A Rainy Night

1275 Words
I didn’t think about this honestly. I was pushed by the other students to join Lucas, who was standing in the middle of the dance floor. The music started, and Lucas put a hand on my waist and held out the other hand for mine. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and then put my other hand in his. I wasn’t smiling, and neither was he.  “How did you even get elected?” I asked.  “I was a write-in,” He smirked. I rolled my eyes. “There’s something…” I cut him off. “Why are you even here? Why now?” I asked. On the outside, we looked like we were just having a conversation while dancing, but if you could hear us you wouldn’t want to be near us.  “Sarah called me on the day I finally got back and asked me if I’d be her escort, and if I’d be willing to take her to the dance. I may have lied to you that night, about you being my soulmate, and I can’t take back everything I told you, but when I got back and got to the game, I had realized who is actually my soulmate,” Lucas explained. My head was churning, and it was hurting.  “Wait, if I wasn’t your supposed soulmate then why did you say I was? And why Sarah of all things? None of this makes any sense Lucas. If you were lying to me about being this soulmate of yours then why did you tell me about it at all!?” I was getting angry.  “We don’t find out who our soulmates are until we turn 18, and you know I turned 18 over this summer. Before becoming of age to tell we can only ever have signs about who might be our soulmates, Fallon. We were so close, and it was nice being around you. I just thought that since we matched so well that you were the one. Human or not, I was willing to risk everything but, now since Sarah actually is I don’t have to risk anything, and we can go on with our lives,” Lucas continues to explain but, it only made me angrier.  “Lucas you do know how bad that sounds. You’d risk everything for me but, now you know that it’s not me and now you don’t have to risk anything. You make me sound as if I am weak just because I am not like you,” I stopped our dance, and pulled away from him, “You’re looking down on me, aren’t you?” “Fallon, no I’m not,” he tried to reach for my hand. I pulled my hands away from his reach, “No, Lucas you are. You’re embarrassed that I’m not equal to who you are!” I turned around and walked out of the dance. It was thundering and lighting, with some drizzles of rain. “Fallon, wait up!” I heard Kristian yell as I started to head across the street.  “I don’t want to talk right now Kristian,” I started crying and the rain started to fall harder. “No, Fallon listen. There’s something I need to show you, okay? I am going to tell Derek we are leaving and Niklaus can drive us to your house.” She made it sound like a suggestion but, it was a demand. I walked back to the entrance as we were both soaked from the rain. I sat on the steps as Kristian went back inside. “Why does he have to ruin it for me? Why did we even have to dance together? Who made that a thing?” I thought to myself.  “Fallon,” Niklaus called for me while I was stuck in my thoughts. “Oh gosh, Niklaus I did it again. I left without telling you,” I didn’t look at him. “No Fallon it’s okay. I heard everything, and I should have known my i***t of a cousin would tell you everything about us,” Niklaus sat down with a sigh.  “What do you mean everything about us?” I asked as I looked at him.  “Well Lucas and I are family, Lucas wouldn’t be the only werewolf in his family or the world,” He stated as he was a little amused saying this. I never once thought about this type of connection between them being family, I never thought that Lucas wasn’t the only one for some reason. “Oh, this is too much to handle right now,” I squeezed my head with my hands because it was starting to hurt, and the rain started to slow down. “Are you ready for that ride home?” He asked as he stood up and held a handout for me. I nodded as I took his hand, and Kristian finally came out of the building. I guess she was giving us a moment to talk.  “Are you okay?” She asked as we walked to his truck.  “For now,” I gave a weak smile.  *One silent ride home* “Thanks for the ride, Niklaus,” Kristian said as she got out of the truck and went inside. “I just want to say that I’m sorry if I didn’t have to dance with him, we probably could have stayed for the last hour,” I didn’t look at him.  “It’s okay. I was never one for high school dances. But listen, what my cousin told you about the whole soulmate thing wasn’t right on his part. Hopefully one day you’ll let me truly explain to you how our world works, only if you’re up for it,” he said as he grabbed one of my hands. I looked at him and smiled, “I would like that. Goodnight Niklaus.” I started to get out of his truck. “Call me Nik,” he said as I shut the truck door. I smiled once again, “Sure.” I went inside and instantly mom hugged me.  “Kristian told me what happened, I’m sorry honey,” Mom said as she had me wrapped in a hug.  “It’s okay mom, I just want to go upstairs and shower, okay?” I said as I got out of her grip.  “Yeah okay, just let me know if you need to talk,” mom said as she still had a grip on my upper arms. “I will mom,” I said as I got out of her grip once more and went upstairs.  I sat in the shower for a while, felt like hours. My emotions were running all around and I couldn’t stop thinking but, I tried to stop thinking. After getting done in the shower, I stepped out and dried off. I put on an oversized t-shirt and shorts. I looked at my wrist, the one that was sprained. “Was it never really sprained?” I thought.  *Knock* “Come in,” I said as I sat on my bed.  “Hey, you okay?” She asked as she sat at the end of my bed.  “Yeah. Um, you said you needed to show me something,” I said as I looked at my hands. “First there’s something I need to tell you before I can show you,” She sounded nervous.  “Kristian? What is it? You’re making me nervous,” I stated.  She took a deep breath, “I’m a witch, and I think you are too.” 
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