
973 Words
*The next morning* (Sunday) This morning was quiet, there was frost on the windows. It seemed like we should probably turn on the heat soon, it might even snow soon. I was sweating a lot while I slept so I decided to take another shower but, this time the thoughts didn’t come running in. My mind felt quiet for some reason. I got out, toweled dried my hair, and braided it into Dutch braids. I put on a different clean pair of pajamas and headed downstairs. I didn’t expect mom or Kristian to be up this early but, they were. They were sitting at the dining table sipping on coffee and talking in a low voice to each other.  “Are you guys talking about me?” I asked as I made my way downstairs and grabbed some coffee.  “We weren’t talking about you, I was telling your mom about the dance and how much fun you were having with Niklaus,” Kristian smiled.  “Oh,” I blushed as I sat down across from Kristian and Next to mom.  “I am just glad that you both were able to have at least a good time even if it were for only a short time,” my mom said putting an arm around my shoulders. We talked for a while until mom needed to get ready and head to work for a few hours today. With her leaving us at the table Kristian got up and moved over into a seat next to me and scooted close. “So today I want to see if your magic is solely connected to your emotions or if your magic comes from something else entirely that I have yet to learn,” Kristian whispered. “Why would there be anything else?” I was confused.  “Well, I did some read from a few of my grandmother's grimoires that she gave me,” I cut her off mid-sentence, “What’s a grimoire?”  Kristian huffed at my interruption, “Basically a textbook for witches. It has all the spells, and knowledge from witches before our time, anyways I was reading and what I read from one of them about a witch who can draw their source from another supernatural creature to only be able to use that as their magic. They basically have no magic their selves.”  I sighed, “I have so much to learn about all of this... magic stuff, don’t I?” I hesitated. I just can’t seem to comprehend all of this supernatural world and what it has to offer. I mean from the moment I was born I was led to believe that werewolves weren’t real, and they were just basically wild dogs, vampires were just for tv like Dracula, and witches were an idea for a Halloween costume.  “Come on,” Kristian said as she pulled me from my seat, and we ran upstairs.  “What are we doing now?” I asked her as she shut my bedroom door behind me.  “Just watch,” Kristian sat on my bed with her legs crossed, and it only looked as if she were trying to meditate. I just stood by my door waiting for something to happen.  “What am…” I started to ask but Kristian hushed me.  “Shh, I need to concentrate,” She whispered.  Once the room was quiet again, I felt a small breeze brush past me. My hair fell from my shoulders, and it did freak me out a bit, but it wasn’t anything but then the breeze I had once felt became stronger, so much so that it started to recking my room and pushing me around.  “Kristian, stop!” I yelled trying to keep my balance.  “Huh?” Kristian opened her eyes, and the wind stopped instantly. She could see the mess that she had caused, “Oh sorry, I didn’t expect it to be that strong. I have been practicing,” she sounded excited.  I sighed. All knowing well that she was having a bit of fun learning and improving her skills in an area I don’t understand I was still slightly aggravated at the mess. I bent over to start picking things off the floor.  “Could you at least help clean up the mess now?” I tried not to sound aggravated as I asked.  “Oh yeah, leave it to me,” she said as she got off the bed and waved her hands around while whispering a few words, and soon the items that were strung about from the wind had slowly floated back into their rightful places as if nothing ever happened.  I plopped on my bed and sighed. My head felt as if it were going to explode. “Kristian, I know you mean well, and want to teach me and show me all these things but, honestly I need some time to be alone. I text you later,” I said with my head in my pillow. “I get it. Trying to understand something you know nothing about is scary but, just know that you’ll eventually understand in your own time, and I’ll be here helping,” she stated as she soon walked out of my room and left.  I felt bad for basically telling her to go but, at this moment, I needed complete silence and a nap. My head was hurting, and I didn’t want to even do anything for the day. I was too annoyed at the thought of running into Lucas or Sarah even. But what if I run into Niklaus? I picked up my head and rested on my elbows. No, I want nothing to with them. I shook my head and put my face back into my pillow. I fell asleep. 
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