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"You don't even know me" Tyler said Layla rolled her eyes and looked at him up and down. "Let me guess lost your virginity at age fifteen, got your heartbroken at the time so in order not to have it repeat again you started sleeping around, you drink because your parents always compare you to your brother telling you why can't you be like him. And when you do try your best nobody sees it, so you became a jokester of the family to hide your pain so you wont have to deal with it. Not only that you like to play with women's heart because it's fun to you seeing them in pain bring you joy" Layla said Tyler looked at her as he glup his salvia as it was dry. "So no, I will not get out of her with you" Layla said The music was over as they step away from each other. "A piece of advice Tyler I think you should dump that toxic family of yours, it'll do you some good maybe then you wont be so f****d up" Layla said lowly Layla smiled at him and nodded as she turn and left, Tyler stood there as he watched Layla walk away, Lewis went up to his brother and tap his back and Tyler was out of his daze and looked seeing his brother Lewis. "You okay?" Lewis asked "Yeah, I like her." Tyler said Lewis looked at his little brother as his eyes shine and looking towards where Layla had left, Lewis became curious as well, when he saw her on the stage he felt like whatever was missing before filled when he saw her, he felt like this for four years ago he just woke up one morning. "Baby how was the dance?" Kelly asked "Wonderful" Layla said "Have you thought about it?" Kelly asked "About what?" Layla asked "You know opening in Royal City" Kelly said Layla took a sip of her wine. "Give me more time" Layla said "It would be wonderful, Royal City can give us opportunity, yeah we have some here and now but if we expand than will be bigger and be able to open the fashion magazine for KL" Kelly said Layla thought about what her mother was saying as was in deep thought. "What has your brain thinking so hard for pumpkin" Ethan said "Opening up in Royal City" Layla said "That's wonderful I was just thinking of doing that for E Corp as well" Ethan said "You were?" Layla asked "Yeah, I mean everything is stable here, and we can start off in Royal City. Although we would have to move" Ethan said "I think we should discuss this at home, we should be celebrating mom's birthday" Layla said "Oh darling don't worry about me. I just want to know if you agree." Kelly said Layla looked at her parents as they smiled at her, she sigh out knowing they were teaming up on her. "Fine, if you two really want this" Layla said "Great, it's settled. Babe you look into the villa's there-" Ethan was saying. "I can dad" Layla said Ethan looked at Layla. "Why don't you find yourself a home beside you need to fly the coup some time" Ethan said "If you insist" Layla said Layla couldn't help thinking about the villa from her other life, that she took her phone out and see if it was still available if not she can always buy out the people that live there now, she scrolled through her phone and was able to find it was on the market and set a visit as early as possible. --------- Layla park the car as she got down from the car as she took shaky breath as she looked at the Villa she once lived in, she didn't know why she got this place maybe it held happy memories or it's just she wanted to see if anybody lives in there and if was a happy family. "Miss. Evans, nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Lilly Jacobs" she said "Nice to meet you Lilly, you don't mind it right? And I prefer to be call Layla" Layla said "Okay, you are the second person that wants to see the house. The other client will be here in the afternoon" Lilly said "I see, shall we" Layla said "Right this way." Lilly said Lilly began talking about the last owner of the home they were an old couple but moved to be closer to their family and the house been on the market for almost two years now. "You don't mind if I look around" Layla said "Not at all, if it's not to your liking I have a few other places in mind" Lilly said Layla nodded her head, as she walked into the kitchen, she felt all those emotions come back to her, she sigh out and went upstairs, she was now standing in front of their master bedroom as she bite her lips with shaky hands she reached for the noob and open it, the room was empty as she looked around the place, she felt tears coming to her as she looked around as if she had Deja Vu all the places of the furniture was in front of her, she went to the walk in closet she reached her hand at the imaginary clothes of his in front of her but all she caught was air. She walked towards the office of his taking a deep breath she went in as she saw him sitting there, she couldn't help but reach her stomach but it was just flat stomach she walked in more as she looked around and stood where he would stand and looked down, it was the garden was now lifeless no flowers but she saw herself smiling looking up at the window waving, she shivered at the memory. "He never loved you Layla stop this nonsenses" Layla said Layla sigh out again rubbing her forehead as she turn away from the window.
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