Homecoming Dance

2113 Words
I turned to look at Sarah, and Lucas standing there linked together. The crowd yelled and cheered. Sarah’s smile was giant, and she waved to everyone, and Lucas stood there with a small smile on his face. My breathing faltered a bit, and my heart was racing.  “Are you okay?” Niklaus asked as he squeezed my hand that rested on his forearm. I break my stare from Lucas and looked at Niklaus.  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just saw someone I didn’t expect to see,” I gave a weak smile. He returned the smile. I was glad he didn’t press any further, but he probably knew who I was talking about.  I looked up to find mom, and Kristian, both of their faces had worried expressions. They then looked at me and started heading down the bleachers.  “And this year’s Homecoming King and Queen are…!” The announcer took a moment of pause with a drum roll in between.  “Fallon Emerson, and Lucas Haywood!” The crowd cheered. I didn’t register what was said until another cheerleader came up to me and grabbed my hand. Before I knew it, I was standing next to Lucas with the former homecoming King and Queen placing their crowns on our heads. The former Queen placed her sash around me and then handed me a large bouquet. The crowd started to come down the bleachers to come to take photos with everyone and do what they were doing before all of this happened. Once all photos were taken, I made my way to find my mom and Kristian. I looked at them.  “What just happened?” I asked.  Everything that just happened, happened too fast for me to even process.  “Oh honey, come on let’s go get some food,” my mom said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder.  “You’re both welcome to join us,” mom said to Kristian and her mom as she spoke over her own shoulder.  “You go ahead Kristian, I have to head back to the boutique and close up,” Kristian’s mom said as she parted ways from us, and Kristian run up beside me and place around arm around my shoulder with my mom.  When we finally got in the car I decided to quickly change while we were on our way to a restaurant.  Once finished getting dressed I sat back and stared out the window. I couldn’t wrap my head around anything, I didn’t want to. Mom and Kristian were upfront talking, and it seemed like they were having a nice conversation.  “Do you still want to go to the dance tomorrow?” Kristian turned around in her seat to ask.  “I’m not going to let this sudden appearance of a certain keep me from the dance I helped plan,” I said, but I wasn’t entirely truthful. I looked over at the crown, sash, and flowers that I received tonight. I sighed. “Lucas, you sure do have horrible timing,” I thought to myself.  *After eating at the restaurant and many conversations later* Mom dropped Kristian off at her house, and then we headed home. We pulled up into our driveway and parked. Neither one of us got out. “Are you okay?” Mom asked. “Honestly, I don’t know,” I confided in mom.  “Well, it might seem you have a visitor,” mom said as she pointed to someone sitting on the couch on the porch. I had a small smile on my face, and my cheeks were warm. We both got out of the car.  “Um, mom this is Niklaus. He’s new to frost,” I awkwardly introduced to two.  “Well, Niklaus, my name is Maria. You were my daughter's escort tonight, right?” She had this playful look on her face.  “Oh yes. It was a pleasure to stand to someone as beautiful as your daughter for the moment I had,” he was a charmer.  “That is true that she is a beauty. I like him. Well, why don’t we head inside, you two can watch a movie if you please,” my mom knew what she was doing. She could tell that he could take my mind of Lucas.  We all headed inside, and soon mom was off to bed, but obviously left her bedroom door open. I laughed at the attempt.  “So,” Niklaus scratched the back of his neck as he awkwardly sat on our couch, “You left so suddenly that we couldn’t even get a photo together.” That’s when it hit me that I didn’t even say goodbye to him, “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn’t even think about photos. I didn’t even tell you I was leaving,” I put my head into my hands. I was getting upset. “Hey,” he moved closer to me and took one of my hands in his, “it’s not a big deal. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” I slowly looked up at him. His eyes caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help but stare once again.  I sniffled, and then begin to speak as I turned my body towards him, my eyes went to our hands as I spoke, “Lucas and I grew up together and last year one night he tells me that he is in love with me. Before I could even comprehend what he had said he told me he would be gone for the year. When I saw that he wasn’t back at school on the first day I was relieved, I was moving on because I had started to believe that he wasn’t coming back. But then tonight he shows up randomly with the one person who tormented me for years. And to make matters worse he knows all about it too,” tears were spilling from my eyes.  “Can I tell you something?” he sounded a bit hesitant, I nodded. “Lucas is actually my cousin,” he said. It took me a moment to realize what that meant. I looked up at him wide-eyed, “Does that mean he is also a part of the supernatural world Lucas explained to me that night?” I asked myself. I had more questions than anything. “Do you know where he was last year?” I honestly wanted to know for maybe some peace of mind.  “He was with his father, who came to visit our family over in Europe,” he explained to me that his father needed Lucas’s fathers help and both fathers believed it would be a good learning chance for Lucas whenever he takes over the ‘family business’ as Niklaus described it.  “How do I naturally ask if he is not just human?” I tried to figure out something, but I couldn’t think of anything.  “Why don’t we watch a movie? I believe tonight has been more complicated than it should have been, let’s try to at least end it on a good note,” Niklaus looked at me with a soft gaze that showed that he was trying to take my mind off everything that happened tonight.  I smiled at him, “Sure.” I grabbed the remote and started scrolling through Netflix and I let Niklaus decide on the movie. We both laid down on the couch with our heads close to each other, I was getting more nervous as I was focusing on the realization of how close he was to me. “What is it about you that makes me feel so flustered, but still able to talk to you as if I’ve known you for a while,” I thought as I had propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him. I rolled my eyes at myself, “What am I even thinking?” I asked myself.  As we watched the movie, I slowly started to fall asleep, when I felt something softly brush against my cheek. I was too tired to open my eyes, but I could tell it was a warm hand. I smiled because this hand created a comfort that made me happy, but as soon as I found the comfort it was gone. I fell asleep.  *The Next Morning* (Saturday) I woke up on the couch, kind of confused. But then I realized that Niklaus and I were watching a movie last night, and I fell asleep.  “Well good morning sleepyhead,” My mom announced her presence loudly from the kitchen. “What time is it?” I yawned. “About time for you to start getting ready for the dance after joining me for breakfast,” mom said as she went to sit at the dining table. She made French toast again.  “I know yesterday was a lot to take it, but are you okay?” She asked.  I thought about it, yesterday was a lot to take in but, it’s not the most important thing in my life right now.  “I don’t think I’ll ever be okay about what he has done or who has chosen to be with, but right now I’m okay,” I faintly smiled at her. I wanted to be okay and have fun at the dance.  After eating breakfast and cleaning up I went upstairs to shower and put my curlers in after blow-drying my hair once again. I did my makeup the same as I did it for the game yesterday, but my dress today is a ball gown-inspired, off-the-shoulder long sleeve floral soft pink lace dress. With my high heels, it hits the floor at the perfect length. Happy with my dress, hair, and makeup I went downstairs. “You look amazing honey,” mom said as I came down the stairs and hugged me. “I think someone else may think the same thing,” she whispered in my ear, and I blushed. He had nervousness written all over his face as he stood in the doorway.  “I know I never formally asked if you wanted to go to the homecoming dance together, but I had hoped you wouldn’t turn me away at this point,” he chuckled.  “Of course not, I mean you did escort me onto the field yesterday,” I laughed as I walked over to his side, and he placed an arm on my waist. Mom wanted photos of course. As we were about to head out the door mom stopped me, “Don’t forget your crown and sash,” she giggled. She was happy about me being the homecoming queen.  Once in Niklaus’s vehicle, I texted Kristian if she wanted to ride with us but, she said that Derek had asked her to the dance at some point yesterday. I approved of Derek; he is a sweet guy. I laughed to myself. Niklaus and I talked a lot on the drive over to the area the dance was being held. Once heading inside Niklaus spoke, “Wow this place looks great.”  I smiled, “Thanks.” He turned and looked at me, “Did you do this?”  “Well, I did help plan for most of this over the summer,” I admitted. Lost in conversation Kristian came up to us, “Fallon the decorations look amazing,” we hugged.  “You look amazing Kristian,” I stated as I was looking at her bedazzled blue strapless ball gown-inspired dress. We smiled at each other, and we all walked to where the tables and dance floor was at.  Niklaus and Derek both went to grab us some drinks and, Kristian and I sat and talked.   “Mom told me to wear this but, I don’t know if I want to,” I said as I placed the crown and sash on the table.  “Well of course you should,” Kristian said as she stood up to place the sash on me, and then tried her best to attach the crown to my hair.  “There now you look like a true homecoming Queen, regardless of who they say is the King,” she laughed. Derek and Niklaus came back, and we all continued to chat.  Soon we were all dancing and laughing, and just having fun but, soon into having fun something always goes wrong.  “Now is the time for the first dance between our new homecoming King and Queen, would everyone else please leave the dance floor,” the DJ announced.  I froze. 
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