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The next morning woke up cold as she got ready, she was like a robot as she was doing her daily route she picked up the papers as she didn't know anything about it she went into the living as she tried her best to know what the papers were talking about she began to get a headache, sighing out she gave up and place the papers down not long after the doorbell rang and Layla got up and open saw Mr. James at the door. "Good Morning Mrs. Anderson" Mr. James said "Morning" Layla said He let him in as they made their way to the living area. "I see you read the settlement?" Mr. James asked. "I didn't know much so I was hoping you would help" Layla said "Sure, let's see" Mr. James said "Lawyer James?" Layla asked. "Yes" Mr. James said looking at her. "Um, where's Lewis?" Layla asked "Mr. Anderson is on a business trip" Mr. James said Layla nodded her head, as she picked up the paper. "Okay. This villa is under your name along with the apartment in northern city downtown at the Royal Lux. There are fifteen store under your name in the city of Harbor all around the city with the market value of one billion and a share in the Anderson tech a holding of 50 percent-" Mr. James was saying. "Mr. James" Layla said "Yes" Mr. James said "All I want is this villa is that okay?" Layla asked. Layla just wanted the villa which held her happy memories of her and Lewis. "Hold on a minute" Mr. James said --------- "Lewis look at me" Stacey Moore said Lewis was on a jet as he was begin held by Stacey, his phone rang as he picked it up. "As she wishes" Lewis said Lewis hung the phone up as Stacey looked at him. "Did I cause you trouble?" Stacey asked "No" Lewis said "Lewis look at me" Stacey pouted Lewis looked down at Stacey. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss Alfred but did you have to go and marry that woman?" Stacey asked Lewis reached out and held Stacey face. "This is your last chance Stacey" Lewis said "Okay" Stacey smiled. -------- Layla watched as Mr. James hang up the phone. "Mr. Anderson agreed so if you would sigh and I will get the divorce processed" Mr. James said Layla nodded her head as she began sighing her name and initials as she finished she handed the papers to him and saw him out Layla lean her back on the door as she silently sild down as she sob out. -------- For four months Layla found a job as a sales rep, she hasn't spoken to Lewis but did got a call from the lawyer a month ago saying the divorce was finally she was now back to Layla Evans, that day she fainted at work and was taking to the hospital and where she found out she was pregnant now her belly was a bit bigger as she was taking care of herself, she took on another job as a food deliver since the other job was barley enough. "Your food" Layla said "Thanks, we ran out of drinks I'll pay you three grand if you can get us more plus tip" the man said. Layla looked up and she could us the money so she nodded her head. "Yes, thank you. I'll be back" Layla said Layla left in the car as the man stood there while another came up. "Hey Jack, why does she look familiar" He asked. "I don't know but you have time to think about it she'll be back" Jack said The guy nodded his head. Layla was at the supermarket and grab the drinks that was on the list and paid for it as she drove back to the house she rub her stomach and smiled. "I can wait to see you baby" Layla said Layla pulled up to the house as she rang the bell and waited not long after the same man came. "Thanks, can you hold on a minute" Jack said Layla was confused but nodded her head, as the guy left. "Hey Hank that girl is back" Jack said Hank was making out with a girl when he heard Jack so he got up and followed her and she was standing at the door. "Have we met before?" Hank asked Layla was shocked as she looked at him, she didn't know many rich people so she shook her head. "No, is that all?" Layla asked "No" Jack said Layla took the money and left as Layla kept saying please don't remember me as she got in the car and drove off. Hank and Jack went back to the party as they sat down when Hank stood up. "I remember" Hank said Jack was confused but saw Hank leave. -------- "Come on Stacey, Lewis doesn't love you. Why else would he marry that woman and not you" Alfred said "If he doesn't love me why did he ask me to marry him?" Stacey asked Stacey was on the couch as Alfred was rubbing her feet. "If he loved you he would have married you first before he did all his first with that woman" Alfred said Stacey clench her fist, as there was fire in her eyes Lewis was hers and hers alone, she made one mistake and he went on and married that woman just to get back at her just for a small kiss. "Whatever Alfred stay out of this" Stacey huffed as she stood up. "All I'm saying is that you never know she might be pregnant they been married for a year" Alfred said Stacey glared at Alfred. "Even if she is, Lewis would get rid of the baby for me. He loves me" Stacey said "You sound so sure" Alfred said Stacey glared at him and left as Alfred lean back and smirk when his phone rang. "Hey Hank what's up" Alfred said "I saw that woman today" Hank said "Oh?" Alfred said "And guess what she's pregnant. I wonder if Lewis knows" Hank said Alfred had a evil smile on his face, he now had a chance to show Stacey if Lewis really loved her or not.
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