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4 YEARS LATER "Mom! Dad! Were Home!" Layla yelled out When Layla decided to go with her father away from the city it change her life she got the education she wanted, she even help her father with the business and is now thriving she couldn't help it since she had an incite to the year and half of the future along with some up coming not to mention Lewis would leave his documents around and with school she now knew some understanding. But what she wanted to do was fashion a designer and with the help of her stepmother they were able to do it. She has a little brother who is nineteen name Avery and feeling the love from her step mother Kelly she finally had a mother it was hard at first but she slowly open up to them with the help of Avery and although Kelly wasn't please but when Avery told her what she went through with her mother her heart soften for Layla and now they were like a true mother and daughter. Layla still kept in contact with her grandparents as well. "Baby" Kelly said Kelly went up to hug Layla and then Avery. "Just say you wish I was a daughter mom" Avery said rolling his eyes. "No way, I wouldn't know what I would do without you bro" Layla said "See even your big sister wish you stay you" Kelly said "Yeah yeah" Avery said "Mom, Happy Birthday" Layla said Kelly saw the big box. "Is this?" Kelly said "Yup design and made by yours truly" Layla said Kelly squealed as she took the box in the living room as the two followed her, Kelly was so excited she gasp out. "Baby it's so pretty" Kelly said The dress was dark marron off shoulders on both, a little v neck the back was straight as the side was cut up to mid thighs. "I love it! I can't wait to wear it for the party" Kelly said "I knew you would, I made a match for dad" Layla said "What match? Hey pumpkin, kiddo" Ethan said "Darling look" Kelly said excited. "I'm sure you look wonderful in it" Ethan said kissing her "Yuck get a room" Layla said "Gross" Avery said Kelly chuckled out. "Oh you two. Go and get ready we have to leave in a few" Kelly said "Alright" they both said Ethan watched as his two kids went out and hugged Kelly. "We did the right thing, right?" Ethan said "You did, although it was hard for me at first but seeing how wonderful Layla was and knowing she didn't have a motherly love was sad but I'm glad you brought her now I have a wonderful daughter and son" Kelly said "Thank you for accepting her" Ethan said "Of course, I mean you would have accepted my child too if" Kelly sigh out. Ethan hugged his wife and kissed her. "Don't cry baby not today only happiness" Ethan said Kelly inhale and nodded her head. Layla was in her room getting ready as she was drying her hair as she sat in front of the mirror, her life change so much these past four years sure she thought of him at time but what she thought more was her baby every year on when he was suppose to be born she would cry with a blue cupcake in front of her as she blew the candle out, she would take that one day off and close herself in a hotel room and just be by herself. She didn't want ravage the only reason she stole those deals was just to get him mad but after awhile she stop she needed to move on so after that one whole year and half she took every deal from him while she was still in university and became a top business woman, she never step foot back in that city it was always her father or video conference. Once she was done with that, she asked Kelly if she wanted to open up a fashion line call KL fashion which she agreed and in those three years she and her mother were busy and she enjoyed it, she didn't hire anybody from that city well a certain someone that is she just lied to Kelly saying that Stacey was once a bully to her in school which is half true she came to know that Stacey actually went to her old school but they never met because she was still in middle school but the middle school and the high school were in one same building. Stacey was older then her so Kelly didn't question it and agreed they will never use Stacey, she hasn't even checked on Lewis and sometime she wonder if he married someone else, she still don't know why he married her when he was in love with someone else but she felt pity for the girl he has married she probably went through what she did but she also hope he didn't. "Layla are you almost done" Avery said "Almost" Layla said She looked at herself as she finished her make-up, she stood up as she went to her walk in closet she the champagne dress she design for herself picking it up she unzip the side as she took her robe off and putting it on, she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress was backless the straps were thin it was silk so put on her nude heels to go with it as she fixed her low bun it came out big as she curled her hair to give it volume she put on her diamond headband, her make up was natural only her lips was red. "Better" Layla said She grab her clutch bag placing her phone, cards, lipstick, and powder inside as she went out the room. "Finally" Avery said Layla smiled as Avery pushed his foot off the wall with his phone back in his pocket. "Don't you look sharp" Layla said "I know, you know theirs this designers that made it for me" Avery said Layla giggled out, as she took his arm as they walked down the stairs. "Awe my babies" Kelly said Layla looked at Kelly and smiled wide. "Mom you look hot" Layla said Kelly laughed as she did a spend, Avery and Layla did wolf whistle are her. "Ah stop" Kelly said "Dad handsome as every" Layla said "You look good to pumpkin, kiddo you clean up well" Ethan said "I do don't I" Avery said Layla and Kelly chuckled at him. "Come on let's go" Ethan said The family of four left the villa getting into the limo waiting for them.
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