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"Baby this house is beautiful" Stacey said Lewis looked at the home, and frown it felt like this place meant something to him. "Hello I'm Lilly Jacobs. I will be showing you around" Lilly said "Is someone also interested in the villa?" Stacey asked "Yes, she is inside looking around already but I can still show you around she might just be about done" Lilly said "Oh, okay baby let's go" Stacey said They followed the lady in the house. Layla was still upstairs in the rooms as she was having memories when she heard Lilly talking downstairs. "Seems like the couple showed, time to leave. Goodbye" Layla said to herself. She loved this home but she knows she can't be tied to the past she came up with that as she looked around the place, in order for her to move on with her life she had to let go of the past and this place held so much past so now she felt like a weight was lifted off her heart. "Oh, Miss. Evans did you enjoy the place" Lilly said Layla looked forward and saw Lewis and Stacey behind her, her heart drop as she felt weak. "Are you alright?" Lilly asked "Yes, sorry all this walking and coming here still jetlagged" Layla said "Okay, what did do you think will you put in an offer?" Lilly said "No, I like it but I think somewhere a bit more quiet would suite me more" Layla said "Okay, hold on a moment. You two can have a look around if you like" Lilly said Stacey looked at her and nodded. "Babe" Stacey said Lewis nodded his head as he took a glance at Layla. "This way Miss. Evans" Lilly said. "Please call me Layla" Layla said. Lilly nodded and began following her when Stacey heard her name. "Wait" Stacey called out Layla closed her eyes. "The Layla Evans as in fashion designers for KL Fashion" Stacey said "Yes" Layla said "Oh my gosh, I been wanting to walk for you since you came but every time my manager called you guys would always be book" Stacey said "Hmm, sorry to hear that. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. If you excuse me, I have to hurry and find a home for my family and myself" Layla said "Are you going to open a building in Royal City?" Stacey said excited. Layla just wanted to leave, Lewis can see that Layla's was getting annoyed like he does when he is trying to get away from an annoying client but he wanted to see how she would handle it. "Just looking for now, if you excuse me-" Layla was saying when her phone rang. Layla looked at her phone. "Excuse me" Layla said She answered the call walking away. "Daniel?" Layla said Lewis watched her as she went downstairs. "Why don't you two look around" Lilly said Lilly walked away. "Do you think you can get me an appointment with her?" Stacey asked as she looked at Lewis. "Why, I'm trying to work with her father not her" Lewis said Stacey saw Lewis walk away, he has been distance since they got back together two years ago and it feel like he's slipping father away, she huffed out and followed after him. Layla hang up the call as she found herself in the garden, she felt tears gather as she looked around, seeing as it was lifeless no flower insight she walked around as she remember how this place was full of beautiful different kind of flowers. Lewis watched from the office window this feeling was familiar to him as if this is how it suppose to be, he watched as his head hurt seeing an image of someone waving up to him from the garden. "Baby are you okay?" Stacey asked Lewis took his pills out and took it, as he held his head rubbing it. "Baby" Stacey said "I'm fine" Lewis growled out Stacey took a step back from him, she looked at him then out the window where Layla was standing in the now lifeless garden, she frown then she looked back at Lewis who wasn't even looking at her but was looking at Layla and knowing him almost all his life she can see his eyes had emotions in them a emotion that was different from the way he looked at her, she clench her fist as she looked back at Layla who was now smiling at something. Stacey had rage and jealousy in her eyes, nobody will take Lewis away from her she thought even if it some fashion designer she need to plan. Layla saw a little flower as she was walked she smiled. "I guess your a fighter too" Layla said She stood up as she made her way back to the back door. "So, are you interested?" Lilly said "Will think about it" Lewis voice rang out. Lilly saw Layla and excused herself from them. "And will yourself?" Lilly asked. "I loved the garden, although needs repairing but I think I'll just put down an offer for now and if any of the other places you show me isn't like this then I will go ahead take it" Layla said "Okay, Mr. Anderson will you putting down an offer as well?" Lilly asked Lewis looked at Layla quickly but she was looking back at the garden. "No" Lewis said Stacey looked at Lewis but he was looking at Layla, when Layla heard his answer she looked back as Lewis was looking at her, she frown a bit and looked at him questioningly but didn't say anything. "I will take my leave first" Layla said "Of course, call me when you want to look at the other places" Lilly said Layla nodded her head, as she walked past the couple she was glad nobody stop her this time as she made her way to the car and getting inside before she speed off. "What did I just do?" Layla said to herself as she shook her head. She bite her lips as she drove on.
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