
1437 Words
History class was baffling. Isabella was thinking things that I don’t know about, and Niklaus probably knows what she is thinking but, doesn’t want to say. I couldn’t focus because of that smile she had on her face. I laid my head down on my desk to try and just maybe have a moment of peace but, of course, once you do anything for yourself here the bell rings.  “Hey, Fallon, why don’t we hang out tonight?” Isabella said as she slowly got up from her desk.  “Oh, um I might have something planned already but how about tomorrow?” I wasn’t sure if Kristian would have anything by tonight or not, so I wanted to at least be available at an instant if she did find something.  “Sure, we can meet up after I get done with cheerleading practice,” she said as we both walked out of history class. Niklaus had walked ahead of us leaving no room for me to catch up to him.  “I think our practices end around the same time, so we’ll probably run into each other,” I said as we slowly made our way to our next classes.  “Oh yeah, I forgot that you were on the volleyball team,” she chuckled. I felt kind of embarrassing for her to say that to me but, it’s true that I may have forgotten that I was on the volleyball team too. My head hasn’t exactly been put together lately, and I had to skip a few practices because of my wrist. I never even thought to go back to the doctor, I had completely forgotten about my wrist. I have been forgetting things so easily here lately because my head has been buried underneath so much new information. I groaned at everything that has come to light for me this past week.  “You, okay?” Isabella asked as we both stood outside from our classes.  “Uh yeah. Just a lot on my mind, ya know. I’ll see you in gym,” I waved to her as I went into the library where study hall is held, and she went into her English class that was across the hall from me. Study hall was never used for what it was actually meant for. Kristian and I have a stack of old books in a back corner that we take naps in.  *A short nap and one class later* The locker room was oddly quiet. Kristian seemed to be focused on her books more than trying to participate in something during gym. Going outside to the practice field and track everyone separated. Some of the guys along with Niklaus and Kaiden decided to play a game of football, Sarah and Lucas were sitting up on the bleachers that were close by to the gym doors, Isabella was stretching out and doing some practice cheers on the track, Kristian found a secluded and shady spot underneath the bleachers to read her books, and I decided to take a run around the track along with some other straggling students. Everyone seemed like they weren’t affected by anything that is happening around them. Like this is just a normal day to them but, for me, it’s not. My best friend is a witch, and most of the people I know of are werewolves. A guy I grew up with has always been a part of this supernatural and magical world, and I never knew any of it. I was thrown into the dark of what was actually happening around me. All of this made me start thinking. Who else knows of this other side of the world? Does my mother know? Does Ray know? Are they a part of this other side too? I’m apparently involved somehow but, I don’t even know how. If I can’t even figure out who my biological parents are, how can I find out how I am a part of all of this? I was frustrated.  Without realizing I almost bumped into Isabella.  “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” I said as I stepped back.  “It’s okay,” she stopped stretching and looked over at Lucas and Sarah, “Kind of disgusting that they can be that close out in public.” I looked over at them, and Sarah had both of her legs over Lucas’s lap, and he was kissing all over her neck while she played with his hair.  “They may as well just have s*x right there for all of us to see,” I was disgusted.  Isabella laughed, “You’re not wrong but, like there’s only a certain amount of PDA that can be handled out in public and that surely is not it,” she walked closer to me, “Next thing you know you’ll hear a small moan.” I had an even more disgusted look on my face and Isabella couldn’t help but bust out laughing even more.  “Look Fallon,” Isabella put a hand on my shoulder and her hand felt hot, she jerked her hand off of me, “Uh, just don’t pay attention to them, okay?” She put her hands behind her back.  “Are you okay?” I was slightly concerned about what just happened.  “Yeah, totally,” she tried to sound as if she was okay but, I could see that she was hiding something. Again.  I sighed, “I just wish someone would through a bucket of water on them,” I mocked the water jug, we have out on a table by the gym door that is filled with water, just being tossed over onto them. And with a wave of my hand, the jug went flying.  “Fallon?” Isabella was concerned. The water from the jug soaked both Sarah and Lucas, and Sarah let out a scream.  “I have to go,” I stated as I ran over to Kristian and pulled her up with all of her books.  “We need to talk,” I said as I walked us both back into the locker room.  “Fallon, what is going on?” Kristian was mad.  “Did you not see what just happened?” I yelled.  “No. I was trying to find something about magical objects in one of these grimoires,” she held up one of the books.  “Isabella touched me, and her hand was hot on my skin. She noticed something happened, I don’t know what it was but, next thing you know I was saying how Sarah and Lucas should have a bucket of water dropped on them. And guess what happened? I was imitating the water jug being thrown onto them and it happened! I moved the water jug and threw it on them without even touching it! Kristian what is happening to me!” I was upset, and my breathing was out of control.  “Okay first of all deep breaths and second we need to head to my house, now,” she demanded as we got our bags and left to the parking lot. We both got into her vehicle and got on the road.  “Kristian, can you explain to me how I did that? And what was the whole thing with Isabella’s hand on my shoulder?” I asked as I was slumped over in the passenger seat.  “Do you remember how I told you that I was reading up on the different types of witches and how they draw their power?” She asked and I nodded.  “Do you remember how I said that some witches draw their magic from other supernatural beings because they can’t create any on their own?” She asked in a more serious tone, and I nodded.  “I think that you are a siphoner witch. If what you say is true about when Isabella touched your skin, I think that was you pulling magic from her considering she is a part of Lucas’s family that could probably make her a werewolf too,” She explained. My head felt like it was on fire. I rubbed on my temples trying to calm my head, but I couldn’t see anything but black. “We love you, Fallon Winters. Don’t ever forget where you come from,” I heard a sweet voice say. It sounded calm but there was an underlying tone of sadness.  “Fallon!” I heard Kristian yell as she pulled the car over into an immediate stop, “Fallon! Can you hear me?” I blacked out. 
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