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"Miss. Evans will you be taking over your father's company" a reporter said Layla smiled. "No, I will leave that up to the men in the family" Layla said "The E Corp is now thriving thanks to you, what was going through your mind at the time" they said "I was thinking, my little brother is going have a lot of shoes to fill" Layla said smiling "Speaking of family, I saw that every one of your family is wearing new designs is this your creation" they asked "Yes, it's actually a family set dark marron for the parents representing the heart and light champagne as like the body" Layla said "Your saying the kids are the body while the parents are the heart" the reporter said "Exactly" Layla said "One more before you go, what is your next plan? Is their someone in your life?" they asked Layla just smiled and wave at the cameras as she walked inside, taking a deep breath. "Vultures" Avery said "Wait till you take over" Layla said smiling Avery rolled his eyes as Layla place her arms in his as they began walking around the big banquet hall. "Where's mom and dad?" Layla asked "They are around talking, oh theirs Daniel" Avery said Layla looked as Daniel was coming their way, Daniel is a friend of the family that she has come to know of, he is a year older than her, he grew up taking care of Avery and became friends with him, that and he has a little sister Anna same age as Avery. "Avery, Layla you look incredible" Daniel said "I can say the same to you" Layla said "You don't mind if I steal your sister do you" Daniel said. "Not at all" Avery said Layla took Daniel's hand as they went to the middle of the floor. "I'm liking the party" Daniel said "Only the best for mom" Layla said "So, how is the fashion world?" Daniel asked. "It's going great, we are going to release some new lines soon" Layla said. "Are you going to walk again?" Daniel asked "That was only once and we needed an extra girl" Layla said "I thought you looked amazing" Daniel said Layla smiled at him. "You think?" Layla asked smiling. "I know" Daniel said "Layla mom and dad wants us" Avery said coming up to them. "Time for the speech, thanks for the dance Daniel" Layla said "No problem" Daniel said Layla took Avery's arm as they began walking towards the stage, where she saw her parents were at she smiled towards them. "Seems like dad invited a lot of new faces" Avery said "I thought he was only going to invite the people we do business with" Layla said. "Yeah but you know dad, he wants to spread world wide" Avery said. Layla bite her lips nervous she just wish they weren't among them she doesn't want to see them. Layla and Avery met up with their parents as they went on to the stage she saw her father take the mic as she stood beside her mother and her brother was on her other side as she smiled towards the crowd, she was looking for Daniel and his family, she like his family they were nice and never judge her when she came into the family. Layla saw a smiling Anna waving at her Layla smiled and waved to her at her too. "Daniel seems smitten with you" Kelly whispered to her. "Were just friends mom" Layla whispered back. "Uh huh if you say so" Kelly whispered. Her father finished the speech as they all clap hands, Ethan gave Kelly a kiss on the cheek as they went down from the stage. "Ethan, thank you for the invite" Layla stiffen as she knows that voice, she held tight to Avery. "You okay sis?" Avery whispered. "Yeah, almost trip" Layla lied. "Be careful" Avery said "Jonas good that you made it. My wife Kelly our eldest daughter Layla and our youngest son Avery, guys this is Jonas Anderson" Ethan said Layla smiled as she finally looked at her ex-father in law, she saw Serna beside him. "Hello this is my wife Serna, my youngest son Tyler and our daughter Ella and lastly Lewis the eldest" Jonas said Layla and her family said hello to them. "Layla right?" Serna asked Layla gave a small smile and nodded her head. "Yes, Mrs. Anderson" Layla said "Can I just say you are my hero." Ella said Layla cleared her throat, out of all of them Ella never like Layla would always call her names and make her life hell at the Anderson home. "Um, thank you" Layla said "When will you be doing a show in Royal City" Serna said "Oh, we haven't really thought about expanding yet, although we open three years ago were still going around here" Layla said "I see, and can I just say last years designs was beautiful" Serna said "Thank you, I just thought of my mom and what she would wear. She's my inspiration" Layla said Kelly smiled and kissed Layla's head. "Are you going to do men's clothing as well" Ella said "No, Layla only does that for her father and brother don't want to give her too much work" Kelly said Layla smiled as she felt uncomfortable talking with the Anderson family, she looked to the side seeing her father talking to Jonas and his sons, Avery looked at her and smiled at her, she gave him back a big smile. Avery saw it and frown he can tell it was her big fake smile. "Excuse me, I think my sister want's a dance" Avery said Ethan looked at his son and saw Layla looked at them as she smiled at them. "Why don't we have one of Jonas sons do that, I'm sure Anna would like a dance" Ethan said Avery wanted to say something. "I don't mind" Tyler said Layla, was listening to her mother and Serna talk, as Ella was trying to talk to her about wanting to be her model for one of the shows. "Excuse me ladies. Layla can I have this dance" Tyler said Layla bite her inside mouth as she looked at Tyler, she knew he was the playboy of the family although he didn't do anything to her but still he just sat back and didn't say anything. "Um, sure" Layla said Tyler smiled at her reaching out his hand. "Lewis darling" Serna said Layla glup as she put her hand on Tyler's. "I'll be back mom" Layla said not wanting to look at Lewis "Okay baby" Kelly said Layla smiled as she followed Tyler to the dance floor, as he began dancing. "So Layla how-" Tyler was saying. "No" Layla said "I didn't finish what I was going to say" Tyler said "Oh, I know what you were going to say and the answer is no. Your a playboy Mr. Anderson and I don't associate with people like you I only agreed because my mother and your mother were there if they weren't I would have decline dancing with you." Layla said
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