Game Day

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*The next morning* (Friday) “Oh, morning Fallon,” Kristian said as we meet in the hall after waking up.  “Coffee?” I asked as I pointed downstairs.   “It’s the only way I can survive the day” Kristian laughed about on her way down the stairs.   Mom had already gotten up early for work, and we had a round of coffee before getting ready for school.   Kristian and I hopped into her car and slowly made our way to the school parking lot. “I know it’s only the second day of school, but man these days just seem to drag by so slow,” Kristian being exaggerating as always.   “They do not drag, we just find boring things to be slow,” I explained as I had my eyes closed and head back on the headrest. But she wasn’t wrong, it seemed as if these days were slowly going by.   “Hey, it can’t be all that bad now since we do have the hot siblings to stare at now,” she giggled, and she nudged me with an elbow.   I groaned, “You and your s****l desires are not something I want to listen about.” I covered my ears. “I am not going on about my s****l desires here. I am just stating a fact. And here’s another fact, I think Niklaus will eventually ask you out,” She smiled as she scooted back up in the driver’s seat.  I pulled my seat back up into its original position and just laughed. “And what makes you say that?” I was curious. “Why wouldn’t he? I saw the way he looked up and down yesterday, ya know after you knocked him down and he was basically on top of you,” she went on.  “Okay, I get it. But I will not keep my hopes up that one of the new guys will ask me out even if he is hot,” I stated, and her eyes grew wide, and smiled.  “I knew it!” She yelled as we parked outside the school. We both got out and chatted our way to homeroom.   “Alright guys the homecoming game is tonight, and I know everyone is excited, but I need to speak to the homecoming candidates once the bell rings,” our advisor spoke out.   “Oh, I have been meaning to ask if you know the candidates?” Kristian asked once we sat at the back of the auditorium.   “I actually have a list, they haven’t been able to choose the candidate for football though,” I said as I handed her the list.   “Of course, Sarah is one, hmm,” she looked over the list, “So who is going to be your escort? She asked as she handed me back the paper.   “I’m not sure yet,” I said.   “Oh whatever,” Kristian sarcastically replied.  *Ring*  “I’ll see you in gym,” Kristian said as we all stood up and she walked out in the hall leaving a few of us in the auditorium. Up on the stage stood Sarah, Niklaus, Sam, some kid with a buzz cut, another kid carrying around a tennis racket in his backpack, a girl named Hailey, and her brother Joey.  Sarah is a representative for Cheerleading. Sam is here for soccer. I soon found out that the kid with a buzz cut is named John, he’s with JROTC. The kid with the tennis racket is named Markus, he is with the tennis team. Hailey is here for softball, and Joey is with baseball. Then there is me, I am the representative for volleyball, but I have yet to find out why Niklaus is here. “Now please write down the names of those you wish to have as your escort, or if you’d prefer to be escorted by someone who is already here,” our advisor stated as she started handing out papers.   “Would you like to be my escort?” Niklaus asked as he walked up to me as I was thinking more or less of doing the same thing he just did.  “I guess you kind of read my mind,” I awkwardly laughed as I rubbed the back of my neck. But then it hit me, “What are you a representative for?” I asked before he could catch onto the awkwardness from a few seconds ago.  “I am the new quarterback,” he laughed. It did take me by surprise, “So you moved here just about at the beginning of summer?” “Yes technically, my siblings and I tend to keep to ourselves. And practice comes first,” he corrected me.  “I can understand that, but I am sadly out of the game for a little while,” I said as I held up my wrist, the one with the brace on it.  “Was that from yesterday? You can blame me for it if you wish, I wasn’t paying attention either,” Niklaus explained his concern.  “No, it is entirely my fault. Never run backward,” I awkwardly said, and mentally slapped myself.  “Although you say it is okay, which it is not in my book I shall at least make it up to you with a free movie?” He laughed, and at that moment was the first time he seemed to be in an awkward position.  “You don’t sound too sure of that idea,” I pointed out.  “Well, I am still technically new around town, and have only been here and the field so my knowledge of what there is to in this town is very narrow,” He admitted.  I laughed, he was going strong with his confidence and then suddenly become awkward because he wanted to show he had a plan. “You could have just said that you would take me to do whatever I find fun to do in town,” I explained.  “Yeah, I guess I could have led with that instead,” he confessed as he scratched his head.  “Okay guys, if you are done planning your date, we all have a bus to catch,” the advisor called us out. We looked away from each other, and I blushed. I couldn’t look over at him to see if he was too.  We had taken a bus down to the actual football field and soon started going over how everything was going to be presented. It was very simple of just standing in line and waiting for them to call your name and partner over the speakers and then stand at your marker that they will have placed for us. After going over everything for a few hours we were allowed to go home early to start getting ready. I texted Kristian and told her that I would meet her at the game.  Once I grabbed my bag and books out of my locker, I took out my phone to start to call my mom, but then Niklaus walked up to me.  “Can I give you a ride home?” he asked. “Oh, sure,” I smiled.  We walked out to the parking lot and soon got into his truck. The awkward silence was a killer.  “Can I ask you if it is a date that you were trying to plan?” I asked trying to not go insane.   “Yeah, I guess so,” he smirked to himself as he spoke those words out loud. I told him the directions and unfortunately, we got to my house faster than I had wanted.   “I’ll see you later tonight,” I blurted out as got out of his truck and went inside. I peeped out the window to watch him leave, and I saw him do this smile that you do when someone you like does something cute. I turned myself away from the window and squealed in my empty house.  My heart was fluttering beyond my control. In all the years I had with Lucas to build feelings, I had never felt this way. Knowing Niklaus for only two days, and he can already make me feel this way, makes these feelings a bit more…scary? Exciting? I couldn’t tell if I was scared or excited, but I did know one thing. I need to get ready.   I ran upstairs and showered again. I blow-dried my hair as much as I could before putting in large curlers. With those setting, I decided to do my makeup. I never wore a lot of makeup, but I wanted to try doing something more than what I was used to. I first started with doing some spot concealing for any redness and under my eyes. I then chose to use a rose gold highlighter for my eye shadow, I also placed it on the highest part of my cheekbones, and lastly the tip of my nose. Once I was satisfied with minimal glow, I decided to put on mascara. My lashes were long in their natural state, but they just needed a bit of definition or tint to them. Finally looking at myself, I then decided to do something I could never bring myself to do before. Eyeliner. Doing a simple cat eye is not easy, but achievable with patience and some extra concealer. I laughed at myself for even wanting to try this, but I did it anyway.  It was almost time for my mom to get home from work, and then take me to the game. I decided to get dressed before doing the rest of my hair. The dress I chose is something I have had for a while. I saw it in a window and just thought I would wear it sooner, but it took a few months to find the right occasion. My dress is a short pink laced, A-line off-the-shoulder dress.  I stopped and thought, "Should I wear them today?" I looked over at my jewelry box. I pulled out a pair of rose gold earrings that had small flowers dangling from them, along with a small flower necklace but, then I stopped. I had always wanted to wear these rings but, could never bring myself to do it. I took a deep breath and place the crescent moon ring on my left middle finger, and the sun ring on my right ring finger. I looked down at my hands and admired how beautiful they truly were. I smiled.  After getting the dress situated and happy with the way it looked, I took the curlers down after spraying some hairspray. I was never good with an actual curler, so this was the simplest solution.  I looked in the mirror once more and everything was to my liking. I was not paying attention to anything else, and my mom found a chance to sneak up behind me.  “Oh honey, you look amazing. You’ve grown so much,” she said with the underlying tone that she was going to cry.  “Oh mom,” I turned towards her, and we hugged. She pushed her fingers up under her eyes to keep from crying. After a heartfelt hug, my mom went to get changed really quick as I tried to find my black wedges and pack a change of clothes for after the announcements are over with.  “We need to get going before we are late,” She laughed. Her whole thing was ‘if we aren’t early, we are late,’ and that is why I always get to places at least 10-20 minutes early.  Once in the car we listened to the radio and sang along. It surely was a fun time, and I wasn’t even thinking of a certain someone. It was nice to feel this way.  *At the game* “Okay, remember where your marks are,” Our advisor kept going over and over even as I had arrived earlier than anyone else. My mom found a seat in the stands, and I found the group for homecoming.  “You’d think she was the one going in front of everyone,” Kristian said as she snuck up behind me while I was looking for everyone else.  “Oh gosh, don’t do that,” I lightly punched her arm.  “Hey, shouldn’t you have a brace on that hand?” She asked as she took my wrist and looked it over.  “Honestly when I was getting ready it didn’t go with my dress, so I took it off. It doesn’t even feel as if I sprained it,” I stated.  She had this look on her face that I couldn’t explain. “Well anyway, you look amazing. I never thought I’d ever see you in a dress,” She exclaimed.  “She does look rather beautiful,” Niklaus stated as he walked up behind me.  “Why does everyone keep doing that to me?” I laughed as I turned to look at him.  My mind went blank. The man can surely clean up. A simple dress shirt with a tie, and dress pants. Who knew someone could ever look this good? I couldn’t help but stare.  His blue and green eyes were mesmerizing and the small curl that hung over his left eye looked adorable. Kristian nudged my side, “Hi, I’m Kristian,” She waved at Niklaus.  “Oh, uh, yeah Kristian has been my best friend for like what years?” I said as I looked at her.  “Ha-ha yeah. We were all running around in diapers together,” she said.  “Is there someone else you grew up with?” Niklaus caught on to what she slipped up.  “Uh yeah, but we don’t believe you’ll meet him,” Kristian said trying to get off the topic.  “Well, it will be their own fault that they missed having a wonderful senior year with the two of you,” he said. He seems to catch on quickly to things.  “Hey, I need to go find my mom. She’ll probably be up there with yours so I’ll see you after the announcements?” She asked as she started to walk away.  “Yeah maybe,” I yelled over the crowd she disappeared into.  I turned back around to Niklaus, and he was just standing there smiling at me. I couldn’t help but blush while a smile crept its way to my own mouth.  “What,” I said as I put some hair behind my ear. “Just looking at something I find beautiful,” he nonchalantly said as he held out his arm for me. I took his arm with my dorky smile on my face. We all lined up against the fence that outlined the field. If anyone spoke to me at that time, I didn’t hear anything because for some reason my heart was just racing too much.  We slowly moved forward, and Niklaus looked at me once more, “Are you ready?” he asked, and I nodded. We slowly made our way to the front line as they announced our names, and that I was the captain of the volleyball team, and that he was this year’s new quarterback. The people in the stands roared. This town is crazy for its sports. I chuckled at all the enthusiasm. Once our names were said and the crowd made enough noise we moved onto our mark. Lastly, it was Sarah’s turn. I hadn’t seen her this entire time, until this moment.  “Now announcing Sarah Beckham, the captain of the cheerleading squad for three years in a row, and escorting her is Lucas Haywood, our former star quarterback,” the announcer stated.
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