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Layla gasp waking up then she started sobbing and screaming, her doors was bang open as she felt arms around her. "Baby what's wrong" Layla looked with teary eyes. "Grandma" Layla sob Layla held tight to her grandmother for dear life as she was shivering and sobbing, her grandmother Tracey didn't know what happened to her granddaughter but she just held her trying to calm her down by shushing her and began humming music to her. Layla cried for ten minutes as she was now hiccupping as she listen to her grandmother hum to her. "Are you okay baby? Did you have a bad dream?" Tracey asked her granddaughter. Layla nodded her head. "Why don't you rest today" her grandmother said Layla nodded her head as she lean back as her grandmother moved her hair out of the way and kissed her forehead. "I'll bring you some food" Tracey said Layla nodded as she watched her grandma moved, Layla breathed out as she turn, she looked around as saw that she was in her room, she frowned as she sat up looking around was it all a dream she thought but it felt so real she thought, she slowly got up from the bed as she looked around. Layla didn't know if this was her heaven or if it was real and if it was real then how come she's not in the hospital but her grandmother house in her own room, she went to the bathroom and she jump back as she looked at her face it was her young face, she reached up and touch it and next moment she slap herself, she heard a gasp and saw her grandma. "What are you doing?" Tracey said She was frighten, did her granddaughter was doing self harm to herself, Layla saw the worried look of her grandma and she thought the same as her as she shook her head. "I thought I was still dreaming" Layla said "Oh" Tracey said not convinced "I'm sorry I scared you grandma but the nightmare felt real so I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming" Layla said "Okay, just don't do that again" her grandma said Layla nodded her head, as she went to the bed. "What day is it?" Layla asked "Oh, right Happy 18th Birthday" her grandma said Layla was shocked as she looked at the pancakes in front of her. "Why don't you eat up and will celebrate tonight" her grandma said Layla nodded her head, as she looked down in a daze. Today was the day she met him, she shook her head. "He never loved you Layla" Layla said to herself She looked around the room as she lean back on her bed, today what else happened beside meeting him, she knew something happened as well but she doesn't remember what it was, she chew her lips as she thought she sigh out giving up as she slowly at the food as she silently cried her baby didn't even get to see the world, she didn't know she was rubbing her belly as she thought of her baby she sniffed as she heard the door bell rang. Layla got up as she looked out her window seeing a limo, there wasn't one last time but then again she left early this morning she went to the bathroom wash her face, as she heard yelling downstairs getting scared she quickly went down. "Grandma" Layla said worried Layla went to were the voices stop and she was standing in the living room area she was surprised it was the man from the car that saved her, she looked at him then her grandma in confusion. "Grandma?" Layla asked Tracey sigh out, as she went up to Layla taking her hand in hers. "Layla this is your father" Tracey said Layla's eyes widen so what he said was true she looked at the man, he gave her a small smile. "I been looking for you. When I saw your mother a couple of months ago and telling me we have a child I wanted to find you. I'm Ethan, Ethan Evans" he said Layla knew that name sounded familiar as she looked down and thought. "Ethan, in E corporations?" Layla asked remembering "Yes" Ethan said The two sat down as Tracey gave them some privacy, Layla mind was all over the place now she remembered what happen this day as well, her grandparents told her, her father came but they chased him away and she got so angry that she went to Lewis and began staying with him, she was a fool she should have listen to her grandpa when he said he had a bad feeling of him. "I was wondering if you would want to come live with me?" Ethan asked Layla looked at him. "My grandparents" Layla said "You can visit them as much as you want" Ethan said "Can...can I think about it?" Layla asked "Sure, I want to know if I can take you out on your birthday. You and your grandparents if that's okay" Ethan said Layla slowly nodded her head. "Good, I'll have my assistant drop off a dress for you make sure to be ready by six" Ethan said Layla nodded her head. "Okay" Layla said "I'll see you then" Ethan said Layla saw him out as she sigh out, she saw her grandma peeking out from the door as she smiled at her, she was just glad to see her again as she walked towards her and hugged her, she missed her so much, she regrets a lot that she did in the past life. If this is god's way of giving her a second chance she would take it and move on with her life and she would defiantly stay away from him or anybody that is associated with him even his family members she wanted nothing to do with the Anderson especially Lewis. But she couldn't help but think of her unborn child that she never got to see all she knew was that she was going to have a son and that he was strong and healthy, someday they would met each other again she thought to herself but have it be with another man and not with a evil person like Lewis.
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