Small Moments

1099 Words

I can’t see anything but, I can hear a lot of voices that I don’t recognize.  “What can we do?” a young woman sounded scared and upset. “It’s okay my love, we knew this day would come. We are prepared for all of this,” this voice came from a young man who sounded confident. I felt a small droplet of water falling on my face.  “I’m not ready to leave her,” the woman said. Suddenly I felt a warm press against my forehead.  “It will be okay. We’ll all be together again one day,” the man’s voice sounded further away.  “Fallon?” I heard a familiar voice ring in my ears, “Come on Fallon. I know you can hear me,” the voice became clearer.  “Maybe we should leave her to rest still,” a familiar male voice jumped in.  “Niklaus, I know you mean well but, she needs to wake up,” it was Kristian.

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