The Secrets

868 Words
“No Kristian I can’t handle any more nonsense right now,” I stated as I was annoyed, “I’m just learning so many secrets and I really can’t take more of them tonight.” “I understand Fallon but, let me just show you. Everyone can be all words but, the actions are what speak the truth,” she tried to explain but, I got up from my bed, and walked to my door.  “Please Kristian let’s just get some rest and talk about this in the morning,” I sighed, “Please.” My voice cracked, and tears threatened to spill. “Here,” she said as she waved her hand in a motion towards me and a tissue floated right into my view.  “That…that…” I fainted.  *A few minutes later* “Can we all stop hovering,” I said as I could feel both mom and Kristian watching over me. “I am fine, just more stressed than anything,” I sat up.  Mom looked at me with a look that states that this isn’t fine, and Kristian looks upset. I groaned, “Guys I am fine. Let’s just go to bed,” I stuck up my thumbs and made a scoot move with my hands. Mom looked very upset with me and slowly left my room, and that left me staring at Kristian.  “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I spoke as I put my head in my hands. “You didn’t want to even remotely believe what I was telling you. Hell, you don’t even believe Lucas about him being a werewolf,” Kristian rambled on. “Wait! You know about that?” I shot up to look at her.  “Okay let me explain. Although I left last year to spend time with my dad after the divorce, I also left to spend time with my grandmother on my father’s side. His side of the family has a whole lineage of witches whether they were male or female. My father never got into the whole magic thing, so it never affected mom but, one day I woke up with my blanket on fire, just out of nowhere. And so, my father suggested I go to learn from my grandmother,” she sighed, “My grandmother told me that the witches are an ally to the werewolves because they can be more trustworthy than the vampires that lurk around.” “Wait so vampires are real? Are there any in frost?” I asked.  “Not that we know of but, at the same time they can look like everybody else. Not all of them are bad but, I don’t know much about them, and my grandmother didn’t tell me much either. Said I’d learn everything in due time,” She laughed a little at her last sentence, and I grabbed the bridge of my nose.  “Listen, Fallon,” she said as she grabbed my hands, “I know this is a lot to take in especially with Lucas and Niklaus but, you have me, and I can tell that you are part of something magical. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I can sense that much from you. I will be here no matter. I will stay by your side.”  I could tell she was serious because she had this look in her eyes, and there was no hesitation insight. I leaned forward and hugged her.  I pulled back and looked at her, with a deep breath I asked, “Where do I start?”  She stood up from my bed, “First we go to bed. I am exhausted man, and then we work on controlling your emotions.” “What do my emotions have to do with any of this magic stuff?” I asked as I started to lay down in bed.  She stood in the doorway, “Magic overall is tied to our emotions. This rain, thunder, and lightning all came from your burst of over emotional power.  So, you see the connection?” She didn’t give me time to answer before leaving the doorway and leaving me to sleep.  I turned over on my back and put my hands behind my head, and of course, the thought come rolling in.  “We’ve only been in school for two days and so much has already happened. Kristian is a witch and believes that I am one too. Sounds crazy. Lucas and Niklaus are family, and there is so much more to this whole werewolf thing within their family,” I sighed as my thoughts kept me awake. I took my hands off the back of my head and looked at the rings I still have yet to take off.  “I was always too afraid to wear these but, why do I feel more grounded when I wear these? Who were my biological parents? Are you guys supernatural too?” I flipped over to lay on my stomach and groaned into a pillow. Another thought came to my mind as I closed my eyes to try and sleep, “Why did they give me up?” 
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