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*Thursday* A few days have passed, and I had kept to myself. I went to school, I went to volleyball practice, and went home. I need to be alone to try and calm this pain that welled up in my head every time I thought of what Kristian had told me, or what both Lucas and Niklaus said to me.  “Hey,” mom said as she grabbed a cup of coffee and sat next to me on the couch, “You’ve been wearing those rings for a while lately. Is something wrong?” She looked at me with a slightly worried look on her face.  “No, I’m okay. I sometimes go to take them off but, then it’s like I just don’t. I don’t know, I feel like things are just complicated and I don’t even understand any of it,” I sighed.  “It wouldn’t be high school if you didn’t have complicated things to worry about. It doesn’t matter how complicated things are, it’s how you deal with said complications, your actions will define what happens next,” mom was speaking too profoundly to me this early in the morning and she could see that from my face, “All I am saying is that you will always figure out what to do Fallon.” She smiled at me. “Thanks, mom,” I leaned over and gave her a side hug, “I should probably head to school.” I got up from the couch and went to put on my boots. As I was tying my boots up, I looked at the rings that decorated my fingers. I sighed and had a weak smile. I took off the rings and put them in my bag. After taking off the rings my head felt lighter. I didn’t feel the pain that was there for the past three days.  *At School* I finally decided to talk to Kristian since Sunday was the last day I spoke with her. “Hey,” I quietly said as I sat next to her in homeroom. She looked deep in thought but, she looked up at me.  “Hey…” she also quietly spoke.  “Can I ask you something?” I asked as I pulled my bag off my back.  “You just did,” she tried to joke but it failed.  “You know what I mean,” I retorted.  “I guess,” she dramatically huffed.  “Can you tell me if an object has magic? Like how you said you felt magic come from me before,” I explained.  “I mean I can but, with objects, it’s a bit more complicated so it’s gonna take some time since I am still new to all of this too.” She looked at me suspiciously, “Why?” I knew she would ask. I sighed as I pulled the rings out of my bag.  “I know this is going to sound crazy but, I just have this feeling there is something more to these rings,” I explained. Kristian sat up in her seat and looked worried at me once again.  “Aren’t these your parents' rings, Like the last reminisce of your actual parents?”  I rolled my eyes, “yes I know but, listen these rings are doing something to me that I just don’t know what. Can you just please do this for me? Do whatever you can.” Kristian looked at me with a bit of sadness in her eyes.  “Okay. I’ll give my grandmother a call whenever I get home, “she said as she sat back in her seat after putting the rings in her bag. As soon as she was comfy the bell rang. She rolled her eyes. Walking through the halls felt different for some reason but then I saw him. Niklaus leaning on his locker talking to Sarah. I groaned with a bit of disgust.  “I wouldn’t judge Nik too harshly because of her,” Isabella said as she walked up beside me.  “It’s not him I’m judging,” I said pointing out the obvious annoyance on his face because Sarah keeps twirling her hair and trying to touch his arm. I laughed.  “I feel sorry for your cousin,” I said to Isabella as I started walking into history class. “Fallon!” Niklaus yelled out as Sarah whined about him leaving.  “What’s so good about her?” Sarah said out loud.  “I’m very good at not being a w***e,” I said as I turned around to look at her and that’s when Lucas came to her side.  “Do you really need to be so rude to her Fallon?” Lucas asked with a serious tone.  “Maybe you should teach her to keep her hands off of other guys when you two are supposed to be an ‘item’.” I put air quotes around the word ‘item’ because who knows what they really are. I didn’t let him get another word out and went to sit at my desk. Isabella came in laughing, “You sure pissed him off and I love it.” She sat down at her desk that was in front of mine. “It is what it is,” I said as I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. Isabella just sat there looking at me smiling, and then looked over at Niklaus raising her eyebrows a few times, and then she turned to face the front. I looked at him, “What was that” I mouthed. He just shrugged his shoulders. 
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