
Rebirth of The Ex-Wife


Layla always thought she was lucky to marry a billionaire CEO Lewis Anderson people envied her for her marriage to Lewis, she too loves him. In the first year of their marriage Lewis treated her like a princess always making her feel loved and cherish. So it came to a surprised that one day Lewis asked her for a divorce on that day Lewis was in different to her about her feelings. Layla was heartbroken, and also pregnant for her and Lewis child in order for not him to know Layla fled only to be caught by him and she died a horrible death it wasn't until her last breath she would never forget this pain that was caused on her by the person she loved the most. Following her rebirth she wasn't the only person that came back they were others, others that wanted her life when they found out she was still alive.

With her rebirth will she do her revenge or move on? Who are the people that are trying to kill her? And why is her ex-husband looking at her with those emotions in his eyes that she can't read.

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Layla woke to the sound of water splashing as she got up the pain from the love making the night before was there as she got up, she gritted her teeth as she stood up and put on her night dress and robe as she began cleaning up the bed. Layla sigh out as she gave a small smile on her lips as she picked up the dirty clothes of her husband Lewis she couldn't help but smile as she thought of him, she always wondered why he chose her to marry her instead of those super models or actresses. People would tell her how lucky she was to marry Lewis Anderson the first year of their marriage she felt like a princess begin loved by Lewis the treatment, the vacations, the spoils of her getting anything she wanted. You see Layla was from the middle class her parents were not in her life she didn't know who her father was but her mother didn't raise her always telling her to call her by her name not mom, but lucky for her she was raised by her grandparents. Layla loved her grandparents so much they were her whole world along with Lewis since his family was against their marriage as he married below his status and every time they would visit them she would be treated as if she wasn't there and if she tried to talk to them they glared at her calling her names, so Lewis never took her back there again. Layla was out of her daze as Lewis came out of the bathroom he didn't even glace at Layla as he went towards the closet to get dress. Layla smiled as she watched her husband. "I made the bed, I'll go make us breakfast" Layla said. Layla was about to go when Lewis came back out of the closet and went towards her handing her a paper. "Sigh it" Lewis said Layla was confused, she didn't know what it was as she didn't go to college she was about too but she met Lewis so when she looked down and saw the bold print that read Divorce Agreement on the page Layla's heart clench in her chest as she grip the papers, she felt tears gather as she looked at Lewis who was standing by the window smoking. "What is this?" Layla said But Lewis was silence as he kept smoking. He wanted to divorce her? Divorce? She couldn't process what was going on as she was trembling as she lost her strength as her arms fell to the side she felt sick they just made love and now he wants a divorce. "You...want a divorce?" Layla said softly One moment they were rolling around in the sheets moaning and panting next he handed her these divorce papers, Layla gulp as she looked at Lewis who was smoking away. "Yes" Lewis said as he blew a smoke out Layla bite her lips as the smoke cover his face not seeing it clearly. "Why?" Layla asked Layla wanted to know he can't be like that. She thought he loved her it showed in their first year of their marriage what changed his mind she thought. Lewis frown at her question he didn't bother to look at her as he answered in a cold unemotional voice. "I'm in love with someone else" Lewis answered Layla staggered backwards as if a ton of bricks hit her in the chest, she had drop the papers from her hand as she felt tear go down her face, she looked down and thought of their first met how they bump into each other she was shy and quiet so when he propose to marry her, she was shocked. But when she asked why his answer was she was obedient and quiet so Layla agreed to marry him and she had the wonderful first year of marriage she had fallen in love with Lewis. He would come home early everyday just to be with her and they would always be together she would stay home taking care of the house while he went to work, what was she going to do now she doesn't even have an education. Layla looked at Lewis as she clutched her hands into a fist as she felt her heart in pain she just wished this was all a dream and that he would come back to her but she knew it was a dream as she can feel the pain of her nails in her palms she can feel that she broke the skin taking a deep shaky breath and exhale she nodded her head. "Okay" Layla said softly. Lewis heard her answer nodding his head, he walked out the room and closing the door not even taking a glace at her, when Layla saw Lewis leave without looking at her, her heart broke more and when the door closed she lost all her strength as she fell to her knees as touch her chest as she silently cried in the room. Layla didn't know how long she cried but now she was in a daze looking at the floor as time went on she just stared at the carpet in front of her as she looked, when she heard her phone rang out she got out of her daze and saw that it was now night time she looked around and there was no trace of Lewis. Layla bite her lips as she stood the numb of her legs spread as it shook she stood up using the bed and sat on their she laid down and curled up into a ball as she looked as her phone was still ringing she got up hoping it was Lewis calling to change his mind as she quickly grab it and answered it. "Lewis?" Layla said softly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Anderson but I am Mr. Anderson's Lawyer Mr. James. I call and wanted to ask if I can come over tomorrow to talk about the Divorce Settlement" Mr. James said Layla turn white as sheet as she thought about what happened earlier today it was real and Lewis did want to divorce her and he had someone he loved. "Okay" Layla said "I will be there around ten have a good evening Mrs. Anderson" Mr. James said Layla didn't response as she hung up the phone and laid down she wanted to call him but she didn't know what to say so she just held the phone hoping he will call her but she begin tired and what happened earlier was now making her tired as she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep as tears coming down her face.

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