same time you did. He said he would be back for senior year, but don’t hold your breath,” I said trying to act like I didn’t care.  We both chatted as we went into the senior’s homeroom. Our graduating class was very small, perhaps 100 graduating so homeroom was mainly the auditorium for us.  “So, how’s work at the radio station?” Kristian asked as we found seats in the back of the room.  “It’s fine for now, ya know. I can only do our closing songs but it’s still something,” I explained.  “Well, then how’s your mom being sheriff affecting you?” She nudged.  “Honestly it’s cool. She doesn’t act like you’d think a sheriff would with their children,” I laughed.  We seemed to just talk about anything we could think of, and it was nice considering I haven’t spoken to her for a year.  “I haven’t seen Lucas yet; I wonder when he’ll actually come back. Maybe he won’t even show his face,” she sarcastically spoke as she looked around to look through the other students  “Oh, hey I wanted to ask if you were going to the football game tomorrow night?” She turned around fast to ask.  “I’m not sure,” I was very unsure cause I didn’t want to bump into a certain person.  “No, you can’t let him control your feelings when he has yet to show his face to you,” I mentally slapped myself.  “If you’re going, I’ll go with you,” I stated. She leaned over and hugged me.  “Alright everyone,” the advisor claps her hands together to get our attention, “I would like to welcome our new students. Isabella, Niklaus, and Kaiden Holt. Please treat them as if they have been here this whole time.” Soon after she started handing out papers with a list of names on it for everyone to vote on the homecoming king and queen. I didn’t care to look at mine, so I let Kristian do mine for me.  After, the three found a seat in a corner away from the rest of the students just as Kristian and I had done when we first got here. “How can a group of siblings all be hot,” Kristian giggled. I laughed at her.  *Ring* Everyone slowly filed out in the hallway. I leaned against a few lockers watching the freshmen trying to find their first classes. “Can you believe we used to be just like them?” Kristian said as she made her way to my side. I laughed again.  “I’ll see you in gym,” she waved as she walked to her class. Once most of the hallway was cleared, I started to make my way to my first class.  I started to walk to the opened door to history when I almost ran into the new kids.  “Oh, excuse me,” I said as I took a step back letting them go in first.  “Ladies first,” Isabella said to her brothers as she linked arms with me and pulled me into the class with her. I gave an awkward smile at her as she pulled me into a seat that sat behind her in the corner of the room by the windows.  Niklaus sat in a seat next to me and Kaiden sat beside Isabella. I was very confused as to what is happening. But then the teacher walked in.  “Welcome to your first day of senior history,” the teacher announced as he wrote his name on the board, “Now please open your textbooks to page 10.”  I groaned, “this is going to be a long day,” I thought. “Alright, that is all for today. Please read chapter two and take notes we will be taking a quiz on what you have learned,” the teacher announced as we were all packing up.  *The last class of the day* “So, the new kids were in my math class, what about you?” Kristian asked as we both got changed into our gym uniform. They are a basic grey shirt with the school’s logo, and you can wear shorts or leggings, or even sweatpants if you prefer, but I hate the shirts. They are always too small for the girls. It’s as if I were watching a shirt for a small boy.  “They are in my history class, but can I just say that I am thankful for study hall,” I stated as I waited for her to finish tying her shoes.  “Let me guess you buried yourself in the library and took a nap?” She guessed.  “Damn, how did you know?” I sarcastically asked.  “Ha-ha cause that’s what I did during my study hall,” she stood up after finishing up with her shoes and we walked into the gym and then headed outside to the track and field they used for football practice.  “Well, it looks like they have gym with us too,” Kristian nudged me. “Hey, I think you got a little something right here,” I said as I wiped my lower lip.  “Where?” She freaked.  “Oh no just a little drool is all,” I laughed and ran onto the track, and she chased me.  “That’s not fair,” she yelled. I turned around and started running backward watching her try to catch up. “Hey, watch out,” She yelled out as she tried to reach for me, but I toppled over someone. He fell onto me, and it was awkward.  “If you wanted my attention, you could have just talked to me instead of making me fall for you,” Niklaus smirked.  He sat up, and Kristian helped me to stand.  “I am so sorry,” I started to apologize.  “Don’t worry about it,” he looked me up and down, and I couldn’t help but blush.  “Are you okay?” Kristian asked as Niklaus ran up with his brother and a few other guys to play a game of football.  “Uh, yeah,” I stumbled to say.  “I think he was just flirting with you,” Kristian pointed out.  I laughed, “Yeah sure.” I went and sat on the bleachers, and Kristian joined me.  “Are you sure you’re, okay?” She asked again.  “Yeah, I think I just sprained my wrist,” I stated as I had just fallen onto it.  “let’s get you to the nurse,” she said as she went up to the coach to let him know what was happening.  I went to the nurse’s office and Kristian went to pack up our clothes back in the locker room. “I’ll call your mom for you,” the nurse said. She handed me an icepack to keep the swelling down.  “I don’t really think it’s too bad honestly,” I stated as I didn’t want to worry my mom over something small.  “Even if you don’t believe it to be back, I need to inform your mother that you were injured at school,” the nurse shot back.  “Okay,” I mouthed as Kristian had both of our bags in hand.  “I can take you to a doctor and your mom can meet us there?” Kristian asked.  “I don’t want anyone to worry about such a small thing,” I basically repeated myself. “It’s okay. I have nothing to do tonight anyway, and I have a few things I want to ask you about too,” Kristian defeated me.  “Fine,” I said then my phone rang.  “Hey mom, yes I am fine. Kristian is going to take me to the doctor, can you meet us there?” I said in one full sentence before she could say anything. “Okay, see you in a few,” my mom said and then hung up.  I was so glad my mom could tell that I really didn’t want to be bombarded with questions.  *Ring* The was the last bell of the day and perfect timing for Kristian and me to leave. We left out the side entrance of the school and rounded our way to the parking lot. Trying our best to avoid school traffic so we don’t get stuck behind the buses trying to leave.  “What a first day of school? New hot siblings, you bump into them not once but twice, mainly Niklaus, and then he flirts with you as he was toppled over you while you sprained your wrist. Oh, hopefully, you’ll be good to go before the dance this Saturday,” Kristian rambled on, but I couldn’t help but think of the way Niklaus smiled and looked me up and down. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.  “Do you want me to go in with you?” Kristian asked as she had parked the car outside the doctor’s office, and mom was waiting outside.  “Oh no, I’ll just text you whenever we get home,” I said as I got my bag from the floorboard and got out of the car.  I waved and she waved back as she left.  *In the doctor’s office* “Can you tell me what happened?” The doctor asked.  “I was being stupid and was running backward and knocked into someone and fell onto my hand,” I simplified today’s event.  The doctor went on his way, we took some x-rays, and he gave me a brace and some medicine took take for the pain.  Mom and I got in her police car.  “How does it feel to be in a police car for the first time?” She joked.  “Well as long as I don’t have to sit in the back seat I can that it’s fine,” I stated.  We both laughed. She turned the radio on, and we listened to music on our way home.  Once we reached the house, we both just sat there in silence. “Anything you want to tell me about?” My mom asked as she turned to look at me.  I looked at my hands and fiddled with my fingers. “He wasn’t there today. Mom, I’m scared of when he’ll show up, but on the other hand,” I started to go on, but I started blushing and mom noticed.  “Ohh who has you like that?” She asked like a giddy schoolgirl.  I laughed at her, “We have a few new students, but his name is Niklaus, and I don’t even know anything about him. Just thinking about today just has me like this for no reason.” My cheeks were the color of a rose at this point.  “Honestly I’ll approve of this boy since he has you so starstruck for now, and hey it gets your mind off of a certain other boy, but most of all I’m just glad I can see you smile like that,” My mom said as she pointed at the smile on my face.  I felt embarrassed but happy. We both hopped out of the car and went inside. “Will Kristian be here tonight?” she asked as she hung up her coat and put her shoes away.  “Oh yeah, I told her I would text her when we got home,” I pulled out my phone to text her.  “I’ll order some pizza,” My mom had walked out of her room after changing into her loungewear.  I went and layed on the couch, closing my eyes for a few minutes.  “Today has been insane,” I thought. “Oh shoot,” I loudly spoke. “I need to text coach,” I reached for my phone. “Already did. She said you need to be cleared by the doctor before you can do anything volleyball-related,” My mom peaked behind the wall in the kitchen to give me this look. A look that says, ‘you better listen’. I laughed and laid back on the couch when as my head was going to hit the pillow the doorbell rang.  “Ugh,” I mumbled as I stood up from the couch and walked over to the front door.  “Hey!” I exclaimed as Kristian came in.  “Wow this place hasn’t changed since I left,” She looked around and dropped her bag, shoe, and jacket off at the front door.  “Not much to change,” I stated.  We all eventually sat on the couch and enjoyed the pizza that came a little later than it should have. Kristian fell asleep in the guest room, and mom soon fell asleep in her own bed. I decided to stay up for a little longer. I wrapped a cardigan around myself and went outside. I sat on the couch we have on the patio. Nice crisp cool air. I hope for winter to come sooner because the winter air is refreshing. The moon lit up the night sky like a giant night light. Everything was peaceful at this moment. I never want this moment to end. The moment in the night when everything is quiet and there’s no noise, everything is just still, and no one excepts anything from you.  I sighed and then laughed. I was being silly. I got up from the couch and decided on going to bed.

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