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Layla wasn't feeling good about what happened yester night she had this uneasy feeling in her heart, she looked at the money in her hands. "Thanks again boss" Layla said "Your welcome come again if you need another job" her boss said "I will" Layla said Layla left the back door as she sigh out breathing in the fresh night air as she made her way down the dark alley as she was getting close she saw a van in front of her making her slow down in her tracks as she looked back to the now closed down when she looked forward the door of the van open as men got down. Layla got scared she turn to run but being pregnant it was hard for her to do so she ended getting caught. "Let go of me!" Layla yelled He mouth was covered as she was drag into the van. "Who do you work for" Layla said Layla was scared as she held her belly when a man took out a phone. "We got her boss" he said Layla shook in fear did Lewis find her? Did he find out about the baby? She was shivering in fear, as the van stop at a building they grab Layla as she struggled she got free ready to run but her hair was pulled making her scream out. "Help! Someone help!" Layla screamed She was forced into the building, and pushed to the ground, she covered her belly as she looked around. ------- "What do you want Alfred" Stacey said "Bring Lewis, we will see if he really loves you" Alfred said Stacey hung up the phone and went to Lewis as they made their way to Alfred's club they were standing at the rail when they saw Layla being pushed in. "He found her?" Stacey asked Lewis didn't even bother to look as he went to grab a drink taking a smoke out. ------- "Who sent you?" Layla asked. Alfred looked at Layla and frowned. "I honestly don't see what Lewis sees in you, your not as beautiful as Stacey" Alfred said "Did Lewis send you?" Layla asked "No" Alfred said Layla bite her lips then who would want to take her, it must be her his lover she thought. "Then is it Stacey?" Layla asked Alfred didn't responded to her and Layla was getting scared she covered her belly. "I don't even know her. Just let me go" Layla said Alfred chuckled. "I can't do that, if Stacey knows that your carrying Lewis bastard she would be unhappy" Alfred said That remark made Layla scared as she held her belly, she looked around trying to find a way out, she stood up trying to brake free as the men around her kept pushing her back, one gave her big push making her fall down. "Let me go" Layla said "I don't think so beside Mr. Anderson would probably not like it know his ex having his child. Don't you think so Mr. Anderson" Alfred said Layla saw Alfred looking up and she looked that way as she raised her hand to cover the blinding light she saw two people standing there she can see the outline of Lewis. "Lewis" Layla said softly "I take if he doesn't care what happens to his child" Alfred said Stacey looked at Lewis but he didn't say anything and his face didn't show any emotions all her life knowing him she can read him but now she didn't know what he was thinking. "Lewis! Please let me go! I'll go far away where you will never see me again please. I'll take the baby away just don't hurt the baby" Layla said Lewis didn't say anything he was just silence as he watched on, Alfred smirk as he smile evil at Layla. Layla shivered at his evil smile. "I think we should help Mr. Anderson, don't you think guys" Alfred said Layla shivered as she was pulled up by Alfred punching her stomach making her gasp and cough out she quickly covered her stomach as Alfred began kicking, Layla bit her lips as she felt the blow, she used her other arm and swept his feet as she crawled to try and find a way out but she was kicked back. "b***h!" Alfred growled He kept kicking her harder as Layla whimpered out, Layla's head was kicked as she reached up leaving her belly unprotected as Alfred gave three big kicks to her stomach, making her scream in pain soon blood started coming out of her v****a. Stacey watched on and looked at Lewis but he didn't stop it he just smoked and she felt happy inside knowing that he loved her. Layla was now in a pool of blood as they kept kicking her. "Please" Layla said Alfred raised his hand stopping, Layla was weak as she looked up to where Lewis was standing. "It's you baby too Lewis help him he has a heartbeat" Layla said Lewis turn placing the drink down as he took Stacey hand as they began walking down the stairs, Layla watched as they stop as the people made an opening but he just stood there holding Stacey. "Let's go" Lewis said coldly Layla watched as the two began walking again. "Better take her to the hospital" Stacey smirked towards Layla. "No need" Lewis said Lewis pulled Stacey to leave. "Did you ever love me Lewis?" Layla asked Lewis stop and turn to her but his eyes held no emotions. "Never" Lewis said Layla tears gathered up as she looked at the emotionless man in front of her. "I wish I never met you Lewis Anderson" Layla said Lewis didn't react just turn away from her and held Stacey close to him as they left, Alfred smirk as he looked down and gave two more kicks to Layla her stomach and face making her dizzy. "Throw her out" Alfred said Layla was laying in a pool of blood all around her, her body was badly beaten as her breath was coming out in shallows as she was breathing she was tossed out in the alley on the cold concrete she was looking up at the moon shinning down on her as tears where coming down her face. "Harvey stop the car" The car stop as the man got out, she picked up the girl, Layla saw the man pick her up and took her back to his car, Layla breathing was coming out in gasp now. "Sir we shouldn't be involved" "Drive" Layla eyes were bloodshot as she looked at the man with her good eye, the man moved her hair as he turn the car lights on and he was shocked when he saw the girl in his arms bloody and beaten. "Layla" the man said softly Layla was gasping out as she looked at the man. "It's me daddy. How did this baby? What happened?" the man said Layla looked at the man, it was her father but her breathing was going slow as she looked at the man soon his face was getting fuzzy and everything went into darkness.
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